I voted for Ron Paul in Michigan’s Primary

Yes, I voted for him in the primary. I had to, I would be sinning otherwise.

I know that Ron Paul will not win the primary race here in Michigan.  I also know that Ron Paul will not be nominated as the Republican Party’s choice for candidate for President of the United States of America.  However, I voted for him in the Primary here in Michigan. Please, allow me the time to explain why.

There are a number of reasons why and they are the following:

  1. Spending: Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich all talk a mean game about cutting spending out of one side of their mouths, and out of the other, they all speak of strengthening our Military and of future conflicts with Iran.
  2. Religion: I realize that Religion is not supposed to be a litmus test for Presidential elections.  However, I believe that Religious influence is an issue in selection of one’s vote.  It is a fact that Mitt Romney is of the Mormon faith.  It is a fact that Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich are both of the Roman Catholic faith.  As a Protestant Christian, as a Fundamentalist Christian and as an Independent Fundamental Baptist, I must unequivocally say that I do not consider Mormons or Roman Catholics to be true born again Christians at all.  I realize that this position might offend some, to them I simply say; I must follow what I know in my heart and soul to be right.  I believe a vote for any of these other three men would be a slap in the face to the Almighty God and to his Son Jesus Christ, who came to save and deliver all from the bondages of sin and from false Christian doctrine; including Mormonism and Roman Catholics.  Furthermore, I could think of no greater grievous Sin than to vote for a man, of whose religion is, what my Religious convictions consider a false form of Christianity.
  3. Wars:   As someone who spent over 7 years blogging against a war in Iraq, of which I felt was very unjustified and quite immoral — I just cannot support Republican candidates who wish to steer us into further conflicts in the Middle East.  This not to say that I do not support Israel, anyone who reads this blog, knows that I totally support the idea and preservation of the Jewish State of Israel.  However, I am wholeheartedly opposed to the continuation of fighting Israel’s battles for them.  I believe that the United States of America needs to stop being the World’s police officer and let these Countries fend for themselves.  Furthermore, I believe that the United States of America needs to stop funding the feud between the Arabs and Jews, which the United States has done for years.

For these reasons and for these reasons alone, I have cast my lot to the man, who I feel best represents my beliefs as an American, as a Christian, and as a libertarian-minded Conservative.  I feel personally that any other sort of a vote would be Anti-Christian and Anti-American.  This is not to say that I do not have some minor differences of opinion with the Representative from Texas; I do have a few.  However, I am not, as some are, to toss out the proverbial “baby with the bathwater.”  Because of this, I have voted for and will continue to support Ron Paul for President of the United States in 2012.

These Statements are true and are a true representation of my political positions and opinion.


Charles Patrick Adkins

Owner and Publisher

Thought and Rantings


KJV Hosting and Web Design


Video: Ann Coulter smokes Jeb Bush and gets it wrong like always

Via Daily Caller:

Here is where Ann Coulter is full of crap, as always; Mitt Romney is as much of a Big Government Conservative or Statist as Rick Santorum, I have written about this Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, and Here

The only reason that Ann Coulter is in the tank for Romney is because she believes, for whatever reason, that Mitt Romney is electable. Perhaps Ann should look at this picture and Video here taken at Ford Field here in Detroit: (via C4P)

and now said video:

Ann might want to rethink that idiotic position, and quick. The man has no hope of being elected President of the United States at all. Now does Rick Santorum stand a chance? As much as I would like to think so, I just do not think that Independents, which make up a good deal of the American voters in the Country, will vote for Santorum. Newt is toast, he will not win Michigan either. Ron Paul will not win either, because of the power of the various lobbies that control the Republican Party. So, it’s either hold your nose and vote for Romney or suffer another four years of Obama. Which would you do?

This is another reason why I do not support Santorum

I have nothing personally against Catholics. I just disagree with their theology. However, when a wife of a Presidential candidate spouts stuff like this here; I am afraid that I get a bit worried.

Via Washington Post:

Rick Santorum’s wife granted a rare interview Thursday, telling conservative talk show host Glenn Beck that she initially had been against her husband running for president but finally concluded it was “God’s will.”

Speaking in deeply spiritual terms, Karen Santorum said she had been reluctant to throw her support behind the idea because her husband’s failed 2006 Senate re-election campaign had been so brutal. Also, she said, her husband had become more involved with the family after leaving the Senate, and was even coaching Little League.

But she said she prayed on the matter, and finally changed her mind after the passage of the 2010 health care overhaul.

“I did always feel in my heart that God had big plans for Rick. Eventually it was there, tugging at my heart,” she said. “When Obamacare passed, that was it. That put the fire in my belly.”

