Chuck Baldwin minces no words about Paul Ryan

I have to like Chuck Baldwin, he does not mince words:

It has happened again. We go through this every four years, and every four years the vast majority of “conservatives” fall for it. This is such a broken record. What did Forrest Gump say: “Stupid is as stupid does”? And wasn’t it P.T. Barnum who said, “There’s a sucker born every minute”? Well, here we go again.

Neocon RINO George H.W. Bush picks “conservative” Dan Quayle. “Conservative” G.W. Bush picks neocon RINO Dick Cheney. Neocon RINO John McCain picks “conservative” Sarah Palin. Now, neocon RINO Mitt Romney picks “conservative” Paul Ryan. As long as there is one “conservative” on the ticket, mushy-headed “conservatives” across the country will go into a gaga, starry-eyed, hypnotic trance in support of the Republican ticket. I’m convinced that if Lucifer, himself, was the GOP Presidential candidate, he would get the support of the Religious Right and Republican “conservatives” as long as he selected a reputed “conservative” to join his ticket. And, by the way, the notable “conservative” wouldn’t think twice about joining such a ticket, either, I’m convinced.

Let’s just get this on the record: since 1960, there have only been two Presidential nominees (from the two major parties) who were not controlled by the globalist elitists. One was a Democrat, John F. Kennedy; the other was a Republican, Ronald Reagan. Kennedy was shot and killed; Reagan was shot. Every other President, Democrat or Republican, has been totally controlled, which is why none of them have done diddly-squat to make a difference in the direction of the country. On the issues that really matter, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are just more of the same!

via Chuck Baldwin — Paul Ryan: More Of The Same.

He goes on to say that Ron Paul is the only one; and I disagree with that. However, I will say this; he is right about Romney and Ryan. Which is I am voting for:

Goode/Clymer in 2012

He will not win the election

But voting for anything else is simply Anti-American

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Video: Glenn Back On Tim Pawlenty being Mitt Romney’s VP Pick, “AAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Say what you want, this video is very funny!

(via Washington Examiner)

Video: Glenn Beck says that the Legacy of SCOTUS decision on Obamacare is George W. Bush’s legacy

I ought the same thing earlier about the Obamacare ruling: (H/T to AllahPundit)

DrewM over at Ace of Spades is just as blunt:

Dear GOP,

This is your last chance. If you blow this, I’m out and you need to be destroyed.

What is it? Repeal ObamaCare on Day 1. Don’t worry about replace, don’t worry about anything else. We will do everything we have to drag your sorry asses over the line this fall, including electing Mitt Fucking Romney.

In return this is what you will do:

Instead of adjourning for pictures and tea and cake to celebrate getting your pathetic asses elected to 2 or 6 years on the government teet, you will immediately pass a one line bill that says, “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (and whatever statute number has to be included) is hereby repealed.”

That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Since Congress meets before Inauguration Day, Obama will still be President. Simply hold the legislation at the desk so the 10 day pocket veto clock doesn’t start. If other parliamentary BS is needed, just do it.

Then as soon as Mitt takes the oath of office, before his speech no one will care or remember, walk the bill up to him at the podium to sign.

If this does not happen, the GOP must be destroyed and a new party built to replace it. We’ve tried the carrot approach (votes, money, volunteers) to change your behavior. Now it’s time to show you the stick.

No more, “oh the other guys are worse” scare tactics. That might be true but it doesn’t mean you are any good.

This is your one job, do it or join the Whig Party in the dustbin of history.

I have to say that I do agree with all of the above. This is what happens when Conservatives and Republican settle for what they can get, instead of what they want to elect. I will say this, as the resident skeptical libertarian of the Blogosphere; if you all think that Mittens is going to rip out Obamacare, you are going to be in for a huge let down. Moderates always settle and compromise, they never take a stand, ever.

As I wrote earlier; from now until election day, is going to be very interesting.

‘You Get What You Deserve, White Boy’

You think only white people can be racist? You think that racial violence happens to blacks?

Think again. Here’s some video for you: (via the Blaze)

The story via blaze:

Police in Kansas City are investigating a possible hate crime after a 13-year-old boy was doused in gasoline and set on fire. According to Allen Goin’s mother, the attack occurred just as her son was getting home from school. She said, “They rushed him on the porch as he tried to get the door open…one of them poured gasoline, then flicked the Bic and said, ‘This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve white boy.’”

The police say the boy was engulfed in a “large fireball,” but was able to beat out the flames to call 911 and his father. In addition to suffering first degree burns, he has lost his eyebrows, eyelashes, and part of the skin on his face. There is also long-term concern about his eyes and lungs.

