BREAKING TERRORISM NEWS: Paris hit by major terrorist attack, 158 Dead

At what point do we consider Islam a threat to the security of the world?

The story:

France has declared a national state of emergency and has closed its borders after scores of people were killed in multiple gun and bomb attacks in Paris.At least 100 people are reported to have died at the Bataclan concert hall in central Paris.Gunmen took many hostages there before being overpowered when police stormed the building.Others died in a reported suicide blast near the Stade de France and gun attacks on city centre restaurants.Paris residents have been asked to stay indoors and about 1,500 military personnel are being deployed across the city. Via: Paris attacks: More than 100 killed at Bataclan and restaurants – BBC News

I just do not know what else to say.

Update: I’ve had some time to think about this a bit more and there’s a few things that I would like to say. This attack of course, was a horrible tragedy and I hope like heck that France does avenge the attacks upon their country.

What I do not hope is this, that the United States of America gets involved with this fight. Sure we’ve got Isis here and they’ve hit targets here in America and they also hit targets where we have interests. But I think the worst thing that could happen is we get involved in a protracted war with Isis in Syria.

If anything, we should support France and let them bomb the crap out of that country, not the United States.

Also too, I really think that the United States of America and the European nations and France and the rest of the allied nations, really need to take a hard look at Islam. The problem is in Islam’s doctrines jihad is considered to be a struggle against evil.

The problem is it’s hard to figure out which Muslims believe that jihad entails violence towards that are that are non-Muslim and which ones do not.

My contention is this here, is the freedom of speech and freedom religion being extended to Muslims, worth seeing people getting killed like this?

I believe the smart answer is No. I believe the United States of America and the European nations under the United Nations and the rest of allies of the United States need to take a hard look at their freedom of religion and determine that Islam is not just a religion. But that it is a political philosophy as well and that is a danger to the security of every free human being around the world and its practices ought to be outlawed.

I know that sounds harsh and flies in the face of the Constitution. But America is a much different place than it was when the Constitution was drafted and many things have changed and Islam is not what it was back when the Constitution was being drafted in the America.

So, I believe our political leaders need to get together and think about this. Do we really want to risk continued risk having Americans blown up because some Muslim decides that he is going to be a fundamentalist Muslim or are we going to be smart and say this cannot stand?

If you are going to practice your religion like this you can’t live here in America. This is what needs to be told to the Muslim community. Unfortunately, we have people in government in positions of political power who are abject cowards and will not stand up to these people at all.

This, my friends is a true American tragedy.


CNNParis shootings: 18 reported killed

TelegraphParis shooting: Several killed and injured after ‘Kalashnikov and grenade attacks’ across French capital

New York TimesMultiple Attacks Hit Paris Area in Night of Deadly Terror

Kevin Rawlinson / GuardianParis: shootings and explosions at restaurant, concert hall and Stade de France – live

Fox NewsAt least 35 reported dead, 100 hostages taken in Paris attacks

Jordan Fabian / The HillObama: Paris massacre ‘an attack on all of humanity’

myfox8.com40 confirmed dead in Paris attacks, police end concert hall siege

Associated PressPolice: At least 26 dead in Paris, hostage-taking in theater

Derek Wallbank / news: Obama Says Paris Attacks Target All of Humanity

Andrea Cavallier / New York’s PIX11‘An attack on all humanity:’ At least 60 reported dead in Paris, dozens held hostage in attacks that shock world

Others: Hot Air, The Atlantic, Liberaland, New York Times, New York Daily News,Associated Press, France 24, CANNONFIRE, Taylor Marsh, Friendly Atheist, Balloon Juice,The Moderate Voice, The Daily Caller, Outside the Beltway, Eater, Washington Times, 89.3 KPCC, The PJ Tatler, CBS Sacramento, CityLab and addictinginfo.orgRedState, Associated Press, ITV,, PBS NewsHour,John Hawkins’ Right Wing News, PoliticusUSA, Independent Journal, Hit & Run,Creeping Sharia, CBS DC, Allen B. West, USA Today, KFOR-TV, and Truth RevoltThe Daily Beast, JustOneMinute, The Daily Signal, The Gateway Pundit, American Power, Right, Hollywood Life, The Daily Caller and Pamela GellerDCist, Gothamist, Jihad Watch, Associated Press and American PowerSpectator, National Review, The Week and Common DreamsUSA Today,, The Daily Caller, ITV,,Vlad Tepes, Patterico’s Pontifications and WGN-TVWall Street Journal, Politico and Hot AirCNBC, Mother Jones, National Review, Walid Shoebat,,WTVR-TV, Associated Press, Independent Journal, USA Today,,The Daily Caller, Clutch Magazine, The Gateway Pundit, Business Insider, CBS Detroit, RT, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and The WeekCBS News, ThinkProgress, Refinery29 and The WeekABC News, Politico and Yahoo PoliticsJihad Watch, The Jawa Report, The Local, Pamela Geller and WTVR-TV

