Rand Paul sells out his Father’s Birthright

I saw this morning and I could not believe what I was hearing. Rand Paul has basically sold out his Father’s Libertarian Birthright. Just so he can have a shot at running in 2016.

The video comes via the neoconservative blog HotAir.com:

Rand Paul sells America out.

The Quote:

Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul took what very well could be considered his most pro-Israel stance yet, saying in an interview that an attack on Israel should be treated as an attack on the United States.

Asked whether the United States would stand with Israel and provide it foreign aid if the Jewish state were attacked by its enemies, Paul went a step further.

“Well absolutely we stand with Israel,” he said in an interview with Breitbart News, “but what I think we should do is announce to the world – and I think it is pretty well known — that any attack on Israel will be treated as an attack on the United States.”

There is no two ways about it, Rand Paul is not his Father at all. His Father has principles; Rand sold his out for a little power and to placate a protected minority. It is sad that Rand Paul is more interested in pleasing a small part of the so-called “right” in order to get the blessing of the banksters and mobsters of the elitists in DC.

But, that is politics and it is proof that we need real Americans in DC. Not these rich elitists, who never had to use their backs to make a living.

Here is a good way to get sued

He is making a good point, but this guy is literally begging to get sued by someone.

VERNAL — When George Burnett first set up shop in Vernal, he knew he had to find away to connect with his adopted community if his custom seat cover business was going to survive.

So, armed with a sandwich board emblazoned with the phrase “Honk If You (Heart) Drilling!,” Burnett took to the corner of 500 East and Main Street and began his one-man crusade to boost the spirit of a community that was getting its first glimpse of another oil and gas bust.

Fast-forward nearly five years and Burnett — now a local celebrity for his tireless support of the Uintah Basin’s energy industry — has launched a new business that’s earning rave reviews just weeks after opening its doors.

“I love this place. I will support this place with every fiber of my being,” said Corey Peterson, a personal trainer who stopped by the I Love Drilling Juice & Smoothie Bar on Monday morning for a thick, green drink filled with avocado, spinach and fresh apple juice.

“It’s a good place to come for lunch,” added customer Shauna Snow, “or for a good snack that’s healthy, not processed and also can give you good nutrients.”

But there is one thing about Burnett’s latest venture that’s left some folks with a bitter taste in their mouths.

“I’m very open about it, very public about it, that I’m going to charge them a little bit more, and I have liberals come in and pay the extra dollar surcharge,” Burnett said, referring to his unique pricing structure.

via Liberal tax leaves bitter taste in some smoothie drinkers’ mouths | ksl.com.

Charging one price to a conservative and another one to a liberal? That is grounds for a discrimination lawsuit. I wonder, would he charge a black man one price and a white man another? The point is, you charge everyone the same or you don’t stay in business, at least not for very long. I am just waiting for some black liberal to come into that shop and get charge a higher price. The lawsuit would be good!

Stupid Conservatives. This is why I quite supporting them. 🙄 Especially when they started lying to the people that voted for them.

The Detroit News pulls the plug on The Michigan View

It seems that the Michigan View, which was ran by the Detroit News as a Conservative group blog has had its plug pulled:

Today is the last day of The Michigan View.com, the state’s biggest, baddest, boldest voice of conservative opinion.

It’s been a blast bringing it to you.

Since its launch on Independence Day, 2010, The Detroit News’ online product featured timely commentary on the news of the day, broke some news itself, and generally drove the Left to drink.


Alas, MIView has been shelved. Budget realities dictate that I will be doing my writing for The Detroit News as a columnist and editorial writer – in addition to my daily editorial cartoons. And while the MIView All-Stars will no longer be at this address, you can find (many of) them at the URLs listed below. As MIView’s editor, I had the best job in the world the last two years – the opportunity to edit their work every day.

via That’s all, folks | www.michiganview.com | The Michigan View.

The economic situation here in America is really putting the hurt on big media, unlike anything I have ever seen before. Sooner or later it is going to be just us independent, non-corporate bloggers left. I also tend to believe that the publication came off as a bit partisan as well. Michigan, and especially the Detroit area is really not a Conservative or Republican region. It is tough to sell small Government to people who are trained on liberalism.

