Memo to CAIR: Thou Doth Protest Too Much

Now this is unbelievable. A couple of Marines decided to treat a few dead Taliban terrorists to a good old fashioned “golden shower.

Here is the video:

Quoting CAIR:

“We condemn this apparent desecration of the dead as a violation of our nation’s military regulations and of international laws of war prohibiting such disgusting and immoral actions.

“If verified as authentic, the video shows behavior that is totally unbecoming of American military personnel and that could ultimately endanger other soldiers and civilians.

“We trust that this disturbing incident will be promptly investigated in a transparent manner and that appropriate actions will be taken based on the results of that investigation. Any guilty parties must be punished to the full extent allowed by the Uniform Code of Military Justice and by relevant American laws.”

Allow me, as a proud American who lived through, witnessed on live TV and had to deal with the depression of what happened on September 11, 2001 — to show you, just WHO these Marines were pissing on….

They pissing on people that did this:

and this:

and this:

and this:

So, to you CAIR, I have two words for you turban wearing pieces of human excrement:

Piss Off!

If anything at all, you should be glad that angry Americans, like me, are not going around to Mosques in America and dragging your sorry asses out in to the streets of America and shooting you in the heads. You have been very highly protected by the United States Government, despite the fact that your backward religion instructs your mindless followers to kill people that disagree with your beliefs. You should be very grateful for this and should keep your mouths shut.

Remember you bastards, you started this little war on freedom — we did not. We did not want it — you did, and when you suffer, you complain. Crybaby pukes, you start a war against freedom and when some of our guys get the upper hand, you cry. Wah, Wah Wah…. cry me a river. 🙄

This is one of the many reasons why I believe that in the interest of National Security; that the Religion backward crap of ISLAM should be BANNED in America. This is not about Religion Freedom, this is about National Security and these bastards are a threat to humanity!

…and before anyone says it. I know it was Al-Qaeda that hit us, not the Taliban. Same difference, terrorists are terrorists, Jihads are Jihads… Big whoop. 🙄

Others: Pamela, American Power,,

Cross-Posted to Right Michigan

Update: it seems that most over at agree with me.

Bombing in Iran kills Commerce Deputy of Iran’s Nuclear Enrichment Site


The magnetic bomb which was planted by an unknown motorcyclist under the car of Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan Behdast, a professor at Tehran’s technical university, also wounded two other Iranian nationals in Seyed Khandan neighborhood in Northern Tehran.

Ahmadi Roshan, 32, was a graduate of oil industry university and a deputy director of Natanz uranium enrichment facility for commercial affairs.

No more details have been revealed about the blast.— Fars News Agency :: Terrorists Kill Commerce Deputy of Iran’s Nuclear Enrichment Site

Mossad? CIA?  (sarcasm of course…)

It is to wonder.

Whomever it is…. keep it up! 

Others:   YID With LID and Israel Matzav

Is China’s Economy about to collapse?

This is not the first time I have heard this, but:

Which does China face? A popped real estate bubble could exert a big drag. Housing construction exceeds 10 percent of GDP. That’s historically high, says Lardy. At a similar stage of economic development, Taiwan’s housing investment was 4.3 percent of GDP. In the recent U.S. real estate boom, housing peaked at 6 percent of GDP. In China, housing stimulates much consumer spending (furniture, appliances) and accounts for 40 percent of steel production, notes Lardy. Land sales are also a big revenue source for local governments. All would suffer from a housing bust.

There are mitigating factors. Outside Beijing and Shanghai, it’s unclear that housing prices are “out of line with household income growth,” says economist Eswar Prasad of Cornell University. Chinese buyers also typically make large cash payments for their properties. Compared to United States, a housing bust is less likely to become a banking crisis as mortgages sour.

