Since when is this NOT a Hate Crime?

Oh this is not a hate crime, this is just some idiot negro tossing a brick through a Window.

Via The Austin Texas Statesman’s The Blotter:

Police are investigating a brick with an offensive message thrown into the window of an East Austin home.

The brick, thrown through a 4-year-old boy’s bedroom window, read “Keep Eastside Black. Keep Eastside Strong.”

The homeowner, Barbara Frische, who is white, said she has lived in the home for 10 years.

How is this NOT a hate crime?
How is this NOT a hate crime?

It’s the first time anything like this has ever happened to me,” she said.

Frische was featured in a Statesman Watch article published in May in which she lobbied for action to be taken on a charred house that posed a safety hazard.

She has not received negative feedback from area residents about the article, she said, and does not believe this morning’s incident is connected to it.

Police have not classified this incident as a hate crime, said Austin Police Sgt. Richard Stresing, because hate crimes target an individual specifically because of an identifying characteristic, like race. Police say the incident has been classified as criminal mischief and deadly conduct.

Incidents found to be based on race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability or gender are flagged as hate crimes, Stresing said, so they can be referred to the Department of Justice.

In Austin, law enforcement agencies notified the Department of Justice of five hate crime incidents in 2007, the most recent year statistics were available in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report. Two were based on race, two were based on ethnicity and one was based on sexual orientation.

That is a decrease from 2006, when the city reported 13 hate crimes, eight of which were racially motivated, one was religion-based, two were based on sexual orientation and two were on ethnicity.

The state reported a total of 242 hate crime incidents in 2007.

It’s difficult to count how many hate crimes occur in Austin because people often don’t report them, said Lisa Goodgame, director of the Austin chapter of the Anti-Defamation League. She said many people are too afraid to approach law enforcement officials or human rights agencies about their situations.

“Just because we haven’t heard reports of them doesn’t mean they don’t happen,” Goodgame said.

Oh, no, this is not a hate crime. This just happens to be a brick, that was thrown by a black person into a White Person’s window; with a hateful note on it. Nothing to see here people, move along.

Welcome to post-racial America!

Al Sharpton would be proud. :pissedoff:

I should have titled this entry; another good reason to own a gun. Is because of stupidity like this. I hope the catch them. But we all know that in Post-Obama America, the very worst that they will get is a slap on the hand and maybe even a pat on the back from Al Sharpton himself! :pissedoff:

Others: RedState, Chicago Boyz and Patterico’s Pontifications

Hmmmmmm — Does Henry Gates run a Bogus Charity?

I have got to hand it to the Conservative Blogsophere. When they put their minds to it. They can do a kick butt job of dirt digging on people. It is absolutely amazing to me. These guys put the MSM to God-awful shame.

Dan Riehl has the scoop:

Henry Louis Gates, Jr controls a tax-exempt, non-profit charity, Inkwell Foundation, Inc, that managed to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars in direct support in one year, yet only gave out $27,500 in grants, the bulk of which went to Gates’ employees and Harvard colleagues. Also, as recently as September 2008, the Boston Globe reported that Gates’ charity was not in compliance with the law for failing to register the proper paperwork, despite the charity existing since 2005. The charge at the time was that it was “bogus,” as you’ll see below. In fact, the state Attorney General’s office told the Globe the charity was likely either inactive, or dissolved. Yet, documents below show the charity is healthy, wealthy and active.

Is it possible that Henry Louis Gates, Jr. was acting strange when law enforcement showed up at his door because he didn’t want the story below to come out? It may take a tax lawyer to answer that question, but based on this research, it can’t be ruled out. We know the press has questioned Gates about the charity in the past and gotten no response.

There is much more to this story, Please head over to Dan’s Place to read it all.

This would be the ultimate take-down of the century. But I highly doubt that the Feds will do anything. As it is right now; we have a local police Dept being accused of racism. The last thing that Bambi Teleprompter needs is some pissed black man accusing him of using the Government to target him. That would not be a good thing for the Democratic Party. Seeing that they’re already losing on healthcare.

Anyhow, Here’s the roundup of the Blogs on the subject:

Piece of Work in Progress says:

In any case, it’s strange how proggies can be so concerned about their privacy whilst selling out ours to all kinds of intrusive government agencies. I think that Gates should feel fortunate that the cops weren’t asking for his Real ID.

Now that’s funny! :rotfl: Quite true. But very funny. 😀

The Confederate Yankee says:

If Obama Justice Department will cover for the New Black Panthers, I’m sure they’ll cover for a personal friend, even if he acted “stupidly.”