At the same time, I believe that this is a tragic thing; I believe diversity of opinion is important. I do not believe that the Democratic Party and the socialist Liberals have all the answers and I believe there are times, when they are simply wrong. I believe the marketplace of ideas should be a diverse one. Unlike some on the left and some on the right; that diversity of opinion is a good thing.

On a personal note: Serves them right for not hiring me! I could have made waves, set them up with real blogging software and would have made a group blog that would have gotten them noticed. Instead, the kept the same idiots, who do the Detroit News and then that site and see what happened? It went under. Good. Serves them right for ignoring the best writer in the Detroit area. Conceited, who me?

(H/T Deadline Detroit)

I hate to say it, but he does have a good point

A very good point:

Obama won two elections giving voice to these policies, but within the neocon-dominated punditocracy and a Congress subject to pressure by the increasingly extremist American Israel Public Affairs Committee, they are akin to kryptonite. Hagel’s critics have been quick to unsheathe the McCarthyite tactics employed whenever opposition to any position of Israel’s right-wing government is at issue. The accusation is almost always “anti-Semitism,” but rarely has that charge proven as empty as in Hagel’s case. Leading the assault have been Pavlovian attack dogs like William Kristol and The Weekly Standard, Jennifer Rubin at The Washington Post, ex–AIPAC flack Josh Block, the ADL’s Abe Foxman, Bret Stephens at The Wall Street Journal, and convicted criminal and former Reagan and Bush II official Elliott Abrams, now respectably ensconced at the Council on Foreign Relations.

The allegation rests in significant measure on a 2008 quote in which Hagel—whom the interviewer, author and former US diplomat Aaron David Miller termed “a strong supporter of Israel and a believer in shared values”—criticized the use of political intimidation by the “Jewish lobby,” an infelicitous phrase he accidentally used to describe AIPAC. Hagel later said he misspoke and had meant to refer to the “Israel lobby,” just as he did elsewhere in Miller’s interview. It’s an easy mistake to make, since the “Israel lobby” is pretty darn Jewish. (Dick Cheney, for instance, has made the same error.) As it happens, Hagel is a better friend to Israel than the Likud quislings and apologists who make up what journalists mistakenly term the “pro-Israel lobby”; for starters, he is willing to tell its leaders the truth. Alon Pinkas, a former Israeli consul general and adviser on US affairs to Prime Minister Ehud Barak, wrote recently that “Barak was thoroughly impressed not only by Hagel’s military background, but by his analysis, knowledge of the Middle East, and his understanding of Israel’s security issues and predicaments,” adding that Hagel “is not anti-Israeli and he is not an anti-Semite. In fact, if I were him I would lodge a complaint with the Anti-Defamation League, asking their assistance and support for being unfairly called an anti-Semite.”

What these hysterics may actually indicate is a genuine fear on the part of the neocons and conservative professional Jews that they are about to be exposed as generals without armies, demanding fealty to policies opposed by the vast majority of American Jews for whom they profess to speak. How marvelous, then, that Barack Obama finally decided there was one time he’d rather fight than switch. via Hooray for Hagel | The Nation

One thing that I really wish to dwell on here, and it bears repeating:

Hagel’s critics have been quick to unsheathe the McCarthyite tactics employed whenever opposition to any position of Israel’s right-wing government is at issue. The accusation is almost always “anti-Semitism,” but rarely has that charge proven as empty as in Hagel’s case.

I must admit, I can truly relate to this; I have accused of the very same stuff myself. I support Israel’s right to exist and all. But I do not support the stupidity of the Neoconservative right at all. This whole idea that America has to defend Israel unto the death is idiotic at best. Furthermore, the idea that America has to be the world’s policeman is out of touch with our economic realities here at home. The fact is that Wilsonian foreign policy is a disaster and America has had to learn the hard way many times already. We learned it in Korea, we learned in World War I, we learned it in Vietnam and now, we have learned it in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Furthermore, Israel has my support on existence; but this idea that Israel has the right to build on disputed territories and then sit, and moan and complain when Palestinian and Gaza terrorists fire rockets into Israel is mindbogglingly stupid. It is something that I cannot support at all. The said part is, that these Wilsonian Neoconservatives will tell you that I am a Jew-hater and Antisemite for simply saying what I just said to you here. I call it playing the Jew Card or playing the Semite Card. It cheapens the discussion and frosts any kind of criticism at all. Which is precisely what Joseph McCarthy did in the 1950’s.

