The Week in Review (Open Trackback)

Here’s my bi weekly open trackback posting…

The neighborhood had it’s yearly cookout. I ate good, a good time was had by all. It was a wee bit hot out for me. I couldn’t stay in that direct sunlight, My medication won’t let me, makes me sick. So, I was in and out all day.

Other than that, I had a good time.

In other news:

The magic one was caught in a lie.

I shared my thoughts on the CNN/Rick Warren dog and pony show last night.

I also took Allahpundit to task on his choice of words in a article he wrote, and in usual cowardly fashion, he deleted my trackback.

I also mentioned this week, that a blogger couple needs help.

I reported that Detroit’s Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick will stand trial for shoving a Wayne County officer. Who was just doing his job.

Howard Dean is an idiot, as always.

John McCain is not far behind himself.

I laid the smackdown on WorldNetDaily for their blantant stupidity.

I also condemned Rush Limbaugh for his rather idiotic remarks about John Edward’s wife.

…and that’s it for this Round up!

Here’s those trackbacks:

Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Full Metal Cynic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, A Blog For All, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, Nuke’s, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Allie is Wired, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, McCain Blogs, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, , The Pink Flamingo, , Dumb Ox Daily News, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Once again the magic one has been caught in a lie….

Check it:

One little problem with this little lie.

There’s full documentation on it, There’s a voting record on it, and there’s an AP article on it.

Transcript of the Lying Magic one:

Brody: I want to ask, I was back stage I didn’t see
the handshake, but I’m curious what that was like to be on stage with
John McCain and what was going through your mind when all of that was
going on.

Obama: Well, you know John and I serve in the
Senate together, so we see each other all the time. It was great to see
him. As he said, he’ll see me in a couple weeks. We’re going to be
debating each other throughout the fall.

Brody: Tell me a little bit about how you felt up
there on stage in terms of what may have been that, the hardest
question or at least the question that you may not have been looking
forward to address so much.

Obama: You know, I thought, Pastor Rick is a good
friend, he and I have known each other for some time, I’ve been to this
church before, and so I knew that he’d be fair and press me on issues
that are of particular concern to the Evangelical community, but I also
knew they weren’t issues that I hadn’t heard before and hadn’t wrestled
with myself. So, you know, one of the wonderful things about Rick is he
is somebody who, I think, has genuine good will towards everybody and
even when he disagrees with you, I think he’s going to give you a fair

Brody: Let me ask you a little about some of these
ads that John McCain has been running not just on television, but on
the web. Let’s face it, let’s call a spade a spade, there has been some
Messianic references, there’s been some antichrist stuff going on, the
celebrity, they’re trying to pigeonhole you a certain way. Do you
believe this is being done on purpose?

Obama: Well of course it’s being done on purpose.
They’re not spending a whole bunch of money to make me out as a good
guy. They’re engaging in the kind of politics that I think we’ve become
accustomed to which is you try to tear your opponents down and you
engage in sort of slash and burn tactics. And very personal sort of
personal character attacks. And one of the challenges for us in this
campaign is how do you make sure those attacks are answered quickly and
forcefully, but also truthfully and that we don’t fall into that same
kind of tactic. And look, I think ultimately the American people are
going to understand by the time they go into the polling place in
November that this is not an election about me. This an election about
them – ordinary people, their lives, their hopes their dreams, the fact
that their incomes have gone down over the last eight years, the fact
that their jobs are less secure, that they have less retirement
security, that their kids can’t afford college, that jobs are being
shipped overseas that the tax code isn’t fair and that special
interests have come to dominate Washington. And as long as we’re
communicating an active plan to fix those problems then I think we’re
going to do well.

Brody: Real quick, the born alive infant protection
act. I gotta tell you that’s the one thing I get a lot of emails about
and it’s just not just from Evangelicals, it about Catholics,
Protestants, main — they’re trying to understand it because there was
some literature put out by the National Right to Life Committee. And
they’re basically saying they felt like you misrepresented your
position on that bill.

