Noted Anti-Semite Tom Boggioni belches forth Anti-Christian and Anti-Catholic Bigotry

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He also spews forth more of his Bush derangement syndrome.

To see his Antisemitism on full display, read here.

I still do not understand why this Jane allows this douche-nozzle to write on that blog of hers.

Mussolini would be proud.

Update: Think that is bad? Check out Tom’s unflattering picture and racist painting of one the Bush Administration’s most hated staff member. I tend to believe that the reason that he gets away this sort of stuff Is because, 1. He is a liberal and 2. He is a minority himself. Proving my theory that not only white people can be racists.


Honestly why does anyone care what this stupid woman thinks?

No, No… I don’t mean Tina Korbe.

I mean this woman, Megan McCain…:

Ugh, it’s like listening to a valley girl talk about politics. Like gag me with a spoon man. 🙄

Is Rick Santorum a “Big Government” Conservative?

My answer? Aren’t they all? 😀

This guy seems to think so: (H/T

Rick Santorum, like most Republican candidates, fashions himself the one true conservative running in 2012. If the thought of big, intrusive liberal government offends you, he might just be your man. And if you favor a big, intrusive Republican government, he’s unquestionably your candidate.

People are taking a look at Santorum. Important people. People in Iowa. Even New York Times columnist David Brooks recently celebrated his working-class appeal, newfound viability and economic populism, noting that the former Pennsylvania senator’s book “It Takes a Family“ was a ”broadside against Barry Goldwater-style conservatism” — or, in other words, a rejection of that Neanderthal fealty for liberty and free markets that has yet to be put down. Santorum’s book is crammed with an array of ideas for technocratic meddling; even the author acknowledges that some people “will reject” what he has to say “as a kind of ‘Big Government’ conservatism.”

Santorum grumbles about too many conservatives believing in unbridled “personal autonomy” and subscribing to the “idea that people should be left alone, be able to do whatever they want to do … that we shouldn’t get involved in the bedroom (and) we shouldn’t get involved in cultural issues.” — Via Santorum: Conservative Technocrat |

Go read all of that, it’s quite interesting.

Bachmann bails with the Longest….speech….ever

I can see why she left, but man, was that long rambling speech really necessary? 🙄

Via CNN:

The Video:

The Story:

(CNN) – Michele Bachmann ended her bid for the Republican presidential nomination Wednesday, hours after a disappointing sixth-place finish in the Iowa caucuses.

The Minnesota congresswoman suspended her campaign, a legal technicality that will allow her to continue to raise and spend campaign funds.

Ed Morrissey was not very impressed with her, like me. Stacy McCain was actually there, the lucky old bastard. 😛

Anyhow, you know who this helps, right? Perry, of course.

It’s humor folks, relax

I hate it when I have to remind my own people that sometimes humor, is just that, humor.

Real Clear Politics has a video of Michelle Obama appearing in a TV show called iCarly.

Here’s the quote:

First Lady Michelle Obama is to make a guest appearance on an upcoming episode of the popular Nickelodeon show iCarly.

In the episode, which airs on January 16, the First Lady helps the show’s title character Carly get in touch with her father, an Air Force colonel who can’t make it home for his birthday.

Obama surprises the girl and her friends, which leads to her being called “Your Excellency” by Carly’s friend Sam Puckett.

After being corrected by a friend that you don’t call the First Lady that, Michelle Obama jumps in and says “No, no, I kind of like it.”

As if right on cue, the right-wing blogosphere is condemning this; do some of these people drive? It is humor folks, something that many of us actually could use right now. 🙄

I just have to wonder aloud, would they be that shrieking in their criticism of Michelle Obama if she were a white woman? It is to wonder. 

Sorry, but you are not going to find that there….or here!

I was nosing around in my logs for my old blog and look what I happened to find:

I don’t know what is more disturbing, the fact that they were searching for that on my old blog; or that they actually searched twice and landed at my blog twice! 😮

Ugh…. Either way… You’re not going to find pictures of that sort around here or anything else related to such matters. 🙄


It’s getting ugly between Gingrich and Romney

…and Gingrich does not disappoint with this shot across Romney’s bow: (Via CBS News)


Of course, the bad part was that Gingrich sort of stuck his own foot in his mouth, when he called Romney a liar and then turned right around and said he would support him if he were the GOP nominee. D’oh! 🙄

Lord Edward Morrissey
, who knows this stuff better than anyone, I think, saith the following:

Hey, not to rain on Gingrich’s parade, but how is that different than any other PAC or super-PAC? I’m pretty sure that Gingrich-supporting PACs aren’t run by disinterested strangers, nor are those for Rick Perry or any of the other candidates in the race. That’s a problem in the structure of the campaign finance regulations that impose artificial divisions on contributions. If those were removed, the same money would flow into these races, but the candidates themselves would be responsible for its use instead of hiding behind PACs and super-PACs — and that includes Newt Gingrich.

As I’ve written earlier, there is nothing wrong with so-called “negative” campaigning. Candidates should draw contrasts between their positions and those of their opponents, and their records as well. As long as that is being done honestly, there is nothing wrong or dishonorable about it; in fact, that’s why we have primaries. Gingrich chose to eschew that strategy and now wants to claim some kind of victimization because the rest of the field chose not to follow in his footsteps. On top of that, Gingrich has descended to name-calling, which looks more like a dog-in-the-manger ploy than a way to gather support in the few short hours before Iowa voters trudge to precincts tonight. A confident candidate wouldn’t have sunk to the level of this conversation the morning of a caucus.