So, as much as it pains me to say this; even though he is of the far left —- Alterman has a good point.


Mitt Romney was not the problem, Republicans and Conservatives were the problem

I hate to be the one to say it, but, sadly, it is true:

It was two weeks before Election Day when Mitt Romney’s political ­director signed a memo that all but ridiculed the notion that the Republican presidential nominee, with his “better ground game,” could lose the key state of Ohio or the election. The race is “unmistakably moving in Mitt Romney’s direction,” the memo said.

But the claims proved wildly off the mark, a fact embarrassingly underscored when the high-tech voter turnout system that Romney himself called “state of the art” crashed at the worst moment, on Election Day.

To this day, Romney’s aides wonder how it all went so wrong.

They console each other with claims that the election was much closer than realized, saying that Romney would be president if roughly 370,000 people in swing states had voted differently. Romney himself blamed demographic shifts and Obama’s “gifts”: ­federal largesse targeted to Democratic constituencies.

But a reconstruction by the Globe of how the campaign unfolded shows that Romney’s problems went deeper than is widely understood. His campaign made a series of costly financial, strategic, and political mistakes that, in retrospect, all but assured the candidate’s defeat, given the revolutionary turnout tactics and tactical smarts of President Obama’s operation.

via The story behind Mitt Romney’s loss in the presidential campaign to President Obama – News – Boston.com.

You see, there used to be a time in this Country, when the Republican Party and the Conservative movement actually stood for something; and that is a Constitutional Republic.  A Constitutional Republic is what The United States of America was founded as, and not a Democracy as is parroted by some of the idiots on the left and some of the idiots on the so-called “Right” as well.

The Republican Party and the Conservative movement in this Country used to stand for social, economic and military restraint. Nowadays, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party both stand for unlimited spending, hippy-style social policy, high taxes, totally ignoring the United States Constitution and runaway military. This is why the American people did not vote for Mitt Romney or any of the so-called Republican “Players” during this election.  Because all they saw was Democratic Party, and Democratic Party Lite.

American’s economy is in shatters, and the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are both to blame for it. Instead of being adults and making the tough calls, on what needs to be done. Like ripping out the so-called “free trade” agreements and putting back in place the tariffs that would pay down our debt, and fund our social safety net — the Republicans are refusing to allow taxes to be raised on anyone making over a million dollars a year and the Democrats are squabbling over any and all cuts made to the social system.

As for Americas economy, why it is totally in shambles is because of the idiot transformation that took place during the Nixon years. America essentially ended the The Bretton Woods system and began a system of Keynesian economics. This caused America to print more money, than they had to back it up in gold. Which causes inflation and devaluing of the US dollar. Again, this was done, by both parties and is why we are where we are today.

Instead of actually fixing Americans problems through sound policy; the Republican Party would rather pick a fight with AFL-CIO and the UAW to try to crush the labor movement in this Country. After doing this, they really actually expect to be elected in those Union friendly states. My friends, something is horribly wrong the Republican Party.

Mitt Romney lost the 2012 election for one simple reason: Romney allowed himself to be framed by the liberal media as a rich, out of touch, elitist who could have honestly cared less about the middle class in this Country. Mitt Romney might actually be a very moral person and a very capable leader. But, when you have the money he has, you get painted in that fashion.

Another thing that is wrong with the Republican Party and the Conservative movement was written about by Patrick J. Buchanan in his 2005 book, “Where the Right went Wrong.” Since that time, the Bush Presidency has ended and it was thought for a time that the neoconservatives in this Country would be relegated to the backwoods of politics for a very long time.

However, Kristol, Podhoretz and the rest of that neoconservative clan had other ideas.  They spend a good deal of money in foolhardy plans to try to bolster Mitt Romney’s bid for the White House. Which ultimately caused Mitt Romney’s loss in the election. Which makes one wonder if possibly the neoconservatives were a bit worried that Mitt Romney was not the defense hawk that they truly wanted in the White House and actually were trying to kneecap his Presidency.

