The Day After: Now that I have had a little time to think

Just got in from being outside, freezing what little derriere that I have off. Leaves here at the Adkins Manor needed tending to. So, me and my Dad and my second Cousin, Benjamin took to it and used the lawn mower, a leaf blower and sucker,(*snicker*) and a whole bunch of back muscle to make the back and front yards look reasonable decent. Ben cleaned the gutters out, and made sure everything up there on the house was working properly. We are all tired, but pleased with our work.

I come in the house and check the blogs, and I noticed that Chris Smith, one of the nicer bloggers around, is going into semi-retirement:

What I do is what Christians do: pray. Pray for wisdom, peace, guidance. Also, rest. I slept poorly on 05 November, and haven’t done well since dragging home. I’ll be going into semi-retirement from blogging, cutting way back on the amount of time I spend on all of these social network endeavors, and finding therapy in fiction. At least until I get hauled off to Room 101.

Believe me, I know how he feels, last night, I was feeling like just shutting all the sites that I own down. But, you know? This is precisely what the left wants. They want us to quit, they want us to toss in the towel and just accept what the liberal controlled Government wish to foist upon us. I have read about the “Doom and Gloom” too and folks, listen. It might not be as bad as some are predicting.

Well for one, we kept the house and those guys in the house are not going to back down. I tend to believe that John Boehner is going to get tough. I tend to suspect that there are going to be house hearings on the Libya situation, as well as on Gunwalker thing too. The House might and believe me, when I say might, I mean MIGHT — actually have enough on Obama to pursue articles of impeachment against the President.  It all depends if the House has the stomach to do such a thing. I really doubt that it will happen very quickly.

Either way, I think slinking off and quitting, is a mistake. I am not changing my stance on anything. The Democrats are wrong, have been wrong and will ALWAYS be wrong. They just were able to keep their Presidency. Whether by malfeasance or legitimate means is irrelevant at this point.  What matters is this; we have to regroup, get our message together and move on. Plus, we will have to continue with our voices of dissent against the left. We still have the right, they have not taken that yet.

Now, there is something else, I have to agree with as well; and it is this from the Tea Party News Network:


WASHINGTON D.C. – Leaders of the Tea Party News Network (TPNN) and offered an unflinching assessment of Election Day results. Todd Cefaratti, editor of the Tea Party News Network said, “We’re disappointed in Governor Romney’s loss. But this goes to the heart of what we have been saying all along. Bob Dole didn’t win. John McCain didn’t win. And now Mitt Romney hasn’t won. The lesson the GOP and Americans need to learn is that weak-kneed Republicans do not get elected. Conservatives do.”

“The Tea Party has not yet begun to fight. It’s time for a wholesale reassessment of the D.C. establishment politicians and party grandees who have no commitment or courage to reduce the size of government. We now have another four years ahead of us with Barack Obama leading the charge against liberty,” TPNN News Director Scottie Hughes said. “There were some bright spots tonight from Ted Cruz to Jeff Flake, to a decisive win in the U.S. House where Tea Partiers have a mandate to stand against Obama’s big government second-term agenda. ”

“I eagerly await the day the GOP establishment figures out that the ‘safe’ candidates are not getting the job done,” stated Hughes. “The GOP needs to adhere to stricter ideological purity and put forth candidates that represent a significant difference in viewpoint from the Democrats that are creating devastating policies for Americans. The Republican Party has been shoving ‘their’ candidate down the throats of conservatives for years, and it’s not working. It’s time for them to wake up.”

Cefaratti said, “We are disappointed tonight, but tomorrow morning the work begins. We will search every corner of this country for strong conservatives, not wishy-washy moderates. There’s a change coming to our national politics, and and the Tea Party News Network will be on the frontlines waging this battle.”

Outside of the obvious self-promotion in the release; I have to agree with what is said here. We have to stick to core principles and pick someone who everyone will vote for. Mitt Romney was, in fact, a Mormon and there is a deep-seated mistrust of Mormons among evangelicals and fundamentalist Christians. It has been that way for years. Also too; the Republican Party needs to run someone who will embrace the three legs of the Conservative stool; Fiscal, Social and Defense. The fiscal is easy, however the other two require skill. You want a social conservative, who is not going to come off sounding like a Theocrat. You also want a defense conservative who is not going to be a warmonger, but that the same time not be a Ron Paul type of isolationist.

All of these things have to be thought about, when the next election comes around. Again, my friends, it is not the time to give up. Now, is the time, as I wrote before; to plan.

Others: The Pirates CoveDaily PunditNathan J. MartinDaley GatorStacy On The RightThe Lonely Conservative, and Hogewash.

Well, We lost.

Warning this blog posting will be rambling, disjointed and basically pissy sounding. 

I never thought I would ever have to write this on my blog. But I do. We lost, and we lost badly too. 🙁

I voted for Mitt Romney and I do not regret that; I voted my principles and my convictions against the Democratic Party and I do not regret that at all.

I am pissed off at Chris Christie, as far as I am concerned that fat piece of human excrement could die of a massive heart attack and stroke; and I would not even shed a tear. He threw Romney under the bus, by having that little “bromance’ with Obama after the Hurricane. All because he did not get picked as Romney’s running mate.

Someone needs to tell Fox News Channel that we lost and to please get the heck over it.

I see that Romney won the popular vote, but lost the electoral college. I still believe in the electoral college; it was installed for a darned good reason.

As a Christian; I fear for Israel, I believe that the process towards to the second coming of Jesus Christ for his Saints and his Church is going to be accelerated. Watch Iran, China and Russia; biblical prophecy is going to be fulfilled and quickly, get your houses in order and I mean quickly.

I weep for our Military, who has an complete pig for a commander and chief and hates them with passion. I also fear for our Country’s fiscal mess, which is going to get much, much, worse.

The Elitists; The Podhoretz’s, The Kristol’s and the professional writers will do well, for the next four years. As for me; this mean that my parents are going to have to continue to support me. But, I am going to try to find some sort of work around here. I might try the Meijer’s near here. I might apply for a job working midnight, as a stock boy. I don’t know if I can get hired, because I worked for them long ago, and yes, it sucked. But, anything beats sitting in front of a laptop not getting paid.

I might just go on an extended hiatus, maybe till after the first of the year. Maybe not, I am still mulling that one over. Yes, this was a massive let down for me. I honestly thought, as did many others on the right; that Mitt Romney had this one in the bag and now, we are all sitting around shell-shocked.

No, I do not believe that Mitt Romney will challenge like Bush did; he is too nice and that is a good thing. I want a President voted in; not decided by the Courts. Sorry, I am not interested in defending that, no way — no how, not worth it. It does not change anything.

Above all, I am still proud to be a Conservative Christian American, that will never change. The United States America is still the greatest Nation on earth. It just has a suck ass President that people stupidly voted for…..again.


Video: Howard Dean: “The only way we lose is by voter fraud”

They say this, but yet, you see this in Chicago.

Via Weekly Standard:

Dean is parroting an old tired line from the Democrats, which they used in 2000 and 2004 to contend that they lost; because the Republicans cheated. Which is bullcrap. Because if that was the case, John McCain would have one by a landslide.

By the way, please go vote. The come back and hit my tip jar, because I am fundraising. Big Grin