Obama: Let me clarify this right now.

Brody: Because it’s getting a lot of play.

Obama: Well and because they have not been telling
the truth. And I hate to say that people are lying, but here’s a
situation where folks are lying. I have said repeatedly that I would
have been completely in, fully in support of the federal bill that
everybody supported – which was to say –that you should provide
assistance to any infant that was born – even if it was as a
consequence of an induced abortion. That was not the bill that was
presented at the state level. What that bill also was doing was trying
to undermine Roe vs. Wade. By the way, we also had a bill, a law
already in place in Illinois that insured life saving treatment was
given to infants.

So for people to suggest that I and the Illinois medical society, so
Illinois doctors were somehow in favor of withholding life saving
support from an infant born alive is ridiculous. It defies commonsense
and it defies imagination and for people to keep on pushing this is
offensive and it’s an example of the kind of politics that we have to
get beyond. It’s one thing for people to disagree with me about the
issue of choice, it’s another thing for people to out and out
misrepresent my positions repeatedly, even after they know that they’re
wrong. And that’s what’s been happening.

Brody: I wanted to give you a chance to clear it up.

Obama: I appreciate it.

Brody: Thank you so much.

Sorry Barry, but thanks for playing… Might wanna brush up on your voting history a bit.

Update: Heh. Ed Morrissey lays the smack down on Obama. It’s a very good read.

Others Blogging:
The Caucus,, Macsmind, TownHall Blog,, The Campaign Spot and Political Punch

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My thoughts on the CNN – Rick Warren Debates

First off, I did not watch the entire debate on CNN. I caught about a little more than half of Obama’s questions and his answers and I caught all of McCain’s questions and answers. I caught the feed online. Overall, I would say that Obama and McCain BOTH gave the standard Republican and Democratic standard answers. Unlike some Conservatives who want to give their “Boy” a better grade, I will simply say they were both about even.

In my personal amateur political pundit opinion, there were no clear winners or losers. They both articulated their points well and answered honestly. Anyone who says anything other than this is quite obviously in the tank for McCain or Obama.

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Uhm….. Chimps?

I hate like heck to criticize the guys over at

One main reason is because Michelle and Co. have been nice enough to send me trackback traffic.

But gosh darn it! When something ain’t right, something just ain’t right and I cannot just sit by idly and not say anything about it! Grrr… 😡

This is what has my fruit of the loom’s in a dither. AllahPundit links to a Article found here. The Video in question is found here.

I understand the article and where Mrs. Underestimated is coming from. What totally has me all buggered out was this right here:

Good work by NBC, though, in dousing a poignant moment in hokey musical cheese, just in case there were any chimps watching who can’t grasp the sentiment without an orchestral cue.

Chimps?!?!?!?!?!? Chimps?!?! 😮 😯

Do you think you could have used a different word in the context of patriotism and a black guy? Like um, Idiots or stupid people, or ignorant ones, or anything else, other than…. chimps?

I mean, the reason I am pointing this out, is to pose a question to AllahPundit and everyone else over at HotAir and all the rest of the Conservative Bloggers. Why give the Liberals anymore Ammo than is already needed? I mean as it is, Howard Dean is already saying that the Republican Party is the Party of the white people. Yes, I know it is untrue and hypocritical as hell.

I mean, it is one thing to criticize blacks for their politics and such, their race baiting, their desire to make white people cower in fear, but to make underhanded racist bigoted statements like that, is just uncalled on a blog of HotAir’s caliber.

Not only this, But, it is one thing for me over here to make snarky comments, hell, I’m lucky to clear 100 visitors a day here, but HotAir is one of the top Conservative Blogs out there. Not a good way to promote one’s name and not only this, it just gives idiot Liberals like Keith Olbermann more ammo for his head exploding show.

…….Chimps? Yeeesh…… 🙄

AP, you can do better man, I’ve been reading you for a long time. This was most definitely NOT one of your finer moments.

There is many people, including this blogger, who wish that we could finally bury the sins of our forefathers and get past our Nation’s past. A good way to start would to avoid using phrases like this.

