Video: News and Opinion from CBN

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Chick-Fil-A support day a success, Martinsberg, Va Chick-Fil-A gets bomb threat

Legal Insurrection, InstaPundit, and Twitchy are reporting that the Chick-Fil-A support event was a success.

But, there was a bomb threat at a Chick-Fil-A in Martinsberg, Va. The Martinsberg Journal reports:

MARTINSBURG – Police and fire crews closed down the Chick-fil-A on Foxcroft Avenue in Martinsburg for nearly three hours following a bomb threat that was called in just before 1 p.m. today.

The caller mentioned that a “device” had been placed within the restaurant. The building was evacuated, but was deemed safe at about 3:45 p.m. after no bomb or any other type of device was discovered.

Martinsburg City Police and the Martinsburg Fire Department personnel investigated the scene, along with Berkeley County Sheriff Kenny Lemaster. A National Park Ranger with a canine unit arrived at the scene at approximately 2:45 p.m. to assist, and a second from the West Virginia State Police arrived later as well.

According to a release from police, the location of the call was traced and the investigation is following up on leads about the male caller.

“We prosecute to the fullest extent that the law allows for anyone making these types of threats,” the release states.

Hmmmmm… Bomb threat….male voice… I wonder, was Ed Brayton home all day? I’m just sayin. 😯

I would have participated in this as well; but Chick-Fil-A does not have a location in my area. 🙁 So, I could not go show my support.

Others covering, and yes, I am linking to some who don’t see eye to eye with me; but for this, I put that aside —– hopefully, they will too: The Gateway Pundit, Business Insider, The PJ Tatler, Hot Air and Sense of Events, American Power, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Sense of Events, The Other McCain, The Lonely Conservative and The PJ Tatler, Chicago Sun Times, protein wisdom and The Other McCain, Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, The PJ Tatler, The Daily Caller and American Power (Blogger Round Up comes via Memeorandum)

UPDATED! Farewell to an old friend

Farewell to an old friend, Detroit Grace Assembly of God — You were there, when I needed you the most. 35 years was much, much too short.

This is one of those personal posts, which will most likely go on for a bit. So, if you will please, permit to share with you my heart a bit. As you all know, I am a born-again Christian of 30 year vintage; which is a nice way of saying that I am old. I am 40, no use trying to deny that.

I found out last night something that ripped my heart out in a very big way. I found out that the Church that I had attended for 10 years of my life; which was from 1983 until 1993 — decided to pack it in, and call it 35 years and close their doors for good. I am referring to no other than Detroit Grace Assembly of God in Detroit, Michigan.

I am not interested in assigning blame or anything silly like that; I just found the news to be a bit unsettling. What I do know is this, after Pastor Johnny D. Saenz retired, most of people that were going there, which was his family members and a few others — left after he retired. This left the Church with two families. Ken Lambert, who was basically the last man standing, decided that leaving the Church open for just two families, just really was not worth it.

I am one of those kinds of people that grow attached to a thing, which is rather strange, considering the fact that I am not really in the Pentecostal Churches anymore. Yeah, that is right; back in 2004, after spending 21 years in those circles; I packed up my memories and called it a good run and got into my little wood canoe, and paddled across the Christian lake to the Baptist beach and started over. What I did not do, was deny the fact that I came those circles, nor did I ever hold any grudges. Thus the reason why finding out that this Church ended just breaks my heart in two. I always thought that this Church would be around until the rapture came. Well, it was not to be.

If I were to sit here and tried to write all of things that I learned, the things that the Lord showed me, the things that were poured into me, by faithful servants of God, who happened to attend that Church; this silly blog entry would be twelve pages long.

What I can tell you is this — even though the work of Detroit Grace Assembly of God is done, and the old lighthouse operators at 1953 Military Street have stood down from their positions and have handed the controls to some new and very energetic people who wish make a difference. The message has not changed one bit. That message was first was heralded first by St. Patrick’s Church, who built the building and then by Detroit Grace Assembly of God, who bought it in 1978, is still the same as it was some 2012 years ago.

That message is that Jesus Christ came to this earth, born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, never sinned, was crucified on the cross at Calvary. Then on the third day — literally and physically rose again, appeared to his disciples, and then ascended to his Father and now sits at the right hand of the Father. The message is also that anyone that decides that living the life of a hell-bound sinner is a lousy idea, now has a choice and a chance to spend the rest of his life in eternity with God; all he has to do —- is to accept that love gift given to him.

The mission of Grace Assembly of God for 35 years and now with Courage Church will be to continue to make that message known to those living in that area; that was the mandate given to that Church by the Lord and it is now the mandate of Courage Church. Now we as former attendees of Grace Assembly of God really wanted to see that Church carry on. However, I believe in appointed times by God. I believe that Grace Assembly of God was appointed a time to start and a time to end.

