Kellyanne Conway needs to stop whining about her job or resign

I saw this today at and I could not help but think that if this was a Democrat presidential adviser, the conservative media would be roasting her for it.

Here is the video of her whining about her job and the hazards thereof:

Now, what I am about to say, is not going to be political correct. But, Mrs. Conway; stop bitching and whining about the fact that not everyone is going to like your boss or even worse, you or resign your position of Presidential Advisor. Because I, for one, did not vote for some shrieking harpy to sit and whine about how the “mean old liberal media”, is treating you badly. It comes with the territory. Dana Perino who served as Bush’s press secretary, faced a hostile crowd too and never once did you ever hear her complain about it, ever.

I think it is high time that President Trump took control of his White House, cleaned house and put some people in there with some backbone and get rid of the damned whiners.

If that is not a good enough reason to send this whiner packing, maybe the fact that she got into a drunken first-fight might just be.

Again, I did not vote for this sort of stupidity; Trump needs to clean it up and I mean quick.

Others: AOL, Hot Air, TheBlaze, Mediaite, New York Magazine, Mother Jones and, The Week, The Slot,, Oliver Willis, Althouse and CBS Philly, Political Wire

The world worries about Trump


I believe, if anything, this is a sign that America’s globalist policies have been in place for far too long.

VIA Time:

President Donald Trump’s iaugural speech promised “America first” policy led by a forceful executive, in contrast to the coalition building and international conferences which have featured strongly in past administrations.

The billionaire businessman and reality television star — the first president who had never held political office or high military rank — promised to stir a “new national pride” and protect America from the “ravages” of countries he says have stolen U.S. jobs.

“This American carnage stops right here,” Trump declared. In a warning to the world, he said, “From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. From this moment on, it’s going to be America first.”

Of course, around the world the reactions are of utter horror. This is because America’s hand been out feeding the rest of the world, instead of taking care of ourselves, for far too long.

Consider some of these examples:



Perhaps no country was watching the speech more closely than Mexico. Trump has made disparaging remarks about immigrants who come to the United States illegally and sought to pressure companies not to set up shop in Mexico by threatening a border tariff on goods manufactured there and exported to the United States.


So Trump’s talk of “protect(ing) our borders,” ”America first” and “buy American and hire American” had particular resonance in America’s southern neighbor.


Ricardo Anaya Cortes, president of the conservative opposition National Action Party, called for “the unity of all Mexicans, unity in the face of this protectionist, demagogic and populist speech we just heard. Unity against that useless wall, against deportations, against the blockade of investment.”


“The challenge is enormous. … We demand the federal government leave aside tepidity, that it tackle with absolute firmness and dignity the new relationship with the United States,” Anaya said.


The United States is by far Mexico’s largest commercial partner, buying some 80 percent of its $532 billion in exports in 2015. Mexico is the second-largest market for U.S. exports.


“At least the word ‘Mexico’ was not heard in the speech. Nevertheless one can expect the United States to launch a hyper-protectionist project,” said Ilan Semo Groman, a researcher at Iberoamericana University.


If Trump truly moves to block or drive away U.S. investment in Mexico, Semo said Mexico should focus its commercial efforts on other countries.


“There are very clear possibilities,” Semo said.


Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto sent three tweets after Trump’s inaugural speech Friday:


— “I congratulate @realDonaldTrump on his inauguration. We will work to strengthen our relationship with shared responsibility.”


— “We will establish a respectful dialogue with the government of President @realDonaldTrump, to Mexico’s benefit.”


— “Sovereignty, national interest and the protection of Mexicans will guide the relationship with the new government of the United States.”






Some Tokyo residents are worried that Trump’s “America first” policy will usher in an era of populism and protectionism at the expense of the rest of the world.


Tadashi Gomibuchi, who works in the manufacturing industry, recorded Trump’s inauguration speech overnight as he was keen to hear what the new president had to say.


“Trump is trying to make big changes to the way things are. Changes are good sometimes, but when America, the most powerful, loses stability … it’s a grave concern,” he said. “If you take his words literally, it may destabilize the world going forward and I’m really worried. I hope things will lead to a soft landing.”


