The American Conservative Magazine’s writers are Anti-American

In this day of 16 trillion dollar debt, our standing in the world being what it is, our Military being treated like utter crap and these bastards cannot even agree that a vote for Mitt Romney is imperative to the survival of our Republic?

Let me just say it; I publicly accuse the editors and writers over at The American Conservative Magazine, a poorly named political rag at that; of being treasonous Anti-Americans in the spirit of people like this here, and the Hollywood 10.

Furthermore, I find it absolutely appalling that these bastards are so ate up with Jewish hatred and of Hatred of Israel as a state; that they would actually go against everything that they have been taught as Americans and as Conservatives and vote for some idiot, who is not on all the ballots and or, goes against the very principles that they believe in — or worse a rant Marxist, who is actually a BLACK NATIONALIST!

It is anti-American and it should be called out as such, by those of us, who have American’s greatest interests in mind.  Call me what you want to call me, I could care less; Neo-Con, Nationalist, whatever — I really do not care. These bastards are traitors and they should be treated as such.


I will never understand that one, never. Anyone who calls themselves a Conservative and does not vote their principles, during this election is a traitor to America and should be treated as such.

Again, I call treason and I question their patriotism and their loyalty to The United States of America!

Can you tell, that I am just a bit damned ANGRY? 😡

This is why I dislike Bill Kristol very much

(Via Time — H/T to Politico)

The Story via JTA’s Capital J Blog:

(UPDATED with ECI comment and J Street cartoon, below)

My synagogue listserve in northern Virginia is abuzz with a Robocall campaign, by the Emergency Committee for Israel.

The caller ID is that of William Kristol, who founded the group.

Robocalls are not known for straight-up accounts of the issues. Still, the deceptions in this one are a little stunning.

The call is in the form of a "debate" between President Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu.

There has never been any such debate, of course, and it’s immediately clear to me that it’s a mock-up, with "answers" spliced in from different appearances. But I’m steeped in this. I don’t know how clear it would be though to someone who doesn’t follow this day to day.

More substantively, the quote grabs have almost nothing to do with one another, although this is not evident in the calls. A more accurate presentation of the Netanyahu quote that is used would suggest that the two leaders are actually more in agreement on nuclear Iran — the issue of the "debate" — than not.

Obama’s "opening remark", in which he "respects" Iran’s sovereignty, is from a press conference in 2009, in which he rejected Iranian claims of U.S. involvement in post-election protests — and also decried Iranian repression of the protesters. It had nothing to do with Iran’s nuclear capability.

Netanyahu’s "response" is from his speech to AIPAC this year (three years later!)

What is Kristol’s response to this?:

*UPDATE: Kristol emails:

ECI exists to provide opportunities for faux liberal outrage.

I will just say it; Bill Kristol is a NEO-CON piece of shit, he always has been and always will be! Between Him and John Podhoretz; if the Republican Party loses this election, it will be because of Kristol and  Podhoretz. We have a good chance to stop this socialist from destroying this Country and what does this schmuck do? This sort of idiotic crap.

Also too, yes, I know JStreet is a liberal Jewish organization; I get that, alright? But, this sort of stuff, a week before the election is just damned uncalled for. Maybe, just maybe Kristol is doing this to sabotage Romney’s prospects, seeing that Kristol and his ilk are making a killing being Obama’s kneecapper, maybe he is protecting his interests.

I’m just saying.  

I think some fairness on critical theory on race is due

I notice InstaPundit brings this up, and yes, I believe that it is good to bring it up.

However, I think it is important to note that David Horowitz was also involved in those studies as well.

Don’t believe me? Here’s the video:

So, when I see people carping on the right about this; I have to laugh, because some of the right were involved with it too.

Here is the complete version of the video:

SHAME ON THEM! — The New York Times Politicizes Hurricane Sandy

I condemned Newt Gingrich for doing it, and I applauded Chris Christie for not doing it. 

Now the paper of record in New York and in America; is now doing it and it is a damned shame! Angry

Via the NYT:

Most Americans have never heard of the National Response Coordination Center, but they’re lucky it exists on days of lethal winds and flood tides. The center is the war room of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, where officials gather to decide where rescuers should go, where drinking water should be shipped, and how to assist hospitals that have to evacuate.

Disaster coordination is one of the most vital functions of “big government,” which is why Mitt Romney wants to eliminate it. At a Republican primary debate last year, Mr. Romney was asked whether emergency management was a function that should be returned to the states. He not only agreed, he went further.

