Kudos to Glenn Greenwald

I realize this posting might just harm my so-called “Conservative credentials,” if I actually had any to begin with; but personally, I really do not care, to be quite honest. Glenn Greenwald is a liberal, Democrat and has written very extensively on the misdeeds and unconstitutional acts of the United States Government. One of the of the good things about Glenn Greenwald is that he is absolutely consistent in his stance against some of the unconstitutional acts of this Government under the banner of the “War on Terrorism.” When I was still a part of the “cheering squad” for the left and Bush was still much in control; Greenwald was a daily reader for me.

One thing you should know about Mr. Greenwald is that the same criticisms that Glenn has against the Obama Administration is the SAME ones that he had against the Bush Administration. This is why I do truly like what he is doing; politics be damned, we must hold this Government’s feet to the fire at all times. Otherwise, they will trample over us, like we do not exist. This is what Glenn Greenwald does, and this is why I am adding him to my “Honest Liberals” blogroll on this site. While I disagree with him on politics; I agree with what he is doing, which is keeping them honest.

One of the reasons why I say all the above, is because of pieces like this here, which Glenn writes about Obama Administration:



Anyone who observes politics closely has a very low bar of expectations. It’s almost inevitable to become cynical – even jaded – about just how inept and inane top Washington officials are. Still, even processing this through those lowly standards, I just find this staggering. Staggering and repellent. This is an elected official in Congress, the body that the Constitution designed to impose checks on the president’s abuses of power, and she does not have the foggiest idea what is happening in the White House, and obviously does not care in the slightest, because the person doing it is part of the party she leads.

One expects corrupt partisan loyalty from people like Wasserman Schultz, eager to excuse anything and everything a Democratic president does. That’s a total abdication of her duty as a member of Congress, but that’s par for the course. But one does not expect this level of ignorance, the ability to stay entirely unaware of one of the most extremist powers a president has claimed in US history, trumpeted on the front-page of the New York Times and virtually everywhere else.

Amen. While I believe the war on terrorism is an important battle; I do not believe the best way to fight it, is by dancing around the constitution to do so. This is why I respect Mr. Greenwald, because he believes that as well. Good show Mr. Greenfield; keep it up! Peace Sign

Update: I realized after I hit publish, that Greenwald is gay. So much for me being a “right-wing gay hater” eh? The truth is, what Glenn does in his private life, is his own damned business. Do I support the lifestyle? No. But that does not mean I cannot respect a man, who happen to be gay, for supporting our constitution — because now, that is what is important. Social Conservatism is great, and it is what I am; but it is not what I want my Country to be modeled after. Because it is the Christian version of Sharia Law and I do not want that in this Country ever. Sharia Law or a Christian Theocracy.

Again Good Job, Glenn — keep it up! From a fan on the “so-called” right.

Video: Ft. Hood shooting NOT a terrorist attack says Obama Administration

First, the heart wrenching video: (H/T to HotAir.com)

The story via Stars and Stripes:

WASHINGTON — Victims of the Fort Hood shooting are rallying in a grassroots effort to get the rampage classified as an act of terrorism.

A coalition of 160 victims and family members released a video Thursday detailing what happened at the Texas military base on Nov. 5, 2009, and why they believe it was a terror attack.

In “The Truth About Fort Hood,” victims give testimonials about their experience and express their frustration at the government calling the incident “workplace violence.”

They point out that the accused shooter, Maj. Nidal Hasan, consulted by email with top al-Qaida leader Anwar al-Awlaki about whether an attack against American soldiers was justified to “protect our brothers.” Until his death in an airstrike in 2011, Yemen-based Awlaki was considered one of the United States’ top enemies.

The shooting for Hasan “was his jihad,” Staff Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford, who was shot five times that day, said in the video.

Another victim, Shawn Manning, said that the soldiers at the readiness center “were killed and wounded by a domestic enemy, someone who was there that day to kill soldiers to prevent them from deploying. If that’s not an act of war or an act of terrorism, I don’t know what is.”

“We’re working pretty hard for our guys right now to get them the recognition and compensation they deserve,” said Kathy Stalnaker, whose husband has severe post-traumatic stress disorder from the incident. “We want to keep it in front of the public.”

