UPDATED: Detroit continues its swirl down the drain

But simply, this is what happens when you pursue a socialist agenda. This might just be America in a few years.


(WXYZ) – After reviewing the city’s finances, Detroit’s Financial Review Team has concluded that a financial emergency exists within the City of Detroit and it will be up to Governor Rick Snyder to determine if the state should extend a consent agreement with the city to resolve the crisis – or appoint an emergency financial manager.

In the report, the Review Team states there is no satisfactory plan that exists to resolve a serious financial problem.

Here’s the documents:

Review Team Report 2-19-13 by

Det_ReviewTeam Rpt 2-19-13 by

Review Team Report (Supplemental) 2-19-13 by

I would assume that this basically means that Detroit is just downright broke. It’s sad too. Detroit was once a great city, but it has gone downhill since Mayor Young took it over in 1978.

I think all Americans ought to take a hard look at this, and ask yourselves, “Do I want this for America?”

Just my Opinion.

Update: Yikes Indeed. Ordinarily, I would be a bit ticked off about a blog posting of this sort about Detroit. However, I will fully concede the point that Detroit has made a good deal of mistakes over the years; some that predate even me.  One of which was chasing the only honest black man who was Mayor of that city in the 1990’s in favor of a corrupt Democrat Mayor that is now looking at some sweet jail time for his corruption. The second major mistake was the throwing off of the free market capitalism in favor of an entitlement, racially based, socialist system that ended up bankrupting the city. It is a sad thing to say about one’s hometown; but it is, inevitably, the truth. I just hope and pray that Michigan can fix the problem, before things get worse down there. Because sometimes, Detroit’s problems spill over into the suburbs.

Still, it is a bit tough to see the city that I grew up in, as a kid, going through the stuff that it is going through; all the while knowing that it all could have been prevented. It does sadden me to my core. Detroit was once a great city, and now, it is, what it is. Which is nothing short of a crap-hole of socialism, black entitlement and utter waste. If anything, for the United States of America, Detroit should be an example of what not to do, when running a city.

Just my opinion.


The Further Consequences of Wilsonian Foreign Policy in Iraq

This is what happens when you invade sovereign nations based upon bad intelligence  and do not bother to verify said intelligence.

BAGHDAD –  Car bombs struck two outdoor markets and a group of taxi vans in Shiite areas across Iraq on Friday, killing at least 36 people and wounding nearly 100 in the bloodiest day in more than two months, as minority Sunnis staged large anti-government protests.

Sunni protesters have rejected calls to violence by an Al Qaeda-linked group, but there is concern that Sunni insurgents could step up attacks ahead of the April 20 provincial elections — the first country-wide vote since the U.S. troop withdrawal more than a year ago.

via 4 car bombs at outdoor markets in Iraq kill at least 36, wound 100 | Fox News.

Now I am not going to sit here and write a posting blaming Bush for all the above. Yes, Bush was wrong about Iraq; but Bush has not been President since 2009, when he left office. Obama took the reigns of the Country and he now is the President, so, basically, Iraq was Obama’s baby when he took office. There are some who believe that Obama removed our troops too early; to be quite honest with you, I really do not agree with that at all. Because to be honest with you, our presence there was causing a good deal of friction in that Country, or at the very least, adding to the friction that was already there. Now the total anti-war people say that, if we would have never invaded Iraq, this above would not be happening; because Saddam would not tolerate it. This is true, but Saddam also was a brutal dictator, who did horrible things to his people as well. So, while it is not a good thing that we invaded that country, we did get rid of someone who was a horrible tyrant. This is why I never took, and still do not take a hard stance on the Iraq War and the middle east; because it is such a complex subject, and seems to get more complex by the minute. This is why I never really bought into the, “blood for oil” meme by the Democrats and the anti-war crowd. I did feel however, that once we got Saddam, we should have started making the moves to leave the Country.