“Absolutely,” he said. “Every time you have an occasion to take something from the federal government and send it back to the states, that’s the right direction. And if you can go even further and send it back to the private sector, that’s even better.” Mr. Romney not only believes that states acting independently can handle the response to a vast East Coast storm better than Washington, but that profit-making companies can do an even better job. He said it was “immoral” for the federal government to do all these things if it means increasing the debt.

It’s an absurd notion, but it’s fully in line with decades of Republican resistance to federal emergency planning. FEMA, created by President Jimmy Carter, was elevated to cabinet rank in the Bill Clinton administration, but was then demoted by President George W. Bush, who neglected it, subsumed it into the Department of Homeland Security, and placed it in the control of political hacks. The disaster of Hurricane Katrina was just waiting to happen.

The agency was put back in working order by President Obama, but ideology still blinds Republicans to its value. Many don’t like the idea of free aid for poor people, or they think people should pay for their bad decisions, which this week includes living on the East Coast.

This not a paper staffed with honorable Americans; this is a damned paper staffed with partisan hacks, who would throw their own damned mothers under the bus for partisanship. AngryAnd people wonder why Obama’s popularity is in the toilet? Progressives wonder why the their politics is not popular? It is because of dumb stuff right here!

Shame on them!

In case anyone asks about what I have written. I am a small, tiny, blogger. The NYT is a huge publication and a opinion maker. They know no shame. They are bastards.


Firedoglake, The Huffington Post, Hit & Run, Washington Post, News Desk, Taking Note, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Politico, Rush Limbaugh, Washington Examiner, Hullabaloo, Business Insider, Pirate’s Cove, Weasel Zippers, Daily Kos, AEIdeas, The Heritage Foundation, Michelle Malkin, AMERICAblog, Blog, Crooks and Liars, The Right Scoop, The Maddow Blog, Mother Jones, theGrio, PoliticusUSA and Zandar Versus The Stupid

DUMB: Black man thinks he knows more than white man, and ends up underwater

(H/T InstaPundit)

Now this is too funny. Hee heeLoser

Hurricane Sandy is coming ashore, Governor Christie says, “get the heck outta dodge!” and what does the Mayor of Atlantic City do?

This: (Via JWF)

The Story:

Gov. Chris Christie this evening issued an angry rebuke to Atlantic City Mayor Lorenzo Langford for allowing people to shelter at schools in that community rather than evacuate. Christie said one school is now flooded.

“For those elected officials who decided to ignore my admonition, this is now your responsibility,” Christie said at a news conference at the State Police Regional Operations Intelligence Center, the location of the emergency operations command center.

The governor said he cannot quantify how many people decided to shelter at the schools within the city, but he said no rescues will occur from this evening until the morning. He said a 21-member strike team is in place with boats to assist come dawn.

Christie said he also does not know if people are still stuck in one school near the bay that has flooded.

“We’re at a moment now where evacuation is no longer possible and we’re no longer able to come and rescue people,” Christie said.

At a news conference Saturday, Langford and his administration acknowledged their poor exit strategy during Tropical Storm Irene last year would likely cause many of the city’s nearly 40,000 residents to stay put during Sandy to protect their homes and stores.

“Last year we had many residents on school buses, especially elderly residents, for hours at a time,” said Tom Foley, the city’s director of emergency management. “It was totally unacceptable. We think we have a better plan this time.

Oh yeah? How’d that all pan out?

“We’re trying to deal with a hurricane, we’re not worried about that b.s.,” city Office of Emergency Management Director Tom Foley said via cell phone. “We’re trying to move people right now.” — real quote

Jammie Wearing Fools says:

Unimaginable incompetence at work here. Now they’re trying to move people as the storm makes landfall?

Yeah, kind of like Katrina. Republican says, “Everyone get outta the city!” Black Democrat says, “I think we’ll do it our way, and not listen to the honky.” and now that black Democrat is underwater, he’s like “don’t bug me!”

This is what happens when racial bigotry and affirmative action trumps actual executive experience and leadership ability. I will be willing to bet you streak dinner, that some Democrat, somewhere will find an excuse to blame Chris Christie for this one. You watch and see.  This is what happened during Katrina and it is happening again; remember Ray Nagin? Here we go again!

Just saying y’all, just sayin’….

Just to give you an idea of what is going, this below is at  20th St and Ave C in Manhattan. (Via AllahPundit)

The absolutely stupidest blog posting ever

Is found here, it is about the Tigers losing the world series. I hollered at this guy on Facebook for this too. What a moron! Blames Obama because Detroit lost the world series. Rolling EyesLoser

Some people, should not even be allowed near a Computer. I mean, I am not a big fan of the President. But the truth is, he had zero to do with it.

The truth is the Tigers were down three of their best batters and because of that, they simply could not match up to San Francisco.

