As Geithner rolls out Bailout Plans and Stimulus passes senate, stocks plummet

So much for reviving the economy. No sooner does Obama’s Treasury secretary roll out his plan for bailing out the banks and Obama’s “stimulus plan” passes muster in the Senate; the stock market drops and drops quite hard.

Here are the charts (as of 1:34 PM EST):

Dow Jones:


New York Stock Exchange:


The rest of the numbers:


So much for Stimulus eh?

I think Barry needs to try again… Badly.

(Charts by Think or Swim)

New Hampshire Draws the line in the sand….

Pat Dollard Reports:

The New Hampshire state legislature took an unbelievably bold step Monday by introducing a resolution to declare certain actions by the federal government to completely totally void and warning that certain future acts will be viewed as a “breach of peace” with the states themselves that risks “nullifying the Constitution.”

This act by New Hampshire is a clear warning to the federal government that they could face being stripped of their power by the States (presumably through civil war!

The remarkable document outlines with perfect clarity, some basics long forgotten. For instance, it reminds Congress “That the Constitution of the United States, having delegated to Congress a power to punish treason, counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States, piracies, and felonies committed on the high seas, and offences against the law of nations, slavery, and no other crimes whatsoever;. . . . . therefore all acts of Congress which assume to create, define, or punish crimes, other than those so enumerated in the Constitution are altogether void, and of no force;”

Federal gun crime laws? Void. Federal drug crime laws? Void. The gazzillion other federal criminal laws that deal with anything other than the specific enumerated crimes? ALL VOID.

Wow…. This should be an interesting development.

(H/T to Freedom’s Phoenix)

Members of the Black Press not Happy with President Obama

I have some very different feelings than you think about this story, I will explain below…:

After the first black president completed his first prime-time press conference, the black press was red hot.

“We were window dressing,” said Hazel Edney, a reporter with the National Newspaper Publishers Association, also known as the Black Press of America. “We were nothing more than window dressing.”

As the media filed into the stately White House East Room on Monday night, the reporter was shocked to find herself in the front row. Alongside her were the top news agencies, Associated Press, Reuters; also up front, 86-year-old Helen Thomas, who started covering presidents 50 years ago.

Alongside the most prominent journalists in America was Tiffany Cross from Black Entertainment Television. Like Miss Edney, she didn’t know why she was in first-class while all the television networks – every single one – was exiled to the steerage compartment.

“I really don’t know why I’m up here,” Miss Cross said with a shy smile.

While most on the front row got to pose a question to President Obama, the two reporters from the black press did not. Nor did any other black-press reporter, for that matter.

“This was like Reagan, when he’d put all the blacks up front,” said another prominent but visibly peeved black-press reporter who asked to remain anonymous. “He oughta’ be ashamed.”

via Washington Times – CURL: Obama snubs black press.

As I said above, I have mixed feelings about this report; I tend to believe that this report is one those “Let’s stir the pot and see what happens,” kind of reports. President Obama, to his credit, did not run a “Black Power” Presidential campaign, if he had done so, the American people would have been turn off and President Obama would not have made it out of the Primary.

As much as I respect the reporting of the Washington Times and their Conservative stance, I believe that this story is nothing more of the rattling of the race baiting sabers that the Far Right Wing bunch are known for. Yes, that is correct, I am a moderate Conservative and I am admitting that there is a certain bit of reverse race baiting that goes on in those circles. It is a sad fact, but it is the truth.

Former Lieutenant Governor of New York says Stimulus contains rationed medicine

This is President Barack Obama’s idea of economic revival?

The former lieutenant governor of New York is warning that the $50 billion that President Obama expects to spend in the next few years on a nationwide digital health records system for every individual easily could, and probably will, result in rationed medical care.

WND recently reported on a little-discussed provision in Obama’s plan that would demand every American submit to a government program for electronic medical records without a choice to opt out, raising alarms for privacy advocates.

Privacy advocates said patients might be startled to discover personal information could be shared electronically with, perhaps, millions of people, including documentation on abortions, mental health problems, patient non-compliance, lawsuits against doctors and sexual problems.

Sue A. Blevins, president of the Institute for Health Freedom, said unless people have the right to decide “if and when” their health information is shared, there is no real privacy.

Now Betsy McCaughey, former lieutenant governor of New York and an adjunct senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, has released a commentary warning about the likelihood of rationed care – or a health care system that simply provides treatment when it determines the cost-benefit ratio for the treatment and the patient meets its guidelines.

Obama plans to spend $50 billion “over five years” to create a system of electronic health records for every person who sees a doctor.

“Tragically, no one from either party is objecting to the health provisions slipped in without discussion,” wrote McCaughey. “These provisions reflect the handiwork of Tom Daschle, until recently the nominee to head the Health and Human Services Department.”

“If the Obama administration’s economic stimulus bill passes … in its current form, seniors in the U.S. will face … rationing. Defenders of the system say that individuals benefit in younger years and sacrifice later.”

Other nations that utilize such programs typically deny costly treatments to patients who are senior citizens, and McCaughey warns that would be the case in the United States, too.

via Stimulus contains rationed medicine —- WorldNetDaily.

If this report is even remotely true; this would be the same thing as what happened in Germany during World War II and to certain extent here in the United States as well. The very idea of rationing medicine to children who need it most, is about the most despicable thing I ever heard.  I think that this would be good time to stand up and call your senators and demand that this provision be removed from the bill.