Whatever happens, China’s economic model is reaching its limits, as Lardy argues. It has relied on exports, promoted through the controlled exchange rate, and investment, including housing, subsidized by cheap credit. Meanwhile, Chinese savers have been punished by the low returns on deposits. This dampens their incomes and consumption spending. The trouble is that the global slowdown threatens exports and housing’s excesses threaten investment. Unless China can switch to stronger consumption spending, its economy will slow — or it will achieve growth by becoming even more predatory toward other countries. — Is a Chinese economic slump on the horizon? – The Washington Post

Go read that whole thing, because this is the best case for this belief. The funny thing, the people over a have been saying this for a while:

Go check them out and get into Gold and Silver; before you lose it all.

What you need to know about

I ran across this site and I have seen a few of his videos on YouTube. Anyhow, as a historic Fundamentalist I think it is quite unfair of this guy to bash Fundamentalists, especially Baptists.

So, I figure, if he is going to smear and libel people like Jack Schaap over at First Baptist of Hammond, Ind. They should know where to reach this guy.

Continue reading “What you need to know about”

No, Pat Robertson did not hear from God

I am fixing to break one of my rules that I wrote on my blog’s “about this blog” page.  I wrote the following:

Also too, with this blog, I am going to stick strictly to Politics. I am not going to meander into Religion or Religious arguments like I did on my previous blog; Because for one, it tends to start fights with unbelievers and two, it tends to make me look like a jerk. My point is this, I know what I believe, but I am not interested in fighting about it or debating it. At some point, I might create a Blog solely dedicated to Christianity; but on this blog, it’s about politics and politics only.

For what it is worth I do plan on following that little rule; however, when so-called “Christians” insert themselves into politics, I, as a Fundamentalist Baptist, will have to speak out.

Having said all of the above, I can tell you with the uttermost confidence that God did not speak to Pat Roberson.

Here is the very misguided man attempting to act as someone who has a personal line with the almighty: (H/T Mediaite)


I spent the better part of a week in prayer and just saying, ‘God show me something,’ some things I’ll share with you. I think he showed me the next me the next president but I’m not supposed to talk about that so I’ll leave you in the dark—probably just as well—I think I’ll know who it will be. I’m going to read just as I wrote down as if I’m hearing from the Lord these words.

Your country will be torn apart by internal stress, a house divided cannot stand. Your president holds a radical view of the direction of your country which is at odds with the majority, expect chaos and paralysis. Your president holds a view that is at odds with the majority, it’s a radical view of the future of this country, so that’s why we’re having this division. This is a spiritual battle which can only be won by overwhelming prayer. The future of the world is at stake because if America falls, there’s no longer a strong champion of freedom and a champion of the oppressed of the world. There must be an urgent call to prayer. The Lord said, a time of maximum stress and peril, greater than at any time since the CBN ministry began. This country will begin disintegrating.

I started thinking, when did we start this place? We started CBN in 1960, you think of all the things that went on, you had the assassination of the president, assassination of Martin Luther King, you’ve got a war in Vietnam, you’ve got all these things, He is saying you will have worse stress than before. So I’m saying, God, let me give you some suggestions and you tell me if any of them is right, pick one. I said, is it an EMP blast? No that isn’t it. Is it a cosmic or solar or radiation blast? No. Is it Mayan galaxy alignment? No. Is it Iranian or North Korean nuclear threat? No. Is it an earthquake or a volcano? No. Is it a massive power failure? No. What is it? It’s an economic collapse. And God said, This is not my judgment, they are bringing it upon themselves.

Pat Robertson is a Pentecostal Christian, he is under the typical delusion that the “signs and wonders” as written about in the Book of Acts chapter 2 are somehow for today. In that false belief system, these people actually believe that God is still speaking to people today. This is patently false; everything that God had to say to mankind is located in the Bible. period, end of story.

Anyone that tries to tell anyone any different is trying to deceive people, which is what this con man is an old professional at being— a con man.

Others: Indecision Forever, The Hinterland Gazette, Mediaite, Gawker, Daily Kos, The Raw Story and Little Green Footballs