Open Message to Todd Starnes: You’re wrong about Harry Vincent

First off this is what I am referring to here:


The Story via Starnes site:

All it took was 140 characters for Texas Christian University to suspend a conservative student who posted a series of social networking posts that insulted the Islamic State, the Baltimore rioters and Mexicans.

TCU banned Harry Vincent from most campus activities, ordered him to perform 60 hours of community service and attend a diversity training class.

The 19-year-old, who is a member of the College Republicans and the Young Americans for Freedom, said he was told by the university that his conservative views were “inappropriate.”

It sounds to me like Harry Vincent is guilty of being a Christian Conservative white guy – and on a university campus that’s a crime worthy of death penalty.

“They’re trying to make me out to be the classic bigoted hateful white male,” Harry told me in a telephone interview from his home in Maryland. “That’s the complete opposite of what I am.”

The university’s only public comment came in a prepared statement noting “When student’s conduct violates the university’s behavioral standards, they are subject to a disciplinary process, and will be held accountable for their actions.”

On April 29 TCU sent Harry a letter accusing him of violating the university’s code of student conduct – specifically he was accused of “infliction of bodily or emotional arm” and “disorderly conduct.”

The charges stemmed from a half dozen tweets he had posted online referencing radical Islam along with a Facebook message about the Baltimore riots.

“These hoodrat criminals in Baltimore need to be shipped off and exiled to the sahara desert,” he wrote. “Maybe then they’ll realize how much we provide for them (welfare, college tuition, Obama phone’s, medicare, etc.”

In regards to Islam he wrote, “This is clearly not a religion of peace.”

He also used the word “beaner” a derogatory term to describe Mexicans.

A former middle school classmate took great offense at Harry’s tweets and launched what became a Twitter lynch mob. The unnamed woman, who has no ties to TCU, urged her followers to contact the university and complain.

“This a**hole has been posting racist and disgusting comments on Twitter/Facebook,” she wrote on Tumblr. “When I confronted him about it, he referred to me as an ‘Islamic s**thead.”

The university took swift action. Associate Dean of Students Glory Robinson ordered Harry to apologize for what he had written on his private social networking pages.

“Dean Robinson said I was going to need to write an apology letter and a letter stating what sort of punishment I thought I deserved,” Harry told me. “She told me not to use Freedom of Speech as a defense – or else I would be more severely punished.”

To make a long story short – Harry hired a lawyer and appealed.

“My appeal board consisted of one very flamboyant male teacher and the head of the inclusiveness and diversity department,” he said. “It wasn’t a very unbiased board at all that heard my case.”

As expected – the university rejected his appeal and sent Harry a certified letter.

“The choices you made caused harm to other individuals,” the university wrote. “These types of comments are not acceptable at TCU and directly contradict our mission of being ‘ethical leaders and responsible citizens in a global community.’”

Harry said he was told that he had to say he was guilty before the university actually found him guilty.

“Dean Robinson believes I am somehow damaged – she thinks there’s something wrong with me because of what I put out there on social media,” he said. “She told me how my conservatives views were inappropriate.”

While he stands by his beliefs about Islamic radicals and the Baltimore rioters, Harry told me he regrets the foul language he used – as well as the unintentional Mexican slur “beaner.”

“I did not know that word was such a hurtful word,” he said. “I do regret that one because I do realize that could have caused harm to some people.”

Harry said he called his online attacker a “s***head” after she bashed the Armed Forces and wrote that America deserved what happened on 9/11.

“Any red-blooded American’s blood would have boiled at the sight of what she wrote,” he said. “I let my anger get the best of me.”

It sounds to me like Harry Vincent is guilty of being a Christian Conservative white guy – and on a university campus that’s a crime worthy of death penalty.

Harry isn’t sure if he’s going back to TCU. Should he agree to their demands – the 19-year-old would be on disciplinary probation until 2018 – the year he graduates.

“I’m thinking about enlisting in the Marines,” he said.

But one thing is certainly – Harry is not backing down.

“I’m not going to stand down and watch an institution throw away the Constitution and throw away basic God-given rights,” he said.