The war in Iraq should have been a wakeup call to the media, to Americans and to the Conservative movement that unilateral war without proper constitutional authority was a disaster. Instead the Conservative movement and the Republican Party just buried Bush and his failures and are now making the case for all out war with Iran.

In closing: My friends, Mitt Romney was not the problem; the problem is that the Conservative movement that was, and the Republican that was, of long ago; has been replaced with a Democratic Party Lite. This is not an American Conservative movement. But, rather a horrible fraud. This is why the Republicans lost the election of 2012 — nothing more, nothing less.

Anyone who tells you otherwise, is a highly misinformed.

Others:  Balloon JuiceAddicting InfoThe ImpoliticFiredoglakePERRspectivesThe Political CarnivalLawyers, Guns & MoneyPoliticusUSAThe Moderate VoiceWashington ExaminerThe Hill,Booman TribuneGawkerThe National MemoThe Other McCainMediaiteEschaton and Outside the Beltway (Via Memeorandum)

Another perfect example of what is wrong with “The Right”

As all of you know, who actually read this blog, ever since Governor Snyder decided to stab disillusioned former Democratic Party voters, like myself, in the back with his so-called “right to work” bill; I have been highly critical of the so-called “right.”

Already so far, I have pointed that Christians, like David Brody at Pat Robertson’s CBN have been morbidly using this tragic event in Newtown, CT for evangelistic tools. Well, now it seems that well-known members of the so-called “right” are now cashing in on the event as well.

First up, someone who the NYT very accurately calls the token negro:

(CNN) Republican Rep. Tim Scott of South Carolina, the new appointee to replace Sen. Jim DeMint, indicated Wednesday he may oppose any gun control legislation in the Senate next Congress, saying instead the larger issue is one of “moral decay.”

“I think the solutions are not necessarily in new legislation. Perhaps the solution starts with us examining the mental condition of the person and the persons in the past that have had the desire to create the atrocities we have seen recently,” he said on CNN’s “Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien.”

By the way, it is not so much that I really care that he is black and a Republican. Great, wonderful, more power to him. It is that he goes around acting like, “Hey! Look at me, I am black man and a Republican! Yay me!” Big deal dude. Here’s a chicken flavored cookie for ya. It is sort of like identity politics for Conservatives. Something that I find to be very highly annoying. It is not just him; Allen West, Nikki Haley, Most Jewish Republicans, and Michelle Malkin do the same stuff all the time. I like to call them affirmative action conservatives. I mean, really, nobody really gives two flips what you really are; which are corporatist shills to be quite honest with you.

Another stop on the douche-nozzle express train is none other than Newt Gingrich, who’s president campaign was a very well timed joke:

During a local talk radio show early Wednesday morning, former Speaker Newt Gingrich cast his lot with the religious right by blaming last week’s tragic shooting in Newtown, Connecticut on secularism and immoral video games.

Gingrich joined host Brian Thomas of 55KRC in Cincinnati to discuss his latest book, but the conversation quickly pivoted towards gun control and why godlessness in our schools is really to blame:

When you have an anti-religious, secular bureaucracy and secular judiciary seeking to drive God out of public life, something fills the vacuum. And that something, you know, I don’t know that going from communion to playing war games in which you practice killing people is necessarily an improvement.

Like I wrote before:

The truth is the Republican Party and so-called Conservative movement has not been worth a damn since that day on January 3, 1987, when Senator Barry Morris Goldwater decided that he was not going to take any orders from any special interest groups and decided that a life of retirement was in order. When he left, that Party and that movement went to the toilet. It really kicked into high gear on January 20, 1989, when then President Ronald Wilson Reagan waved goodbye to the people at the airport and prayed that he had left the reigns of the Nation in good hands with his successor.

Image? Nah, more like total rottenness from within.

This proves that above which I wrote. The GOP is rotten from within, and has been for years.


Megan McArdle is absolutely correct

There is really little we can really do. 

I gave her hell once, because I didn’t get the humor. But, she’s right here. I just hope the Republicans and Democrats are listening.