I will also say this, that if this stimulus bill fails to deliver all the “Pie in the Sky” promises that Obama is say that it will. He will be a one term President. The people will not be lied to, as I blogged about last night, the far left is already angry over the Obama continued use of Bush tactics, when it comes to trials of the terrorists. So, watch what happens with this Stimulus, if it flops, so will Obama’s approval ratings.

Congression Budget Office says the Economic Slump will end mid-2009

This is quite interesting:

The non-partisan Congression Budget Office reports the current economic slump will end sometime around mid-2009.

Keep in mind Obama himself admits any effect he thinks his government expansion will have on the economy won’t take place until 2010 — well after the slump will end anyway.

Between that, and the CBO’s research last week showing Obama plan will cause long-term damage to the economy, and that the economy will bounce back faster without the package, why is the Senate even considering a $1,100,000,000,000.00 Frankenstein’s moster of wealth transfers and fatter government?

It probably has much to do with the fact much of the money lines the pockets of groups that deliver votes to Democrats, and much of that borrowed taxpayer money could even end up in Democrat campaign accounts by way of funneling through labor unions, ACORN and such.

The only thing the package appears to be stimulating are government growth and Democrat vote-delivering mechanisms.

via CBO: Economic slump will end mid-2009 | Libertarian Party.

You can read this for yourself here. (It’s a PDF file, requires Adobe Reader)

So, basically all this money is being wasted for no reason. So typical for Washington D.C.

(Via IPR)

Absolute Courage – 7 Year old boy dies trying to protect sister from Rapist

This comes via Breit Bart:

The Back Story via Russia Today:

Just over two months ago Galina lost her son and she’s still struggling to get over the shock.

Zhenya was brutally murdered by a robber, as the boy was trying to save his 12-year-old sister from being raped.

It all happened in late November, in the small military town of Noginsk-9 – a place where even small crimes are rare.

Around midday, a man rang the bell of the flat where Zhenya and his family lived.

“I asked who it was. The man said he was the postman, and he needed to give us a telegram and get a signature. So I opened the door,” recalls Zhenya’s sister Yana.

The little girl says the man held a knife to her throat, and demanded that her brother bring him all the money he could find. Zhenya did as he was told. But when the man started undressing his sister it was more than the boy could bear.

Zhenya seized a knife from the kitchen and plunged it into the man’s back. This didn’t kill the attacker, but it was enough to set Zhenya’s sister free. She ran for help. But it was too late for her brother – he was stabbed eight times.

Thirty-five-year old Sergey Kiyashko is in custody accused of the murder.  Police say they have all the evidence they need to convict him.

There is indeed a special place in Heaven for young boys like this. May he rest in the Holy Peace of Christ. May the foul beast that committed this horrible crime to this young boy never see the outside of a jail cell again.  😡

Sickening Report: World Bank Destroys Albanian Village and then Covers it up

This is absolutely sickening to read.  😡

Managers at the World Bank provided false information to the agency’s board of directors about a $39 million, politically-connected European “coastal cleanup” project that led to the destruction and destitution of a powerless village in Albania in 2007 — and then spent nearly two years trying to cover it up, FOX News has learned.

Bank insiders also misled and stonewalled a panel of independent investigators commissioned by the board to investigate the scandal, according to the investigators themselves.

World Bank sources tell FOX News that the panel’s report, submitted to the 24-member board in late November, is one of the most damning independent assessments of the anti-poverty agency’s behavior in the bank’s 60-year history. The bank, the world’s largest and most influential anti-poverty institution and part of the U.N. system, is doling out $100 billion over the next three years for development projects.

For its part, once the report leaked in Albania last week, the bank announced that further disbursements of the loan for the Albanian project had been temporarily suspended on Jan. 9 “due to certain outstanding policy and operational issues.” A World Bank spokesman did not comment to FOX News by press time.

via MyFox Springfield | World Bank Spent More Than a Year Covering Up Destruction

I hope like hell, whomever was responsible for doing this, is brought to justice. The very notion that the organization like the World Bank can just come in and destroy someone’s home is disgusting. May whomever carried this out rot in the Devil’s hell.

Don’t expect our Government to say anything about this, as it is well-known that the World Bank controls much of what goes on in this country as well.

(H/T Freedom’s Phoenix)

Justice is Served – Conn. judge suspended 8 months for slurs at arrest

Glad to see that there is justice.

A judge charged with drunken driving and videotaped using racial slurs while arguing with police officers was suspended without pay Monday for eight months by a judicial review panel.

Superior Court Judge E. Curtissa Cofield, who was confirmed as Connecticut’s first black female judge in 1991, apologized to the state Judicial Review Council.

“I regret that my actions may have tarnished the institution that I love,” she said. “I’ve embarrassed and humiliated my family and loved ones, and disappointed my friends.”

The panel determined, by unanimous vote, that Cofield’s “disparaging and demeaning” comments failed to live up to the standards of integrity and impartiality expected of judges. The council could have imposed up to a one-year suspension and recommended her permanent removal by the Connecticut Supreme Court, but instead settled on the lesser suspension.

Cofield told reporters she would not appeal.

via Conn. judge suspended 8 months for slurs at arrest |

While I hate to see anyone lose their jobs. I believe that the actions of this woman were quit unbecoming of someone in the law profession, much less a judge of her stature. I am hoping that this woman gets well and comes back to work with a great appreciation of what she has. Her sentence was very justified. let’s hope the punishment works.

(H/T to Freedom’s Phoenix)