San Francisco occupy protester strangles his parents


The Story:

Friends and relatives said Susan Poff and Robert Kamin of Oakland were the perfect pair to adopt a foster child.

They had dedicated their careers to helping others escape poverty, she as a physician assistant in a city-run clinic in the Tenderloin and he as a clinical psychologist for inmates in the San Francisco County Jail system.

But now, less than a decade after they adopted, their 15-year-old son stands accused of strangling both Poff, 50, and Kamin, 55, then hiding their bodies in the back of the family’s PT Cruiser.

Police were called to the family’s home on Athol Avenue on Friday by a co-worker who was concerned when Kamin did not show up for work.


Initially the son, whose name is being withheld because of his age, denied any involvement, but later told officers what had happened, authorities said. He was arrested on suspicion of murder Saturday and is being held at the Alameda County Juvenile Justice Center in San Leandro.

Co-workers said Poff and Kamin were having some arguments with their son, some of it having to do with him spending too much time in the Occupy Oakland encampment, but nothing that sounded beyond the scope of typical teenage rebelliousness.

Yup, Just like the tea party.

Nancy Pelosi herself said it!

I’m sure she is really proud.

Others: The Gateway Pundit,, Verum Serum and Jammie Wearing Fools

A very nice article on the decline of the left

This comes via InstaPundit.

An article by Walter Russell Mead in the American Interest on decline of liberalism in America; some highlights:

“The blue model is breaking down so fast and so far that not even its supporters can ignore the disintegration and disaster it now presages. Liberal Democrats in states like Rhode Island and cities like Chicago are cutting pensions and benefits and laying off workers out of financial necessity rather than ideological zeal. The blue model can no longer pay its bills, and not even its friends can keep it alive. Our real choice, however, is not between blue or pre-blue. We can’t get back to the 1890s or 1920s any more than we can go back to the 1950s and 1960s. We may not yet be able to imagine what a post-blue future looks like, but that is what we will have to build. . . . There are a lot of reasons to be nostalgic for the old days (especially for the white males who were, far and away, the biggest beneficiaries of the old system), but there are also good reasons to bid the blue model good riddance.”

Please, go read the rest of that; because in a sense, this article says much of what I have written in the past on my old blog. Basically, that the left went off the rails years ago; along with organized labor, when they shifted from offense to defense. Since then, they have gotten worse and worse.  A perfect example was in 2008, that whole thing with Hillary and Obama was a perfect manifestation of the class warfare between Man and Woman, Black and White; it all got to be a bit too much for me. Which is why I left them.

The sad thing is, the left, as it were, got even crazier after Obama was elected. It was as if the arrogance of the left went through the roof; they had the media, the white house, congress —- everything — and what did Obama do with all that favoritism? He blew it! I believe the grassroots left knows they were played; the establishment left does not really care, they are getting paychecks; but the people I know, the bloggers, are not happy.

Which brings me to my last point; I really wish this process between Newt and Romney would finally end and the Republican Party would get behind one of them. This whole populist versus establishment fighting is wearing very thin with me. It has nuances of the left’s class warfare; which I really do not get into at all. Do not misunderstand me here; I am all for airing someones dirty laundry and misdeeds, but to wrap it up in a package that the left would approve of, is not a way to fight a battle.

In other words; Florida’s primary cannot come quick enough!


Nitpicking Megan McArdle a bit

Megan McArdle is a good writer that makes a whole bunch more money writing than I do.

She writes a very good blog entry about the President’s State of the Union address. In it, she writes the following, that I feel the need to comment about:

The harsh way to put it is that the speech was an extended whine about how all the rich bankers and George Bush have screwed everything up.  That was fine campaign rhetoric when he was a Senator.  But it’s pretty weak when he’s been in charge for most of a full term–two years of that with a majority in congress.

You see this is the entire problem; the Democrats lead by President Obama, continue to perpetuate the outright lie that the President George W. Bush and the cabal of rich bankers caused the Wall Street crisis and that drove our economy into the ground.  This is nothing more than outright historic revisionism.  The truth is the so-called “bankers” took advantage of the situation.  As I have written on this blog and my previous blog, in 1973, the Democrats passed the community reinvestment act.  In 1993, the Democrats added the subprime clause to that act, which created the ability for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack to sell high-risk, adjustable rate mortgages to those who, under normal circumstances could not even remotely be qualified to get them.

There was one thing that did exacerbate the situation, that was the removal by Congress and not by Bush; the regulation that was supposed to prevent predatory lending conditions.  Furthermore,  The Republicans in Congress at the time, can be blamed for backing off an investigation, when the then President of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac played the race card in response to a warning from the Bush White House that the housing market was about to crash.