TCU is a private school and as such they are not bound by the First Amendment. However, as a Christian school they ought to be bound by the Good Book.

Harry Vincent spoke his mind – but instead of honoring his free speech – TCU chose to silence this young man and capitulated to the fury of a Twitter lynch mob.

The irony is that Harry received a stiffer punishment than a lot of the street thugs who terrorized Baltimore.

My reply to Mr. Starnes is here:

PLEASE NOTE: At the 10:40 mark, I said “white people”, I meant “black people” Oopsie. 🙄

A perfect example why I disagree with Ron Paul and the Paleocons on terrorism

Now, I consider myself very much a paleoconservative, as I am not in favor of Wilsonian foreign policy at all. Furthermore, the excessive centralization of Government is not my idea of a good time either. However, I believe that what is happening now in the middle east, goes well beyond Wilsonian foreign policy. Please, if you would, check out this story below:

Check out Hot Video: Man arrested in terror probe after police shooting in BostonAlso main story at

Now folks, this right here is proof that ISIS and Al-Qaeda are not some invention of the CIA or Government; like some of the tin-foil hat people would want some to believe. Furthermore, they are not some sort of service organisation like some on the loony left would say as well. These people are true-blue religious zealots, who happen to believe that killing for Allah is their job. They are truly dangerous and a threat to the Republic.

Now who caused ISIS and Al-Qaeda, to me; is irrelevant at this point. What is relevant, is that these people; here and abroad are real, they are willing to die for their cause and they are totally committed. This alone, would be worry and concern anyone, who gives a remote flying flip about this Country. Differences with the neocon right, at this point; seem a bit moot, when I see stuff like this. True, I will never agree with the neocons on much of anything at all. However, when it comes to terrorism; I look at this, not as a Paleoconservative vs a neoconservative — But, rather, as a Christian American, who sees my Country being infiltrated by evil people, who want to kill Americans. Furthermore, I see a liberal controlled Government who is ambivalent, even sympathetic in some cases, to the cause of these demented people.

I think it is an awful shame, that Conservatives cannot at least put philosophical differences aside long enough to realize that our Republican is actually under threat. It is also terrible that we have a President that is more interested in placating the leftists in this Country than he is protecting the Republic. Do not misunderstand me; I am no fan of war. But, this, is really pushing my mind towards a feel that a war with ISIS, here and abroad is going to be a necessary thing.

Needless to say, the next person, especially if he is a Republican; who takes the White House, is going to have his hands full.

Others:  Fox News, CBS Boston, The Daily Caller, Hinterland Gazette, The PJ Tatler, Boston Globe, NBC News, WPRI-TV, Associated Press, Mashable, The Other McCain, Fox News Insider, American Spectator and Daily Mail (via Memeorandum

Mini-Movie: The frame job against Bashar al-Assad

This comes via, and I know some people might not like it that I linked to these guys. Well, you know what? Tough! This video is a eye-opener; and I really do not even like Alex Jones for some very good reasons.

Just like Al-Qaeda, ISIS was created by the United States. Our biggest threat as Americans, is not terrorism; it is our own Government.

I have a bad feeling about Iraq, that we are going back there, again…..

This is sad and I have a bad feeling as to what is coming…:

The Story:

Iraq’s government is investigating reports that the ancient archaeological site of Khorsabad in northern Iraq is the latest to be attacked by the Islamic State militant group.

Adel Shirshab, the country’s tourism and antiquities minister, told The Associated Press there are concerns the militants will remove artifacts and damage the site, located 15 kilometers (9 miles) northeast of Mosul. Saeed Mamuzini, a Kurdish official from Mosul, told the AP that the militants had already begun demolishing the Khorsabad site on Sunday, citing multiple witnesses.

On Friday, the group razed 3,000-year old Nimrod and on Saturday, they bulldozed 2,000-year old Hatra — both UNESCO world heritage sites. The move was described by UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon as a “war crime.”

via Associated Press.

I hate to say it; but, I have sinking feeling that the United States is going to have to end up going back into Iraq again. This time to destroy ISIS in Iraq and maybe even Libya too; and possibly the entire Arab peninsula. I hope like heck that I am wrong about it; but I have a bad feeling. We, of course, will not be doing it alone. But, we and the coalition allies will be going into the middle east again.