The family intends to move out of fear that the attackers went to their son’s school, which KMBC reports he will not return to. Melissa Coon, the boy’s mother, said her youngest son, 5, asked her, “Mom, am I going to get set on fire today?”

“I was in tears,” she said.

Now I am going to make something very clear here; I do not advocate any sort of racism or racial violence towards black people at all. In fact, I find the mentality of the white nationalists, skinheads, neo-Nazis and other sort of people to be deplorable. One cannot fight race hatred with race hated, because it is a sick mentality. However, I believe it is very important to point out that the liberal left in this Country or the progressive left, if you wish to call them that — are the ones who foster this sort of mentality of racial bigotry between the races. They have been doing it for years and it does not look like it is going to change anytime soon.

I also find it amazing that in the first video, nothing was said about race at all. In the second video, you see the mother use the term, “White Boy.” However, the suspect’s race was never brought up at all, in either news report; that is because the liberal left in this Country with their “Frankfort School of Political Correctness” tells these news outlets not to mention the race of the people who commit the crimes, especially if they are black. This is because it destroys the narrative that only white people, like me, commit racially based crimes and never blacks or Latinos. Again, this is the influence and the power that the radical left holds in this Country’s media; I know personally too well about it. My cousin Michael Hill was murdered by three corrupt black Detroit police officers in 1994. The details of his death were totally lied about to the media; did any media people both in investigate about how he really died? Not one media outlet would even cover it. This is because the cops were black and my cousin, who was only 24, was white.

This is why I run this blog; this is why I write with such fury about the progressive left. This is why I seem to have it out for the Democratic Party. Because they have ruined my Country, because they hate America and values we stand for. Because when they are not spewing racism from websites, or are demanding Americans to pay for their sexual adventures, then when their activists get mocked by the right, they demand we apologize — all the while, they mock Christians and citizens of the south, when they are not trying to murder our white children.

I am a White Conservative, I am a White Christian, I am Andrew Breitbart — and this is war. 😡

Fox Business Network Drops Judge Napolitano

First they got rid of Glenn Beck and now Fox News Channel’s Business network gives Judge Napolitano the axe.

Alternate headline: Fox News goes back to its Neoconservative roots and kicks the Paleoconservative voices out.

The Story:

In a surprise announcement Thursday afternoon, the Fox Business Network announced a major makeover of its primetime lineup. The new look slate will feature re-airs of The Willis Report, Cavuto, and Lou Dobbs Tonight, while ending the runs of FreedomWatch with Judge Andrew Napolitano, Power & Money with David Asman, and Follow the Money with Eric Bolling. In addition, the network will be developing a new show featuring Melissa Francis, which will eventually air at 5 p.m., bumping Gerri Willis‘ live show to 8 p.m. (Willis will air live at 5 p.m. with re-airs at 8 p.m. until the second quarter).

via Fox Business Network Drops Bolling, Napolitano Shows In Primetime Shuffle | Mediaite.

I did not always agree with Judge Napolitano, who is a Ron Paul supporter. But I will say this; he has in the past called out the Wilsonian Trotskyite crowd for what they truly are and I commend him for that.  I wish the Judge all the best and if I were him, I would be heading over to Glenn Beck’s network and trying to make a deal. Fox News never was one to stray too far away from they consider to be “Mainstream” Conservative thought. Paleoconservatives and libertarians were only there to be, like liberals, to be made sport of. They do it Bob Beckle and also to John Stossel. If I were John Stossel, I would be making sure my ship was secure, if not; I would be looking elsewhere too.

Again, it is a shame that this is going on, but that is the business of media; they follow the winds and when the winds change, networks have to react.

What in the hell was Newt Gingrich thinking?

I honestly hate having to write this blog piece, because frankly, I despise this sort of idiotic tripe in politics itself.  Newt Gingrich today was able to do something that not many people can do.  Newt managed to pull off one of the stupidest, brain-dead, tone-deaf moves that any politician could ever do, one that reeked of utter desperation.  Not to mention the fact that he lost my total support.  On top that; he lost the damned primary in Florida!

What was it that Newt Gingrich did that invoked such fury from yours truly?  Newt Gingrich played one of the worst, bottom of the barrel political tactic cards, that only a few mortal brave souls have played and have come out unscathed.  Newt Gingrich waded onto territory that either brave souls or idiot fools—depending on your view of matters, have waded and lived to tell about it politically.

Newt Gingrich played —- The Jew Card.

Newt Gingrich accused Mitt Romney of denying Holocaust survivors in nursing homes to be denied kosher meals.  Here is the problem with it; not a damned word of it was even remotely true.  In fact, a well-known Jewish Conservative has written a very good article defending Mitt Romney from these idiot charges.  Now I should let it be known, I am not a Romney fan.  If Mitt Romney is nominated for candidate for President by the GOP, I will vote libertarian.  I did say that I would hold my nose and vote for Newt Gingrich in the primary and in the general election.  Well, needless to say, that is not the case any longer.  I just will not vote for a man who stoops to that low of tactics.

