One thing that will get you banned from viewing this blog

There is one thing that will get you banned for viewing this blog in a New York minute.

The thing that will get you banned from this blog and I mean even from viewing this blog via a ban on your IP address…. is leaving multiple comments over and over and over in the hopes that I will actually approve one of them. 

There seems to be someone who did that he called himself,”Simple Truth”.

Welp, the simple truth is that his IP address was added to the IP address reject list on this domain and all of my other domains.

Let me tell you something folks: When I have to get out of the bed at 4 o’clock in the morning, when I’m fixing to go to bed and I have to log into my blog and add someone’s username to the banned list… you can bet your sweet but that is IP address is going to go to the IP deny list.

I will not tolerate that sort of nonsense and that person is BANNED!

Christian or not you come here and you leave comments that are of an insulting nature and you come here trying to tell me how wrong I am and I have to get out of bed

The truth is, I have knee trouble and back trouble and neck trouble and I’m having to hunch over a computer in a lot of pain to delete your comments… you’re going to be banned and I mean permanently

I hope simple truth enjoyed looking at my blog for the short time that he did; because he is definitely not going to be looking at it from the computer that he was ever again.

And with that, I’m going back to bed. Here’s hoping this is the first and last time, I ever have to deal with anything like that again.

And yes I am quite ticked off…. 😠

Video: Eye on the Republic predicts the outcome of the Trump Administration

I was looking at the headlines this morning and I see this….

Via NYT:

WASHINGTON — Phone records and intercepted calls show that members of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election, according to four current and former American officials.

American law enforcement and intelligence agencies intercepted the communications around the same time they were discovering evidence that Russia was trying to disrupt the presidential election by hacking into the Democratic National Committee, three of the officials said. The intelligence agencies then sought to learn whether the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians on the hacking or other efforts to influence the election.

The officials interviewed in recent weeks said that, so far, they had seen no evidence of such cooperation.

But the intercepts alarmed American intelligence and law enforcement agencies, in part because of the amount of contact that was occurring while Mr. Trump was speaking glowingly about the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin. At one point last summer, Mr. Trump said at a campaign event that he hoped Russian intelligence services had stolen Hillary Clinton’s emails and would make them public.

The officials said the intercepted communications were not limited to Trump campaign officials, and included other associates of Mr. Trump. On the Russian side, the contacts also included members of the government outside of the intelligence services, they said. All of the current and former officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because the continuing investigation is classified.

Here is my prediction as to what will happen to the Trump Administration:


Mother Jones, Breitbart, Washington Post, Bloomberg, Vox, The Atlantic, American Prospect, The Daily Caller, Talking Points Memo, ThinkProgress, Politico, NPR, FiveThirtyEight, The Hill, Daily Wire, Raw Story, The Guardian, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Business Insider, Infowars, PRI, The Week, Scripting News, IJR, MSNBC, NBC News, Salon, Fox News Insider, The Huffington Post, Hullabaloo, New York Magazine, Media Matters for America, CBS Philly, AOL, CBS New York, Shakesville, Gothamist, Political Insider blog, Common Dreams, Outside the Beltway, Mediaite,, Washington Monthly, Towleroad, CNN, No More Mister Nice Blog, TheBlaze, Hot Air, Power Line, BizPac Review, Just Security, Joe.My.God.,,, Informed Comment, RT, AMERICAblog NewsAMERICAblog …, The Resurgent, The FADER, Refinery29, Little Green Footballs, Lawyers, Guns & Money,, Balloon Juice, Boing Boing and Axios, more at Mediagazer »

Black on White Crime: The Story of Reagan Tokes

I know that I said that I was not going to report on this sort of stuff anymore, because it was attracting the wrong kind of people to this blog. But, this one has to be reported on and it is being done for a purpose.

The Video about the victim:

The Animal who killed her:

The Story via ABC News:

The black deranged animal who brutally raped, then shot her. Brian Lee Golsby a convicted rapist and registered sex offender

Family and friends of 21-year-old Ohio State student Reagan Tokes are mourning her tragic death after the college senior was allegedly raped and murdered after leaving work last week.

Tokes, a psychology student who was set to graduate this spring, is survived by her parents and a younger sister. Her funeral will be held Wednesday.

“We miss her deeply,” her father, Toby Tokes, told ABC affiliate WSYX in Columbus Monday. “She didn’t deserve what happened to her.”

A GoFundMe page was set up in her memory to raise money for a scholarship to “give other hard working high school students a chance to attend the college of their dreams just like Reagan did,” according to the site.

On Sunday night the college student’s friends and coworkers brought flowers, candles and cards to Bodega, the bar and restaurant in Columbus, Ohio, where Tokes worked, for a candlelight vigil in her memory. The restaurant said on its Facebook page that all proceeds from Sunday’s sales would be donated to her scholarship fund.

