American Muslim Khizr Khan who’s Son died in Iraq in 2004, gives stinging rebuke to Trump

I hate to say this; but, this guy, gave Donald Trump a huge black eye.

The Video: (H/T to WaPo)

Skip to 3:35 in the video and just watch… 😯

The money clip in this video, happens at 4:22 and continues to the end. I mean, what can the right honestly say, in response to this; without sounding like a bunch of racist bigots?

Well, one such person did just that, and failed utterly miserably.

Listen to a one Sandy Rios of the American Family Association spittle all over herself:

(H/T Right Wing Watch…(Yes, I know, I used them and I have no shame in that. You spew hatred in the name of Christ or Christian values, you get called out on this blog. Period, End of discussion… 😡 )


“From my perspective, it is the responsibility of Mr. Khan to distinguish himself from Islamists, from the Muslim Brotherhood whose treatise is to destroy us from within,” Rios said. “If he is a patriotic, loyal, American-Muslim, then we want to hear that, that’s great, and we grieve with them over the death of their son. But do not disparage Americans or Donald Trump for having concerns about Muslims in our midst.”

She continued, “And if you are so concerned, Mr. Khan, if you’re an American first, then distinguish yourself and condemn Islamists, condemn the Muslim Brotherhood, then we will listen to you, and stop waving the Constitution. As far as I can tell, Islam, truly, supporters of Islam and the Quran, cannot embrace the Constitution. Now, if you have a different view, then explain that to us and then maybe we can be persuaded, but don’t shame America for having genuine and rightful concerns about Muslims in our midst when we have no idea who they are or what they really believe, and we’re not even sure about you, sir, because we know about taqiyya, which is the practice of lying to the infidel in order to advance the Muslim cause.

“So I’m sorry, we’ll not be shamed. I’m sorry for the loss of their son and I hope he is a loyal American, but I think a loyal American Muslim would be more like Zuhdi Jasser, who is very clear about where he stands, who was very patriotic and loyal and totally distances himself from Islamism, so if that’s the case for this gentleman, then he should’ve said that on the platform rather than shaming us for having concerns about Muslim immigration.”

Hey, Sandy Rios, I am not sure about you either. Whether or not you are really a born-again Christian or not; Because the Bible does truly say this:

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. – (Matthew 5:44-48 KJV)

Furthermore, I am equally troubled that the American Family Association has given this two-bit nitwit to espouse her obvious blind hatred of American Muslims. The real kicker? This hateful woman is the AFA’s director of governmental affairs, that my friends is very troubling.

Now, I know that I do support Donald Trump and I also know that he has made these comments about Muslims; that is the part that I really do not feel comfortable with and how he would use the office of the President to abuse freedom of religion in this Country. Because if he did this with Muslims; who is to say, a Democratic Party President would not do so….with Christians.

So, my open message to Sandy Rios is this: You do not speak for me bitch, not as Christian, not as a Baptist, nor as a Conservative American. 😡

I also want to add this: I have no quarrel with Muslims, who have moved here; so that they may be free, those who have embraced our Country, our values and our way of life. This man obviously had, and Sandy Rios is a perfect example as to why the Conservative Christian has never truly gotten a seat at the table of the Republican Party. I hope it says that way too. Christian dominionism is a dangerous thing and we constitutional minded conservatives, must keep it out of Government at all costs. This Sandy Rios is a perfect example of as to why it must be.



Good News: U.S. Army puts the brakes on Christian bashing

Some good news for a change….

Via WorldNetDaily:

The chief of the U.S. Army has ordered that training for the military on “extremists” be halted until the program can be corrected and standardized to eliminate the Christian-bashing that has been reported several times.

It was earlier this month that one such “training” course was reported as identifying the pro-family American Family Association as a hate group – a designation that earlier was applied to the group by the domestic terror case-linked Southern Poverty Law Center.

According to a commentary from Fox News’ Todd Starnes, Army Secretary John McHugh has given military leaders a memo with the orders.

“On several occasions over the past few months, media accounts have highlighted instances of Army instructors supplementing programs of instruction and including information or material that is inaccurate, objectionable and otherwise inconsistent with current Army policy,” the memo said.

Starnes reported an Army spokesman, David Patterson Jr., said that McHugh “directed that Army leaders cease all briefings, command presentations or training on the subject of extremist organizations or activities until that program of instruction and training has been created and disseminated.”

It was a soldier at a Camp Shelby in Mississippi who presented evidence to media that an Army presenter at a briefing identified AFA as a “hate group” because of its stance on homosexuality and marriage.

Army spokesman George Wright later confessed the information was “acquired from an Internet search” and that the allegations “did not come from official Army sources, nor was it approved by senior Army leaders, senior equal opportunity counselors or judge-advocate personnel.”

Tim Wildmon, president of AFA, one of the country’s largest Christian ministries, said, “We are probably going to be taking legal action. The Army has smeared us. They’ve defamed the American Family Association.”

Brian Fischer, AFA’s director of issues analysis, said the “internet” source likely was the Southern Poverty Law Center, which routinely labels Christians who adhere to biblical teaching on homosexuality as “hate groups.”

At the time, he said, “The blatantly false ‘hate’ allegation is coming from the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is now a thoroughly discredited source on any subject, especially hate. In fact, for spreading malicious lies about pro-family groups, SPLC belongs on its own hate group list. They’ve made a despicable career out of using lies, distortions and innuendo to whip up reckless and dangerous animosity against groups which defend the values of the Founders.”

Fischer said the “real hate group here is the SPLC.”

That isn’t news to anyone familiar with the terror attack on the Washington headquarters of the Family Research Council, an organization with standards and beliefs like those of the AFA.

I think the lawsuit from AFA is a bit on the extreme side; but I am glad to see that reasoned minds prevailed over liberal idiocy.