Retiree Kuninobu Inoue, who lived in the U.S. during the 1990s, is concerned about trade frictions between Japan and the U.S, citing Trump’s decision to withdraw from the 12-nation Trans Pacific Partnership.


“Japan-U.S. relations are not just about security. Our good relations rely so much on trade,” he said.


Protectionist policies such as the withdrawal from TPP and renegotiation of NAFTA will have a negative impact on the global economy including Japan’s, said Akio Mimura, head of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


“These policies only enhance protectionist and populist movement spreading around the world, and could largely shake the free trade system that has supported global growth,” he said.


In his congratulatory message to Trump, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stressed the importance of the Asia-Pacific region as a source for growth but also tensions.


“In the 21st century, while the Asia-Pacific region is the source of the global economic growth, the security environment of the region is becoming more severe,” he said.






A Chinese state-run nationalist tabloid, the Global Times, says President Trump’s inauguration speech indicates that the U.S. and China would inevitably face trade tensions.


The newspaper said in a Saturday commentary following Trump’s inauguration that “dramatic changes” lay ahead for the U.S. and the global economic order.


“Undoubtedly, the Trump administration will be igniting many ‘fires’ on its front door and around the world. Let’s wait and see when it will be China’s turn,” it said.


The paper noted that Trump blamed foreign trade policies for failing to put “America first,” and said trade tensions between the U.S. and China seemed “inevitable within the four years ahead.”


The paper says it expects that the Trump administration, in seeking to bring factories back to the U.S. from China, will use the U.S. government’s relations with Taiwan as “merely a bargaining chip for them to put trade pressure on China.”


In Beijing, Independent scholar and commentator Zhang Lifan drew a contrast between Trump’s focus on domestic issues and Chinese President Xi Jinping’s emphasis on international cooperation.


“The new U.S. administration’s policy toward China is not clear now. In my view, Trump will deal with China like a businessman, especially on trade negotiations,” Zhang said.



Again, these countries that I quoted; are ones that have stolen our jobs, robbing us of our manufacturing base, by the importation of their products on the cheap…instead of having to actually pay to put bring them into this country. Of course they’re going to be threatened. So, it should be interesting to see what goes on under a trump administration. Because I truly believe that these so-called trading partners, that we have, are going to feel the pinch once Trump gets in there and begins to renegotiate the trade agreements, that we have with these countries. Quite frankly, it’s about time that they started paying their share, for taking our jobs and bringing their products into our country.

Of course, I find it kind of humorous that the hand-wringing that is going on in those countries and here at home as well. There are some who are acting like Donald Trump is the 21st century incarnation of Adolf Hitler, which is laughable at best; because we have too many safeguards in our country, to prevent something happening here, like what happened in Germany in the 1930’s.

Needless to say, the next 4 to 8 years, is going to be very interesting in this country and I look forward to covering it here on this blog. I am proud to say that I voted for Donald Trump and I’m also going to take great pleasure in taking down the liberal-left narrative on this blog. I’m not necessarily a Donald Trump propagandist; not by a long shot. Because I don’t do Party politics and I’m not a partisan. However, I am someone who stands by a set of principles that I strongly believe in…and as a result I will praise Donald Trump when it is needed and I will also criticize him, when I feel it is warranted. But, I will write against any sort of false narrative that’s being pushed about our president.

There are some on the right that compare the left’s derangement about Donald Trump, to that derangement, that was aimed at George W Bush. Let me say this as someone who used to be on that side of the fence; this is much much worse with George W Bush there was a war that many on the left, felt was unjustified and in some cases illegal. This is none of that; this is derangement against a man, who was put in office by the Electoral College; which was totally legal and constitutional and he was elected by the majority of the American people.