“We are incredibly heartbroken today as we mourn the loss of one of our own,” Bodega Columbus wrote earlier in a Facebook post. “Reagan, you will forever remain in our hearts. We love you.”

Tokes was last seen alive leaving the bar on Feb. 8. She was reported missing by friends the next day.

Authorities found her naked body on Thursday near an entrance to Scioto Grove Metro Park in Grove City, which is about 12 miles away from OSU. Tokes was pronounced dead at the scene from what appeared to be gunshot wounds to the head.

Her accused killer, convicted rapist and registered sex offender Brian Lee Golsby, was arrested Saturday and has been charged with aggravated murder, rape, kidnapping and aggravated robbery, according to the Franklin County, Ohio, municipal court.

The next time some black person decides to start lecturing you on how black lives matter; show them this and ask them —- “Did this young woman’s life matter?”

I can here it now, “You can’t blame all black people for actions of one!” Well, it is kind of ironic that some would say that, seeing that “Black Lives Matter” likes to blame all white people for actions of a few.

Michigan Democrats meet at Cobo to figure out the mess they made of the party

This is a nice thought, but, if I know the modern Democratic Party; it will accomplish nothing at all.

Detroit — Michigan Democrats are gathering Saturday at the Cobo Center in Detroit, where they’ll look to regroup after a series of stinging election losses and choose new officials who will lead the party into the 2018 cycle.

State party chairman Brandon Dillon is not expected to face a significant challenge in his bid for re-election, but new activists and current leaders will compete for a series of caucus, congressional district and central committee seats.

Two separate groups inspired by Vermont U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, a 2016 presidential candidate and democratic socialist, are hoping to breathe new life into the party by engaging the grassroots. The two organizations are at odds, however, and are promoting separate candidates for various party positions.

Leaders of Michigan for Revolution have blasted “establishment” Democrats and say they want to “revolutionize” the state party. Michigan to Believe in, meanwhile, has worked with labor leaders to develop a joint “progressive unity slate” of convention candidates.

Via The Detroit News: Michigan Democrats plot new course at Cobo

What needs to happen with the Democratic Party, as a whole, is this: The Democratic Party needs to chase these radical leftists, of the Barnie Sanders/Barack Obama stripe —- the New Left, out of that Party with torches and pitch forks! They have ruined what was once, what Ronald Reagan called, “An Honorable Party” and turned it into a socialist, far left-wing party.

From the time, when I was eligible to vote, when I was 18; I voted Democrat. I was born into and raised in a Democratic Party voting household. My Father is a retired UAW worker.

So, I think I more than qualify to talk about what is happening in that Party. In 2007, after basically watching the Democratic Party turn into a parody of its former self and then after watching that Party embrace the mantra of the far left, in the warm embrace of Barack Obama and using tactics straight out of Al Sharpton’s playbook to get him elected and watching the progressive biased media go lockstep with that Party —- I said, “I have had enough!” and stopped voting for Democrats for good.

I hear being said among Democrats, “The Angry White Male Voter.” Well, I have news for the Democratic Party; we have a darned good reason to be angry! The white race has been vilified by the Democratic Party, to the point of ridiculousness. The whole underlying, but nuanced, rhetoric that all white people are inherently racist; has been destructive to the Democratic Party.  This sort of rhetoric has driven many a long time white Democratic Party voter away from that Party —- many of whom I know personally.

Not only that, but the policies of Barack Obama and the Democratic Party, during their 8 year reign of terror — have left many working class white people poorer than they were, when President George W. Bush was in office. The much maligned “Obamacare” being a perfect example of that. Small Businesses have been taxed to death, which caused many of them to have to layoff employees and some of them to have to go out of business.

The Bottom Line: The Democratic Party needs to go back to square one, look at their founding documents and see what that party was originally about and go from there. Because now, they are in a mess and if they do not fix the mess. They might just find themselves unable to get elected to anything.




Conservative Media figures are grumbling about the GOP Congress

Already? Yeah, I figured this would be coming. 🙄

Here’s Sean Hannity, and he is not happy:

It is not just him. AllahPundit over at observes the following:

It’s not just Hannity among the conservative A-list who’s grumbling about the tortoise pace of legislative action. Some House conservatives, like Jim Jordan, have complained about it recently and Matt Drudge, a Trump superfan, chimed in on Twitter a few days ago demanding to know what the hold-up is on O-Care and tax reform. All of which is excellent populist fodder: You can’t go wrong reassuring a restive grassroots audience that Congress is a bunch of gutless layabouts, especially if you’re a fan of the president and looking to condition the public to give him more power.