I very highly recommend that you go read the rest of that; because it is absolutely heartbreaking. Crying

My friends, allow me to rant for a second:

This above, if anything else — is why as a people must vote different on November 4, 2012. These brave people have put their damned asses on the line for us, to protect this Republic of ours and this is the thanks that they get from this Marxist President? This is an utter outrage and if there was any sort of justice in this Country, this President would be asked to resign his position and if he did not, impeachment proceedings would be started against him.

Now, I am not saying that our President is a Muslim, like some of the right argue. However, I will say this; at the very least he is empathic to the Islamic cause and does empathic with those who use violence to react to the United States invading their lands. I am not saying he agrees with their actions; but what I am saying is that the President feels that because we did invade their lands, that somehow their actions are justified —- or at the very LEAST the President empathizes with this position.

This is a very dangerous place for a President to be in. Even if we did invade their lands; the invasion of Afghanistan was totally justified, considering that Al-Qaeda hit our homeland on September 11, 2001. Whether our occupation of their lands was the cause, or whether they hit us, because of a Christian and Capitalistic society; the fact is, they attacked us first and we replied back with Military force.

I will say this; this attack here is one of the reasons why I believe that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld and the rest of them made a serious miscalculation about the war on terror. I do not think that the former President, Vice President and his staff realize just what they were uncorking, when they decided to fight the war on terror and just how far reaching it would be and what sort of blowback that they would encounter.

Furthermore, I do not believe that the former President calculated on people, who happened to be Muslim, in his own Military turning on their own Country for the sake of Jihad either. However, now, none of that matters; Bush and Cheney are gone and now we have a President, who will not even call terrorism for what it truly is. I say this as someone who rejects Wilsonian foreign policy, as someone who is not too keen on the idea of a continual war in he middle east for the sake on a so-called ally. I also say this, as unrepentant realist, who see things for what they really are and what they have become over the last three and a half years. Bush created this so-called “Arab Spring” mess and now we are into it deeply.

I also happen to believe that Bush and Co. made another fatal mistake of saying that the war that following 9/11 was not a religious war. It is, in fact, a religious war. It is war between civilized religions of peace; such as Christianity and Judaism and a savage, backward religion, which is quite fascist and intolerant towards those who dare criticize its so-called “prophet.” For those who would say that Christians do the same thing; I simply say to you, the last time I checked, I do not see Christians threatening to blowup buildings or anything for the sort —- for the mere offensive remarks about Jesus Christ or Jews blowing themselves up over insults to the Torah either. For those who point to Timothy McVeigh: He was not a Christian and he was not angry about insults to his religion either. He was a lone wolf crackpot who was angry at the Government. Big Difference! McVeigh might have also been suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome as well, as he was a first gulf war Veteran.

I said all that up there to say this right here: This is why we have to vote different come November 4, 2012. Because we need a steely-eyed leader, who will look at this situation that we are in and make some serious decisions. Not decisions based on political correctness, not based upon popularity polls or any other of that silly stuff. But decisions made for the good of this Country and the future of this Republic of ours. Admittedly, some of those decisions will most likely will make me want to hide under the bed, see I am not that big on war. But, I will feel much better knowing that Mitt Romney, who I am voting for and praying does win — will be that person in charge.

I pray that the Lord God of the Heavens is merciful to this Nation once again and allows a man to be elected — who believes, what I and many of the people who read this blog —- believe. That America and this Republic are worthy of defending, against enemies; foreign and domestic. Who also sees what previous President’s have done, and what needs to be done, to finish the job —- with honor — once and for all.

Mark Skousen writes the DUMBEST article ever!

I really dislike having to point out and criticize the blatant stupidity on our side of the political fence. But, there are times than even I cannot ignore the stupidity.

Mark Skousen who is the producer of “Freedom Fest” writing over at Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller writes, “Why I’m giving my Social Security checks away — and why you should too.” In it, Mr. Skousen yowls on about his gripes and complaints about social security and how it is a horrible scam and such. Now, to be fair; I do sort of agree with his assessment of Social Security and how it will be most likely be bankrupt, by the time I am old enough to collect it, if I am even able ever able to collect it. 

