‘You Get What You Deserve, White Boy’

You think only white people can be racist? You think that racial violence happens to blacks?

Think again. Here’s some video for you: (via the Blaze)

The story via blaze:

Police in Kansas City are investigating a possible hate crime after a 13-year-old boy was doused in gasoline and set on fire. According to Allen Goin’s mother, the attack occurred just as her son was getting home from school. She said, “They rushed him on the porch as he tried to get the door open…one of them poured gasoline, then flicked the Bic and said, ‘This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve white boy.’”

The police say the boy was engulfed in a “large fireball,” but was able to beat out the flames to call 911 and his father. In addition to suffering first degree burns, he has lost his eyebrows, eyelashes, and part of the skin on his face. There is also long-term concern about his eyes and lungs.

The family intends to move out of fear that the attackers went to their son’s school, which KMBC reports he will not return to. Melissa Coon, the boy’s mother, said her youngest son, 5, asked her, “Mom, am I going to get set on fire today?”

“I was in tears,” she said.

Now I am going to make something very clear here; I do not advocate any sort of racism or racial violence towards black people at all. In fact, I find the mentality of the white nationalists, skinheads, neo-Nazis and other sort of people to be deplorable. One cannot fight race hatred with race hated, because it is a sick mentality. However, I believe it is very important to point out that the liberal left in this Country or the progressive left, if you wish to call them that — are the ones who foster this sort of mentality of racial bigotry between the races. They have been doing it for years and it does not look like it is going to change anytime soon.

I also find it amazing that in the first video, nothing was said about race at all. In the second video, you see the mother use the term, “White Boy.” However, the suspect’s race was never brought up at all, in either news report; that is because the liberal left in this Country with their “Frankfort School of Political Correctness” tells these news outlets not to mention the race of the people who commit the crimes, especially if they are black. This is because it destroys the narrative that only white people, like me, commit racially based crimes and never blacks or Latinos. Again, this is the influence and the power that the radical left holds in this Country’s media; I know personally too well about it. My cousin Michael Hill was murdered by three corrupt black Detroit police officers in 1994. The details of his death were totally lied about to the media; did any media people both in investigate about how he really died? Not one media outlet would even cover it. This is because the cops were black and my cousin, who was only 24, was white.

This is why I run this blog; this is why I write with such fury about the progressive left. This is why I seem to have it out for the Democratic Party. Because they have ruined my Country, because they hate America and values we stand for. Because when they are not spewing racism from websites, or are demanding Americans to pay for their sexual adventures, then when their activists get mocked by the right, they demand we apologize — all the while, they mock Christians and citizens of the south, when they are not trying to murder our white children.

I am a White Conservative, I am a White Christian, I am Andrew Breitbart — and this is war. 😡

Further thoughts on the passing of Andrew Breitbart

I hate having to write this, because it makes me feel like I am capitalizing on the death of another human being, this is why that you have not seen me posting tribute videos to the man.  It is not that I did not respect the man; I did, very highly.  However, I did not know the man at all.  Therefore, to me, it seems a bit cheap to write as if we were the best of friends.  We were not, and I do not wish to make it seem that we were.

The reason why I am writing this blog entry is that, frankly, I am a bit pissed off at a number of things.  I am pissed at myself; I am pissed off at Alex Jones and the mindless morons that follow that person as if he is the second coming of Jesus Christ.  I have only myself to blame too.  Yesterday, when news of Andrew Breitbart’s passing broke, I took to my blog here and wrote, what I felt was a fair tribute to the man.  In my haste to bring some sort of reasoning to the horrible event that had happened, I wrote something now, that if I had to do it over again; I would have never, in a million damned years would have ever written.

I wrote this:

I just hope that there is an autopsy.  I do not really believe that it was natural causes.  I believe they killed him — his enemies — the Chicago political machine.  Andrew recently said that he had tapes of Obama from years ago in Chicago.  Who is to say that someone did not poison him?  Who is to say that Barack Obama did not get nervous and order someone within that Chicago mob to go out to California and follow Andrew around and slip something in his drink to trigger a heart attack?  These far-leftists, they have no shame, they have no honor, and they will do anything — including murder — to further their agenda.  Unlike most of you that will read this, I do not choose to trust the liberal-owned, controlled, and financed media.  They are the ones that went into the tank for Obama; they are the ones who coordinate with the White House.  Now do you really think they would tell the truth about this?  Please, tell me another good joke.            