However, I will say this; this Wilsonian bungle that did happen in Iraq, will be a black mark on America for a very long time to come. The Wilsonian foreign policy crowds biggest flaw, is that they cannot see past the end of their noses. They never look past the “here and now.” They always live in the moment. They do not stop to think about what might happen down the road; they never do. All they care about is defending Israel, no matter the cost of life or money. This is their fatal flaw and they have ruined America’s credibility around the World. What gets me is, how the Republicans like to blame Obama for ruining America’s standing in the World. The problem is, Obama is a very little part of that; the Neoconservatives, with their Wilsonian foreign policy ruined America’ reputation in just eight years time. True the Democrats did destroy the housing market and the economy. But, our standing in the World was done by Bush and the Neocons.

Anyone that tells you anything different than that, is either lying or a partisan. But, then again, I repeat myself.

Let’s hope that Donald Kaul’s next heart attack is fatal

This way there would be one less liberal progressive Democrat idiot walking around and drawing excess air. I say this, because of Donald Kaul wrote this stupidity right here:

Donald Kaul in the Des Moines Register:

Declare the NRA a terrorist organization and make membership illegal. Hey! We did it to the Communist Party, and the NRA has led to the deaths of more of us than American Commies ever did. (I would also raze the organization’s headquarters, clear the rubble and salt the earth, but that’s optional.) Make ownership of unlicensed assault rifles a felony. If some people refused to give up their guns, that “prying the guns from their cold, dead hands” thing works for me.

via PJ Media » Modern Democratic ‘Fire-Eaters’.

…and we that disagree with the idea that guns should be outlawed are the violent ones. 🙄

I hope the idiot strokes out and dies, quickly. 😡

Just saying all, just saying…. 

I figure if he can be an ass, so can I. 😛

Ronald Brownstein at National Journal confirms what I have believed for a while

That is that the Democrats have basically told the “Blue Dogs” to piss off and die:

With his suddenly aggressive second-term agenda, President Obama is recasting the Democratic Party around the priorities of the growing coalition that reelected him—and, in the process, reshaping the debate with the GOP in ways that will reverberate through 2016 and beyond. On issues from gay rights to gun control, immigration reform, and climate change—all of which he highlighted in his ringing Inaugural Address last week—Obama is now unreservedly articulating the preferences of the Democratic “coalition of the ascendant” centered on minorities, the millennial generation, and socially liberal upscale whites, especially women. Across all of these issues, and many others such as the pace of withdrawal from Afghanistan and ending the ban on women in combat, Obama is displaying much less concern than most national Democratic leaders since the 1960s about antagonizing culturally conservative blue-collar, older, and rural whites, many of whom oppose them. —- Why Obama Is Giving Up on Right-Leaning Whites – NationalJournal.com

I can tell you now; if the Democrats believe that this sort of thing will be good for the future of the party; and for winning elections — they are very wrong. Because there are not enough white city liberals to win an election. The Republicans did do some outreach to the heartland and to some typically very liberal areas, with some good success. Could you imagine, if the Republicans finally were actually able to get someone to connect with those people?

I also believe that another reason the white, rural, Conservative Democrats are feeling alienated from the Democrats is because every time there is a shooting of some sort; the Democrats want to try to push though some sort of gun ban. Which is quite frankly, stupid. Because whether the Democrats want to admit it or not; Guns are a part of the culture of America and this goes way back into history. The United States of America was founded at the end of gun. We fought wars to make our separation from the British stick with guns. We also quelled a southern rebellion with guns.

So, this whole entire idea that we have to disarm society is quite frankly un-American. The Democrats need to learn that lesson, or they will pay dearly for it in the next coming elections in 2014 and 2016. Because the American people are just not going to pick a political party that wants to make us into Europe. Just is not going to happen at all.

More via Memeorandum

Is the murdering of the unborn the new normal in America?

I really dislike having to write things like this; but I cannot be silent on this issue. It, to me, is that important. As I have written in my blog’s long bio; my feelings about pro-life versus pro-choice are basically inline with this organization here.

Having said all of that; I happen to see this on Memeorandum and even as a pro-life independent, who tends to disagree with the far-left and the far-right, I was quite shocked to read it.

Check out this quote from liberal progressive website, Salon.com:

I believe that’s what a fetus is: a human life. And that doesn’t make me one iota less solidly pro-choice. . . .