This derangement that comes is basically because he is white,  because he is wealthy and because he is a Republican. That’s all it is, there is nothing else of substance that has people against Donald Trump. It’s simply is because he is a wealthy white man and the Democrats are feeling butthurt, because their candidate a rich white woman lost sure she got the popular vote; which can be tampered with, by the way, but the Electoral College does not lie… American conservatives came out and voted for Donald Trump and he won and the Democrats are powerless to stop that, he has committed no crime, therefore they cannot impeach him as much as the Democrats would like to. So, this derangement is worse than George W Bush’s derangement syndrome of the left. This is just simply an unprincipled derangement and it will come back to haunt the Democrats let me assure you of that.


Thug cop killer assumes room temperature

I am glad to see this thug get his just deserts.

Thug cop killer Jason Robison is now at room temperature, where he cannot hurt anyone else.

Suspected cop killer Jason Robison is still at large and considered dangerous, according to police.

Authorities said Trooper Landon Weaver was shot and killed by Robison at about 6:30 p.m. Friday when the officer investigated a “domestic-related incident” at a home on Bakers Hollow Road in Juniata Township in Huntingdon County. The area where the shooting occurred has been closed off while police officers search for Robison.

Robison made his feelings toward law enforcement known on his Facebook page less than two weeks before the killing.

“The only good cop is a dead cop,” he said in a Dec. 17 post, which was on Facebook until about 1 a.m. Saturday when it was deleted. The status included two images — one of a police cruiser that had crashed and another of an injured police officer.

Robison, according to court documents, has previously been arrested about a dozen times with charges ranging from simple assault to arson.

Weaver enlisted with state police in December 2015 and was assigned to Troop G, Huntingdon. He is the 97th member of the Pennsylvania State Police to be killed in the line of duty, according to authorities. – Via Centre Daily

This guy got just what was coming to him, via AP:

The Deceased Law Enforcement Officer – Trooper Landon Weaver, who was only 23 – leaves behind a wife. He was the bravest of the brave – God be with his family.

JUNIATA TOWNSHIP, Pa. (AP) — The suspect in the fatal shooting of a first-year Pennsylvania trooper was shot and killed after making threats to police who located him Saturday morning, authorities said.

Trooper Landon Weaver, 23, was killed responding to a domestic complaint Friday evening in a rural area in Huntingdon County, in central Pennsylvania. An overnight manhunt for the suspect ended Saturday morning when police found 32-year-old Jason Robison at an unoccupied mobile home in the area, authorities said.

Cpl. Adam Reed, a state police spokesman, said Robison refused orders and threatened officers on the scene, leading police to shoot him. His death was confirmed at about 10:30 a.m.

Weaver was responding to a reported violation of a protection-from-abuse order when he was shot. Details of that complaint were not immediately available, and Reed did not immediately know who owned the home where Weaver was killed.

The search for Robison was focused on an area around the home and nearby Raystown Lake.

I feel this way, because I have family that has word in law enforcement. I feel that a Cop Killer is a Cop Killer is a Cop Killer; I do not give a darn what color he is. If you kill a cop; you are the worst thing on this planet. Police Officers do not make laws, they simply enforce them. There is a fine line between anarchy and a Free Republic and these officers are it.

If we are going to outraged when a “Black Lives Matter” thug kills a Law Enforcement Officer; then we should be equally outraged when a white man kills a Law Enforcement Officer as well. Skin color should never matter. Murder is wrong and immoral and the killing of a Police Officer is more so.

The biggest reason this bugs me, is this:

Any questions?
 Rest in Peace officer.
(Image via wedding page)

A question to ALL political bloggers!

I wanted to post this when it happened, but my Dad is in the hospital and I couldn’t.

I post this to pose a question to the blogging world:

Hillary said it too:

As did President Obama:

Now my question to the blogging world; Conservative, Republican, Liberal and Democrat alike is this: Can’t we all just try to get along a little better?

I mean, we can all have our opinions and political positions. But, can’t we just try to be a little bit more civil to one another? Please? Embarrassed smileI don't know smile

Some thoughts on Donald Trump’s win

There’s a post title I never thought that I would actually write.

First off, let me say this: I think it was absolutely unprofessional, ungraceful, uncouth and downright spiteful — of Hillary Rodham Clinton to not come out and address her supporters and basically tell them that she was going to lose. 