 Furthermore, I do not trust the Government of California and that goes right down to the morgue.  Those bastards are all liberal right down to the grunt workers in the hospitals.  Who is to say that Breitbart did not just faint from exhaustion and medics pick him up and take him to the hospital and they realize who he is and they inject him with something to kill him?  Tell me; is it wrong to speculate on stuff like this?  Is the left above such things?  Are Obama and his Chicago men above this?  I think not.

I will fully admit, in hindsight, that was not one of my brightest moments.  To my weak defense, this was much before I know any damned thing about the Andrew Breitbart’s personal health problems.  What pisses me off to the high damned heavens is the fact that these damned conspiracy theories are now rampant on the internet that somehow or another Andrew Breitbart was assassinated by President Obama or that somehow or another the Government took him out, because of the videos that Andrew had or whatever those people are now saying.  My point is this: I played a minor role in it and now I feel like a complete and utter asshole because of it.  I mean, I do not trust the Government anymore the rest of you that happen to read this blog.  Nevertheless, I just cannot bear to think that I may have hurt Andrew’s wife and kids —because I happened to freak out for a brief second and wrote something before I knew all of the facts.

For the record, I deleted that section of the posting and the tweets that I sent out in that vein of thought, out of respect for the family; but now it seems that Alex Jones is now linking to HotAir.com and their posting, which contained a trackback to me.  They see this and think, “Oh he was pressured by Obama to remove his words!”  I know this, because I know how those idiots over at Alex Jones’s site think.

Therefore, let the record show; I was not ever contacted by the United States Government, the Obama Administration or even the Breitbart family at all.  I removed the text that I quoted above because I thought it was the decent, right, honorable thing to do.  

Another thing too, is the left — I must say, they have really outdone themselves this time.  Matt TaibbiSeriously, dude?  I mean, this man; I actually respected the man for the honest reporting he did about Afghanistan.  Then, he goes and writes this about a man, whose dead body is not even in the ground and he writes that?  Please, do not try and tell me anything about any sort of idiotic moral equivalence either; because the last time I checked, Andrew Breitbart did not drive any cars off any bridges and leave any of his personal assistances to die in a lake — unlike a Democrat that I know.  Sure, Ted Kennedy did much for the middle class, the disabled, and the rest of the damned entitlement groups, as did his family.  However, that does not take away from the fact that the man at the very least was a drunken coward.

It is not just Matt Taibbi either; it is the entire moral core of the liberal left in this Country.  The proud pro-American moral code of the Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy and Johnson era has been replaced by the moral decadence of the neo-left.  Which is of course, the fruits of the 1960’s mantra of “If it feels good, do it” generation.  There is no honor, there is no integrity, there is nothing but their little self-righteous game of Frankfort School fake moral code that they live by, which is ripe full off utter and contemptible contradictions.  Andrew Breitbart knew this, he rubbed their damned faces in it, with utter schoolboy-like joy, and that is why the liberal left hated his damned guts.  It is also why the liberal left hates people like me especially, because I, more than anyone; know their moronic tactics.

Now Andrew Breitbart is gone.  The torches always flame out, so they say —- Hendrix, Morrison, Joplin, Terry Kath, Woody Guthrie, Christopher Hitchens — and now Andrew Breitbart.   The 26 club is the now the 42 club — A good number of people that I know have died at or around the age of 42; and as someone who is aged 39 – it worries me.  I have too much to do, I have parents to look after and eventually — bury.  This all makes me, a least a little, fret about my health and my future; I do not smoke or drink, so I am good there; my eating habits could be better.  However, it is not all Twinkies and candy bars for me, I good eat food, much of it — herein is the problem.

As for the Conservative movement, we are left to pick up the slack, to continue to write about the left and their tactics, their President, their mess, their ruining of the Capitalistic system — their damned open sewer that we the tax payer is left on the hook to pay for.  It can be depressing and hazardous to your health, if you let it become that.  Sometimes, one needs to walk away from all for a weekend or a week, if need be — to stop smell the roses and tune out of politics for a while.  I have done it in the past; I did it for about three days here recently.  It felt good, but by Sunday night, I was chomping at the bit to come back and write more.  Politics is like nicotine, once it gets into you, you always crave it.