The only sad thing is, that she is actually having to explain all that to the masses. What does that say about America? 😯


A perfect example of why the right believes the left is pure evil

Here is the New York Times living up to its reputation among the right, as a left-wing propaganda outlet:

People in the rural, hilly areas around Newtown, Conn., are used to gunfire. In one woodsy stretch, southeast of downtown, the Pequot Fish and Game Club and the Fairfield County Fish and Game Protective Association, where members can fish in ponds and hunt pheasant, lie within a mile of each other, and people who live nearby generally call them good neighbors.

But in the last couple of years, residents began noticing loud, repeated gunfire, and even explosions, coming from new places. Near a trailer park. By a boat launch. Next to well-appointed houses. At 2:20 p.m. on one Wednesday last spring, multiple shots were reported in a wooded area on Cold Spring Road near South Main Street, right across the road from an elementary school.

Yet recent efforts by the police chief and other town leaders to gain some control over the shooting and the weaponry turned into a tumultuous civic fight, with traditional hunters and discreet gun owners opposed by assault weapon enthusiasts, and a modest tolerance for bearing arms competing with the staunch views of a gun industry trade association, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, which has made Newtown its home.

The place that witnessed one of the worst mass killings in United States history on Friday, leaving 20 schoolchildren and 8 adults dead, is a bucolic New England town comfortable with its firearms, and not an obvious arena for the nation’s debate over gun control. But the legislative battle right here shows how even the slightest attempts to impose restrictions on guns can run into withering resistance, made all the more pointed by the escalation in firepower.

“Something needs to be done,” said Joel T. Faxon, a hunter and a member of the town’s police commission, who championed the shooting restrictions. “These are not normal guns, that people need. These are guns for an arsenal, and you get lunatics like this guy who goes into a school fully armed and protected to take return fire. We live in a town, not in a war.”

The gunman’s mother, Nancy Lanza, had collected several weapons, including powerful handguns and a semiautomatic rifle that she and her son, Adam, were fond of shooting, and it remains unclear where they took their target practice. Much of the gunfire and the explosions reported by residents to the police in recent months came from a spot less than three miles from their house. Police logs identified the spot as one of the town’s many unlicensed gun ranges, where the familiar noise of hunting rifles has grown to include automatic gunfire and explosions that have shaken houses.

via In Newtown, Conn., a Stiff Resistance to Gun Restrictions – NYTimes.com.

….and what is at the very bottom of this story? This:

The owner of one, Scott Ostrovsky, said he and his friends had been shooting automatic weapons since he bought the 23-acre property more than 12 years ago. It is safe, he said, because his land is sandwiched between two other gun ranges, the 123-acre Pequot hunting club and the 500-acre Fairfield club.

The explosions his neighbors hear are targets that are legally available at hunting outlets. “If you’re good old boys like we are, they are exciting,” he said. He said he was distraught at the school massacre but said guns should not be made the “scapegoat.”

“Guns are why we’re free in this country, and people lose sight of that when tragedies like this happen,” he said. “A gun didn’t kill all those children, a disturbed man killed all those children.”

Nothing but the truth….

You see, this is why the right hates the left with a passion; because of stories like this one here. Which are nothing more than left-wing propaganda dressed up as real news. The term for it is activist media. This is why people like Bill O’Reilly and Rupert Murdoch despise the New York Times and every other liberal controlled media outlet.

Oh sure, let’s make everyone who owns a gun, who supports the second amendment, disagrees with Barack Obama’s politics and the Democratic Party’s politics out to be psychotic domestic terrorists. Way to go guys, why to fucking go. 🙄  I mean, seriously? Is this the means to an end? Is this the way we are going to treat each other? Are we going paint Conservative or liberal political counterparts as terrorists? Is this the path that we really want to take?

If so, count me out. I am not interested in making people I disagree with into monsters; I might not like some of the actions of the right; in fact, I am disgusted by a good deal of what is happening now on the right. However, I am not interested in demonizing people. It takes a special sort of asshole to do what the left is going to those who believe in owning guns. Using a tragic event like this for political advancement or in this case, retreat — is will beyond my ability to be in agreement.

I have said this before, although I do not believe that I have actually written it before. So, it is time that I did. I was reading earlier tonight about what happened here in Ann Arbor and in Detroit, in the 1960’s. How the hippy movement and counterculture got started. How that John Sinclair and friends dared to stand up against evil Government forces who were simply wrong. I was really enjoying reading about it at this site here.