AP explains things a bit:

But this is more complicated than it looks. For one thing, the Senate GOP is jammed up right now by Democratic tactics to slow-walk Trump’s cabinet nominees. That’s resolving itself hour by hour as the time for debate on each nominee expires, but getting Trump’s secretaries in place is a top priority at the moment. For another thing, it’s not just Republicans in Congress who are urging patience among the base in moving their agenda, especially when it comes to ObamaCare. Hannity being Hannity, this monologue is a full-throated defense of Trump as a man of action and condemnation of the dithering Ryan-led Republicans in Congress as cowards who are blowing an opportunity — but it was Trump, not Ryan, who warned Americans last Sunday that the repeal-and-replace process might take until 2018. It’s Trump, not Ryan, who has pointedly held off on undoing Obama’s executive amnesties, much to the dismay of border hawks like Steve King. It’s Trump, not Ryan, who prioritized the travel ban as his first big policy fight rather than tax reform. Of course it’s true that Trump has acted more boldly thus far than Ryan and McConnell have in securing gains for the party, but that’s due to the nature of the two branches. All the president needs to do to make something happen in the executive branch is to grab a pen. Making something happen in the legislative branch takes time. As it was supposed to.

It also requires 60 votes in the Senate (at least for now), and therein lies a major problem. The Senate GOP can avoid a filibuster by using reconciliation to repeal chunks of ObamaCare, like the mandate — but it can’t repeal all of it. Importantly, it probably can’t repeal the regulations that require insurers to provide coverage to people with preexisting conditions, a main driver of costs under the program. It’ll probably take 60 votes for that, which creates a dilemma for Republicans: Do they really want to risk eliminating the mandate, the key revenue mechanism under the law, via reconciliation knowing that they can’t eliminate the main expenditure provision at the same time? That’s a recipe for a death spiral, which would mean lots and lots and lots of dropped coverage and lots and lots and lots of angry voters. Trump seems to understand that, that there aren’t 60 votes for a plan to avert that death spiral — at the moment — which is why he’s looking to 2018. Why is it the fault of congressional Republicans that they don’t have a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate?

….and on Taxes:

The Bush tax cuts were enacted via reconciliation, you’ll recall, and were also subject to a 10-year sunset provision. Because of that, the top income tax bracket reverted to its pre-Bush levels in 2012. If you want this year’s tax reforms to be permanent rather than limited by another 10-year sunset and another big congressional standoff circa 2027, you need Democratic cooperation. That means 60 votes, and most Senate Dems are in no mood to provide those votes right now — but they might be eventually, especially since there’s bipartisan consensus on certain key issues (like lowering corporate taxes). As the midterms bear down on red-state Dems like Joe Manchin, they might be willing to compromise with the Great Negotiator in the White House and produce a package that can be passed cleanly in Congress, enshrining Trump’s tax program as permanent law. But that’ll take time, and Hannity and other populists are unwilling to wait.

Here’s an idea. If Trump wants to speed things along in the legislature so that he isn’t stuck fighting court battles over executive orders, he could try being a bit less antagonistic to legislators on the other side, like mocking Chuck Schumer for tearing up over refugees, and searching for areas on which the parties might compromise, to build trust. (And in fact, he might be doing just that.) It may not work despite his best efforts — the left craves a “resist at all costs!” approach to Trump, which is too bad and about which there isn’t much the White House can do. But he can do what he can do on his end. It can only help Ryan and McConnell to pick up the pace if he’s more conciliatory with critics.

Needless to say, the GOP congress is going to have their hands full for the next 4 years. When they are not defending themselves from attacks from Democrats, they will be having to fend off attacks from the Conservative media. It is going to be a long, hard four years.

Kellyanne Conway once again proves that she is not ready for prime time.

Remember when I said that this woman needed to go? Well, here is another good reason.

The Story: White House says Conway has been ‘counseled’ after touting Ivanka Trump’s products – The Washington Post

President Trump’s official counselor, Kellyanne Conway, was “counseled” after she told TV audiences to “go buy Ivanka’s stuff,” the White House said Thursday.

Legal experts said Conway had broken a key ethics law banning federal employees from using their public office to endorse products. White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Thursday that Conway “has been counseled,” but offered no other comment.

Conway, speaking to “Fox & Friends” viewers from the White House briefing room, was responding to boycotts of Ivanka Trump merchandise and Nordstrom’s discontinuation of stocking her clothing and shoe lines, which the retailer said was in response to low sales and which the president assailed as unfair.

“I’m going to give it a free commercial here,” Conway said of the president’s daughter’s merchandise brand. “Go buy it today.”

Conway and officials from the Office of Government Ethics did not respond to requests for comment Thursday.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said Conway’s endorsement was ”clearly over the line” and “unacceptable.”

Earlier in the day, the committee’s ranking Democrat, Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (Md.), had urged Chaffetz to support a review into what he called “a textbook violation of government ethics laws.”

Trump might be a good leader and is going to be a excellent President. But, he has surrounded himself with a bunch of utter buffoons. This woman needs to be fired and I mean quick.