Here’s the complicated reality in which we live: All life is not equal. That’s a difficult thing for liberals like me to talk about, lest we wind up looking like death-panel-loving, kill-your-grandma-and-your-precious-baby storm troopers. Yet a fetus can be a human life without having the same rights as the woman in whose body it resides. She’s the boss. Her life and what is right for her circumstances and her health should automatically trump the rights of the non-autonomous entity inside of her. Always.

I was speechless; actually, I did utter a few choice words, none of which I wish to publish here! AngrySurprise

Well, luckily for me, National Review, which is a solidly Republican publication, has a blog called “The Corner” and a writer there by the name of Katrina Trinko sums it up quite nicely, as to how I feel:

By this same logic, isn’t infanticide also fine and dandy? After all, if we’re talking about autonomy, kids aren’t exactly independent as soon as they are born. No infant can take care of themselves. And even later on in childhood, children rely heavily on the adults in their life to provide shelter, food, and emotional support. What about kids and adults who become disabled in life? What about quadriplegics? They’re not going to be able to take care of themselves. Is it okay if we just off the lot of them? Heck, what about needy friends who seem to be falling apart unless we talk to them regularly and console them? Okay to just shoot a couple of them so that we don’t have the burden? Should we ship the grandparents that spent all their money and are now financially dependent on us to the local executioner?

Yes, if the fetus is a life — and a human being — and not a clump of cells, that makes a huge difference. No one would ask a woman to respect the rights of a clump of cells. But it is valid to ask her, difficult as it is to have an unwanted pregnancy, to realize that the death of the child — the child who was totally innocent and has done nothing except be conceived — is not an appropriate way to handle this.

I have one word: Amen.

I have news for Democrats, especially the progressive part of that party. You are not doing a darned thing for your party or your cause. Because as much as I am for Unions, the middle class and seeing that our poor are taken care of, and not allowed to starve or like here in Michigan; not to freeze…. NailbitingI just cannot and will not, ever, agree with this sort of inhuman philosophy. I am a Christian of 30 year vintage and my Bible says, “Thou Shalt Not Kill.” Now, I realize that people like Ed Brayton will not like this at all. However, this is just one issue that is not up for debate at all, at least not with me.

Everything else, politics, economics — everything — is up for debate. However, the wholesale slaughter of the unborn is not something that I am willing to concede on, not one iota.

Two examples of Democrats not getting the memo on guns

The first:

Via the Vegas Sun:

Assemblyman Steven Brooks — Someone forgot to give the man the memo!

A Democratic assemblyman is in jail, arrested for threatening Democratic Speaker-elect Marilyn Kirkpatrick, according to North Las Vegas Police and Democratic sources familiar with the situation.

Assemblyman Steven Brooks, 40, of North Las Vegas made threats to harm a public official Saturday afternoon, police said in a news release Sunday morning. A source said he was arrested with a loaded gun after threatening to shoot Kirkpatrick.

Kirkpatrick and witnesses who corroborated the allegation prompted police to begin searching for Brooks. About 5:30 p.m., Brooks was seen driving in the area of Carey Avenue and Mt. Hood Street, where he was taken into custody without incident during a traffic stop.

Another Democratic source with knowledge of the situation said Brooks publicly threatened to harm Kirkpatrick because he was unhappy with the committee assignments given to him by Kirkpatrick. The 2013 Legislature begins Feb. 4.

The Second:

Democratic Delegate Joseph Morrissey — Ed Brother??!?! Just kidding. 😉 Another Democrat, who didn’t get the memo!

A Virginia lawmaker who drew gasps from his colleagues when he brandished a borrowed AK-47 during an anti-gun speech Thursday was found guilty in 2002 of committing a vicious 1999 assault, was sanctioned for legal misconduct while prosecuting a rape case, spent six months in jail for contempt of a federal court, and saw his law license revoked in 2003.

Democratic Delegate Joseph Morrissey brought the rifle to the floor of the House of Delegates to demonstrate how easy it is to carry firearms in Virginia. Republican Delegate Todd Gilbert interrupted Morrissey’s speech to ask him to remove his finger from inside the gun’s trigger-guard — a basic gun-safety practice.