PrairiePundit says:

This strikes me as the way liberals support each other and avoid paying taxes. It seems to explain why they feel immune to tax increases.

Robert Stacy McCain Writes:

So, let’s put this together. There was gross, rampant, institutionalized racism at one time in the United States. Since then, we’ve had plenty of people of all ethnic backgrounds arrive in academia and in society who are anointed to preach the evils of the path, and, purportedly, lead us into some shiny, post-racial future.

What Are The Entry Criteria For That Future?

When do we take the police report at face value, and just admit that somebody was disorderly? Because it looks more as though we’ve simply got a priesthood that is going to manufacture the occasional ritual to perpetuate itself, becoming the very thing it set out to despise.

Now for my take on this whole thing. Here is the straight out truth. Mr. Gates, who is black, is trying to start something; because he is black. It is obvious to me, that this whole thing could have been avoided, if Gates would have just  had done what he was told, and kept his mouth shut. Had he heeded the Officers instructions, none of this would have ever happened. But instead Gates decided that he was going to try and play the “oppressed negro” card and get himself arrested; all so Mr. Gates could get into the headlines and go to court and make him some easy money.

Since I am known for my controversy; let me remind Mr. Gates of something here. Mr. Gates you are damned lucky that you were not in Alabama and that this is not the 1950’s. Because if it were, the media would most likely be reporting about your dead corpse being found on the side of the road or face down in a river, with a bullet in your head. Which, in all honesty; is most likely were you really belong.  You ought to once and a while say a little prayer for the life of privilege that you lead. Because there was a time sir, when the real founders of this Country actually RULED this land and people like you; were taken care of and not in very nice ways. You should think about that, once in a while. Just a thought.

I think that it is a damned shamed that the very people, whom the Republican Party fought long and hard to free from Slavery, are now acting like Tyrants and acting like the entire Anglo-Saxon race owes them a favor.  I have to believe that of President Abraham Lincoln would have known this, he would have never bothered with them at all. Sometimes I think it is too bad, that we cannot go back and change that history.

At first blush, I take this at face value, but……

Something troubles me:

A black police officer who was at Henry Louis Gates Jr.’s home when the black Harvard scholar was arrested says he fully supports how his white fellow officer handled the situation.

Sgt. Leon Lashley says Gates was probably tired and surprised when Sgt. James Crowley demanded identification from him as officers investigated a report of a burglary. Lashley says Gates’ reaction to Crowley was “a little bit stranger than it should have been.”

Asked if Gates should have been arrested, Lashley said supported Crowley “100 percent.”

Gates has said he was the victim of racial profiling.

via Black officer at Gates home during arrest said scholar acted strange, supports arrest —

However, watch this video, watch this man’s body language:

Also, since when does being outside; and being loud with a Police officer constitute a reason to be arrested? If the man was no danger to then public or the officers on the scene, then why was he even arrested?

Could it be that the Union threatened this black police officer and told him, that if spoke against the arresting officer, that he would pay for it? Something is fishy. I could be wrong, but still the explanation for his reason for being arrested just does not wash with me, at all. Sorry, but being an insulting ass toward a police officer; is not a valid reason for arrest. Because if that was the case, I would be in jail! :rotfl:

Something just does not add up here. I cannot quite put my finger on it. True, the Harvard guy was being an asshole. But the officer was not one hundred percent right either here.


Henry Gates-Gate Continued

The Stupidity Continues:

The Cambridge cop prominent Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. claims is a racist gave a dying Reggie Lewis mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in a desperate bid to save the Celtics [team stats] superstar’s life 16 years ago Monday.

“I wasn’t working on Reggie Lewis the basketball star. I wasn’t working on a black man. I was working on another human

Sgt. James Crowley
Sgt. James Crowley

being,” Sgt. James Crowley, in an exclusive interview with the Herald, said of the forward’s fatal heart attack July 27, 1993, at age 27 during an off-season practice at Brandeis University, where Crowley was a campus police officer.

It’s a date Crowley still can recite by rote – and he still recalls the pain he suffered when people back then questioned whether he had done enough to save the black athlete.

“Some people were saying ‘There’s the guy who killed Reggie Lewis’ afterward. I was broken-hearted. I cried for many nights,” he said.

