Race-baiting towards Paul Ryan already starting

Here I go quoting myself, again:

All in all, I believe it was a much smarter move, than the one John McCain made in 2008. I just hope that Romney can battle against the identity politics aspect of this campaign, which will undoubtedly start at some point — better than John McCain and Hillary Clinton did in 2008. If they cannot, we will be in for 8 more years of the Marxist idiocy of Obama Administration. Hopefully, Romney has his a-game on, when comes to this; because we just cannot afford another term of Obama — not without some serious problems in our future.

Without delay the race card game starts.

Oh yeah, the Democrats are now scared to death and they are firing up the smear machine. This is going to get real interesting, really quick


Wait Wha? Students Chant “USA! USA! USA!” at High School Basketball game after winning — and are called racist

This one is for the “WTF?!?!?!?” file. I swear, I thought this was a headline from a report from The Onion.

Update: Video: (H/T HotAir.com)

KSAT.COM has the story with Video:


A local school district is apologizing after an apparent incident of racism at a boys high school basketball game this past weekend.

When the final whistle blew Saturday, Alamo Heights celebrated a convincing victory over San Antonio Edison.

Alamo Heights Head Coach Andrew Brewer said he was proud of his team.

“Tremendously proud,” Brewer said. “Tremendously. It’s the best group of kids.”

But it was just after the trophy presentation when the coach was not proud of the chant coming from Alamo Heights fans.

“USA, USA, USA,” they chanted.

San Antonio Independent School District officials took the chant as a racial insult to a school with all minority players from a school with mostly white ones.

On the KSAT 12 Defenders Facebook page, Santos Villarreal’s post reads “this has to stop.”

SAISD Spokeswoman Leslie Price heard about the incident after it had happened.

“This is very disrespectful to our students,” Price said.

She said the district is glad the coach put a stop to the chant immediately and hopes Alamo Heights addresses it quickly.

“It is surprising and it’s disappointing to hear that anyone would be out there making those kind of remarks,” Price said.

Edison students who attended Saturday’s game were shocked when they heard the chant. Some thought the fans of the victors should have been better behaved.

Ruby Arredondo and Forest Lebaron are seniors at Edison and Julian Castellano is a junior.

“I was very surprised,” Castellano said. “Very appalled.”

“They didn’t really have any class,” Arredondo said.

“It just rubbed us the wrong way,” Lebaron said.

Alamo Heights Superintendent Dr. Kevin Brown also apologized for the chant.

“We just hope that people know that that’s not who we are and we’re not going to let it happen again,” Brown said.

Let me get this straight; white American kids chanting “USA! USA! USA!” because they happen to be Americans and are happy they won basketball game is now racist. Wait Wha? 😯

Here is a novel idea to the minorities who were offended by this; how about you idiots just take your offended asses back to the Countries that you came from? If this Country and it’s people and customs and prosperity offend you that much, then go the hell home and leave we Americans to our culture. 

If it were not bad enough that these kids are pegged as racist, they are now FORCED to apologize for something that they are not even remotely guilty of and are now banned from attending any of the school’s games.  If I were the parents of any of these kids, I would get me a lawyer and sue the living hell out this Anti-American school district. Furthermore, I would remove my kid from this school district and either enroll him or her in a private school; like a Christian school or I would Home-school the kid!

Again, folks; this is your far-leftist mentality that is rampant in this Country; and in, off all places, TEXAS no less!  This is why I have continued to blog, after the end of the Iraq War. Not because I am some sort of a great writer or a wealthy Republican or even a wealthy Conservative; it is because of idiotic nonsense like this right here. It is what Andrew Breitbart was fighting against and it is what we as patriot Americans must take a stand against!

I am Andrew Breitbart….. and this is war. 😡

Update #2: Oh and Tina? Since when is Nationalism a bad thing? Pride in ones Country is not racist; I know you did not say that. But the idea that someone should not be a Nationalist, is absurd. Now, White Nationalist? That is a horse of different color. Those folk are evil, but regular old Nationalists, who love their Country, like me — are usually harmless.

Again, I stand by my statement; you do not like here — get the heck out and go back where you came from. Racism? Nope. It is called REALISM. 😡

Others: The Jawa Report, Weasel Zippers, americanthinker.com, Moonbattery, Questions and Observations



Black CNN Commentator plays race card with GOP

…and openly admits he is doing it!

Grand Rapids, Michigan (CNN) — In case you plan to see Wednesday’s GOP debate, allow me to offer up some crib notes so you don’t get lost.

First, when you hear the candidates talk about “job creators,” that’s just another way of saying “rich people” or “the guy bankrolling my super Pac.”

When someone says “family values,” that’s to remind the audience that they don’t like gay people; “religious freedom” means “Christianity”; and it’s not really a GOP debate until a candidate attacks the “liberal media” for asking questions they’re too afraid to answer.

LZ Granderson - Playing the race card!

Now there will be plenty of other buzz words and euphemisms that will be tossed around during the debate, but since it is being held in Arizona, chances are the most popular phrase will be “secure the border.”

We must secure the border.

The candidates will argue that it’s a matter of national security. That it isn’t just the friendly illegal immigrants looking for work we must worry about, but terrorists, drug lords and other criminals who seek to make their way through our porous border. They will say if they were president they would build walls, add troops, even commission a Death Star to keep this country safe.

Newt Gingrich has promised to build a double fence along the entire southern border, adding, “”The United States must control its border. It is a national security imperative,”

Ron Paul said “If elected president, I would move to quickly end foreign nation building efforts and use many of the resources we waste playing world’s policemen to control our southern border.”

They all will receive applause, and it will all sound great … until you realize that “secure the border” is slang for “keep the Mexicans out.”

Oh boy, here comes the black guy playing the race card again.

Yep, that’s me

via Does ‘secure the border’ mean ‘keep America white’? – CNN.com.

Imagine with me, for one second, if a white conservative political commentator had said something like this in an op-ed. The outrage would be deafening. But, because it is a black liberal, taking pot shots at the GOP; it is just fine! This is why the removal of Pat Buchanan was so important; it is the stifling of political debate in this Country, by the radical left.  When the radical left in this Country is controlling the media and setting the rules of the political discussion in this Country; stuff like the above happens. It is unfair, it is liberal bias and it must be exposed.

This is why illegal immigration bothers me

Via Preston Wright on Facebook:

The American Militia’s website