Just saying, that’s all.

Update: Hmph, I see AllahPundit removed my trackback. I guess they only send traffic to those who are supportive of what is said over there. Cowardly jackasses. I’d expect that from a fag from Queens, New York. Heh… and don’t even ask how I know this.

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You know you're having a bad day as a Presidential Candidate when……..

When the damned Homosexuals want nothing to do with you! 😯 😮

This comes via Ben Smith’s Blog at

The executives of a gay sex site are apparently more concerned about the perception that they’re associated with John McCain than McCain is about the association with them.

The chairman of the board of Manhunt, the Cambridge-based hookup site, was forced to resign after reports that he gave $2,300 to McCain.

Manhunt co-founder Larry Basile e-mailed the blog Towleroad:

It should be known that Jonathan Crutchley’s donation to McCain left the entire Board in disbelief. I am disappointed that we have lost some customers, and I understand the anger. It is too bad for the web site if we lose customers, but PLEASE never refer to me as a Republican. I consider it an offense.

Earlier today, at the request of the Board, Jonathan has stepped down as Chairman.

McCain’s campaign hasn’t responded to questions about the $2,300 contribution.

Heh….. I mean, when a homosexual website’s board asks the Chairman to hit the road, because he gave to John McCain, that’s pretty sad. 😆

Where’s the log cabin Republicans when you need ’em?


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Local News: Kilpatrick will stand trial for assault

Some good news out of Detroit, for a change… (No, not Hope, Change…)

Via The Detroit News: Kilpatrick will stand trial for alleged assault.

A Detroit judge bound Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick over to Wayne County Circuit Court for trial on assault charges Friday after a preliminary examination that lasted more than five hours.

Judge Ronald Giles of the 36th District Court made the ruling shortly before 2:30 p.m., saying it was clear Kilpatrick knew the man who approached his sister’s front door to serve a subpoena was a police officer and the contact between Kilpatrick and the officer was not accidental.

Friday’s development adds to a long list of legal woes the mayor is facing. His next court date on the assault charges is Aug. 22.

Here is hoping that they put that law breaking thug in jail where he belongs. I mean, what more shining example of why it does not pay to have a Democrat in office does one need? Anyone want to see a shining example of an abject failure of socialism in America? Look no further than the City of Detroit.

Detroit was once a fine city, that is, until the corrupt Democrat socialists took it over after the 1967 riots took place, which took place, because a police officer was just doing his job.

I am sure, there are going to be those who are going to look at this post and accuse me of being a racist bigot. All I can truly say is, look at the facts. When white men ruled the city of Detroit, it was in better shape, when when the White man left and the Negro man took over the city, it went into the toilet. That’s not racism, that’s fucking reality. Black people are attracted to Communist Socialism because in their so-called cause, that the Negro man is still oppressed. I got news for them, the Negro man has not been in chains for 300 years. But based upon what I have seen with Detroit here in the last few months, some of them should still be in chains, as far as I am conserned.

Some call that hate, I call it reality.

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Howard Dean, Classy as ever…

(H/T to HotAir)

This comes via

Actually, this is not the first time he’s done this, But still Do you think Dean could get any more cruder than this? I am sure that Black Conservatives think this is news to them.

Typical Democrats, What isn’t true, they make up. 🙄

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John McCain needs to brush up on his history

Via Think Progress

Well, he’s right, if forget the Gulf War, and Somalia, and the Rwandan Genocide, and the earlier war in Georgia, and the breakup of Yugoslavia and all the wars that spawned, and 9/11, and Afghanistan, and Iraq and North Korean nuclear testing, and the war in Lebanon, and Darfur.

Then again, what do you expect from a 70-something year old man?

(H/T Memeorandum)

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WorldNetDaily link removed from this Blog…


It seems that WorldNetDaily’s Joe Farah has decided to back Jerry Corsi’s slander book.

In fact, Farah even admits that there are factual errors in the book:


Are there mistakes in it?