Crowley, 42, said he’s not a racist, despite how some have cast his actions in the Gates case. “Those who know me know I’m not,” he said.

via Officer in Henry Gates flap tried to save Reggie Lewis –

Here is a perfect example of the anti-police leftists in our Country. (Kinda like the Anti-police, Anti-Military Libertarians and so-called Conservatives, that like to come to this Blog… they’re all related)

It is quite obvious to anyone, that has an ounce of a brain; that Mr Gates was clearly trying to provoke a situation, that clearly would have never happened, had Mr. Gates just kept his mouth shut and did what the police officer told him to do. It is also quite obvious that Gates is trying to turn a non-racial situation into a racial situation.

Mr. Gates provoked this situation; because he was black, Mr. Gates is one of the radical liberal Harvard professors who, like our now President, want to have a black ran, owned and operated United States. Who wants white men, like me, to cower in fear of the black man, because the sins of White men over 300 years ago in this country.  “Social Justice” they call it. I call it radical black nationalism. The Punishment of white men everywhere for previous sins of their forefathers.

I have on this blog, since its inception fought against this sort of radical liberal black nationalism and the satanic mindset of collectivism that is now on the path to ruining our country. I will continue to do so. The Liberal blacks can call me racist all they like, I do not care. But this sort of nonsense will not go unchallenged by this writer.

Of course, this sort of Race Baiting and black entitlement is what has kept, and will continue to keep the Democrat Party in power. It has since around 1968 and continues to do so, to this very day.

Update: AllahPundit over at HotAir points out that this said officer, was picked to be an expert of racial profiling, by a black police commissioner. Heh… Nuance Indeed. Something tells me, that this guy Gates is going to get a nice phone call from this local Democratic leadership and get told to basically STFU and disappear. Because if this guys union is backing him up, the last thing the Democrats need is some asshole liberal trying to cause problems with the local caucus.

Others:  Michelle Malkin Patterico’s Pontifications, The Confluence, Riehl World View, Gateway Pundit, Flopping Aces, And So it Goes in Shreveport,

President Barack Obama — A Grievance-Monger President

I knew that this would happen, if he were elected. Sorry to say; but it appears that I was absolutely correct.

Read more here.

Money Quote:

What we celebrate tonight is not simply the journey the NAACP has traveled, but the journey that we, as Americans, have traveled over the past one hundred years ….

And yet, even as we celebrate the remarkable achievements of the past one hundred years; even as we inherit extraordinary progress that cannot be denied; even as we marvel at the courage and determination of so many plain folks – we know that too many barriers still remain.

We know that even as our economic crisis batters Americans of all races, African dem_party_sealAmericans are out of work more than just about anyone else – a gap that’s widening here in New York City, as detailed in a report this week by Comptroller Bill Thompson.

We know that even as spiraling health care costs crush families of all races, African Americans are more likely to suffer from a host of diseases but less likely to own health insurance than just about anyone else.

We know that even as we imprison more people of all races than any nation in the world, an African-American child is roughly five times as likely as a white child to see the inside of a jail.

And we know that even as the scourge of HIV/AIDS devastates nations abroad, particularly in Africa, it is devastating the African-American community here at home with disproportionate force.

These are some of the barriers of our time. They’re very different from the barriers faced by earlier generations. They’re very different from the ones faced when fire hoses and dogs were being turned on young marchers; when Charles Hamilton Houston and a group of young Howard lawyers were dismantling segregation.

But what is required to overcome today’s barriers is the same as was needed then. The same commitment. The same sense of urgency. The same sense of sacrifice. The same willingness to do our part for ourselves and one another that has always defined America at its best.

The question, then, is where do we direct our efforts? What steps do we take to overcome these barriers? How do we move forward in the next one hundred years?

The first thing we need to do is make real the words of your charter and eradicate prejudice, bigotry, and discrimination among citizens of the United States. I understand there may be a temptation among some to think that discrimination is no longer a blackdemsealproblem in 2009. And I believe that overall, there’s probably never been less discrimination in America than there is today.

But make no mistake: the pain of discrimination is still felt in America. By African-American women paid less for doing the same work as colleagues of a different color and gender. By Latinos made to feel unwelcome in their own country. By Muslim Americans viewed with suspicion for simply kneeling down to pray. By our gay brothers and sisters, still taunted, still attacked, still denied their rights.

On the 45th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, discrimination must not stand. Not on account of color or gender; how you worship or who you love. Prejudice has no place in the United States of America.

Rough translation? “Waaaaah! Them mean assed honkeys treated us really really mean over 300 years ago! Waaaah! Them mean ol’ Crackas treated us bad in the south before 1964! Waah Waah Waah!

Seriously people, Slavery was outlawed over 300 years ago and Segregation was outlawed in 1964. For the sake of Almighty God, Mr. President; GET THE FUCK OVER IT!