During that time, God literally transformed a good number of people, not only by salvation, but also by transformation, that comes by applying the Word of God to one’s life. I was one of those people, someone who came out of an awful mess at a Baptist Church in the area, and came to Grace Assembly of God and found out what serving Jesus was truly about. Which was not about, as I found out, wearing a suit and tie and carrying a huge Bible.  But about Jesus and what he did on the cross of Calvary and what Jesus could do the heart of someone who is open to him coming and making needed changes.

It should be known, that there were some were in much worse shape than I was —- Drugs, broken families, broken marriages, children out of wedlock —- the usual sort of gruel that Satan and this World can offer, that most Churches, would turn their nose up at, and you know what? The Lord met these people, where they were and brought them out of their mess, transformed their lives and prospered them in mighty ways. All of that in a space of 35 years.

To the memory and legacy of Detroit Grace Assembly of God!

-Charles Patrick Adkins

Grace Assembly of God – Detroit, Michigan — Alumni 1983 – 1993

Lincoln Park, Michigan

UPDATE!  Courage Church is now Santos Church.

Once again, Dick Cheney is trying to start a civil war

First it was Iraq, now it is with the Palin supporters. Whew, ol’ boy can’t just say, “yeah, she’s okay.” Oh no, he’s just got to insult every darned Conservative feminist in America. 😯

The Video Via ABC:

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Did you happen to hear a rather loud thud sound right after he said the words, “She was not ready?” That was George W. Bush passing out dead cold in the floor. I mean, the poor man has spent the last 3 years trying to build the library and what’s left of his legacy and reputation….and what does ol’ Darth Vader do? This.  Memo to Darth Cheney: YOU.ARE.NOT.HELPING….. 🙄

…and of course, Conservatives 4 Palin went into existential meltdown over this:

Apparently, Palin’s not “ready” to sit in an administration for eight years which adds 5 trillion dollars to our unpaid debt basically demoralizing the spirit of conservatism leading to four years of Barack Obama.  Cheney was “ready” for that, wasn’t he?

Palin’s not “ready” to engage in cronyism which dictates who she’d appoint to lifetime positions on the Supreme Court or to head federal emergency agencies like FEMA.  Bush & Cheney were “ready” for that, weren’t they?

Palin is “ready” to balance a budget – since she did it in Alaska.

Palin is “ready” to increase benefits for our esteemed elders while cutting out wasteful spending existing all across our federal government – since she did similar things in Alaska.

Palin is “ready” to call out entrenched special interests like she did when she served up a little justice to the Republican Party’s good old boys and their dealings with big oil.  She did that in Alaska, too.

Palin’s “ready” to unabashedly call out Barack Obama.  This includes pointing out his past associations, his reckless squandering of billions of our dollars to pay back his Wall Street friends (just as Bush/Cheney once did), and his plans to whip Americans into Greece-like big-government submission.   This is in contrast to the establishment’s plans to hold back.

Palin’s “ready” to endorse countless candidates for the Congress.  She’s been successful at using her enormous grassroots influence to pull a great deal of them across the finish line.

Palin’s not ready to fall in line with the establishment.  Until any candidate (including our perceived “front-runner”) demonstrates a full willingness to truly unify with the party’s grassroots, don’t count on her to make deals behind closed doors or hold high-priced fundraisers at her home.

Considering everything Bush & Company were “ready” for, it’s no wonder why Barack Obama was ever put in the position of becoming President of our great Republic.  Now of course, he must be fired.

But after observing the behavior of Cheney, Sununu, and other Romney surrogates, it might serve the interest of the American people to ask whether or not Romney is truly “ready” to do that considering the company he chooses to keep.


Very disappointed in Dick Cheney, especially considering what he knows first hand about media and false narratives.

I’d also like to add some comments made….those who suggest Cheney has a right to his opinion and how we have to unite.  They need to only listen to their own advice.  Of course Cheney has a right to his opinion, but “uniting” involves telling the truth and judging one on the basis of their record and their conviction.  Nobody can claim to fighting for this country to the degree Sarah Palin has since 2008 and nobody can deny her record of accomplishment.  He frankly owes her an apology considering who our opponent is supposed to be.

You know that whole thing about “hell hath no fury”? Here it is.

Popcorn? Popcorn hell, this is dinner theater! 😛 😀 😆


Why is Nancy Pelosi still in the House after saying this?

I mean, if a white person, like me, had said this; I would be out of a job. But not this woman:

In an interview, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi said that she believes Republican Jews are “being exploited,” but she was sure to add, “And they’re smart people.”

Pelosi made the comments in response to whether Jewish voters would support President Barack Obama in the presidential election later this year.