Sorry to say this; but I happen to agree with the commenters over at HotAir.com, this just does not look good for Rick Santorum. I also dislike his stance towards Libertarianism,  which I happen to find highly offensive. Furthermore, I believe that any person that is running on some sort of a “God Mandate,” should never, ever be take seriously as a candidate for President of the United States of America.

Speaking of HotAir, this comment made me almost fall out of my chair, laughing!:

Religion is like a penis.

It is fine to have one.
It is fine to be proud of it.
It is NOT fine to whip it out in public and wave it around.
And PLEASE do not shove it down my children’s throat.

SurpriseRolling on the floorLaughingHee heeDohIt’s a bit crude; but I happen to agree. Tongue

Again, I am all for a President who is truly a Christian believer. Reagan was a Believer in Christ; he did not attend Church very much, but I digress. However, if their overall reason for running for President is a “calling from God,” then I believe that this said person should be not be taken seriously for running for President. I want a Constitutionalist Conservative in the White House, and not a Christianist Theocrat. The two cannot co-exist; theocratic folk are statists and are not truly Conservative.  Furthermore, many Conservatives, including myself, are totally against radical Islamists and their quest to bring jihad to America. To me, it seems a bit hypocritical for those who advocate the destruction of said radical Muslims to be advocating the Christian equivalent of it.

Not only this, but allow me to float this question as well — at the risk of being accused of playing the “race card,” as it is called:  Mrs. Santorum feels that fire in her belly for her husband to run; now, if I may, why does she have that fire? Is it because she is genuinely concerned for her Country, because of the socialist polices of President Obama — or is it because of his black skin? Confused Hopefully, it is the latter; but with the majority of the Republicans in this race, I suspect it is the former.

Just a thought. Nerd


Why do Christians do stupid stuff like this?

The reason I ask this, is because every time a Christian does something as ignorant as this; it never ends well.

Videos: (Via Mediaite)

The Story:

On Tuesday, Franklin Graham appeared on Morning Joe and made some statements that threw the show’s panel — which included Alex Wagner, Willie Geist, and John Heilemann — into disarray. Graham questioned President Obama‘s faith and contentiously explained why Mormons aren’t considered Christian.

Graham, throughout the interview, repeatedly said he didn’t know if President Obama was a Christian.

“I asked him when he was running… how he came to faith in Christ. He said that he was working in the South Side of Chicago in the community and they asked him — the community — asked him what church he went to, and he said ‘I don’t go to church.’ They said, ‘If you’re going to work in the community, you have to join one of our churches.’ And of course, he joined Reverend Jeremiah’s church. So that’s what his answer to my question was.”

“So therefore, by your definition, he’s not a Christian,” Geist said.

“You have to ask him,” Graham said. “I cannot answer that question for anybody.”

Mike Barnicle then asked why Graham couldn’t just say, “Yeah, I believe he’s a Christian,” in light of him saying he is, going to church, and practicing his faith.

“I accept him as what he says. If he says he’s a Christian, I accept that, I’m not going to say he’s not,” Graham said. “All I know is what Jesus Christ has done in my heart and how he’s changed my life.”

Graham also explained how the Muslim world sees President Obama as a Muslim, but he doesn’t believe he’s a Muslim. He did stop short of categorically saying he wasn’t a Muslim. “I can’t say categorically because Islam has gotten a free pass under Obama,” Graham said, pointing out the Christian minorities throughout the entire world coming under attack by Muslims, especially after the Arab Spring.


“His values are so clear on moral issues,” Graham said on Santorum. “No question about it.”

“[That’s] an amazing double standard that you just applied,” an incredulous Heilemann said. “Your reaction to the difference — The question about Rick Santorum and President Obama, I think, just exposes an incredible double standard you’re applying to those people. They’re exactly the same situation!”

“No, I asked President Obama how he came to faith in Christ and he said, ‘I don’t go to church,’” Graham replied.

“Have you had that conversation with Rick Santorum?” Heilemann asked.

“I’ve talked to Rick Santorum, yes.”

“And he was just more persuasive to you?”

“I think so,” Graham said. “But you have to look at what a person does with his life. Anyone can say he’s a Christian. But you look at [how] do they live? Where do they go? And act? Listen, Obama is a nice man, I’ve met him on several occasions–”

“But you think he behaves in an un-Christian way,” Heilemann interrupted.

“No, he is a nice man. And his wife is a class act and their kids are class — You can’t help but like them,” Graham said. “So I have no idea what he really believes and I really don’t have any idea other than what Rick Santorum stands for or what he really believes.”

