Catholics are actually growing a pair

Finally, the Catholics are growing a pair against the liberal left.

From the Washington Examiner:

Saint Mary’s College in Indiana, an all-women’s Catholic college, has reversed a controversial decision to admit biological males who identify as women.

In an email to the college’s community, Saint Mary’s College President Katie Conboy said the university is reverting back to its prior policy of only admitting biological women after the college’s initial decision to admit males who identify as women was roundly condemned.

Good on this college for standing up for what is right. For many years, the Catholic Church, stood for their beliefs. Only recently, due to this liberal pope, they have begun to slip. Good on this college for sticking to their guns. They should have done this in the first place.

It might be back peddling, but I will take it.

Others: The Daily Caller, The Daily Signal and The Daily Register

I wish I could feel sorry….

You reap, what you sow…:

In April I went into the hospital and stayed there a week. Subsequently, I have gone back numerous times. In fact, I have spent more time in the hospital this year than all the rest of my life combined. My lungs were filling with clots and I could barely breath. By the time I got admitted, my blood-oxygen level was below 90%. While I was there, doctors found a tumor in my wife’s right lung. In June, she had it removed and on the day of surgery the doctors found a new growth on her left lung. The one was removed on a Tuesday and the other that Friday. My wife, it turns out, has a very uncommon form of lung cancer that only affects non-smoking women. – Source: If I Die Before You Wake… | The Resurgent

I wish that I could sit here and write that I felt a slight twinge of sympathy for this man. But, if I wrote that, I would be straight up lying. This man allowed on his former blog; which he started and ultimately got a financial bail out from Townhall, because of his inability to run an effective business — his users to smear me, lie about me and defame me on a regular basis. I have no pity for him at all. You allow bad things to happen to other people, bad things happen to you. It is Biblical:

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. – (Galatians 6:7-8 KJV)

Right now, this man, is reaping what he sowed.

Others: Outside the beltway