Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller writer Laura Byrne insults Mitt Romney’s sons

Unlike this woman’s article, this is a very serious article. Angry

Tucker Carlson’s “The Daily Caller” which is rapidly becoming the next “WorldNetDaily” of Conservative media; allows one of its writers, under the guise of so-called humor, to take a rather cheap swipe at Mitt Romney’s five sons.

Writing in her piece about the Romney sons, who are all very happily married; she writes the following:

Choosing between these five handsome men was tough but the results are in. Although all the Romney boys are married, don’t lose hope: With the exception of one, all of the sons are Mormon so you could potentially be wife number two, three or four depending on whether or not you are into that sort of thing.

Now folks, I have a sense of humor and I have been known to be funny on this blog from time to time. However, this is not funny, it is not even close. It is nothing more than an underhanded slam of the Romney’s and their family. You see, I know the Tucker Carlson is a Mormon himself; but you see, Tucker Carlson is also a libertarian conservative, of the Barry Goldwater stripe, and Carlson also happens to not to be too fond of Romney. Carlson’s gripe is that he believes that Romney is a statist and not nearly conservative enough for his taste. Therefore, because of this and because of the fact that Carlson himself is Mormon, he allows this stuff to be published on that internet rag that he owns.

Well, I happen to be a strong supporter of Mitt Romney for President of the United States of America.  Because unlike the likes of Tucker Carlson; I realize that this Country needs a true leader, someone who knows how to run a business. Unlike that community organizer that we have in the White House now; Mitt Romney knows what it takes to be a leader, and will make the tough decisions to get this Country back on track. Furthermore, unlike Tucker Carlson; I happen to know that the Libertarian Party will never have a chance in hell of ever picking a President that will ever be elected. This is because Americans simply reject ideological extremism. The Libertarian Party’s platform is extremist and on foreign policy is totally disconnected from reality. Not to mention that the Libertarian Party’s policy on immigration is totally abhorrent and quite frankly, Anti-American in nature.  This is why I dropped my support of Gary Johnson.

I believe that Tucker Carlson owes the Romney family, and his supporters a huge apology or risk his online publication becoming the “Infowars” of the internet in short order. Tucker Carlson’s Mormonism does not justify this sort of behavior by his writers. Furthermore, I find it very humorous, that Tucker Carlson would have a woman doing his bidding and insulting the Romney sons, instead of doing it himself. I guess it is true what Don Imus famously said about Tucker Carlson and his bow ties.

Update: Blogs4Mitt links in, Thanks Rusty! I believe this is an important issue. Like Patti said in the comments; if the left had made such a comment, we would be all over it. But because Tucker is supposedly on the right; nothing gets said, it is not fair to Romney. I know not everyone likes him, but this was just a cheap shot, period. This is why I am raising the flag on this one and calling “FOUL!” I mean, having concerns about Romney’s Statism is one thing; but making a comment like that, it is just uncalled for. It would be like calling President the N-Word, to me. It is the same thing. It is bigotry and it needs to stop — on all sides.

Follow Up: Dinesh D’Souza resigns as President of King’s College in NYC

Just a little follow-up and back story to the previous posting on the activities of Dinesh D’Souza.

It appears that Dinesh D’Souza has resigned as the President of King’s College in New York City. But first, Dinesh D’Souza, provides a defense of himself at Fox News; and one part I want to quote:

5. So why would World write such a misleading, sensational story that we would normally expect from the tabloids?  Actually there is a back story here which was noted by Amy Sullivan at the New Republic, as well as numerous other sources. Marvin Olasky, the editor of World, is the former provost of the King’s College. Olasky was on the search committee when I interviewed to be president, and he vehemently opposed my candidacy. Olasky publicly admitted that he was resigning his position as a consequence of my appointment.  The reporter who wrote this story, Warren Smith, also used to work as a consultant for King’s until I decided not to renew his contract.  And what was Olasky’s gripe against me?  As he put it, I was seeking to make King’s a non-denominational “mere Christianity college” in the image of C.S. Lewis.  This for Olasky was simply intolerable.   Having nursed his grievance for two years, now apparently Olasky is using World to continue his vendetta.

Now this could very well be true. However, it still does not excuse that this man was doing something rather idiotic, two years away from your wife or not; if you are still married, you are still married, period. Which is pretty ironic, considering that D’Souza wrote this:

6. Ultimately this is not just about Olasky or even World magazine.  It is also about how we Christians are supposed to behave with one another. And the secular world is watching. Is this how we love and treat fellow believers? If my conduct was improper, wouldn’t it be the decent and charitable thing to approach me about it?  Instead, here is a clear attempt to destroy my career and my ministry.  This is viciousness masquerading as righteousness.  And this is the behavior that is truly worthy of Christian condemnation.

How ironic is it that Mr. D’Souza wants to lecture others on how to behave and yet, he does not follow his own advice. It is no wonder that he resigned! The man was doing wrong in the sight of God and when he gets called on it, he plays the persecution card. The way I see it; if you are in this sort of high visibility place and are doing something of that nature — you should expect to be persecuted. There is a simple scripture that covers this very simply:

Abstain from all appearance of evil.  — (1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV)

I guess they do not teach this simply rule in the Evangelical Christian Churches anymore, and then there is this too:

Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men. — (2 Corinthians 8:21 KJV)

Either way, it is good for this College that this man resigned. Again, as I said in my earlier posting about this man; if you are going to ever go to battle with the enemy, whether it be in the Spiritual or Political; ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, have your own Spiritual house in order!!!!!!!!!! Lest Satan himself or his minions tear you to pieces!!! People that fight that sort of battle with their Spiritual house in disarray are committing spiritual suicide! The roadside of Christianity is littered with those who tried to do things “their way” and not the Lord’s way and have paid a terrible price for it.

Anyhow, here is the story from World Magazine:

The Board of Trustees of The King’s College, New York City has accepted the resignation of the school’s president, Dinesh D’Souza, effective immediately.

Board chairman Andy Mills said in a prepared statement, “After careful consultation with the board and with Dinesh, we have accepted his resignation to allow him to attend to his personal and family needs. We thank him for his service and significant contribution to the College over the last two years.”

The King’s College Board of Trustees named D’Souza president in 2010. His resignation comes after two days of intense controversy following a story by WORLD documenting D’Souza’s relationship with a woman who is not his wife.

The board has asked Mills to assume the position of interim president and will immediately begin a search for the new president. Mills urged the King’s community to pray for D’Souza and his family during this difficult period.

My prayers are also with Dinesh D’Souza as well. I hope he will go and submit himself to a Pastor and get himself in a Church that actually preaches the Word of God. Because at this point, he is in open rebellion against God. I also pray for his real wife, and I pray for restoration in his family. Praying

Here’s the roundup of blogger reactions via Memeorandum. (even though they do not scan me! 🙁 )

Video: News Channel Morning Edition: October 17, 2012

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Video: CBN NewsWatch: October 16, 2012

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(Via CBNNews.com)