“What about Mitt Romney?” Wagner asked.

“I like him,”

“Is he a Christian?”

“He’s a Mormon.”

“He says he’s part of the Judeo Christian faith, do you take him at his word?”

“Most Christians would not recognize Mormonism as part of the Christian faith.”

“So he is not a Christian…”

“I’m just saying most Christians would not recognize Mormonism. Of course they believe in Jesus Christ, but they have a lot of other things that they believe in, too, that we don’t accept theologically,” Graham explained. He then added that Romney, “would be a good President if he were the nomination, because I think the man has got the ability. He’s got the strength, business-wise, political-wise — he’s a sharp guy, and he’s proven himself. Any one of these candidates–Newt Gingrich, all of them. Now, newt’s been married several times, he’s had those issues, but he could make a good candidate. And I think Newt is a Christian…at least he told me he is.”

“So Newt Gingrich is a Christian,” an exasperated Geist asked, “but you’re not sure that President Obama is!”

Again, I am not saying that these men not do not have the right to believe what they do; they do, and I also happen to agree with their assessments of Romney and somewhat on Obama. However, to haul themselves to the biggest liberal network in America and do something like this, makes these men, Christianity, the Church — look like complete buffoons. Perhaps Rev. Graham and his Ministry should concentrate more on furthering the Gospel of Christ and not be going to a liberal network and making statements which, in all honesty, does more to hurt the cause of Christ, than it ever does to help it.

In other words my friends, as a 29 year veteran of the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ; I just do not see the Godly wisdom of doing this sort of thing. It just does not strike me as something helpful for the body of Christ. Let those who have ears to hear; let them hear.

Santorum’s Michigan lead down to 4%


The Republican race for President in Michigan has tightened considerably over the last week, with what was a 15 point lead for Rick Santorum down to 4. He leads with 37% to 33% for Mitt Romney, 15% for Ron Paul, and 10% for Newt Gingrich.

The tightening over the last week is much more a function of Romney gaining than Santorum falling. Santorum’s favorability spread of 67/23 has seen no change since our last poll, and his share of the vote has dropped only 2 points from 39% to 37%. Romney meanwhile has seen his net favorability improve 10 points from +10 (49/39) to +20 (55/35) and his vote share go from 24% to 33%.

What we’re seeing in Michigan is a very different story from Florida where Romney surged by effectively destroying his opponent’s image- here Romney’s gains have more to do with building himself up.

Groups Santorum has double digit leads with include Protestants (up 47-30), union members (up 43-23), Evangelicals (up 51-24), Tea Partiers (up 55-20), ‘very conservative’ voters (up 54-23), and men (up 40-28).

Romney is leading the field with women (38-34), seniors (42-34), moderates (35-24), ‘somewhat conservative’ voters (40-34), and Catholics (43-31).

Newt Gingrich’s continued presence in the race is helping Romney a lot. If he dropped 45% of his supporters would go to Santorum, compared to only 29% for Romney and it would push Santorum’s lead over Romney up to 42-33. 47% of primary voters think Gingrich should drop out while only 40% believe he should continue on, but he’s certainly not showing any indication he’ll leave.

Santorum’s advantage over Romney seems to be a reflection of voters being more comfortable with where he is ideologically. 48% of voters think Santorum has more similar beliefs to them, compared to only 32% who pick Romney on that question. 63% of primary voters think Santorum’s views are ‘about right’ compared to only 42% who say that for Romney. 37% believe that Romney is ‘too liberal.

via Michigan GOP race tightens – Public Policy Polling.

It could be the fact that people from Michigan are beginning to realize that Santorum is a Religious extremist.  Which is fine, if you are a lowly blogger like myself. But when you are running for President of the United States; that can be a problem. Mitt Romney is more a moderate; but his Religion sucks. My issue with both of these guys is this; their religion, because you have one guy who is a part of what the Bible calls, “The Great Whore of Babylon” and then you have a guy who’s a part of the biggest false Christian cult since the Roman Catholic Church.  But as an protestant Christian, as a Fundamentalist Baptist, of this stripe here; both of these religions are a problem, and a big one at that! The question both of these candidates need to answer is this; of where do these two gentleman’s allegiances lie? Are they with the Roman Catholic Church or in Romney’s case, are they with the Mormon Church?

Is Romney’s plan for America one to uphold the Constitution and restore America’s greatness…. or is it to fulfill the Mormon agenda? Which can be read here and here.

Is Santorum’s plan to fulfill the Roman Catholic’s plan for America? Which can be read about here.

For all of Ron Paul’s issues; at least he is a protestant Christian; and I believe I could actually trust him in the White House. I might just for him in the primary here.


