I’m starting to think that Amanda Carpenter needs to become a Democrat

Because I hate to say it; but, she sure is starting to sound like one. she’s allowed her hatred of trump to cloud her judgment.

Look, I don’t like what Trump has done no more than anyone else; especially the attacks on Amanda. But for her to put out an article like this, is starting to make her sound like a whiny feminist liberal.

I don’t believe that Amanda should have been treated like she was. However, politics is a rough sport, it’s a contact sport and sometimes people’s egos get bruised and things happen. She should have known this, when she got involved with political punditry and got involved with government. So,the way I see it: if she can’t handle the heat, she should maybe perhaps look into getting out of the kitchen.

If I wrote about all the times, that I was attacked, not only by the liberal Democrats; but by so-called conservatives, also known as neoconservatives; over some of the things that I’ve written on my blog and have been accused of being a racist, an anti-semite and an islamophobe and many other ridiculous accusations. I would be here writing all night. Did I angry and pooch my lips out and say, “they’re picking on me!”  No, I didn’t. I sucked it up and dealt with it.

Perhaps Amanda Carpenter should look into doing the same thing or get the hell out of political pundity for good. Nobody is entitled to anything; least of all some little harpy feminazi who thinks that she ought to be treated special, because she’s a woman.