In fact, I don’t even look for her to call her supporters back to that hotel. But rather, I look for her to do a short press conference giving a concession speech and look for her to disappear off the world stage for a very long time.

I think one of the biggest mistakes that the liberal media made, as well as the Democrat Party and Hillary Clinton’s campaign is that they were stupid enough to actually think that the American people were not actually listening to what Donald Trump was saying. But rather focusing on the media sideshow that followed him around. This was a serious miscalculation on the entire left” part.

I believe also that the Democrat Grassroots was suffering from what I like to call Post Obama depression. Basically the Democrat Party counted on the black vote and Latino vote to propel Hillary Clinton into the White House and that simply did not happen this time around and I believe it’s because Black America felt like they had been let down by President Obama and they felt that this black guy did nothing for us; that this white woman sure as hell wasn’t going to do it either. 

Also happen to know that in 2008 a lot of Libertarians and independents and other such type of people, who normally didn’t vote Democrat, did just that; because either they didn’t like John McCain or they had this idea that a black president was a wonderful novelty… that didn’t happen this time.

I think another reason why Clinton lost was just simply the fact that a lot of people saw Clinton as a retread of the 1990s and not to mention the fact that she had alot of scandals following her around and doging her candidacy.

I think the two big things that deep-sixed her candidacy for president, was when she referred to Trump supporters as a basket full of ddeplorable and when James Comey made the announcement that he made about the investigation. Those two things ruined her chances of winning.

This is not going to end well for the Republican Party

Good morning from Detroit.

I am awake very early this morning and I happen to be looking over the headlines here on Memeorandum.

I happen to be reading and looking at these headlines here and I cannot help but think that if, by chance that Donald Trump loses this election; that the Republican Party is going to be totally in a state of shambles for a very, very long time. I mean, even the Wealthy are now looking elsewhere and in a Republican election, that is bad…very bad. I mean, I hate to sound like a “Debbie Downer”, but this really does not look good for the Republicans at all. Because folks, let us just face the facts — There are more wealthy Republicans, than there are grassroots conservatives. The majority of the Conservative Christian Right, is presumably staying home, at least the ones I know.

The reason I say it is not looking good for the Republicans, is that they have totally invested themselves into basically a clown, a showman, an egotistical blowhard — who sues anyone that dare criticizes him. You cannot say, that the Republicans did not try, they did and it was a very valiant effort. But, you would think that they would have selected someone a bit more serious, than who they picked. Ted Cruz was dangerous. But, there were others, Rand Paul, Christie, a few others. Instead we go who we got and now we’re looking at 8 years of a criminal pantsuit.


About that shooting in North Carolina

You might have heard about it. If not, here’s enough links to last a lifetime here.

Here’s my commentary on it:

Others: Mashable, KTLA, New York Daily News, NBC News, Power Line, Talking Points Memo, Above the Law, Sputnik International, Bearing Arms, Vox, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, John Hawkins’ Right Wing News, Daily Kos, Vocativ, Hullabaloo, AOL, Hot Air, FOX News Radio, Associated Press, The Root, BizPac Review, National Review, The Atlantic, Raw Story, Independent Journal Review, WCNC-TV, Refinery29, The New Civil Rights Movement and USA Today, Al Jazeera English, Breitbart, Raw Story, New York Times, NBC News, NPR, ABC News, WBTV-TV,, CBS News, ThinkProgress, Shakesville, Hit & Run, The Daily Caller, The Root, Guardian, Vocativ,, WREG-TV, Mashable,, The Gateway Pundit, CBS New York, The American Mirror, The Week, Q13 FOX News, New York Magazine, Occupy Democrats, WAVY-TV, The Moderate Voice, WSOC-TV and Truth Kings, Associated Press, Bearing Arms, FOX News Radio, Front Page Magazine and Vox Popoli, ABC News, CNN, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Independent Journal Review, Mic, Daily Mail, Tulsa World, BizPac Review, ABC News, Washington Monthly, NPR and Associated Press,, RealClearPolitics, John Hawkins’ Right Wing News,, Washington Post, Infowars, The Establishment, New York’s PIX11, The American Conservative, KFOR-TV, Rewire, Vox, Q13 FOX News, Occupy Democrats, AOL, PerezHilton and Independent Journal Review

Michael Bloomberg on Presidential run, “Nope, not me!”