However, that is where Mr. Skousen goes off of the rails and really wanders off into whacky-land, at least in this writers opinion. First of all, Mr. Skousen publicly gloats about how well off he is financially:

I have always tried to live up to the words of Benjamin Franklin, who taught us the virtues of industry, thrift, and prudence in his booklet “The Way to Wealth.” By following Franklin’s trinity of virtues, I’ve been able to build up a sizable net worth and multiple sources of retirement income (company pension plan, IRAs), so that I don’t really need Social Security to live off of.

Which is fine, I have no problem the the fact that the man worked hard, and was able to save and invest through IRA’s and such. I am not someone who resents people who have done well. Good for him. However, this is where he goes off the rails:

It got me thinking: Can Social Security payments be used for a good cause?

I thought back to something my wise old uncle Cleon told me when he turned 65 in 1978. He said he could use the extra monthly income of $650. After all, he had earned it during his working years. It had been deducted from his paycheck and set aside for him (theoretically at least) in the Social Security trust fund. It was his. So he went down to the Social Security office in Salt Lake City and signed up.

But instead of spending the money on daily living expenses, he signed over the monthly check to his favorite cause, The National Center for Constitutional Studies. He loved teaching Americans about the Constitution and how to preserve it. Through NCCS, he traveled the country giving constitutional seminars to patriotic Americans, and used the Social Security checks to pay for some of his expenses.

Following in my uncle’s footsteps, I’ve decided to sign up for Social Security. Since I don’t need the money to live on, I’ve decided to invest my monthly government check in a variety of good causes. Based on my past earnings, I should receive a check of around $1,800 a month, automatically transferred into my bank account. From there, I’ve instructed the bank to send a check or wire every month to my various causes. It’s that simple.

Many of you may have heard about Warren Buffett and Bill Gates’ Giving Pledge, where billionaires have pledged to donate the majority of their fortunes to charity.

I’ve come up with a similar idea, except this one applies to more people and is something you can do when you are alive: the Social Security Pledge. If you are wealthy enough, you can invest part or all of your Social Security proceeds in a favorite charity, foundation, church, synagogue, or other good cause. You don’t have to limit yourself to giving to non-profit organizations that are tax deductible. You can give your Social Security check to any organization, public or private, or to individuals. You can donate it to your favorite political party. You can give the funds to a student scholarship — for your grandchildren, for example — or to somebody who has a medical need. Or you can invest your government check in free enterprise. Buy shares in individual stocks or mutual funds. Or, better yet, fund inventors who could use the money to advance their work.

There are lots of possibilities. Be creative and have some fun with it. Don’t let the money sit there. Put it to good use!


John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church, once gave a popular talk called “The Sermon on Wealth.” According to Wesley, if you take the following three steps in life, you will be eminently successful:

1. Work all you can.

2. Save all you can.

3. Give all you can.

Notice he didn’t say, “Spend all you can.” Too many Americans have gotten in financial trouble by overspending and getting in over their heads in debt, so that by retirement time at age 65, they need Social Security because they haven’t saved enough in their company pension plans or individual retirement accounts (IRAs). Or they have to keep working to survive.

As retirees, we can make a difference.

Okay, here is my gripe with this opinion column; for one it says that people should follow his example and give away their social security. Which, if you can afford to do so, is fine. However, there are many people, who worked hard for that money for all of their lives and paid into it for many years and that will the ONLY sort of income that they honestly will have; and to tell them to give it away, is absolutely asinine.

I am not saying that this would happen, but it could; what if some older person, who simply loves his Country, feels guilty for taking a social security check and starts giving away his check and then has to live in poverty? I know it sounds far fetched; but there are people that are quite impressionable out there and would do such a thing, because some idiot, who is very well off, told them to do it.

My friend, if you have come here from a search engine, after searching for “Mark Skousen,” and you were thinking of following his advice; please, don’t. You have worked your entire life for that money. You are entitled to it. Even if you do have an company pension and/or an IRA —- and especially if you do not —- keep your money and use it to live on, you worked for it, keep it!  If you want to make a reasonable donation to a charity, then fine, do so. But to squander all of your hard earned social security away, because someone said to do it, is foolish.

