I have been chomping at the bit to write this, since part one of this story dropped over on Townhall. The story is about two darlings of the LGBTQ+ community were brought up on child sexual molestation charges. It is truly a disgusting story.
Zachary “Zack” Jacoby Zulock and William Dale Zulock Jr. were accused of not only molesting their two adopted sons, who are now ages 9 and 11; and also filming it and distributing it on social media. But also pimping the two boys out to pedophiles in the Atlanta, Georgia suburbs.
This the list of the parts of this 4 part story: (with links)
- Part 1 laid out the horrifying facts of the child-prostitution case,
- Part 2 explored the LGBTQ pedophile ring’s reach
- Part 3 shined a spotlight on the state’s failure to protect the two little boys from suffering through serial sexual abuse allegedly committed by their gay activist fathers, who became their adoptive parents thanks to Georgia’s courts and child-welfare system.
- Part 4 deals with how these perverts are dealing with prison.
First of all, I would to say that Mia Cathell has done, what the MSM has not done; she actually did some darned good research on this 4 part series and has really exposed the failure of the Georgia child adoption agencies and the State’s failure to vet these two guys.
Second of all, I want to be absolutely clear: While I am not gay at all — I am not insinuating or suggesting that all gays or lesbians do this sort of a thing or would do this sort of a thing. I am quite aware that there are certain quarters of the Conservative media world who do actually make that sort of suggestion and insinuation; I am not a part of, nor do I have any relations with those sites. Any blogrolls on this site should not suggest any sort of an alliance, or agreement on all of their views. This includes Townhall.com as well. While I do want to promote this story, because I believe it is important. I do not agree with everything over at that website.
To those who might come by here from social media, and might read this: I say this to you. Leave your political bias at the door, please. Go to these links, tell me what you think and then, share this story with as many people as you can. If you think this story is alarming, sick and disgusting; inform the media that they should do it’s job and report this story, free of bias and truthfully.
Thanks for reading.