A pretty smart move, as it is a little late in the game now.

Via Bloomberg report Michael Bloomberg writes:

My parents taught me about the importance of giving back, and public service has been an important part of my life. After 12 years as mayor of New York City, I know the personal sacrifices that campaigns and elected office require, and I would gladly make them again in order to help the country I love.

I’ve always been drawn to impossible challenges, and none today is greater or more important than ending the partisan war in Washington and making government work for the American people — not lobbyists and campaign donors. Bringing about this change will require electing leaders who are more focused on getting results than winning re-election, who have experience building small businesses and creating jobs, who know how to balance budgets and manage large organizations, who aren’t beholden to special interests — and who are honest with the public at every turn. I’m flattered that some think I could provide this kind of leadership.

But when I look at the data, it’s clear to me that if I entered the race, I could not win. I believe I could win a number of diverse states — but not enough to win the 270 Electoral College votes necessary to win the presidency.

In a three-way race, it’s unlikely any candidate would win a majority of electoral votes, and then the power to choose the president would be taken out of the hands of the American people and thrown to Congress. The fact is, even if I were to receive the most popular votes and the most electoral votes, victory would be highly unlikely, because most members of Congress would vote for their party’s nominee. Party loyalists in Congress — not the American people or the Electoral College — would determine the next president.

A smart move on his part, it is a bit late in the race now to try to start a campaign. This is why Bloomberg is as wealthy as he is; because he is a smart cookie. Bloomberg might be a Democrat, but he is not an idiot. I would say that he might end up a Vice President; but Bloomberg does not strike me as the type to be a second banana. So, I am thinking he will bide his type, until the next election. Because, if Trump is elected, and his Presidency is a huge flop, Bloomberg can run as a Savior-type.

Just my 2 cents.


Others: CNBC, CANNONFIRE, FiveThirtyEight, Grist, Balloon Juice, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, EveryJoe, The Moderate Voice, Hit & Run, Guardian, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Washington Post, Towleroad, Politico, Advocate, Business Insider, Mediaite, The Gateway Pundit, Outside the Beltway, Gothamist, Yahoo Politics, The Right Scoop, The Atlantic, RedState, Talking Points Memo, Vox, Boing Boing, The Week, Independent Journal Review, NPR, New York Magazine, Washington Times, Mashable, Mother Jones, The Daily Caller and Deadline, more at Mediagazer », No More Mister Nice Blog, Washington Post, Weasel Zippers, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Business Insider, The Atlantic and Political Wire, Business Insider,



Is the Republican Party going to lose in 2016?

Please note: this posting was written last night at about 3 o’clock in the morning and I would have uploaded it then, but my blog was down so here’s the post in a few hours late.


This is one of those late night postings, that I am dictating from my phone, using voice to text. So, if it comes out not looking like what I normally type, this is why.

Earlier tonight, I had a conversation with my mother about the Democratic Party debates and the Republican Party debates. During this conversation with my mother, my mother made a very astute observation about the debates of both parties.

Basically she told me this, that the Republican Party debates looked like a bunch of kids fighting and arguing up on stage. She also told me that the Democratic Party debates were much more civilized and much more adult like.

Continue reading “Is the Republican Party going to lose in 2016?”

Guest Voice: No Change in Foreign Policy from 2016 Standard-bearers

With all the turmoil and uncertainty coming from this election cycle, one constant is already known. U.S. Foreign Policy is well under the control of the international interventionists. The career globalists on the American payroll continue to push for more and greater engagements. Step back and consider the premise. Seldom is there an international involvement that is not eagerly embraced, funded and expanded. Based upon this premise, the record of continued failures is better understood. The systemic decline of a once great nation has developed into a pathetic deterioration of an imperial empire.

Continue reading Guest Voice: No Change in Foreign Policy from 2016 Standard-bearers”