Show me a first edition that doesn’t have some – other than the Bible.

But is it truthful? Does it add considerably to the public’s knowledge of the front-running candidate for the presidency? Do we know much more about Obama than we would had we relied exclusively for our information from the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post and the Associated Press?

I offer a resounding “yes” to all three of those questions.

This statement alone proves to me, one hundred and fifty percent, that Joseph Farah is not interested in objective journalism at WorldNetDaily or in any of his other Conservative publications, but rather is more interested in right wing smear campaigns.

For this reason, I cannot and will not link to this site. I will admit, that there are some interesting Christian related articles over there, when they are actually true, that I do enjoy reading, otherwise, there is nothing there, which I would really even want to be in the business of promoting.

When I switched political sides, concluded that I was, in fact, a Libertarian Conservative, and decided that I wanted to be a Libertarian Conservative Blogger, which I do consider myself to be. I made myself a promise that I would never ever engage in the low-ball, sleazy attacks for which Republican Conservative Bloggers are infamous.

In fact, as of recent here, I came across a video that did in fact, I feel, prove that Obama was not a real bona fide Christian. However, I decided against running them here. In fact, I spoke with the owner of the Moderate Voice about posting them there or having Joe at least link to posting. However, after some considerable thought, I decided against even posting them here. Why is this? It is because I want visitors here to consider this website to be a mainstream Conservative Website, not a “right-wing smear” Blog or website. I admit it. I have called Obama a Communist Liberal in the past. However, mainly, that was in jest or in anger, when I would see the Democrats doing something rather idiotic. Not that I cannot say that, there has been a fair share of idiotic nonsense performed by the Republicans in the last 8 years. If I sat here and told them all, this posting would be twenty-five pages long in itself.

I have said many times on this Blog and I will say it once again, this blog is a moderate, independent, Libertarian-leaning, Conservative Blog. However, this blog is honest enough to be critical of those who claim to be representatives for the Conservative movement. Objective Journalism I am all for. However, unfounded partisan smears, I will not be a part of any longer. Factual criticism of Obama’s Policies I will continue to do, but unfounded smears are not something I wish to be a part of any longer. I have done this in the past, but I will no longer be contributing to the echo chamber of the Republican smear machine.

Because as far as I am concerned, the Republican Party does not represent the type of Conservatism that I believe in, it no longer represents the type of politics that I believe in, it also no longer cares or ever represents the financial class, which I find myself a part. I am not a fan of outright socialism, but I cannot align myself with a political party that says, “If you make less the $250.000 a year, we do not give a flying flip about you.” Anyone that says that is untrue is a Republican protectionist who wishes to deceive those who are not well acquainted with that part and its history of protecting the wealthy. You most likely wonder, do I have anything against the wealthy? I absolutely do not! The United States of America is the land of opportunity. However, a political party who only wishes to represent a small part of America, that 10 percent of America that makes more money that my father ever made or I ever made and rest to forget, is very unacceptable in my opinion.

This is why I call this Blog an Independent Conservative Blog. That it is, and that it shall remain.

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Rush Limbaugh, You Blew it Pal

A little while back, before this Blog moved to its new server. There was a rather nice article in the New York Times about Rush Limbaugh. At the time, I wrote a few lines about Rush and his success in the radio field.

However, when I saw the news of what Rush Limbaugh said about Elizabeth Edwards, I was absolutely sickened by what I heard and saw.

Anyone who knows me and regularly reads this blog of mine, knows that I spare no one from criticism on this Blog. I do it to Liberals and I also do to Conservatives as well, especially those in power in Washington D.C.

However, what was said by Rush Limbaugh, went well beyond good taste and just regular Conservative cheese-head humor. This my friends was just out right vulgar.

