So Awesome.

This is so awesome, I love it.

John and Ann Betar weren’t supposed to get married. Her father had arranged for her to wed another man, but she and John fled Bridgeport and eloped in New York.

That was more than 80 years ago. The couple is still happily hitched, a fact that has led to their naming as the “longest married couple” in the U.S. for 2013 by Worldwide Marriage Encounter, a Christian marriage group based in San Bernardino, Calif.

The Betars are scheduled to receive a plaque and other gifts from the group at their granddaughter’s home in Fairfield on Saturday.

They told the New York Daily News that there are no secrets to a long marriage, only a few simple rules.

“We just live with contentment and we don’t live beyond our means,” John Betar said. “Just go with the flow.”

via ‘Longest married’ couple in US says key to a healthy relationship is just going with the flow | Fox News.

….and that right there, is the kind of marriage that I am holding out for; something that I know will last the ages. Too many people’s marriages are built on stubble and are a “flash in the pan.” I really do not want that; I want one that will last till “death do us part.” This is why I am still single.

Good Bless those two, and I really mean that. 😀


Military to lift ban on woman in combat

Boy do I ever feel sorry for the terrorists! 😯

WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta is lifting the military’s official ban on women in combat, which will open up hundreds of thousands of additional front-line jobs to them, senior defense officials said Wednesday. The groundbreaking decision overturns a 1994 Pentagon rule that restricts women from artillery, armor, infantry and other such combat roles, even though in reality women have frequently found themselves in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, where more than 20,000 have served. As of last year, more than 800 women had been wounded in the two wars and more than 130 had died. Defense officials offered few details about Mr. Panetta’s decision but described it as the beginning of a process to allow the branches of the military to put the change into effect. Defense officials said Mr. Panetta had made the decision on the recommendation of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. — Pentagon Set to Lift Ban on Women in Combat Roles –

I mean, I can see it now, a group of about 100 women — it’s that time of the month — and their fearless leader says, “Hey Ladies? You see that little towel-headed mofo over there? He hollered over here a minute ago and said that he has seen goats prettier than you!”…… 😯 Especially if some of them women happen to be related to anyone who died in the 9/11 attacks or in the Iraq or Afgan conflicts. There is nothing more brutal than a butch lesbian, who is a bit of a good shot.

Sexist? Who me? 😉

(via Memeorandum)

Babe of the Day: Bar Refaeli

For those coming in via twitter, ha ha! fooled you! 😉  But this woman is a babe and pretty too! BTW, I am having a fundraiser, care to help?

(via Holy Taco)

Bar Refaeli – Click to make bigger!

I said I was going to start doing this; so I am. Here’s my contribution to Rule 5!

To the Christians who read this blog, cover your eyes!  😉 😀  Besides, it is not like she is naked! 😀




No Thanks, I will stay single

Some idiot thinks that marriage is the answer.

I’ve written before about my feelings on marriage. Mainly, it is my issue with the feminists or Femi-Nazis, as I like to call them.

Either way, the way that they are training woman nowadays; I’d rather spank it and look at porn. Surprise I know, it sounds horrible to say that, but it’s less headaches. Plus too; who the heck honestly would want to try to bring a child into this perverse world that we live in? I mean, honestly, would you?

Not me, thanks. I’ll live the single life; and be quite happy, thanks.

Again, I know it sounds horrible; but in this day and age, it is reality and I am quite the realist. I am pro-life and I support those who do decide to get married. But, it is just not for me and I do not like being lectured on how horrible I am for not getting married. I have been known to tell a preacher or two, to go get bent for trying to. Angry

I want to live my life, like I want to, not like some religious zealot wants me too. You know, like these people?

If you came looking for the Wisconsin shooting posting

I pulled it.

This is why, via Jsonline:

Brookfield – Three people were killed in a shooting rampage late Sunday morning at a spa near the Brookfield Square Mall.

Four others were shot, and police continue to search for Radcliffe F. Haughton, 45, of Brown Deer. Police said he is 6 feet 2 inches tall, African-American and 270 pounds, wearing a gray sweater and blue jeans and carrying a white and black backpack. Police have located a black Mazda Protégé that was linked to Haughton.

The multiple shooting occurred about 11 a.m. at the Azana Salon & Spa on N. Moorland Road, just south of Blue Mound Road and across the street from Brookfield Square.

Police said at a 3:30 p.m. press conference that they had still not cleared the entire building, and that their investigation of the building was hampered by what they believe to be an improvised explosive device. The Milwaukee bomb squad had been called to the scene.

At the time that I wrote the posting, I had only read that people injured. Now, I see that there are people dead. This makes any point that I might have had, about the woman leaving her husband; pretty much moot. Deaths are a game changer, and it is one thing to have a point; is entirely another to have a point and the world think you are a complete and heartless a-hole. Well, I am not one of those and this is why I pulled the posting.

Again, I hope this guy does give himself up; however, because I am a realist, I believe they will find this man dead somewhere or they will have to kill him.   Update: The man is dead, the media is reporting that he was found inside the Spa dead. Tragic end to a tragic story. 🙁 The real kicker is, all of this, over a silly woman. Unreal. 🙄

As for the guys color, and his wife’s color. I could quite honestly give two flips. Yes, he is black, and I do not know about his wife. The point is: Who cares? If you are that big of a racist a-hole to think that he did this, because he was black, then you are just an idiot. Race has nothing to do with it at all. The man’s wife left him, and because of that, he snapped and killed a bunch of people. Because of that, there are three people dead; and that is all that really matters at this point. (Update: I wrote this because there people actually nosing around my site via search engines looking “shooting suspect color”)

I hate even putting any sort of Christian or political “shine” on this at all. However, this is what is going to happen, as our economy begins to slip. God help the families involved on this horrible day for them. Anyone, including me, who says anything other than this; is either a racist, an partisan a-hole or both.

Update: Yeah, you know, kind of like this Neo-Nazi dickwad here? I mean, why didn’t he just come out and say, “Well, there goes another dead n****r!” What….a….freaking…..tool. 🙄 😡 Sick thing is, he is a freaking darling blogger of the so-called “right” in this Country. Which has to be the sickest damn thing ever. If anyone ever deserved to be…..never mind, I do not want the dickwad going to the po-po’s and saying I threatened him. Jackwad tool. 😡  Here’s hoping, all I am saying about it. 😡

Just my thoughts…