Ya know, it’s pretty freakin’ bad when……

I actually start agreeing with Commentary Magazine. 🙄


In most electoral campaigns that go sour, the panic-driven fission doesn’t achieve critical mass until the mid-to-late autumn. Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is already there, and it’s only August.

Trump has shown himself to be incapable of strategically retreating from losing fights, and his feud with a Gold Star family of a Muslim Bronze Star recipient followed this pattern. As the terrible news cycles mounted and Trump’s Republican allies began openly expressing their dissatisfaction with the course on which their party’s presidential nominee was set, the Trump campaign began to reveal how unstable a compound it was.

That’s Noah Rothman, who used to work for HotAir.com. Noah’s not wrong about that either. This is bad. Trump either needs to get his act together or turn it over to Mike Pence and get out of the race. Because there are alot of people; myself included that wanted to see Trump turn America around and he is doing idiot nonsense like this. It is asinine and it is going to cost us in November.

It is just pretty darned bad, when a committed Neocon and a populist conservative/paleocon type agree on something. 🙄