Let them panic

This brings a big smile to my face.

Via BuzzKill(Feed):

The Clinton campaign’s wobbly performance over the past 72 hours has set off a rash of behind-the-scenes handwringing among professional Republicans as they confront an unnerving new possibility: What if their nominee actually wins the White House?

For months, the prevailing wisdom within GOP political circles has been that Donald Trump stands little chance to win in November — and a large number of the party’s consultants, fundraisers, and operatives privately preferred it that way. Though many of them are reluctant to say so in public, they argue that a Trump presidency would fracture their party, decimate the conservative movement, and wreak havoc on the global economy (not to mention their own industry).

But now, with polls tightening and Hillary Clinton’s illness temporarily sidelining her from the campaign trail, those Republicans are expressing alarm at Trump’s sudden electoral viability.

“It’s terrifying,” said one GOP consultant, who like others spoke to BuzzFeed News on condition of anonymity. “He’s not qualified … and it’s a massive problem. I’m not a fan of Hillary Clinton, but at least I feel like some of those jobs that are required for president, she could do them.”

“It would be terrible for America, and for the world,” said another Republican strategist, referring to a prospective Trump victory. “I can’t think of one good thing that would come of it.”

A third Republican said that after watching the Clinton campaign’s missteps in recent days, “I’m curled up in the fetal position watching The West Wing and drinking a basketful of deplorable liquor.”

To which I say bluntly, “Let the bastards panic.” These are the people who gave us the George W. Bush Presidency, these are the people who gave us the Iraq War and sold it as being a necessary act of freedom; which we all know now, was a load of bunk. These are the people who gave us the bailout of the big banks. These are the globalist neoconservatives; who are as about Conservative, as I am a communist. Yes, these are the fake conservatives that have run that party for many years.

Yes, let them panic, let them clutch their pearls and weep for what they are about to lose. Let them wail and moan for the foolishness that they committed during the Bush-era. Now, it is time to take our Country back from these elitist swine and give it back to the people, who work so hard to keep it.

It is stories like this one here, that make me glad that I am, and always will be a Trump supporter. I admit, there are things about Trump that I simply do not like; but to see these elitist pigs get what is coming to them, it is more than worth it to me to see Trump win this Presidency.