“I think [Obama] will” win the Jewish vote, Pelosi said, when pressed on the subject. “I think that he will, because the fact is when the facts get out. You know, as many of the Republicans are using Israel as an excuse, what they really want are tax cuts for the wealthy. So Israel, that can be one reason they put forth.”

The interviewer then added, “That’s why some of the Republican Jewish supporters are really active.”

Pelosi responded, “Well, that’s how they’re being exploited. And they’re smart people. They follow these issues. But they have to know the facts. And the fact is that President Obama has been the strongest person in terms of sanctions on Iran, which is important to Israel. He’s been the strongest person on whether it’s Iron Dome, David’s Sling, any of these weapons systems and initiatives that relate to Israel. He has been there over and over again.”

via Pelosi: Republican Jews ‘Being Exploited’ | The Weekly Standard

So, I guess if you are a cannoli eating dago, you can say stuff like this. In other words, in liberal logic, if you are a minority, you can take pot shots at other ethnic minorities. However, if you are WASP like me, and you say something like this about the Jews; you would be out of a job.

Just another example of a sick society we live in today. It is also a perfect example of the warped liberal logic of today as well.

Mussolini would be proud, very proud.

Obama’s Liberal Fascists Kill Donald A. Perry Chick-fil-A’s Vice President of Corporate Public Relations

Yes, I am blaming Obama and his brown shirts. (Update: ….and if anyone does not like it, I think it is just too darned bad… everything is coordinated by this Marxist President, everything — including harassment.)

The story via WRBL-TV:

News 3 has learned that Donald A. Perry, the Vice President of Corporate Public Relations has passed away.

Ross Cathy, the owner of the Midland, GA Chick-fil-A and family member of company CEO, Dan Cathy, tells News 3, Perry passed away this morning from a heart attack.

Chick-fil-A Inc. relased the following statement:

We are saddened to report the news to you that our dear friend Don Perry, vice president of public relations, passed away suddenly this morning.

Don was a member of our Chick-fil-A family for nearly 29 years. For many of you in the media, he was the spokesperson for Chick-fil-A. He was a well-respected and well-liked media executive in the Atlanta and University of Georgia communities, and we will all miss him.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.

You can read all about the latest involving intolerant liberal fascists and Chick-fil-A, by going here and here.

Well, Liberals, pat yourselves on the back. You have reached a new level, with me at least. You have actually achieved the feat of driving a man to his grave, with your idiotic and quite fascist ways. Now, bask in the glory that is of murderers. It really should not be of any strange feeling; after all, your people on a daily basis commit the murder of millions of unborn children every year. So, this should not be any different really. The man disagreed with your worldview, and you drove him to his grave.

For the record, the so-called right does it too; namely to me. However, I never thought I would ever see the day, when someone would drop dead, because someone who owns a company dared to take a stand for Christian Morals and gets persecuted for it, even to the point of one his own company officers dying of a massive heart attack.

My friends, this, is the Neo-Left and this; is why I no longer vote progressive — nor will I ever again. 😡

The neo-left, which is represented by the Democratic National Committee; is not the party of Roosevelt or Truman — and is not even remotely the honorable party as referenced by Ronald Reagan. It is a totalitarian fascist party, that is a small wooden bridge’s width away from outright Communism. The sad part is, that is that it is taking American and its people with it.

This is why I continue to blog, even when my own people attack me. This why I fight against the Neo-leftist, Anti-Christian, Anti-Business. progressive menace. Because of stuff, like this here.

God Bless America.

Others: Michelle Malkin, Twitchy, Boing Boing, Outside the Beltway, The Daily Caller, Riehl World View, The Raw Story, Chicago Sun Times, The Hinterland Gazette, Washington Free Beacon, and Gawker Datechguy’s Blog, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Wizbang, Clayton Cramer’s Blog, National Review, Sister Toldjah Mother Jones Hot Air, The Huffington Post

Video: News and Opinion from CBN

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Stakelbeck on Terror: From the Annual CUFI Summit

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Did Mitt Romney get his facts wrong on Reagan?

As I wrote in my previous blog posting about Mitt Romney; there is this little story about Romney getting his facts wrong about Ronald Reagan.

It comes via the Weekly Standard:

The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Mitt Romney is recounting a Jim Baker anecdote in which President Reagan ordered Baker, as White House chief of staff, to hold no national security meetings over a hundred day period early in his first term so that President Reagan and his team could focus on the economy. If the Journal‘s reporting is accurate—and I don’t believe the Romney camp has challenged it—Romney should stop telling this false and foolish tale.


“Given the challenges a Romney administration will face – from a spiraling Syria to key decisions on the way forward in Afghanistan to dealing with Iran’s nuclear program and the threats from al Qaeda in Yemen and East Africa – it is unlikely Romney will have the luxury of ignoring foreign policy for his first 100 days….But the fact that Romney thinks it would be desirable to ignore the world for his first 100 days is troubling. Yes, the American people are focused on the economy – and understandably so. But Romney isn’t running for treasury secretary – he is running for Commander in Chief. And those responsibilities begin on Day 1 of his presidency.”