“I don’t think you should be able to possess an assault rifle,” Morrissey told ABC News on Friday.

But yet, we, who support the second amendment are the crazy, Tea Party, domestic terrorist types.

How right you are Mr. Tex Avery, how right you are…. 🙄

Here is a good way to get sued

He is making a good point, but this guy is literally begging to get sued by someone.

VERNAL — When George Burnett first set up shop in Vernal, he knew he had to find away to connect with his adopted community if his custom seat cover business was going to survive.

So, armed with a sandwich board emblazoned with the phrase “Honk If You (Heart) Drilling!,” Burnett took to the corner of 500 East and Main Street and began his one-man crusade to boost the spirit of a community that was getting its first glimpse of another oil and gas bust.

Fast-forward nearly five years and Burnett — now a local celebrity for his tireless support of the Uintah Basin’s energy industry — has launched a new business that’s earning rave reviews just weeks after opening its doors.

“I love this place. I will support this place with every fiber of my being,” said Corey Peterson, a personal trainer who stopped by the I Love Drilling Juice & Smoothie Bar on Monday morning for a thick, green drink filled with avocado, spinach and fresh apple juice.

“It’s a good place to come for lunch,” added customer Shauna Snow, “or for a good snack that’s healthy, not processed and also can give you good nutrients.”

But there is one thing about Burnett’s latest venture that’s left some folks with a bitter taste in their mouths.

“I’m very open about it, very public about it, that I’m going to charge them a little bit more, and I have liberals come in and pay the extra dollar surcharge,” Burnett said, referring to his unique pricing structure.

via Liberal tax leaves bitter taste in some smoothie drinkers’ mouths | ksl.com.

Charging one price to a conservative and another one to a liberal? That is grounds for a discrimination lawsuit. I wonder, would he charge a black man one price and a white man another? The point is, you charge everyone the same or you don’t stay in business, at least not for very long. I am just waiting for some black liberal to come into that shop and get charge a higher price. The lawsuit would be good!

Stupid Conservatives. This is why I quite supporting them. 🙄 Especially when they started lying to the people that voted for them.

BREAKING NEWS: White House to BAN assault weapons, require background checks, limit magazines

Looks like James Yeager’s worst nightmare was right:

President Obama will unveil a sweeping set of gun-control proposals at midday Wednesday, including an assault weapons ban, universal background checks and limits on the number of bullets magazines can hold, according to sources familiar with the plans.

The announcement, to be delivered at the White House, is also expected to include a slate of up to 19 executive actions that the Obama administration can take on its own to attempt to limit gun violence.  The White House has invited key lawmakers as well as gun-control advocates to appear at Wednesday’s policy rollout, according to two officials who have been invited to the event.

via Washington Post: White House to announce gun plans Wednesday.

Okay, before anyone, and I mean anyone freaks out about this; let me say this: I believe that there will be a legal challenge to this, I believe that someone, like the NRA or some group like it will challenge this order and take it all the way to the supreme court and they, being a Conservative slanted court, will overrule this order and quickly. This is if the house does not impeach the President first.

Either way, this is big and I expect that this little move here, will play out for the next year. You watch, Obama just hit the nuke button on this issue and He and the Democratic Party will pay for this one in the coming elections. I did not honestly believe that he would go there; and for the record, neither did Harry Reid. Either way, the fit is about to hit the shan here folks. The Democrats wanted a fight and now, they have it. If this ban goes according to this report, you are going to see another Republican revolution like you have never seen before.

I believe that the Democrats and Obama just made the stupidest political move ever. This is another classic example of the Democrats not being able to see past the end of their noses. They just handed the 2014 and 2016 elections to the Republicans. They could have done it better, but they did not. I hope the Democrats up on the hill like their job, because come 2014 and 2016, they will be out of office for a good long while. I thought they were smarter; but I guess not.

This is the problem with Democratic and the Republican Parties; they ALWAYS overreach and they always pay for it politically and they never learn. Sad fact, but it is true.