Mitt Romney pimps out Donald Trump

How Ironic:

ABC News’ Michael Falcone reports:

With just over a week to go before Michigan voters head to the polls, Mitt Romney is enlisting the help of one of his highest-wattage surrogates: Donald Trump.

The real estate mogul is preparing to spread his pro-Romney, anti-Rick Santorum message in a series of radio interviews this week on local stations from Traverse City to Detroit.

Trump’s effort begins Monday morning with an interview on the “Art Lewis Show,” on WSGW news radio in the Flint-Saginaw media market.

On Tuesday he will call into the “Ron Jolly Show” on WTCM in Traverse City. On Wednesday it’s the “Paul Smith Show” on WJR in Detroit. And on Thursday, Trump will talk to Michael Patrick Shiels, host of a drive-time radio program on WJIM in Lansing

via Donald Trump Hitting The Michigan Airwaves For Mitt Romney – ABC News.

A Wishy-Washy independent stumping for an indecisive Moderate, how quaint. An old saying, “Money looks out for money.” This is perfect example of that. I do not think that it will much help or hurt. Either Romney will bag the primary here or he will not; I seriously doubt that “The Donald” will influence that at all.

I have touched on this, in this blog posting here; But to repeat, Michigan’s largest voting bloc is the Independent voter and I am not entirely convinced that these voters are overly impressed with either Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum; at least not among the working class folk, or as they’re called “The 60k or less a year crowd.” I know that, as someone who is a working stuff, (Present Employment situation notwithstanding) I am not overly impressed with either of them really. Although, I could be very well wrong. Something just tells me, that Santorum and Mitt are going to be barking up the wrong tree around here. Especially with Santorum’s dog-whistle comments about Obama.

It remains to be seen; but I have feeling both of these guys are going to be highly disappointed.




Memo to Rick Santorum: This is not helping your cause

This is not a smart move, Mr. Santorum.

Via the Detroit News:

Washington — Rick Santorum on Sunday condemned what he called President Barack Obama’s world view that “elevates the Earth above man” and requires insurers to pay for prenatal tests that will encourage more abortions.

A day after telling an Ohio audience that Obama’s agenda is based on “some phony theology, not a theology based on the Bible,” the GOP presidential candidate said he wasn’t criticizing the president’s Christianity.

“I’ve repeatedly said I don’t question the president’s faith. I’ve repeatedly said that I believe the president’s Christian,” Santorum said in a broadcast interview. “I am talking about his world view, and the way he approaches problems in this country. I think they’re different than how most people do in America.”

The former Pennsylvania senator said Obama’s environmental policies promote ideas of “radical environmentalists,” who, Santorum argues, oppose greater use of the country’s natural resources because they believe “man is here to serve the Earth.” He said that was the reference he was making Saturday in his Ohio campaign appearance when he denounced a “phony theology.”

“I think that is a phony ideal. I don’t believe that is what we’re here to do,” Santorum said. “We’re not here to serve the Earth. The Earth is not the objective. Man is the objective.”

Obama’s campaign said Santorum’s remarks were another attack on the president’s faith by Republican rivals in a nominating contest that has grown increasingly bitter and negative.

“It’s just time to get rid of this mindset in our politics that, if we disagree, we have to question character and faith,” said Robert Gibbs, Obama’s former press secretary. “Those days have long passed in our politics. Our problems and our challenges are far too great.

I really hate to be the one to bring this out; nothing bothers me more than to have to point out the obvious.  However, because I am a Lincoln Conservative, a libertarian-minded Conservative and because I happen to believe that all forms of bigotry are simply immoral, I must address this issue.

Mr. Santorum, your dog whistle racism needs to stop.  This idiotic notion that President Barack Obama is not a Christian because he happens to disagree with your political stance is asinine at best.  Mr. Santorum your use of the word “worldview” is troubling.  Because I happen to believe that what you are actually saying is that because President Barack Obama is a man of color, because he is a black man; that somehow or another he views American differently than say yourself or even me.

My simple question to you sir is this; would you make the same statement of that nature to a Democratic Party Presidential candidate who was of the White race?  I happen to believe that the answer to that very important question would be a resounding no.  Because sir, it is a fact that your Party and the Conservatives that happen to reside in have been fanning the flames of an belief that because President Barack Obama is a black man and has ancestral ties to the African nation of Kenya; that somehow or another he is a communist.  Further that he somehow or another loves the Nation of Kenya more than he loves the United States of America.