Now the question as to the morality of the bankers is another story entirely.  However, the very idea that somehow a cabal of banks actually brought the economy down is weapons grade conspiracy theory nonsense.  The only thing that “The Bankers” and Wall Street did was take advantage of a situation created by the very socialists who are blaming the banks for the situation in the first place.


Hannity to Perry: You sound like the #OWS crowd!

I have to hand it to Hannity, when he is right, he is right. I wrote the same thing. Which means I actually agree with Sean Hannity! Horrors! 😯

Video: (Via Mediaite) (H/T to HotAir Headlines)

Money quote:

Perry began the segment attacking President Obama, but Hannity quickly shifted gears to the “very harsh words” Perry has had for Romney. “It almost sounds like Occupy Wall Street,” he noted, “it doesn’t sound like someone who is governing Texas as a conservative.”

“There is a real difference between venture capitalism and vulture capitalism,” Perry replied, adding that “venture capitalism we like; vulture capitalism, no.” He justified his attacks saying that “the fact of the matter is he’s going to have to face up to this at some time or another.” Hannity wasn’t satisfied with this answer, asking Perry whether he was saying “that Mitt Romney is a vulture capitalist, that he is unethical.” Perry specified that he thought what happened with two specific companies bought by Bain was “irresponsible,” and that “the folks in South Carolina agree with that.” Hannity replied that it was still “as severe as they can get” as far as attacks go, though Perry insisted there were places where Bain had “destroyed people’s lives.

Rick Perry, making the Democrats arguments for them. Nice Ricky….real nice… 🙄

This is why illegal immigration bothers me

Via Preston Wright on Facebook:

The American Militia’s website

I think this is a bit of a stretch

First off, let me say that I have never ever supported the #OWS movement at all.  However, I think that accusing the people that put this float on of Antisemitism is a bit of a stretch.

Here’s the video of the float: (Via Weasel Zippers) (I love the name of that blog… 😛 )

Now Donald Douglas, who I happen to think is a pretty nice guy; he likes Hendrix, he can’t be that bad! Anyhow, says that this float was essentially this:

I respect Douglas opinion, and he could very well be right about this; but he could be wrong too. I did not see any Israeli flag on the float.  My point is this, as I have written around here before; we, as Conservatives, need to be real careful about tossing the Jew-hater flag out at the political football game. I mean, pinning the thoughts of a few people on an entire crowd is collectivism and this Conservative writer despises that mindset. This is what separates me from the “Neo-Conservative” wing of the Conservative movement; because I happen to reject the “group think” mentality that goes on in those circles. Further, I reject the entire notion of collectivism as a Conservative way of thinking. Sorry, that’s a page from the leftist playbook and I want no part of it.

Again, I reject what the #OWS is all about, they’re anti-capitalists, that is a given — But I won’t place them all in the “Jew-Hater” corner. As someone who’s been accused of such tripe, I will not fire off that accusation at a group of people — at a individual, maybe.   But at a group? No. Sorry, that is just not how I roll. (as the young people like to say today. 😀 )

You might disagree, and that’s okay — stupidity is not illegal. 😉

Others: Daily Mail, The Informer, Atlas Shrugs, Doug Ross, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and Scared Monkeys

#OWS does this sort of nonsense, yet wants my respect?

This is about the most sickening thing I have ever read:

Some 800 Occupy Wall Street protesters began the new year by trying to retake Zuccotti Park last night, starting a massive clash with police in which one officer was stabbed in the hand with a pair of scissors.

A suspect was arrested in the 11:30 p.m. incident, according to a law enforcement source.

Hundreds in the crowd of occupiers then surrounded the ambulance as it tried to leave with the wounded officer, the source said.

The officer, who was not identified, was taken to Bellevue Hospital in stable condition.

Shortly before midnight OWS protesters took to Twitter to proclaim their assault on Zuccotti — from which they were booted by cops in November.

“Barricades being torn down at liberty [Zuccotti] park,” they wrote. “Happy new years!!”

They later tweeted: “Big crowd at liberty square. We have taken back the park.”

Occupy Wall Street protests rings in New Year –

I think that this entire #OWS movement needs to rethink their idea of peaceful protest. I am an independent voter and find this sort of nonsense to be idiotic at best. I mean, I have been unemployed since 2005 and I do not support these people at all. Luckily, I took some Christmas money and am trying to get a small business off the ground. I basically feel about it like this, if I cannot find a job; I’ll try working for myself. Which is more than what these people are doing, that movement is not about protesting “fat cats” it is about protesting capitalism, which is in effect a socialist uprising.

Jim Hoft over at Gateway Pundit calls them the “Obama endorsed” protesters and rightfully so, Obama did say that he understood where they were coming from:

I just wonder, does he support cops being stabbed too?