Answering Digby

Just thought I’d answer a progressive blogger.

Digby who runs Hullabaloo, which is a left-wing blogger, reacting to this story here, asks the following:

I have to say that while Scott Walker is clearly the meanest of all the GOP wingut Governors (and Jan Brewer is clearly the dumbest) Rick Scott has got to be the weirdest. And that is saying something.

Florida, what were you thinking?

via Hullabaloo.

The same darned thing that you progressives and the rest of the rube idiots were thinking, when you elected and reelected that flipping dishonest, wall street brought and paid for, Marxist asshole in the White House — that’s what! The man campaigned on hope and change and what’d we get? More of the same. More of the same polices of George W. Bush. More drone strikes of American Citizens, More of “F*** the big three!” More of this President being interested in so-called “High tech jobs” and not low tech, general labor jobs.

So, the next time you want to lash out at the right there Digby. Remember, try looking in your own backyard for a change. (Hope Change?) Because your man is not really much of a prize either. In case you have not figured it out; I was not, am not, and never will be a fan of this President. Not because of his skin color; but because of what he is. Malcolm X summed him up very nicely — there are two kinds of blacks — Field and House; and Obama is a House. I have friends who are Field, and they are the best people ever. Most of the House kind are on Fox News and now are in the White House.

Now only this; and this comes from a personal standpoint; namely mine. He promised these jobs would come springing out of the woodwork. Just where the hell are all of these jobs at? I am unemployed, have been since 2005. Well, except for blogging, which really does not count as a job; because for one, I love doing it and for two, it really does not pay that great. But, where are these “Shovel-Ready” projects that this idiot actually had the stones to say would come popping out of woodwork? Now, you cannot blame the Republicans! You all had a majority in the Congress and the House for the first two years. Not to mention now, you basically have a majority in both houses, with a bunch of candy ass Republicans in both houses. So, where are the jobs at, that your “Hope and Change” savior promised?

The truth is, he could not create jobs! You knew it, Obama knew it; and the Democratic Party knew it! But, they instead chose to LIE to the uneducated idiot voters and they bought that damned lie and proceeded to elected and reelected the man. I knew what Obama was about, long ago. Which is why I broke away from that Party! Yeah, the Republicans are for the rich people. I get that; but at least they do not blow smoke up people’s butts and promise them stuff that they cannot deliver on. I give them that credit. Which is a heck of a bunch more than I can say about Obama and the Democrats now.

My detractors always tell me, “get a job!” My response is, “find me one, and I will!”

Of course, when you are a housewife out in Santa Monica and not actually in the real world, trying to find a job; one can only expect so much. I am just saying.


Honestly, why would NRA expect anything different?

This seems to be a bit silly, but I really think the NRA did not know what was coming:

Via the Weekly Standard:

NRA.gif“The National Rifle Association of America is made up of over 4 million moms and dads, daughters and sons, who are involved in the national conversation about how to prevent a tragedy like Newtown from ever happening again.  We attended today’s White House meeting to discuss how to keep our children safe and were prepared to have a meaningful conversation about school safety, mental health issues, the marketing of violence to our kids and the collapse of federal prosecutions of violent criminals,” reads the NRA statement.

“We were disappointed with how little this meeting had to do with keeping our children safe and how much it had to do with an agenda to attack the Second Amendment.  While claiming that no policy proposals would be “prejudged,” this Task Force spent most of its time on proposed restrictions on lawful firearms owners – honest, taxpaying, hardworking Americans.  It is unfortunate that this Administration continues to insist on pushing failed solutions to our nation’s most pressing problems.  We will not allow law-abiding gun owners to be blamed for the acts of criminals and madmen.  Instead, we will now take our commitment and meaningful contributions to members of congress of both parties who are interested in having an honest conversation about what works – and what does not.”

I hate to be the one to say “Well Duh!” but….um…:

The NRA should have known better than to even remotely think that they were going to get anything other than what they got from this Presidential Administration. This is why they need to hire me to do their political consultant work. I can tell them everything that they need to know about guns and Democrats. 😀