Congrats to Mustang Bobby for 13 years at Bark Bark Woof Woof

I believe some congrats are in order here:

So here we are, thirteen years, three residences, two Mustangs, two presidents, four presidential campaigns, and over 25,000 posts later, and I’m still getting up every morning and writing every post. In fact, in all these years, only two posts were written by people other than me and they did it because I was incommunicado because of hurricanes (thank you, CLW and Brian).

But not a day has gone by that I haven’t come up with something to post. Sometimes it’s passionate, sometimes it’s silly or snarky or just for the fun of it. I’ve shared good times — having a play go to New York — and I’ve shared some tough times. There have been very few things I haven’t covered in the last thirteen years, and the only test I have for choosing what to write about is will it be worth sharing with the people who read this.

I’ve made a lot of friends, forged new pathways of self-discovery, learned so much, and been touched by people I only know through nicknames and pixels. There are so many people I want to thank for being here and being there for me. As I said at the outset, I couldn’t do this without you, dear reader, and I hope that in these years I’ve enlightened you, provoked you, maybe even pissed you off on occasion. The one thing I hope I haven’t done is bore you.

So with that said, I’ll ask what I always ask: What’s next? – Source: Thirteen Years Of Bark Bark Woof Woof | Bark Bark Woof Woof

Bark Bark Woof Woof was one of the blogs that I used to read quite a bit, when I was rooting for the Democrats. He is a bit of a moderate, and that is a good thing. I always liked Bobby’s stuff and he is a hard working school teacher, which is an honorable job and a tough one at that.

I hope he doesn’t mind hearing it from me. But, Congrats Bobby!

On a totally sort-kinda related note: When writing this, I kept wanting to type Booby, instead of Bobby. I hate that! Congrats Booby! 😆