Mr. Santorum because I grew up on the southwest side of the City of Detroit, in the state of Michigan here, I find all of this to very mightily offensive.  Furthermore, sir, I have a solemn warning to you and your campaign, and to the Republican National committee.  If you do not drop this idiotic and utterly contemptible pursuit of dog whistle racism in your pursuit of the White House, you sir will lose and the Democrats will win the election in 2012.

Because there is something that you, your campaign and the Republican National Committee need to know, Michigan is a very diverse state; racially, politically and economically.  Good portions of the residents of this wonderful state of ours are neither Republicans nor Democrats; many of them, like me, indentify ourselves as political independents, who usually vote for other third parties, if the candidates in the two major parties do not meet to what we feel meet our needs as citizens of this great Country of ours.

Mr. Santorum, if you continue this practice of “dog whistle” racism during this primary, you might actually succeed in defeating Mitt Romney in the primary here in Michigan.  You might just also successfully be able to win the nomination of your own party.  However, I assure you that you will lose the general election, not only here in Michigan, but nationally as well; because the America know when nuanced racist language is used against a black man.  We knew in 1964, when the southern Democrats wanted to keep blacks in the south from being truly free and we know it now. We knew it during World War 2, when people from your own party objected to rescuing Jews from the insanity of Hitler. Sadly, some of your people in your party are still bigots of that sort.

So, please sir; stop this madness while you still can maintain control of your own message.



Nice to know we could count on you Mustaine

Now, you can go back to sniffing coke off a hooker’s ass.

Remember my posting on how Dave Mustaine was going to be supporting Rick Santorum the anti-libertarian? Well, so much for that:

“Contrary to how some people have interpreted my words, I have not endorsed any presidential candidate,” the rocker said in a release after earlier reports had him backing Republican Rick Santorum on Wednesday. “What I did say was that I hope to see a Republican in the White House. I’ve seen good qualities in all the candidates but by no means have made my choice yet. I respect the fact that Santorum took time off from his campaign to be with his sick daughter, but I never used the word ‘endorse.'”

via Megadeth’s Dave Mustaine Not Ready to ‘Endorse’ Santorum | Billboard.com.

Don’t you just love when celebs cower to the liberal establishment in California and in the entertainment industry?

Quote of the Day

Nobody expects the Republican presidential nominee to be a libertarian purist, but it helps if he or she at least has a libertarian streak. In Rick Santorum’s case, he’s actively hostile toward libertarianism, and that’s an obstacle not only to him winning the nomination, but also to having a chance in a general election against President Obama.

With Santorum emerging as a true contender for the Republican nomination, he’s been coming under fire for his many votes to expand government. He took earmarks, voted for the Medicare prescription drug plan and backed No Child Left Behind. He pushed dairy subsidies, steel tariffs and sided with unions over workers.

On the other hand, should he win the Republican nomination, he’ll come under fire for his views on social issues. To be clear, it’s one thing to make a moral case for protecting the right to life of the unborn, which Santorum does passionately. But it’s another thing to argue, as he did in an interview last October, “One of the things I will talk about that no President has talked about before is I think the dangers of contraception in this country, the whole sexual libertine idea.” Well, there’s a reason why no president has talked about these things — because the president has absolutely no business lecturing Americans about their sex lives. If there’s a discussion to be had about sexual promiscuity in society, it should be left to churches and other private institutions.

As Cato’s Gene Healy noted in his Washington Examiner column on the topic this week, Santorum explicitly declared, “I am not a libertarian, and I fight very strongly against libertarian influence within the Republican Party and the conservative movement.”

Dave Mustaine supports Rick Santorum?!?!?!

This ought to be the top story in the “WTF?!?” stack!

Via Politico:

Yes, this is Dave Mustaine


Dave Mustaine, leader of the heavy metal band Megadeth, is ready to rock out for Rick Santorum.

“Earlier in the election, I was completely oblivious as to who Rick Santorum was, but when the dude went home to be with his daughter when she was sick, that was very commendable,” Mustaine recently told MusicRadar.com.  “… You know, I think Santorum has some presidential qualities, and I’m hoping that if it does come down to it, we’ll see a Republican in the White House… and that it’s Rick Santorum.”

Weighing in on the rest of the field, Mustaine called Newt Gingrich an “angry little man” and said Ron Paul will “make total sense for a while, and then he’ll say something so way out that it negates everything else.”

As for Mitt Romney, the rocker said, “I’ve got to tell you, I was floored the other day to see that Mitt Romney’s five boys have a $100 million trust fund. Where does a guy make that much money? So there’s some questions there.”

Needless to say, I highly doubt that Mustaine will be playing this at Santorum’s rallies anytime soon.

Others: Conservative Hideout 2.0