National Review finally admits it, that Anti-White racism exists

They finally admit it, that Anti-White racism exists, David French writes:

But this argument confuses the gravity of an offense with the existence of the offense. A powerless person’s hate may not harm the powerful, but it is still hate. A powerless person’s hate may even be grounded in specific experiences, but it is still hate. The essence of bigotry is to look at the color of a person’s skin and, on that basis alone, make malignant judgments about his character or worth.Moreover, it is simply false to excuse anti-white racism on the grounds that people of color lack power. There are certainly many millions of vulnerable and marginalized individuals in this nation, and they are disproportionately (though not entirely) black and brown. But when anti-white sentiment is embedded in the New York Times editorial board, it’s no longer “powerless” in any meaningful sense. Similarly, when it reaches the heights of government, the academy, or the bestseller lists, it’s no longer remotely “powerless.”None of this should be taken as an argument that power doesn’t matter. Of course it does. Power matters. And so does purpose. That’s why no one should compare Jeong’s comments to the racism you see on Stormfront or to the racism we saw on display in Charlottesville last year. Racism married to violence or violent intent is categorically different from the anti-white racism you see in certain quarters of the elite identity-politics Left. Similarly, racism married to state policies — especially state policies of the relatively recent American past, which continue to have malignant effects on poor and disadvantaged Americans — is categorically different from the anti-white racism that exists in parts of the academy or in segments of American media.- Source: Sarah Jeong’s Twitter Controversy: Anti-White Racism Exists | National Review

It sounds to me, like he is trying to excuse it. Perhaps not, but it sounds like he is trying to walk on eggshells a bit. However, I must say that the point here is not lost on this writer. That batting back real racism, with anti-white racism is not the smart route to take. I have seen Conservative sites out there, that are ignoring that the fact that this young lady was being racially attacked. I’ve seen the tweets directed at her and they ware terrible, as were her responses. Satire or not, it was not a smart way to do battle with the haters.

Also too, it is sad that it has come to this point; where this sort of thing has gotten this bad.