What’s more, I can’t believe the story is true. Or if Reagan did once say what Baker says he said, it was an expression of exasperation after one (presumably unsatisfactory) meeting that neither Reagan nor Baker followed through on. In fact, I’ll buy Jim Baker a very good dinner next time he’s in Washington if he or anyone else can find a 100-day stretch (or a ten-day stretch) of the Reagan presidency in which President Reagan was involved in no national security meetings. I encourage interested readers to research this eminently researchable topic, and e-mail us what you find at I was able to spend just a few minutes scrolling thought the Reagan Foundation’s helpful account of President Reagan’s daily schedule, and I see no week, let alone three months, in which President Reagan doesn’t seem to have held some sort of national security and foreign policy meetings. To say nothing of the fact that he ran for the presidency highlighting national security issues, and was a historic president in large part because of his national security accomplishments.

So, reminder to Mitt Romney: With respect to the presidency, national security isn’t a bug; it’s a feature.

To be quite honest, I do not believe this to be overly damaging to his campaign; like the previous story I reported, this just seems to be a matter of getting his message tightened up a bit. It might be that Romney was fed some inaccurate information. Although, I have to wonder if this piece by Bill Kristol is not some sort of underhanded Neoconservative attempt to kneecap Romney. It would make sense, Romney has not been exactly thundering hawk, when it comes to Iran. Maybe this is supposed to be a gentle reminder as to who controls the strings in the GOP. Of course, I have to watch it, or the Wilsonian Republican Blogosphere will start a crusade against me again. 😉


The U.K. Telegraph prints a bogus story on Mitt Romney

It seems that either The U.K. Telegraph is either getting some bad information or someone over there has an axe to grind with Romney.

The story via The Telegraph:

As the Republican presidential challenger accused Barack Obama of appeasing America’s enemies in his first foreign policy speech of the US general election campaign, advisers told The Daily Telegraph that he would abandon Mr Obama’s “Left-wing” coolness towards London.

In remarks that may prompt accusations of racial insensitivity, one suggested that Mr Romney was better placed to understand the depth of ties between the two countries than Mr Obama, whose father was from Africa.

“We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special,” the adviser said of Mr Romney, adding: “The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have”.

Mr Romney on Wednesday embarks on an overseas tour of Britain, Israel and Poland designed to quash claims by Mr Obama’s team that he is a “novice” in foreign affairs. It comes four years after Mr Obama’s own landmark foreign tour, which attracted thousands of supporters.

He lands in London early on Wednesday morning, in advance of meetings with David Cameron and other senior ministers on Thursday. He will also meet Ed Miliband and Tony Blair before attending two lucrative fundraisers and the opening ceremony of the Olympics.


“Obama is a Left-winger,” said another. “He doesn’t value the Nato alliance as much, he’s very comfortable with American decline and the traditional alliances don’t mean as much to him. He wouldn’t like singing ‘Land of Hope and Glory’.”

The two advisers said Mr Romney would seek to reinstate the Churchill bust displayed in the Oval Office by George W. Bush but returned to British diplomats by Mr Obama when he took office in 2009. One said Mr Romney viewed the move as “symbolically important” while the other said it was “just for starters”, adding: “He is naturally more Atlanticist”.

Mr Obama has appeared less interested in relations with London than Mr Bush. He repeatedly rebuffed Gordon Brown when the then-prime minister sought a meeting at the UN in 2009 and was criticised for responding to an elaborate gift with a set of DVDs that did not work in Britain.

The whole quote, if true, has all the trappings of dog-whistle racism. The problem is, according to Jeff over at “The Lid”, not a word of it is even remotely true:

There is one problem with the quote, it is a fraud!

Andrea Saul, Romney’s press secretary, disputed the comments and emphasized that they did not reflect the beliefs of the former Massachusetts governor.

It’s not true. If anyone said that, they weren’t reflecting the views of Governor Romney or anyone inside the campaign,” she told in an email  I emailed my contact within the campaign who backed up Ms Saul’s response.

The fact that Romney denied that anyone in his campaign made that comment doesn’t matter to the US press, neither does the fact that Mr Swaine hasn’t backed up his charge with proof.

Good work on the part of Jeff to put out the truth on this story. I really do not believe this one to be a effort to knock Romney on the part of the Telegraph; however, I do believe it to be a result of some bad sourcing or planting of a false story, by someone who might have an axe to grind with Mitt Romney. This happens quite a bit in Politics.

However, Mitt Romney does have a bit of another problem, which I am covering in my next blog posting.