Others: QandOAmerican Power

I was not aware that Al Sharpton was looking for help

First off, let me say that I think Cap and Trade is wrong, will kill jobs and so on.

But this is totally disgusting:

Some of my fellow Conservatives are loving it. I personally found it to be most offensive and quite childish. The man was being outmaneuvered and instead of trying to argue the point; he chose to play the race card. How convenient.  :pissedoff:

Al Sharpton would have been proud. So would John Podhoretz possibly.

Not that I am defending Boxer, she is an idiot. But the worst way to fight idiocy; is with MORE idiocy.

Color me among those who are quite unimpressed. :smug:

Others:, Weekly Standard, The Other McCain, Say Anything, Wonk Room, Gateway Pundit and Weasel Zippers

No Matter what your Politics is… Hate Speech is STILL WRONG

There is a big story burning up the Blogsophere right at the moment. I guess some liberal happened to go over to Free Republic and spotted some nasty remarks about Obama’s daughter.

Gawker has the story:

We should’ve seen this coming: conservative blog Free Republic fired hate speech off at Malia Obama after this photo of her appeared, letting their commenters go to town. But the journalist who reported this as news isn’t innocent, either. Chris Parry of The Vancouver Sun highlighted some of the comments on the mainstream, hard right-wing blog/news aggregator Free Republic. Among them, a picture of Michelle talking to Malia Obama with the caption: “To entertain her daughter, Michelle Obama loves to make monkey sounds.” Classy.


FreeRepublic claims to be a site that “does not advocate or condone racism, violence, rebellion, secession, or an overthrow of the government.” Yet, the thread went down, and back up with the original comments in tact, and then some, notes Chris Parry, the story’s writer. Parry was careful and kind enough to – maybe unnecessarily – note the few reasonable voices in the crowd who were conservative, on Free Republic, and not racist. But there’re always going to be a few exceptions to the rule, which, as far as you should be concerned, are absolute swamp creatures. Pardon any political incorrectness, but I think you’ll agree if you happen to go over and dip your toe in what’s mostly a bog of contagiously slimy invective and general retardation.

It gets worse, though. Chris Parry, it appears, has advocated on his Daily Kos blog any number of egregious offenses, among them: posting hate speech on sites like Free Republic and blaming it on conservatives. Parry posted under the name “hollywoodoz” on Daily Kos, where his signature was “Fool me once, I’ll punch you in the fucking head.” Parry outed himself as hollywoodoz here, where he discloses the company he helped start. In essence: Parry, the journalist, found his story right where he’d been circling it for a very long time, and reported it as news. Sigh.

Bottom line: Parry’s noble intentions are paving him a road to hell, by taking the same one the slimeball majority at Free Republic employs. They’re probably going to cheer a “mainstream,” centrist blog pointing out the offenses of a liberal reporter trying to expose hate speech, but they shouldn’t get it mixed up. A quick glance at Free Republic and you’ll probably see the same thing I did: some of the most egregious examples that lend credence to the idea that some people just shouldn’t be allowed near a keyboard, or to open their mouths, no matter what their political affiliation. Or, as some would have it: STFU.

There you have it; What happened, basically in four paragraphs.

Here is my take on all this mess. As someone who has went over the line once myself. Hate Speech is wrong. I do not give two flips who is doing it. I do not care, if you are a Right Winger, or a Liberal. This sort of nonsense is wrong. You say, “But they do it!”, So what? Do two wrongs make a right? Hell No! It just makes two wrong people!  This Chris Parry nut-job ought to be fired for trying to smear Conservatives, and ought to be SUED for a libel by the owner of the Free Republic. Not to mention the Vancouver Sun for allowing this idiot to write this report.

Just as well; The owner of the Free Republic ought to take some responsibility for the actions of his users. Whomever made the racist comments ought to be banned for life from that site. I know that I have had to snip some comments here from this Blog myself, when a couple people went overboard. It is simply called responsibility.

My feelings on this subject are not limited my partisan or Political Ideology. What is wrong; is wrong. No matter who is doing it. Period.

Others: Politics Daily, Say Anything, Lean Left, JammieWearingFool, Scared Monkeys, Gateway Pundit, The Progressive Republican,, The Moderate Voice, The Huffington Post, Wake up America, Mediaite, Moonbattery, The Reaction and Latest Open Salon Blog

Update: Title changed after someone politely informed me, that I was using an improper word.

FBI is requested to assist in the investigation of the Akron Man's Beating; Al Sharpton Supports Investigation

Remember the Akron Beating that I blogged about last week?

