As you might have noticed…

A bit of housekeeping around here: As you might have noticed, I just haven’t been blogging for a long while. My blogging pretty much stopped, after Donald Trump decided to show his true colors and act like an idiot.

After that. I just could not justify writing anything remotely supportive of him or the Republican Party at the time. Now, as we all know, Donald Trump went on to do more stupid stuff; like egging on January 6’th; and has continued to do stupid stuff since being out of office.

Now, to be clear, I am not switching political parties, I am still an Paleo-Conservative with moderate leanings. However, I do reject some elements of that group too. (Paleo-Conservatives, I mean.)

However, Election 2024 is coming and I do want to begin writing again. Mike Pence is running and believe he would be a bit more stable than Trump and he strikes me as being a person of deep faith and resolve. Unlike Trump and his bobsy twin Desantis. The rest do not have a snowball’s chance in hell of being elected.

So, yes, I am back. I won’t be writing novels. But, I will be writing again.

Stay Tuned.