Anyhow, I will just say it. It has become painfully aware to this disillusionment riddled democrat — turned right of center, turned back to Independent —- that the counterculture left has actually become the establishment left, and you know something? They are just as evil as the people that they were fighting against in the 1960’s. I mean, taking guns away people? Are you people honestly serious? Is this what the left, and the Democratic Party establishment now wants to be known as, anti-gun? anti-second amendment? Do you people have any semblance of knowledge about what our founding fathers fought and died for? Not to mention those who found in all of our wars!

This is not any sort of “greater good.” This is not progress, this is fascism of the Nazi sort and of the sort that came from the soviet empire!  This is why the phrase “Don’t tread on me” came to be! Because big Government statists were trying to tread on the rights of the people. If this sort of gun legislation is passed through, it will be the end of the Democratic Party for a very long time, I can assure you of that. This is not the 1990’s people, this is 2012 and the right is much organized, and if this happens there will be hell to pay come 2014. I can assure you of that. You think the Koch brothers are trouble now? You just try to pass an “Assault Rifle Ban.”

This union busting crap that I was complaining about, is a flash in the pan to what the establishment right and the grass will do, should the Democrats try to pass something like that. I can assure you, it will get ugly. No, I am not talking about violence, silly. I am talking about elections, and politics. It will get ugly and I can see the fallout now, and it is one that I shudder to think about.

Special Comment: Why I am not removing my ads for Guns, Ammo, Gold or Knives

Update – March 17, 2013: I felt the need to update this, because I noticed someone looked for it or something. Gun, Knife, and Ammo ads are great; but when they are not paying. They are, in fact, a good waste of time and space. I did have, at the point of being annoying, a ton of gun, gold and ammo ads on here at one time. I still have an ammo ad. But the gold ads and the ads for the gun store, were not paying. My ad for goldsilver.com paid me one time. After that, I never did get anymore buys on that ad. So, I pulled everything for a time. I put the ammo ad back up, because I figured someone would buy something, maybe. To be quite honest, it never has paid anything at all. So, again, what I wrote below was written right after Sandy Hook and I still agree with it; but I did remove those ads, because of a lack of revenue.


This is one of those special comments, which I really did not ever think that I would actually have to write. However, seeing that common sense is a scarce commodity today, I feel the need to inform those who come here.

The shooting in Newtown CT happened; and I told the Republican Party and the Conservative movement, “When you all come back to reality, call me!”

Well, one would expect that I would shed my right-wing nut job image, and remove the ads for guns, knives, gold and silver; and become some sort of Prius driving, latte sipping, wire-rim glasses liberal Democrat who curses all forms of capitalism and bemoans the virtues of communism and the fact that America has not implemented them.

One would also expect that I would put ads for green energy, global trade and other such tripe that the Liberal left makes to be their pet cause.

One would be in grave disappointment, but that said person has not a damned clue what I am truly about. The truth is folks, I am somewhere in a very happy place, between a moderate Conservative and a blue-dog Democrat. I remember the old Democratic Party that I admire to this day, under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. This was when the Democratic Party was honestly worth a damn in my book.

It was that Democratic Party of old, which took the United States of America to war in 1941, after the empire of Japan, struck us at Pearl Harbor. In addition, the Democratic Party of 1945 was victorious in Germany with the defeat of the Nazis, and with the empire of Japan. America was a great Nation then. We build everything here, men were men, and boys were boys — women did not rule their men. People went to Church on Sunday and respected the Word of God. It was a different era and one that I greatly miss.

The reason why I am not removing those ads is quite simply this: Those ads of mine have not a damned thing to do with that shooting up in Newtown, CT. The only persons that have anything remotely to do with those shooting, is the shooter himself and the shooter’s mother, who had zero business having any sort of firepower near her mentally ill son.

I hate to disappoint my liberal friends, who do read here, but I am an unrepentant capitalist, and I shall be until the day that I take my last breath. Blaming me or anyone else who has gun ads on their blog is a simple-minded exercise in idiocy. Furthermore, blaming people like NRA and other gun advocacy groups is also idiotic at best.