Of course, this will be used as a recruitment tool for the likes of ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Not to mention all of the rest of the things that go with war. It is a sad thing; but, at this point, I do believe that it is inevitable. I just hope that this Presidential administration  manages things this time better than the last one did. The last one was a disaster. I have my doubts about that too. Because the track record is just not that good. Normally, I would just pray for peace; but in this case, with this ISIS group — that is just not possible. If anything at all, I pray that the Nations that ISIS are in and are conducting terrorist actions, would rise up and attack these terrorists, so that the United States would not have to do it. However, if I know things like I do; they will not do it and will rely on the United States to bring its military in to deal with the problem.

There are people who will want to blame Bush for this mess. I think that would be foolish, at this point. Because President Bush had a plan in place, that would have insured Iraq’s safety for many years to come. However, President Obama came in and changed the plan and pulled out the troops before the plan could even be implemented. Because he was under pressure from the anti-war faction of his party.

Now, because of that idiotic move; we now have ISIS and it is a bigger problem than Al-Qaeda ever was and are much crazier. So, it is back to the war game. Hopefully, the Republic will survive.

(Cross-posted to

UAE conducts airstrikes on ISIS oil pipelines

Good to see that someone else besides The US having to the heavy lifting against ISIS.

The story:

The United Arab Emirates said Saturday its warplanes had carried out raids against oil installations held by the Islamic State group, which controls large swathes of Iraq and Syria.

The state news agency WAM did not say where the raids struck, only that UAE fighter jets took off overnight Friday from their base in Jordan, another partner in the US-led coalition against the jihadists.

“UAE Air Force F-16 squadron deployed to an airbase in Jordan conducted fresh air strikes last night against the terrorist organization (ISIS),” WAM said.

The planes hit several ISIS “operation and extraction points along crude oil pipelines in order to dry up the terror group’s sources of funding”, it said, adding they all returned safely.

It was the second reported air strikes by UAE aircraft since February 16 when warplanes from the Gulf federation also took off from Jordan and hit oil refineries held by ISIS.

via UAE Airstrikes Hit ISIS Oil Pipelines – Middle East – News – Arutz Sheva.


But, when America does it, it is perfectly fine

I read with slight bemusement Ed Morrissey’s piece on ISIS,  which is another name of Al-Qaeda, which you can click here to read; supposedly having chemical weapons in Iraq. I also read how horrible it is and so forth.

Which leads me to ask a simple question: Was it just as horrible, when the United States used bombs with depleted uranium in them against the Iraqis when we invaded that Country in 2003? …and don’t tell me there was none of that; it has been confirmed many times over in photo documentation and in reporting on the ground there.

What also bemused me, is the neoconservatives steadfastly refuse to admit, that ISIS and al-Qaeda in Iraq was a sole creation of Bush’s invasion of Iraq in 2003. If anyone says, “Bush created this mess.” All you get is the Tourette’s disorder-sounding “blame bush!” repeated over and over and over. It is true that Obama’s handling of the Iraqi and Afghan wars has been piss poor, and his inaction created a resurgence of terrorist activity in Iraq and abroad.

However, Bush did start this thing and when it all blew up again, Bush and his Jewish neocon cronies were safely out of office. Now, what will have to happen is seeing that Obama is basically trying to avoid directly confronting with the radical Islamists, another Republican hawk will have to come in and clean up what is left of Bush’s created mess — that is if that person is able to do that!  It is a vicious cycle and one that we have repeated time and time again over the years.

Please, do not misunderstand me here; the Democrats are bad news, the policies of Obama and his neo-leftists cronies on the hill have been creating havoc on this Country’s economy. However, as myself and Pastor Chuck Baldwin know; the Republicans of today are no better, the hawkish Jewish wilsonians are just as bad, if not worse than the neo-leftists that are now in the White House. If you think that someone like Ted Cruz with a Reagan-style of foreign policy or someone like Rand Paul with the reasonable foreign policy will get in the White House, you are very highly mistaken. The Jacobin Wilsonian neoconservative hawks control that party and its purse strings and have done so since about 1989 or even before that. Conservatives tend to forget, that Reagan was a fluke; someone who the GOP establishment tried like heck to tamper down and discredit — and thankfully failed to do. The GOP establishment will never make that mistake again, trust me.

So, barring a major uprising in this Country, to unseat both of these entrenched political parties; we are stuck with what we have: two corrupt political parties, hell-bent on putting us into a course of absolute ruin. It is as fatalistic view, it is grim and tends to be depressing — but it, simply, is the truth.

On Obama’s Iraq Airstrikes

I was away on personal business and I did not have a chance to comment on what’s happening in Iraq.