I am very highly concerned about the fact that Tucker Carlson, who is the very public figure that he is; and with a website of that caliber, would allow such tripe to be published on it. But, yet, someone like me; who tends to see himself as a common sense minded Americanist, cannot even get published on that site or anywhere else for that matter. I believe it speaks to the condition of the right in this Country. The article quote above was not Christian, Conservative or even libertarian opinion; it was crazy opinion! Anyone with a ounce of common sense would know this; but again, this is the so-called “right” anymore.

This is why I call myself a simple “Americanist” Because the crazy is out in full effect on the right anymore. Sorry, but telling people to give away their social security is craziness and I do not do crazy, some might scoff at that notion. But, common sense goes a long way; and it is sorely lacking on the right, and on a good part of the left.

A song that springs to mind:

How true that song is, when it comes to today’s politics. Doh

Follow Up: Dinesh D’Souza resigns as President of King’s College in NYC

Just a little follow-up and back story to the previous posting on the activities of Dinesh D’Souza.

It appears that Dinesh D’Souza has resigned as the President of King’s College in New York City. But first, Dinesh D’Souza, provides a defense of himself at Fox News; and one part I want to quote:

5. So why would World write such a misleading, sensational story that we would normally expect from the tabloids?  Actually there is a back story here which was noted by Amy Sullivan at the New Republic, as well as numerous other sources. Marvin Olasky, the editor of World, is the former provost of the King’s College. Olasky was on the search committee when I interviewed to be president, and he vehemently opposed my candidacy. Olasky publicly admitted that he was resigning his position as a consequence of my appointment.  The reporter who wrote this story, Warren Smith, also used to work as a consultant for King’s until I decided not to renew his contract.  And what was Olasky’s gripe against me?  As he put it, I was seeking to make King’s a non-denominational “mere Christianity college” in the image of C.S. Lewis.  This for Olasky was simply intolerable.   Having nursed his grievance for two years, now apparently Olasky is using World to continue his vendetta.

Now this could very well be true. However, it still does not excuse that this man was doing something rather idiotic, two years away from your wife or not; if you are still married, you are still married, period. Which is pretty ironic, considering that D’Souza wrote this:

6. Ultimately this is not just about Olasky or even World magazine.  It is also about how we Christians are supposed to behave with one another. And the secular world is watching. Is this how we love and treat fellow believers? If my conduct was improper, wouldn’t it be the decent and charitable thing to approach me about it?  Instead, here is a clear attempt to destroy my career and my ministry.  This is viciousness masquerading as righteousness.  And this is the behavior that is truly worthy of Christian condemnation.

How ironic is it that Mr. D’Souza wants to lecture others on how to behave and yet, he does not follow his own advice. It is no wonder that he resigned! The man was doing wrong in the sight of God and when he gets called on it, he plays the persecution card. The way I see it; if you are in this sort of high visibility place and are doing something of that nature — you should expect to be persecuted. There is a simple scripture that covers this very simply:

Abstain from all appearance of evil.  — (1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV)

I guess they do not teach this simply rule in the Evangelical Christian Churches anymore, and then there is this too:

Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men. — (2 Corinthians 8:21 KJV)

Either way, it is good for this College that this man resigned. Again, as I said in my earlier posting about this man; if you are going to ever go to battle with the enemy, whether it be in the Spiritual or Political; ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, have your own Spiritual house in order!!!!!!!!!! Lest Satan himself or his minions tear you to pieces!!! People that fight that sort of battle with their Spiritual house in disarray are committing spiritual suicide! The roadside of Christianity is littered with those who tried to do things “their way” and not the Lord’s way and have paid a terrible price for it.

Anyhow, here is the story from World Magazine:

The Board of Trustees of The King’s College, New York City has accepted the resignation of the school’s president, Dinesh D’Souza, effective immediately.

Board chairman Andy Mills said in a prepared statement, “After careful consultation with the board and with Dinesh, we have accepted his resignation to allow him to attend to his personal and family needs. We thank him for his service and significant contribution to the College over the last two years.”

