Textbook example of partisan media hypocrisy

One of my many gripes with the liberal media, as opposed to the Conservative media is the utter hypocrisy of the entire thing.

What I talking about?


It seems that one of Tucker Carlson’s employees ever at The Daily Caller got himself into some hot water over some so-called “Sexist Tweets.” Progressive blog Talking Point Memo has the back story on it. Now, I am not saying the guy was right or wrong; in fact, I could honestly care less about what he wrote. However, I have to point something here; utter hypocrisy!

This is what a contributor to Rolling Stone magazine, who is a supposedly a marxist said on twitter:


Michelle Malkin’s former startup blog, Twitchy has this backstory on it.

Now here’s my beef with this whole thing. Tucker Carlson had actually apologize for his employee’s tweet. Now, do you honestly think that Rolling Stone magazine is going to have to apologize for its contributor’s Anti-Semitism? I think not. Which brings me to the point of this posting.

The point is that there is a horrific double standard in the liberal media. If a liberal progressive says something, like this douche-nozzle did; he gets off without any sort of repercussions. However, you let a Conservative say anything that is even remotely sexist, racist or even remotely anti-semitic and there is a utter media frenzy over it. Not to mention that the person who did it and his employer end up have to give an offering to the gods of political correctness.

Now to be clear here; I am not much into tossing around the Anti-Semite card, because I have been accused of that stuff myself. Which, by the way, is a crock of crap. However, I just find it quite amusing that the liberal progressive left; does not live up to the very standards that they like to set for others, who happen to disagree with their political beliefs and personal worldview.

The bottom line is this: If you are going to preach political correctness and are going to insist that we on the political right to conform to some sort of idiotic politically correct code —- at least try to live up to the code yourselves. Otherwise, do not preach to us on the right who decide that we want to say something that does not live up to your idiotic standards.