Let me be clear on something……..

While I might dismiss some of the more idiotic fearmongering that goes on. I do realize that the terrorism is a real thing.

If you wish you can stop by my bookstore’s section on Islam. There are some very interesting books on this Religion of war. (No, I don’t buy the lie that islam is a “religion of peace”)

Who carried out the attacks in India?

While I don’t agree with their brand of Conservatism, The Weekly Standard’s Information here is interesting:

While it is certainly possible that the group is taking credit for another’s handiwork, the Indian Mujahideen has been implicated as being behind several recent attacks in India.

The group claimed credit for the July 25 and 26 bombings in Ahmedabad and Bangalore. At least 36 Indians were killed and more than 120 were wounded in the attacks. The Indian Mujahideen took credit for the Sept. 13 attacks in New Delhi that resulted in 18 killed and more than 90 wounded. The group also claimed credit for the July 25 and 26 bombings in Ahmedabad and Bangalore that killed 36 wounded 120, the bombings in Jaipur last May (60 killed, more than 200 wounded), and bombings in Uttar Pradesh in November 2007 (14 killed, 50 wounded).

Indian intelligence believes the Indian Mujahideen is a front group created by Lashkar-e-Taiba and the Harkat ul Jihad al Islami to confuse investigators and cover the tracks of the Students’ Islamic Movement of India, or SIMI, a radical Islamist movement. The groups receive support from Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence and are al Qaeda affiliates.

I tend to believe that more information is going to come to light, as a result of this event. Something tells me that Pakistan’s hand is in this. Perhaps they are not as friendly as we thought.

Two Words…. Who Cares?

I’m sorry, I just cannot get excited about this or even remotely care.

I mean, a warning gets issued and then terrorists attack. Big whoop!

I mean, terrorism happens everyday.  I do believe that somehow or another, the Neo-Con’s either knew about it, or knew something. Of course, this will give the Beady-eyed one something to use as a saber rattler; for what he does best; fear-mongering.

If America would stay out of foreign affairs, we wouldn’t have these problems.

I just wonder what the Magic One’s response will be?

Even more Dog Whistle Race-Baiting

Seems some Judge in Texas dared to exercise his right to free speech and now some weak minded, “Let’s enable and legitimize Al Sharpton” Neo-Con Republican is asking him to resign.

Every time I hear the word Racism tossed around. I think of this piece, written by some proud White American.


You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.

You call me ‘White Boy’,’Cracker’,’Honkey’,’Whitey’, and you think it’s ok.

But when I call you , Nigger, Kike, Towelhead, Sand-Nigger, Camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink you call me a racist.

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?

You have the united Negro College Fund.

You have Martin Luther King Day.

You have Cesar Chavez Day.

You have Yom Hashoah

You have Ma’uled Al-Nabi

You have the NAACP

You have BET

If we had WET (White Entertainment Channel) we’d be racists.

If we had a White Pride Day you would call us Racists.

If we had white history month, we’d be racists.

If we had an organization for only whites to “advance” our lives, we’d be racists.There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US, yet if there were “white colleges” that would be a racist college.

In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for you race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists. You are proud to black, brown, yellow and orange, and you’re not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.

You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us. But when a white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug-dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, you call him a racist.

I am proud.

But, you call me a racist.

‘Nuff Said…. Nutroots and weak minded Conservative outrage in 5….4….3…2

From the "Ya Think?" file…..

I have to love Fox News, they do not hesitate to inform the American people. Albeit, information that the American people already know.

The Big headline?

“Obama’s So-Called Office means nothing!”

Well, no shit, Sherlock Holmes. The office is symbolic, until he is officially installed.  This is news?

The point that they were trying to make, disguised as some sort of earth shattering breaking news, is that Obama has been really looking Presidential and because of this, he is a rotten, no good, terrorist negro person.

This is from the same Network that made Sean Hannity and Bill Orally Bill O’Reilly.

Maybe I’ll get lucky and they will send Bill’s producer after me. I hope they do. I’ll introduce them to my two lawyers; Smith and Wesson.

Others Blogging: Riehl World View and Gawker

About What I wrote about Michelle Malkin

Just letting you all know. As you see above, I wrote something rather harsh about Malkin. I wrote that, because I think it was downright rotten of her to condemn someone for something that she’s done herself in the past.

Besides all that, this judge has a outstanding career, he is a law judge, he has done more for this country that Michelle Malkin has ever done. Malkin, on the other hand; is nothing more than a washed up Journalist, who couldn’t keep her opinions to herself and as a result, she has suffered hardships. Out of that came a syndicated column. Two words; Big deal.

So, at the risk of sounding like an sexist jerk. I just think Michelle ventured a bit too far into some bad territory. She would be wise to let this one drop.

Your Nightly Circular Firing Squad Post….

Well, maybe not…. But just shut up and read on…. 😉 😛 😀

Michelle Malkin, As much as I respect her as a Conservative; albeit an knuckle-headed Neo-Conservative, but just the same, a Conservative; There are times when the the lady does stuff that makes me step back and really wonder, “What the hell does that woman drink when she’s posting on that blog?” Now, I realize that it might not be nothing stronger than your average double shot of espresso. But, this one here even made me go, “HUH?!?!

What I am talking about is this. Obama is keeping Robert Gates. This made me personally go “Whew!” Because I believe that gates knows the score of what’s happening on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan. (So to speak) It also shows, I think that ol’ Barry is a not your typical far-lefty, “End the WAR NOOOOWWWWWWW!” type of the Democrat politican. It also shows that he’s trying to lead from the Center. A Pragmatist, if you will.

Well, anyhow, of course, Malkin starts carping on her Blog, sounding like a 8 year old kid with turret’s, hollering “Hope Change! Hope Change! Hope Change!” So, i thought, “Okay, I’ll look around a little…” I looked at the list of Blogs who are discussing the fact that he’s keeping Gates, okay. Did I see any lefty flipping out? Nope! I even checked the most lefty Blog I know, and the closest thing I could come up with, was this post here and it wasn’t even of the normal nutty netroots type.

So, honestly, I cannot figure out what Malkin’s problem is. I mean, of course knowing her, she’d critize Obama if he changed the defense secretary. Which is kind of funny, considering she’s supposedly a Christian and Christians are not supposed to criticize others and they’re supposed to respect those in authority. Some Christian eh? 🙄 (My feelings towards Catholics and thier supposed Christianity aside.) Of course, she thinks that she can trash Obama and go to mass or to a confessional and everything will be fine. Of course, if you know the Bible, that is false. You confess your sin to the Lord Jesus and not to a “Priest”.

Anyhow, I just don’t get it. Why knock the man for something that might be a good thing?