So, yeah, we lost:

However, there is always next year. Devil

The only thing more stupid that this blog posting, is the fact that some actual respectable blogs, actually linked to the idiot!

They are: Israel Matzav and The Lonely Conservative

Bunch of anti-Detroit idiots. I would call them racists; but I cannot prove that, but it sure makes me wonder — I mean, black President, mostly minority team in Detroit. What else am I supposed to think? I dont know

I’m just saying guys….I’m just saying….. Frustrated

Good move: Romney and Obama scrub campaign events ahead of hurricane sandy

This was a smart move on both campaign accounts and I will tell you why.

But first the story via ABC News’s Blog, The Note:

AVON LAKE, OHIO – Mitt Romney’s campaign has canceled fifteen events over the course of several days as national attention turns toward Hurricane Sandy. Romney told a crowd in this critical swing state that the storm is a time for Americans to come together.

“We’ve faced these kinds of challenges before and as we have it’s interesting to see how American’s come together and this, this looks like another time when we need to come together all across the country, even here in Ohio, and make sure that we give our support to the people who need it,” Romney said to a crowd of thousands gathered in a school gym to hear him speak.

President Obama has also cancelled campaign stops. He returned to Washington D.C. Monday. Instead of attending a rally in Florida with former President Bill Clinton, Obama briefly spoke from the White House and told Americans to listen to local authorities during the storm. In total, Hurricane Sandy has forced the cancellation of 27 campaign events between the two campaigns.

The reason I believe that this was incredibly smart, on the part of both campaigns is this right here: If you are in the area where this hurricane is about to strike; the last thing you want to hear is two guys arguing over who should be President. Plus, it would be perceived as downright slimy of any campaign; Republican or Democrat — to try and cash in politically on a natural disaster. 

Romney and Obama both are doing the right thing by telling everyone to come together and ride the storm out. It is a good political move.

Oh, and another thing; Hey, Gingrich, Shut the hell up, you opportunistic jackass! This stupid bullshit right here, is why you are not, nor will you EVER be a candidate for President of the United States!  If you remember, I did, at first, support this jackass for President; until he pulled a boneheaded move of playing the Jew-Card against Romney — not to mention the fact that his so-called documentary that was a hit piece on Romney was riddled with errors.

Way I see it; if Gingrich cannot do any better than that; he ought to just stay out of the goddamned election. Sorry, I just absolutely loathe those who use Hurricanes and other such of misfortune of others to score political points. Angry

A libertarian makes the case for Romney

Law professor Brad Smith, former Chairman of the Federal Elections Commission makes the case for Mitt Romney over libertarian party candidate Gary Johnson.

One of my reasons is Gary Johnson’s and I guess the Libertarian Party’s position on immigration and illegal immigration. Both believe in open borders. Sorry, but that’s just wrong.

(H/T The Corner)

I thought Rod Dreher said he was a Christian?

If so, why is he drinking and writing articles about beer?

This is the same Rod Dreher that used to write over at and go on about how Christian he really was.

So much for separation from the world. I guess I should not expect too much; he is, after all, one of those wishy-washy evangelicals.

How soon they forget:

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. — (2 Corinthians 6:14-18 KJV)

Seeing that Rod is a part of the wishy-washy evangelical crowd, he will most likely use Matthew 15:11 as his screwball defense of drinking. Which is, of course, wrong. because there, Christ was simply rebuking the Pharisees for their hypocrisy.  Which is basically, what I am doing here with Rod Dreher. I used to respect the guy, not anymore. Dreher might have been on point about Sarah Palin in 2008. But, as far as I am concerned; his Christianity is a joke — much like the rest of the evangelical community.

For more on Christians and drinking, see here.

“I thought the Bible says we are not to judge?”

Wrong. Matthew 7:1 was Christ’s message to the unbelievers, not to Christians, he was addressing the Pharisees. The Bible says that we believers are to judge righteous judgment. For more on that, see here.

I just simply feel that if Rod Dreher is going to pawn himself off as a so-called “Christian,” he ought to start acting like it or drop the charade. 


Disclosure: I am in no way, shape or form, affiliated with way of life ministries or FBIS.  I am simply a reader of David Cloud’s newsletters and I own one of David Cloud’s encyclopedias. If you have a beef, with what I have written, come to me, not him. Thanks.

Video: News and World News Via CBNNews


On CBN News Channel Morning News, Oct. 26:

  • Deadly ‘Frankenstorm’ Bearing Down on East Coast
  • Could Monster Storm Affect Presidential Election?
  • and more.

World News:

On Christian World News, Oct. 26:

  • US Christians Urge Terror Label for Boko Haram
  • Prayer Group Pitches Tent on White House Lawn
  • and more.