Also too, I say this as a kid, who grew up in the inner city of Detroit; there is nothing funnier than watch to rich, white old guys fighting it out like school kids. I find it quite amusing. 😉 😛

Again, as it is has been written many times over in the right-wing political blogosphere and also said by others on Fox News; Gingrich is a thinker, a Conservative intellectual, if you will — but he is also a bomb thrower, who is not apt to thinking on his feet. This video above proves that. In other words, it is okay to be a bomb thrower, you just have to be able to run from the bomb, in the right direction! 😯 😛 😉 😀

I think this is a bit of a stretch

First off, let me say that I have never ever supported the #OWS movement at all.  However, I think that accusing the people that put this float on of Antisemitism is a bit of a stretch.

Here’s the video of the float: (Via Weasel Zippers) (I love the name of that blog… 😛 )

Now Donald Douglas, who I happen to think is a pretty nice guy; he likes Hendrix, he can’t be that bad! Anyhow, says that this float was essentially this:

I respect Douglas opinion, and he could very well be right about this; but he could be wrong too. I did not see any Israeli flag on the float.  My point is this, as I have written around here before; we, as Conservatives, need to be real careful about tossing the Jew-hater flag out at the political football game. I mean, pinning the thoughts of a few people on an entire crowd is collectivism and this Conservative writer despises that mindset. This is what separates me from the “Neo-Conservative” wing of the Conservative movement; because I happen to reject the “group think” mentality that goes on in those circles. Further, I reject the entire notion of collectivism as a Conservative way of thinking. Sorry, that’s a page from the leftist playbook and I want no part of it.

Again, I reject what the #OWS is all about, they’re anti-capitalists, that is a given — But I won’t place them all in the “Jew-Hater” corner. As someone who’s been accused of such tripe, I will not fire off that accusation at a group of people — at a individual, maybe.   But at a group? No. Sorry, that is just not how I roll. (as the young people like to say today. 😀 )

You might disagree, and that’s okay — stupidity is not illegal. 😉

Others: Daily Mail, The Informer, Atlas Shrugs, Doug Ross, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and Scared Monkeys

Let’s not get carried away please

Listen, I stand for Israel as much as the next Conservative. But this article here, is borderline idiotic:

So Paul Krugman phoned in his periodic “Keynes Was Right” column today, arguing that the Obama Porkulus failed only because, like “true” Communism, it wasn’t tried vigorously or faithfully enough.

I wonder if Krugman also credits Keynes’s views on Jews, which British blogger Damian Thompson of The Telegraph brings to our attention.

via Keynes Was Right–About the Jews? | Power Line.

I mean, to make this sort of a comment to a man, who happens to be a liberal and Jewish, coming from another Jewish person is about the worst backhanded insult ever.

Now this point here, I will not contest:

Anti-Semitism used to be a property of the Right, yet it’s worth pointing out that today many of the intellectual heroes of the right are Jews, such as Milton Friedman, Leo Strauss, Irving Kristol, etc., or that anti-Semitism has become almost wholly the province of the Left today.

I got news for Mr. Hayward; it is still a property of the right. Ron Paul is a perfect example. Although it is far to point out that Ron Paul’s faction of the Republican Party is a very small one. One that believes in “Limited Freedom” for those who are White and Christian only. Although, to be fair, Rick Santorum basically feels the same way; the whole extremist Christian bigot.

My overall point here is this; we should be very careful about dropping the Anti-Semite flag during a political football game. It hurts those who are innocent of said charges. Just ask me.

Others: Wizbang, Ed Driscoll


Petraeus briefly passes out during hearing

I really did not want to blog about this, because quite frankly, I do not consider it to be even news. But, eh, it’s content, I guess.

The Video, John McCain’s reaction is interesting:

The Story:

Gen. David Petraeus, the head of U.S. Central Command, briefly collapsed at a Senate Armed Services hearing on progress in Afghanistan.

Petraeus was about to answer a question when he went silent and passed out in front of the microphone. He quickly recovered, but the hearing went into recess and Petraeus was able to walk out under his own power.

He later returned to the hearing room and joked that he had felt “lightheaded” — but that the condition was not caused by questioning from Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

“I just got dehydrated,” Petraeus said.

Despite Petraeus wanting to go ahead with the hearing, chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.) postponed it until Wednesday.

via Petraeus briefly collapses at Senate hearing on Afghanistan – The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room.

Of course, there is nothing funny about a guy falling out. But, he is okay. Just did not eat and was most likely overcome from the heat of the lights.

There was one funny headline, from the place that’s known for such stuff:

John McCain Nearly Bores David Patraeus To Death

HEH! Now, that was funny… 😛

Not to be outdone, Michelle Malkin Snarks:

Gatorade and Power Bars, stat.

Ed Morrissey over at remarks:

John McCain’s reaction is telling.

Well, gee Ed, what did you want McCain to do? —- Hop across the damned table and rescue the man himself? Give the guy a break, he is older than my Dad! 🙄

On the other side of the political fence, at least in my eyes. Some nasty comments were observed. The Racist, Anti-Semitic, hatemonger bastard Lew Rockwell used the occasion to insult one of our Military’s finest leaders:

Did Petraeus fall asleep while talking to McCain at a phony hearing, or was it the weight of all the innocents he’s collaterally damaged on his conscience, or his killion “medals”? He claims he was water deprived, just like his prisoners in the camps. BTW, look for this man on a pale horse to run for president as a Republican.

You know, I am quite known for my controversial comments too. It is time I started doing that sort of a thing again here. Here is hoping the Lew Rockwell is found dead, face down in a pool of his own blood — from a Brain Aneurysm. America would be such a better place for it. Not to mention the Conservative/Libertarian world.

More leftest hate-mongering here. If only we could send them all off to camps to be reprogrammed.