Here it is, and I don’t want to hear no crap about me getting this from a Liberal source okay? Because it’s worthy of mentioning:

Click here to go watch the Video

Here is the transcript: (via Media Matters for America)

From the August 12 broadcast of Premiere Radio Networks’ The Rush Limbaugh Show:

LIMBAUGH: Back to the phones. Winston-Salem, North Carolina, this is James. Nice to have you here, sir. Hello. Is he gone? James, you there? Aw, darn. He wanted to talk about Edwards and who knew and what were the motivations. And I’ve got a theory about the motivations. Well, I don’t know that I could — I don’t know that I can put this one on the air.

JAMES GOLDEN (contributor known on-air as “Bo Snerdley”): Why not?

LIMBAUGH: Well, it’s — I mean, at some point, at some point, you gotta exhibit maturity and restraint. You know, and I do that constantly. But — well, I don’t — look, let me see if I can run you through this and get you to think what I’m thinking without my actually saying it. That might be a pretty big talent if I could do that — make you think what I’m going to say without my having to say it, therefore if anybody gets in trouble for saying it, you say it.

We know — we’ve been told that Elizabeth Edwards is smarter than John Edwards. That’s part of the puff pieces on them that we’ve seen. Ergo, if Elizabeth Edwards is smarter than John Edwards, is it likely that she thinks she knows better than he does what his speeches ought to contain and what kind of things he ought to be doing strategy-wise in the campaign? If she is smarter than he is, could it have been her decision to keep going with the campaign? In other words, could it be that she doesn’t shut up? Now, that’s as far as I’m going to go.

Well, you’re — Snerdley says he’s missing something. If you’re missing it, you’re going to have to provide it. What are you missing? Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

I can’t close the loop on it. I can’t close the loop on it. I’m on — you know, I’m in a little quicksand already today talking about how the chicks are giving us boring pictures of the female athletes from the Olympics. Because I know — you — the diversity crowd’s going to be upset. They’re going to — “Ooh, do you mean the Olympics are just so you guys can ogle wom–” Yes, because we do not care to watch ’em compete. But back to Elizabeth and the Breck Girl.

I’m sorry, my friends, I just — I can’t. It just seems to me that Edwards might be attracted to a woman whose mouth did something other than talk.


LIMBAUGH: OK, we’re back. Ladies and gentleman, my theory that I just explained to you about why — you know, what could have John Edwards’ motivations been to have the affair with Rielle Hunter, given his wife is smarter than he is and probably nagging him a lot about doing this, and he found somebody that did something with her mouth other than talk. I think I can back this up from her.

We have a sound bite. This is February 2007. She was on the tabloid show Extra. And this is what she said. Listen very carefully.

HUNTER : The whole experience was life-altering for me. One of the great things about John Edwards is that he’s so open and willing to try new things and do things in new ways.

LIMBAUGH: “Open to new things.” Folks, it is what it is. You get mad at me for bringing the truth to you, but it is what it is.

As expected, Keith Olbermann, who himself has been guilty of a few incidents himself, although, none of them compare to this, had a few things to say about this:

Transcript: (via MSNBC)

OLBERMANN: The American sage H.L. Mencken once defined Puritanism as the haunting fear that someone, somewhere may be happy. But since Mencken‘s death in 1956, there has emerged a new and more complex form of American puritan, a man haunted by the fear that someone, somewhere may be happy doing something he is also doing, that he thinks is his right, but no one else‘s. Such a creature is Rush Limbaugh, who should have learned that when the new Puritanism attacks a sinner like, say, Bill Clinton, it invariably overdoes it to such a degree that America recoils and soon perceives the sinner as the victim and the new puritan as the jackass.

Our third story on the COUNTDOWN, with comments idiotic even for him, Limbaugh has turned John Edwards into a victim. Details in a moment. First, it is not like Senator Edwards is not trying to stay competitive. The senator had implied to ABC News that his affair was over by the time he announced his presidential candidacy on December 28, 2006. Elizabeth Edwards‘ brother and closest friend now telling “People Magazine” that John Edwards revealed the news of his extra-marital conduct slowly and not until the, quote, frenzy of the campaign‘s official launch.