Blaming groups like that, would be blaming food manufactures and farmers for obesity! Do the farmers put the food in your mouth? Do the food makers put the food in your mouth? No! You do, it is called personal responsibility! How idiotic is it for someone to blame a gun, which is quite honestly a tool of self-defense; for the actions of a mentally deranged person, whose Mother was too irresponsible to put away her guns and keep them away from her son. Anyone with any sort of semblance of common sense would know this. My question is, what is the modern-day liberal Democrat’s problem them?

This is my entire problem with the Democratic Party of today. They steadfastly refuse to embrace the idea of personal responsibility. They want to blame everyone and everything else, but the people who commit crimes; tot to mention that they want to involve everyone else to raise their idiotic bratty children! It does not take village people it takes responsible parents. This is also something that is also lacking today as well, not only in the Democratic Party and in its base — But also in America in general.

To be fair the Republicans are not much better, they are sitting around idly and allowing America to drive over a fiscal cliff, something that America was honestly talking about, before this deranged nut-ball killed these people. Not to mention that John Boehner is selling Conservative fiscal values up the river. They do not mind selling organized labor up the river, but they will allow America to be in debt to China for the rest of eternity. Funny how those politicos work, is it not?

In closing: I am not removing my ads for guns and removing the chance that I might just make a bit of money on my blog. All so some tree-hugging far leftist can feel about the fact that I am contributing to the death of someone, because some deranged idiot happened to have bought a gun from the dealers, of which I have an affiliation.

Furthermore, I am not removing my ads for Gold and Silver, and other such metals, so that some idiotic far leftist liberal happens to be under the delusion that President Obama’s and the current Republican leadership’s form of economics is perfectly fine can feel good about himself.

I might not be very happy with the current state of the Conservative movement as a whole, and I might not be happen with the current Governor of Michigan, and I might not be too pleased with the Republican Party of Michigan and the national party —- but I am not a fool — not now, not ever. Just because I question actions, does not mean I have lost my mind — unlike the Democratic Party since about the time of President Johnson.

Michelle Bachmann is keeping a low profile

Thank you baby Jesus….

Minnesota Public Radio reports:


WASHINGTON — Rep. Michele Bachmann has built her political career by being outspoken. It has helped her raise tens of millions of dollars and go from obscure back bencher to presidential candidate in three terms.

In the six weeks since the election, Congress has been wrapped up with the series of automatic spending cuts and tax hikes known as the fiscal cliff, Bachmann has gone almost completely silent.

She squeaked back into office last month with a margin of 1 percent in Minnesota’s most Republican congressional district, and ever since has not been on Fox News or the Sunday talk shows.

Bachmann gave one interview recently to “Understanding the Times,” a Maple Grove, Minn.-based Christian radio show that specializes in biblical end of the world prophecies. On the show, Bachmann claimed a cabal of Muslim countries was working with the Obama administration to squash free speech rights around the world.

Bachmann has limited her comments on the fiscal cliff to a few tweets and a handful of postings on her Facebook page.

The woman is a conspiracy theory kook. So much of one, that Michelle Malkin, of all people — had to call her out on her screwball stupidity on the Gardasil nonsense. The woman straight up LIED in the debate about some woman coming up to her and being in tears about telling her about her daughter supposedly being turned into a mental retard because of it or something. Which is something that Republicans are very good at today; lying.  The problem is, it never happened, at all. The video footage was reviewed and she lied about it.

Which is the crux of why I cannot stand people like her: Christians, who believe that lying for a good cause is just perfectly fine. Which is so typical of the squishy evangelical Christian world. “We believe in Jesus, but we think it’s okay to lie and drink a little wine, listen to Elvis and wear our skirts above the knee, even though we are married. Did I also mention that we can pray the faggot away too?” In other words: Pat Boone in a skirt.

Let’s not even get into the stupidity that she pulled recently with Hillary’s personal assistant. That little stunt was so bad that even the Republican leadership told the stupid woman to shut her pie hole or else. Yes, she was that bad and yes, that damned dumb.

So, as far as this independent political blogger is concerned, the longer this space case of a femi-nazi twit stays on the down low, the better. I surly will not shed a tear about it and I highly doubt the Republican leadership will either.