Detroit, Michigan's mayor, A Case Study of Abject Stupidity.

 Check this out…

The Story: Mayor’s Office Defends Use of ‘N-Word’ (via WXYZ.COM)

The Mayor acted with courage and conviction in making the public aware of the threats against his life and the lives of his wife and children.  He did so for no other reason than to rebuke the bigots and hate mongers who issued the threats.  As he said in his address; “we must turn to each other, and not on each other.” 
It is not the Mayor who has resurrected the n-word, nor is it the Mayor who inserted race into the discussion. 
The people who are responsible are those who sent the despicable emails, letters, and telephone calls, all of which use the n-word in describing the Mayor and his family.  We urge those criticizing the Mayor regarding this issue to focus their condemnation on those who spewed the hatred rather than the victim of the hatred.
Denise Tolliver
Press Secretary
Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick

This is a full glimpse into the idiotic logic of the Mayor of Detroit.

"They called me a Nigger first, I just repeated the term."

What an idiot.

Live by Identity Politics, Die by Identity Politics.

What is it?

identity politics
n. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)

Political attitudes or positions that focus on the concerns of social groups identified mainly on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation: “However, identity politics, whether in the guise of nationalism, feminism, or some other form of political expression is on the defensive these days” (Clarence Lusane).


The point I am trying to make is. This man is joke of a Mayor. He will forever be remembered as the Mayor of Detroit, who could not keep his penis in his pants or for his wife. Who was absolutely corrupt and when confronted, he played the race card……towards his own people. 

Quite a Legacy, No Doubt. 

Editorial: Mr. Mayor, You are wrong!

While the national media today is focusing on the moral failure of the Governor of the State of New York.  We here in the State of Michigan and those in the city of Detroit and the many suburbs of this great city are watching in utter horror as a Mayor is attempting to turn a failure, of his own making, into a race war.

Mr. Mayor, You sir, created this mess.  You were the one, who had the extra-marital affair, you sir, were the one, who used a device, bought by your own governmental organization, to provide accountability to your office.  You sir, were the one, who foolishly used this device to commit criminal offenses and were the one, who was caught.

This whole mess was created by you and you alone.  It was not created by the local media.  The local media did not have sex with another woman, while still married to your wife, the local media did not lie to a federal judge and a grand jury and give a settlement to people trying to sue the city of Detroit.  Further more the Media did not attempt to cover this up either.  These things were committed by you and you alone.

As if this all were not enough, YOU have the blatant audacity to turn this scandal of your own doing, into a racial matter! This and the utter abject “pimping” of your wife and children to rally your supporters around you, is utterly detestable.

Mr. Mayor, You said something that troubles me, you said and I quote:

“In the past 30 days, I’ve been called a nigger more than any time in my entire life.  In the past three days, I have received more death threats than I have in my entire administration.  I’ve heard these words before, but I’ve never heard people say them about my wife and children.”

Mr. Mayor, while I personally think that it is reprehensible that someone would threaten to harm your wife, children, and yes, even you.  The fact remains, the people that are attempting to investigate your wrong doings, are not those of the Anglo Saxon race; like me, they are your own people!  They are black; they are African-American, Just like you! 

Therefore, for you to go up on a stage, and complain that the “big bad media” is picking on you and use terms like “unethical, illegal lynch-mob” is totally out of bounds, and further it smacks of something that the Republicans constantly accuse the Democrats of partaking in, that being Identity Politics.

Further more, Mr. Mayor, This is not 1964, this is the year 2008, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of racial equality has been realized, the Selma, Alabama bridge has been crossed already, so, why are you attempting to turn back the clock?  Why are you trying to go back across the bridge and stir up something that has been resolved for years?  It does not make any sense, at all.

Mr. Mayor, you have totally disgraced this city, this state, and your office as a whole.  Please, for the sake of the city of Detroit, the State of Michigan and for the viable future of it.  Do the one thing left that can provide atonement for the sins that you carried out while in office:


Resign and reclaim what little dignity you still have left.

This nation is at a crossroads; the Bush Administrations reign of warmongering is about over, the democrat party has the nation’s first African-American Presidential candidate that is about to take office.  We have already had one scandal in the State of New York; we do not need another dent in the party’s armor.  

However, realistically, I know that you will not listen, you will do, just what our embattled President in Washington DC is doing, surround yourself with people, that will tell you exactly what you WANT to hear.  Instead of people that will tell you, what you NEED to hear.  

I thought that a man from the City of Detroit, and a democrat, no less, would be better than that sort of political tone deafness.  I must have been mistaken, because what I am seeing from you, Mr. Mayor, is just that, George W. Bush, with black skin.

I hope, Mr. Mayor that you will awake from your Political tone deafness soon, because the future and the legitimacy of the city of Detroit rests in that awakening. I just hope that you do not wait, until that moment has come and gone.

And that’s the way I see it…..

Cross-Posted on my Blog @ Detroit Free Press