Acquaintances of Rielle Hunter are also shedding doubt on John Edwards‘ version of events. One says the affair began six months before she started working for the Edwards‘ campaign. Of course, that woman answers to the first name of pigeon. For that matter, Rielle Hunter is a made up name. That woman was born Lisa Druck.

As to Elizabeth Edwards and her reaction to the affair, her brother saying she decided to stay with her husband because of her cancer diagnosis and the fact that her young children will not always have a mother.

Fortunately, the lunatic right will always have a mother, on the radio. Despite the wall-to-wall sleaze of the Edwards‘ saga, Rush Limbaugh is managing to make it look like a puddle, while he represents the backed up sewage plant down the street.


RUSH LIMBAUGH, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: We‘ve been told that Elizabeth Edwards is smarter than John Edwards. That‘s part of the puff pieces on them that we‘ve seen. Ergo, if Elizabeth Edwards is smarter than John Edwards, is it likely that she thinks she knows better than he does what his speeches ought to contain? And
what kind of things he ought to be doing strategy wise in a campaign? If she is smarter than he is, could it have been her decision to keep going with the campaign?

In other words, could it be that she doesn‘t shut up? Now, that‘s as far as I‘m going to go.


OLBERMANN: Actually, it wasn‘t. Never is. A minute later—


LIMBAUGH: It just seems to me that Edwards might be attracted to a woman—whose mouth did something other than talk.


OLBERMANN: You mean like what you do with your mouth other than talk, consistently, endlessly wedge your own foot in it? What better pre-pubescent dream of genital waving dominance over all the women in the world than to blame the intelligence of a woman for her husband‘s infidelity. What a pure sentiment to share with the less well recompensed losers who comprise your audience than to dismiss their failures as husbands, as men, Rush, on the woman?

I mean even these days three divorces is a lot. A 38 million dollar salary and the guy can‘t keep the same woman. It‘s got to be the woman‘s fault, right? You wouldn‘t want an intelligent women reminding you that when you went after Bill Clinton, his approval ratings went up, and your two successive champions against him, your Republican two speakers of the House, had to resign in shame because of, oops, their own marital infidelity.

And you wouldn‘t want an intelligent woman around to say, as somebody should have said to Sean Hannity or somebody should have said to you, you know what, you keep bringing up Edwards and infidelity, and sooner or later, someone will bring up John McCain cheating on his wife while she was recovering from a terrible car accident. Somebody, even Alan Combs.

You wouldn‘t want an intelligent woman around you to say loosen up on the pedal on this Edwards‘ crap. The story was broken by the “National Enquirer.” They were the same people who broke that story about you and the pills.

You wouldn‘t want an intelligent woman around you, maybe to help you keep that dream job that you blew at ESPN. So instead of sitting around in a radio studio making fun a cancer victim, someone somewhere might still care about your opinion of the National Football League, and permit you to be on television.

Oh, no, nothing worse than having an intelligent woman around, Rush.

Rush Limbaugh is a hole.

To this let me simply say this. As you all know, I left the Democratic side of the political fence because I felt that the Democratic Party had drifted far from its original principles. I am kind of new to the Conservative side of the fence, as far as politics goes. But let me say this publicly on this Blog. I totally disassociate myself with these comments and this man. He does not speak for me, or Conservatism as a whole. What Rush Limbaugh said was inexcusable, and if I were calling the shots with the syndication network that carries Limbaugh, I would be tearing up his contract and letting him know, he was no longer going to be carried.

As a bit of a parting shot, let me ask this. Yesterday, there was a tragic murder of a Democratic Leader in Arkansas. My question is, why could it not have been Rush Limbaugh? Why couldn’t have it been Sean Hannity? Why could not it have been Michael Savage? Why could not it have been any of the rest of the idiots who go around giving Conservatism a damned black eye? …and not someone who was in the business of actually HELPING people? Instead of someone, like this idiot, who loves to mock and slander those who disagree with his Political ideologies?

Something is seriously wrong with the modern day Republican Party. If it does not change, the Republican Party is going to be run to the damned rat holes for a rather long time.

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