Well, it seems that now the FBI is getting involved, and irony of all ironies; Al Sharpton’s Group supports the investigation.

The Story via the Akron Beacon Journal:

The FBI has been asked to join Akron police in investigating the attack on a white family by a group of black teens near Firestone Park.

In a letter to the FBI dated today, Mayor Don Plusquellic asks the federal agency’s local office to help determine whether any civil-rights violations or hate crimes occurred during the attack last month on Marty Marshall and his family.

The investigation is being supported by civil-rights activist the Rev. Al Sharpton.

”Accounts from the victim have indicated his assailants prefaced the attack with statements that could indicate a racial motivation to the crime,” Plusquellic wrote in his letter.

”Our priority is the same as it is with every crime: to find justice for the victims. But, it is also important that we carefully examine the motivation behind this attack and address that if necessary.”

Marshall, 39, spent five days in Akron General Medical Center after a group of black teens attacked him, his wife, two children and two adult male friends.

Akron police have confirmed from witnesses that the attack by 30 to 50 teens was unprovoked and that no words were exchanged before the attack.

The victims say the group shouted, ”This is our world,” during the assault. Marshall says he also heard chants of, ”This is a black world.”

The assault, in which Marshall suffered extensive head injuries from repeated kicks and punches to his skull, has not yet been ruled a hate crime by Akron police.

Police told the Marshalls this week that they were unaware of the chants until reading about them in the newspaper.

The National Action Network, headed up by Al Sharpton; is supporting  the FBI investigation:

”These teens need to be punished as much as any dumb redneck in white sheets,” said Richard Jones, a Sharpton spokesman based in Cleveland. ”Nobody should be attacked like this, whether they are black or white. These young men who are responsible need to be brought to justice.”

Plusquellic would not comment beyond the letter and a written statement, spokesman Mark Williamson said.

In the statement, the mayor said the investigation into the attack will try to determine whether it ”falls under the category of a violation of civil-rights protection and should, consequently, be considered a ‘hate crime.’

”This ruling must, by law, be made by federal authorities, and therefore we are asking for their assistance in this matter. Make no mistake, most important is that the perpetrators are caught and brought to justice. I know that our police department is doing everything it can to aggressively pursue the investigation into this horrible incident.

”I ask our citizens to not confuse the technical/legal issue of a federally designated ‘hate crime’ with the fact that our police department is taking all necessary steps to solve this crime.’

I would like to personally commend Rev. Al Sharpton for allowing his group to support this. Because hatred; no matter if it is White on Black or Black on White, is morally wrong and should be dealt with in the most harsh of manners.

I will continue to follow this and I will be blogging on whatever the outcome is.

WTF?!?!?!?!: Akron police investigate teen mob attack on family

This is not good and you can be the Liberal media will not touch this too…:

Akron police say they aren’t ready to call it a hate crime or a gang initiation.

But to Marty Marshall, his wife and two kids, it seems pretty clear.

It came after a family night of celebrating America and freedom with a fireworks show at Firestone Stadium. Marshall, his family and two friends were gathered outside a friend’s home in South Akron.

Out of nowhere, the six were attacked by dozens of teenage boys, who shouted ”This is our world” and ”This is a black world” as they confronted Marshall and his family.

The Marshalls, who are white, say the crowd of teens who attacked them and two friends June 27 on Girard Street numbered close to 50. The teens were all black.

”This was almost like being a terrorist act,” Marshall said. ”And we allow this to go on in our neighborhoods?”

via – Akron police investigate teen mob attack on family.

….Sigh….. and they wonder why people like the stormfront crowd, feel they way that they do. Sort of reminds me of another so-called Non-Hate crime.

Update: …and of course, the Democratic Underground is already panning this as some angry White Guy getting beat up. Like Black people would never beat up White people. Yeah right…

Update #2: Contact info for the Akron Police is:

(330) 375-2552
Akron Police Dept.

217 S. High St. Akron, OH 44308

Elizabeth Daugherty is the captain.

The e-mail address is – Remember be Courteous and NO THREATS!

Here’s the number and e-mail address of the detective Dept. in Akron, Ohio.

Detective Bureau (330)

Media contacts:

Local Stations in Akron, Ohio: News Channel 5, WYKC-TV

Akron, Ohio City Council, Akron City Mayor  Donald L. Plusquellic

Again, I ask you all, to be courteous and please, no threats or anything stupid. We need to be bigger than them!

Others now covering this: Moonbattery, Crunchy Con and JammieWearingFool