Here’s the video of the announcement from President Obama: (via The White House)

Now, there are doubters. Via the Daily Beast:

Friday morning, with a humanitarian mission already underway, the United States began airstrikes on ISIS in northern Iraq. What had been the U.S. policy—to rely on local forces to contain ISIS while waiting for a new Iraqi government to reach a political solution—is finished. The new policy is still taking shape, but it may eventually lead to more involvement from the special operations troops who have been in Iraq for weeks.

President Obama said Thursday night he had authorized airstrikes to protect American personnel and the Yazidi minority group stranded by ISIS on top of Mt. Sinjar. A senior administration official later stressed to reporters that U.S. forces were not launching a “sustained campaign” against ISIS in Iraq.

But with the Kurds, America’s closest allies in the fight, recovering from heavy losses, some analysts and military veterans say that airstrikes alone may not be enough to turn the tide. A sustained—if small-scale—campaign may be the only way to achieve that.

…..and, of course, the neocon hawks:

President Obama’s limited strikes on ISIS in northern Iraq are “pinpricks” that are “meaningless” and “worse than nothing,” according to one of his fiercest foreign policy critics, Sen. John McCain.

By committing U.S. military forces to fight again in Iraq while explicitly limiting the mission to protection of American personnel and Iraqi minorities, Obama has failed to come up with a plan that has any hope of stopping the ISIS advances across Iraq and Syria, said McCain. It’s a position that puts him somewhat at odds with other Republicans, who are offering cautious support for the airstrikes in Iraq – and concern that the president doesn’t have a comprehensive strategy to combat the growing threat of ISIS..

McCain, a consistent advocate for the application of American military power around the world, has long pushed for greater U.S. involvement in Iraq. But these strikes Friday were not what McCain had in mind.

“This is a pinprick,” McCain told The Daily Beast in an interview Friday, about the two 500-pound smart bombs U.S. airplanes dropped on ISIS convoys Friday. The vehicles were approaching Erbil, the capital city of Iraqi Kurdistan, were many U.S. diplomatic and military personnel reside.

Now, honestly, I am going to give the President the benefit of the doubt and I am going to hope like heck, that the President knows just what the heck he is doing. As for what the President is doing and whether it will be enough or not — I have one thing to say about it — We will soon find out.

Because if it is not enough and we do kill some of those ISIS members; and it does not wipe them out and only strengthens them, we could very well find ourselves in another protracted battle in Iraq. I would hope that this would not be the case; but I have my doubts. I will say this: I highly doubt that President Obama will be as careless and reckless in his fighting this battle, as Bush was during the Iraq War that lasted for 8 years.

I just hope that I am right; for the sake of America.

Others: The American ConservativeHot AirBusiness Insiderhis vorpal swordWashington Post,National ReviewDemocracy in AmericaInformed CommentThe Moderate VoiceThe DishSaudi GazetteSpectatorVodkaPunditAssociated PressTalking Points Memo and McClatchy Washington Bureau (Via Memeorandum)

Hmmmmm: Alleged Snowden document says US/UK/Israel are behind ISIS


From Gulf Daily News…

 The former employee at US National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snowden, has revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Snowden said intelligence services of three countries created a terrorist organisation that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a strategy called “the hornet’s nest”.

NSA documents refer to recent implementation of the hornet’s nest to protect the Zionist entity by creating religious and Islamic slogans.

According to documents released by Snowden, “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state “is to create an enemy near its borders”.

Leaks revealed that ISIS leader and cleric Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi took intensive military training for a whole year in the hands of Mossad, besides courses in theology and the art of speech..

Top Conservative News Says:


1) ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi was once a super-high level prisoner of the US government. Despite the fact that the US had offered a ten million dollar reward for him, the Obama regime ordered his release in 2009.

2) The Obama regime, with major support from Senate neo-cons John McCain and Lindsey Graham, gave hundreds of millions in military aid to Sunni Jihadists in Syria. Thousands of individuals receiving US aid are now members of ISIS. In fact, ISIS has even posted pictures of ISIS fighters with US Senator John McCain on the internet.

3) Israel has directly aided Sunni Jihadists in Syria by bombing Syrian military assets during Jihadist attacks.

4) The Israeli Prime Minister has reacted to the ISIS spearheaded Sunni/Shia Civil War in Iraq with borderline glee. The president of Israel has also suggested that a Sunni/Shia war is beneficial to the future of Israel.

5) The US and Britiain provided Sunni Jihadists with Toyota trucks in Syria. When, an army of ISIS fighters rolled over the Syria/Iraq border it looked like a commercial for Toyota.

Very interesting…. do you see why now that I simply do not trust this Government?