Sleep and teeth issues

By the time you all read this, hopefully, I will be asleep. I made that silly mistake of falling asleep around 9 pm and waking back up at 1 in the morning.

Every time I do this, it tosses my body clock off and end up not being able to sleep all night and end up being all out of sorts for the day.

On top of this, I got a sore tooth. 🙁 Last night, I was feeling around in my mouth with my tongue and discovered a bit of a sore spot. I admit that I have not had dental insurance and because of that, I have not been to the dentist since I was a kid. Because of this. The ol’ choppers are not in the best of shape.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not writhing in the floor, in horrible pain, yet. But it’s sore enough for me to know its there. Just enough to be annoying as can be.

So, anyways, I’ll do a few postings that will drop later in the day. Hopefully, I’ll get some sleep. Sooner of later. 🙄

By the way, I’m fundraising for the blog. Care to help?