I think the worst thing that we could do, is louse up this election in 2012.  Andrew Breitbart would be pissed, if we just “half-assed” the election.  We have to win this and run the damned progressives out of Government, at least for four years, and preferably for eight good years.  I also think we should not try to channel Breitbart at all.  Andrew Breitbart was Andrew Breitbart and we should not try to channel his style or behavior at all.  Rush is doing that right now and he is terrible at it!  Coulter should be Coulter, Rush should be Rush, Levin should that Levin, Hannity should be Hannity — in our words, be ourselves!

At the same time though, we should not be afraid to speak out; we should be or at least try to be fearless in the face of what we, as Christians, Conservatives, and libertarians know to be evil.  We should not be afraid to speak out against the entitlement mentality of the far-left, we should not be afraid to speak out against the idiotic and satanic unchristianizing of America, by the atheist left in this Country.  We should not be afraid to speak out against the far lefts unbridled attack on the traditional values of this Country; to Bill O’Reilly’s credit, there is a war, and yes, it is on Christmas.

I would put something in here saying that the Conservative blogosphere in Breitbart’s memory should try at least amongst ourselves to at least be civil to each other and try to look out for one another.  However, I know bloggers, and I know the Conservative Blogosphere; and if you are not in with the “In crowd” you are ignored and in some cases persecuted, lied about, used as a pawn in blog wars and all sorts of other stupidity that comes along with the territory.  Believe you me, I know all about it, which is why I tend to stay to myself anymore.  I just do not need the trouble with anyone anymore.  I am in a situation here, where I cannot come to their functions; and most of them hate me, because of my blue dog Democrat past.  Therefore, I just avoid them and their conflicts.  I write about what is in my RSS feeds and do my own thing here.  I would like to see some unity amongst the right; but that is, I am afraid, a pipe dream — at least with me.

In conclusion: Andrew Breibart was a self-made man.  That alone should be enough to make one admire him.  He stood up for, and died defending what he believed; for this, he should be remembered.

Rest in peace Andrew, you have more than earned it.  We will take it from here and keep America the place you loved — I hope.

Andrew Breitbart RIP

I feel like a guitarist, who is standing on a stage and has sudden realized; he has forgotten the chords to the song he is supposed to be playing.

I mean what words can be written about the man that has not already been written already somewhere else?

I am referring, of course, the passing on Conservative Lion, Warrior, and Publisher Andrew Breitbart, who died last night around midnight at the age for 42.

He was only three years older than I am; this is why this hits me so very hard.  I wake up around my normal time and grabbed my iPod, to see what is going on the world and this comes up.  I let out a rather loud, “Yeah Right!” and figure it is another one of this man’s pranks.

It is not a prank.  (At least I like the think that it is not a prank…)

I did not always agree with his tactics, I did not like what he had to say about Ted Kennedy when he died, I blogged about that on my old blog.  I thought it was morally wrong and I told him so in a tweet once.  I was so incensed about it that I blocked him on twitter for a very long while.

However, the man could not be and would not be ignored; at least not by me.  He took risks; he always had the uncanny ability to dig up some of the best stuff on the left and literally would use it against them.  I admired him for that; because you realize, I used to vote Democratic Party and I knew and still do know about how they pit race against race, class against class — all of that — and Andrew knew it and played it for every damned bit it was worth.


In this section here, I had some thoughts about Andrew’s death. After thinking about it; I have decided to remove them, out of respect for the family.


The bottom line is this; the Conservative world has lost its “Merry Prankster.”  It has lost its warrior and nobody will ever fill those shoes, not even bloggers; because Andrew took the risks and was willing to stick his neck out to expose the left and its misdeeds.

Andrew will be missed by many, including me.

My Prayers go to the family and his wife and Children.

Others: Left, Right and Media: Guardian, Little Green Footballs, JustOneMinute, Washington Wire, The Raw Story, Michelle Malkin, The Jawa Report, Hugh Hewitt’s TownHall Blog, RedState, blogs.telegraph.co.uk, KNSD-TV, GOP 12, Hot Air, Hit & Run, News Desk, LifeNews.com, NewsBusters.org, UrbanGrounds, Mediaite, The Radio Equalizer, The Right Scoop, Randy’s Roundtable, The Daily What, Steve Rothaus’ Gay …, The Moderate Voice, Conservatives4Palin, Israel Matzav, Indecision Forever, Gawker, Questions and Observations, Poynter, Klein Online, Shakesville, KDVR.com is the website …, Atlas Shrugs, Jammie Wearing Fools, The Daily Caller and Gothamist — More at Memeorandum and MediaGazer