Therefore, I am making it official here on my blog; I will not be voting for the Republican Party in 2012 in the primary or in the general election.  I am sorry, but dishonest politics is just immoral and what Gingrich did tonight shows me that Newt Gingrich is just another dishonest beltway-type that would stop at nothing to obtain power.  Whoever is the winner of the selection process at the Libertarian Party; I will put my support behind, and that person will get my vote.

I realize that my vote will most likely put a dent the GOP’s chances of defeating President Barack Obama.  Believe me when I tell you this, nothing bothers me more than knowing that fact.  However, I just cannot and will not support a man who stoops to such beltway tactics such as this.

Admittedly, I have nothing put disdain for Mitt Romney, however, none of that disdain has anything to do with his religious affiliation.  My disdain has to do with the fact that man is a habitual liar, the fact that he is a serial flip-flopper; my disdain is because the man claims to be a person from Michigan, when in fact that he has not lived here for years.  My disdain of the man is related to the fact that he claims to be a rib-rocked Conservative, when in fact, Mitt Romney is nothing more than an indecisive moderate!

Furthermore, the reason for my decision is this; the race of the GOP’s nomination for President of the United States is not supposed to be a religious test.  If that is the case in the Republican Party, then why in the name of the Almighty God of Heaven did Newt Gingrich use the Jews as a proxy to attack Mitt Romney’s Mormonism?  I know the answer —-desperation.  I do not wish to support a man, who instructs his advisors to play “Dirty Pool.”  It shows of the man’s character and I find it lacking greatly.  I will not call Newt Gingrich an Anti-Semite, as I do not know his heart or him personally.  However, I found this attack to most untactful, idiotic and highly unbecoming of someone who is supposed to be a Reagan Conservative.

Therefore let it be known; I officially disown those running for President of the United States of America in the Republican Party.  Sorry, but this freak show just got rather hard to bear any longer.  Also too, please know that I am under no illusions about the Libertarian Party’s chances in the 2012 election.  However, my vote will be of a protest of the beltway establishment’s tactics in the Republican Party.   The Tea Party movement’s message was supposed to be, during its founding that said, during its railing against the Republican Party and the United States Government; “No more business as usual in the beltway!”  The Republican Party was quite obviously either not listening or somehow that message was lost.

Having said all of the above, this bloggers vote will be going on Election Day 2012 to the political party that actually believes what it stands for —- The Libertarian Party.  I might not agree with everything that some libertarians believe in; but at this point, I see no other party that I actually wish to waste my vote on.

Others: ABCNEWS, Washington Post, CNN, The Other McCain, Daily Kos,, Gothamist, GOP 12, The Spectacle Blog, Saint Petersblog, The Right Scoop, The Raw Story, American Spectator, Reuters and Politics, Roger L. Simon, Ballot Box, National Review, ABCNEWS, Hot Air, The Spectacle Blog, Israel Matzav, JOSHUAPUNDIT, News Desk, Cold Fury, Truthdig, The Atlantic Online, Politics, The PJ Tatler, Washington Monthly, Tablet Magazine, GOP 12, The Daily Dish, Washington Post, The Raw Story, The Politico,, ThinkProgress, CNN, The Huffington Post and PolitickerNY

Update: Oh and by the way; Mitch Berg, Shut the hell up….and start writing blog postings under your real flipping name. Damned Cowards, you and AllahPundit both. Al-Qeada is nearly defeated, it’s time to cut the chicken routine and be out with the who you both really are.  😡

Glenn Beck blows his back out

Poor Glenn Beck; the man leaves Fox News, because he made Rupert Murdoch worried and give Roger Ailes heartburn. So, he goes and sets up his own network, moves it and himself to Texas and what happens?  He blows four (*) three disks in his back out…. Ouch.

Anyhow, here’s the short version:

…..and the loooong version, where they talk his back and a whole bunch of other stuff:

Exit comments: First of all, blowing out four (*) three disks in your back, by just bending over and touching a pencil? Oy. Note to self: get something to grab stuff on the floor. Second of all; in the short video the dude said that he did it, when he jumped on a table and Glenn himself said it was from bending over to get a pencil. Someone needs to get their story straight!

Exit Question: Really happened or publicity stunt? I mean, he did fake out a bunch of people before, by faking boiling frogs.  I’m just sayin’ ya’ll! 😀

Update: * = When I first posted this, I watched the video first — I thought he said four disks, he said three. Oops. 😳