The King’s College Board of Trustees named D’Souza president in 2010. His resignation comes after two days of intense controversy following a story by WORLD documenting D’Souza’s relationship with a woman who is not his wife.

The board has asked Mills to assume the position of interim president and will immediately begin a search for the new president. Mills urged the King’s community to pray for D’Souza and his family during this difficult period.

My prayers are also with Dinesh D’Souza as well. I hope he will go and submit himself to a Pastor and get himself in a Church that actually preaches the Word of God. Because at this point, he is in open rebellion against God. I also pray for his real wife, and I pray for restoration in his family. Praying

Here’s the roundup of blogger reactions via Memeorandum. (even though they do not scan me! 🙁 )

Video: President Obama tosses general labor workers under the bus

This video is quite damning to the President. In last night’s debate, President Obama basically said that he was not going to fight for so-called “Low Skill” jobs. Here is a newsflash for the President; a good part of Michigan is filled with people who would work these “low-skill” so-called “low-income” jobs. Not everyone in America has the skills or the ability to get the skills to work those high-tech jobs. There are people, like me; who have disabilities, like A.D.H.D. which affect their ability to do math very well and because of this, we are unable to get a high school diploma.

Here is the video: (via Yahoo News)

This video is damning for a number of reasons; first, when he said, “Some jobs are not coming back.” It makes the President sound as if he really does not give care about those who cannot get, because of lack of education; one of these sort of jobs. Those who are on the far-right would say that basically the President wants these people to be on the Government dole. Furthermore, it also makes the President sound like he is basically saying that he is not going to fight to bring general labor jobs back to the United States; and with as many people as we have that are out of work, some of which do take those “low-wage” and “low-skill” jobs — that just sounds very bad.

You can try and spin this and try to wrap it up into a contextual argument or even try to say that the President is being realistic. But, as far as this voter is concerned, Obama just threw in the towel for the average, everyday, unemployed, general laborer. Something that I have been for a good part of my life. Which is why I plan to vote for Mitt Romney in November. Romney might not be perfect, but, he knows what makes this economy work and that there people who do not have degrees, like me; who simply need a 40 hour a week or more job. The only workers that President Obama cares about, are the Unionized workers at the big three, something my Father was, he also wants to tax their pensions as well, something my Father is not happy about too.

But for the non-unionized workers, like me. President Obama simply does not care; Obama would rather focus on the high tech jobs, because those people would be more inclined to vote for him. This is the difference between President Obama, and Governor Mitt Romney — Governor Romney knows that it takes ALL kinds of workers and getting those workers back to work is what he wants to carry out.

Here is Mitt Romney’s message to the middle class: (Via HotAir.com)

Most of the people that come here and read, know that I have been unemployed now for 8 years. Some of that, is my fault; a career change that did not work out like I planned it. But the majority of it is due to the piss poor economy in Michigan. The President has helped take care of my Father and seen to it, that his pension is preserved and that he will get everything that he needs — for this I am very grateful. My question to the President and to the Democrats, as an American, is this: What has President Obama done for people, like me? What has President Obama done for people, who do not have the unions standing in their corner? What has the President done for those who are “low-skill” workers, who are not minorities?

The truth is, The President has done nothing and will do absolutely nothing for us. Which is why, if you are a general laborer and you are voting for President Obama again; you are a fool. Trust me, as the above video shows, President Obama does not give a remote damn about we, who use our backs and our bodies to work. This is because he never had to do it, ever.

I close on this note here: I realize that many working class folk might not like Romney. He is far from perfect, I know what Bush did; and I cannot change that — But, I believe that with Romney it will be much different. So, I ask you, as Americans:


Video: News Channel Morning Edition: October 17, 2012

On CBN News Channel Morning News, Oct. 17:

  • Obama, Romney swing hard in feisty second debate
  • Rare earthquake shakes the East Coast
  • Minnesota voters will decide on marriage definition amendment
  • ….and more

Video: CBN NewsWatch: October 16, 2012

On CBN Newswatch, Oct. 16:

  • Second presidential debate crucial to convince swing voters
  • Romney rises in support among women
  • Top 100 government waste offenders listed in book
  • …and more.

(Via CBNNews.com)