Update: Here is the buffoon breaking ethics laws:

Other Bloggers: Politico, TheBlaze, Media Matters for America, Mother Jones, Talking Points Memo, New York Magazine, TVNewser, AOL, No More Mister Nice Blog, Common Dreams, Mediaite,, CNNMoney, BizPac Review, Hot Air, The Hill, The Week, The Guardian, Business Insider, Washington Times, New York’s PIX11,, John Hawkins’ Right Wing News, Breitbart, theGrio and Washingtonian, CREW, Talking Points Memo, The Hill,, The Week, The Guardian, Daily Wire, New York’s PIX11, WTVR-TV, Refinery29, TheBlaze, Mediaite, Raw Story, IJR, The Daily Caller, Politicus USA, Business Insider, Common Dreams, Washington Monthly, Bloomberg, Daily Kos, Forbes,, Deadline, CBS Boston, CBS Dallas and Washington Times, Vox, New York Times, The Guardian, NPR, BizPac Review, DCist, The Week, Racked, The Hill, Raw Story, USA Today, The Daily Beast, Business Insider, The Slot, RedState, Washington Post, The Stranger …, , Mother Jones and, The Atlantic


Alex Jones just moved to the “Do not link to” category

Because of this steaming pile of horse manure right here….

Via the LA Times:

If there is anything worse than losing a child, it is losing a child and having people taunt you over the loss.

That is what happened to the family of Noah Pozner, a 6-year-old with tousled brown hair and lollipop-red lips, the youngest of the 26 children and staff members gunned down in 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

In the years since the massacre that shook the country and opened new anxiety over gun violence, the family has received hate-filled calls and violent emails from people who say they know the shooting was a hoax. Photos of their son — some with pornographic and anti-Semitic content — have been distributed on websites.

These outlandish theories, which hold that the Newtown school shooting was a staged mass murder engineered by gun control advocates, have lived until now in the dark corners of the Internet.

But they have gained fresh momentum in the last several months, residents here say, at a time when conspiracy theorists across the country have attained the status of celebrities, and the nation as a whole is engaged in a contentious debate over the nature of truth.

President Trump and his national security advisor, Michael T. Flynn, have been open enthusiasts of Alex Jones’ Infowars, a Web-based radio and video network that has relentlessly pushed the theory that Sandy Hook was staged by Democrats to advance a gun control agenda. 

An unabashed Trump supporter during the campaign, Jones says he received a personal call of thanks from the president-elect days after the election.

Although Trump has not spoken publicly about Sandy Hook, many residents here say he is nurturing the culture of exaggeration and paranoia on which conspiracy theorists thrive.

“Maybe it has nothing to do with Donald Trump, but somehow these hate creeps have been less shy about their beliefs,” said Noah’s father, Lenny Pozner, an information technology specialist. “They’ve been emboldened.”

Mark Fenster, a law professor at the University of Florida and author of a book about conspiracy theories in American politics, said the Sandy Hook hoax theory was a response to a Democratic-controlled White House of a kind that often shows up in political extremist circles.

“Conspiracy theories are pervasive in American politics and they target whoever is in power,” Fenster said. “I think it won’t be long before the Alex Joneses of this world are saying that Trump is part of some conspiracy.’’

The town of Newtown is drafting an official letter to the White House demanding that Trump sever his ties to Jones.

Well, the President of the United States might not do it. But, I will. I have removed ALL links to ALL conspiracy theory websites on this blog. I do not wish to be associated with people who do this sort of thing.

Now, having a problem with the Government and believing that things are not as they seem are one thing. But, tormenting people who lost children to a deranged killer….is another. I never much cared of Alex Jones and his ilk, now I remember why.



Kellyanne Conway needs to stop whining about her job or resign

I saw this today at and I could not help but think that if this was a Democrat presidential adviser, the conservative media would be roasting her for it.

Here is the video of her whining about her job and the hazards thereof:

Now, what I am about to say, is not going to be political correct. But, Mrs. Conway; stop bitching and whining about the fact that not everyone is going to like your boss or even worse, you or resign your position of Presidential Advisor. Because I, for one, did not vote for some shrieking harpy to sit and whine about how the “mean old liberal media”, is treating you badly. It comes with the territory. Dana Perino who served as Bush’s press secretary, faced a hostile crowd too and never once did you ever hear her complain about it, ever.

I think it is high time that President Trump took control of his White House, cleaned house and put some people in there with some backbone and get rid of the damned whiners.

If that is not a good enough reason to send this whiner packing, maybe the fact that she got into a drunken first-fight might just be.

Again, I did not vote for this sort of stupidity; Trump needs to clean it up and I mean quick.

Others: AOL, Hot Air, TheBlaze, Mediaite, New York Magazine, Mother Jones and, The Week, The Slot,, Oliver Willis, Althouse and CBS Philly, Political Wire