Before you look at my archives on this blog!

Although, I really don’t have to write this little posting here, I will write it for the purposes of instruction to those who happen to come to this blog.

I just want to say this, is that you have to understand something about this blog. This Blog has a very large archive, the truth is, I have been writing about politics since 2006.

Much of the stuff that you will see on this Blog has been written a long time ago; except for the stuff written this year, 2019 and 2018.

I was perusing through my archives and I saw some postings that in some eyes would be deemed offensive and possibly even racist.

You have to understand one thing, during that time; from 2008 until 2016, I was writing to a particular audience and at the time, I felt that audience was right on point with their beliefs and I still do to a certain extent. Unfortunately, that same audience now,  are the crazy people that are in support of Donald Trump. My politics has meandered quite a bit; I went from being a left-of-center to possibly, further right from the center than I am now.

I honestly look back on some of the stuff I wrote in 2009 until 2016, and sometimes I say “holy crap, I could have written that a lot better or I could have picked a less offensive headline.”

You see the truth is that I was writing from what I felt was from my personal perspective, but I quickly realized that I was doing nothing more than contributing to the echo chamber which existed on the right and still does to even a worse extent than it did then.

Nowadays, I pretty much have come back to what I consider to be a reasonable conservative/libertarianism type of political stance, However that stance would be considered a bit of a moderate one and not an extreme one at all.

Donald Trump, at first, seemed to be a very good Conservative candidate; he spoke well about trade and illegal immigration two things that I felt were important. However after a while, it became very apparent to me that the only thing that Donald Trump honestly gave two craps about was his ego and his brand and making money. Everything else to him; really didn’t matter and he honestly was willing to deceive a lot of people, especially conservative Christians, that he was their type of candidate.

Once this happened and I realized it, that is when I became highly disinterested in writing about politics, especially conservative politics. I just felt that I could not defend this man, that I truly honestly did not like as a person, based on his conduct as President and that’s why this Blog has not been very active during the presidency of Donald J Trump. I didn’t want to knock him for the fact that he was doing things that I liked as a conservative, I just couldn’t defend the man whose personality I felt was antithetical to Conservative Christian values.

So to sum up this article; if you happen to read something from my archives, that you might happen to think is quite offensive; please know I was writing to a particular audience that I regret ever trying to write for in the first place.