Noted Anti-Semite Tom Boggioni belches forth Anti-Christian and Anti-Catholic Bigotry

Go Read

He also spews forth more of his Bush derangement syndrome.

To see his Antisemitism on full display, read here.

I still do not understand why this Jane allows this douche-nozzle to write on that blog of hers.

Mussolini would be proud.

Update: Think that is bad? Check out Tom’s unflattering picture and racist painting of one the Bush Administration’s most hated staff member. I tend to believe that the reason that he gets away this sort of stuff Is because, 1. He is a liberal and 2. He is a minority himself. Proving my theory that not only white people can be racists.


As of now, I have zero respect for Jesse Ventura

Because of this: (H/T HotAir)


You want to know what a Ron Paul supporter acts like, want to know their mentality? Play the video.

This, my friends, is why I despise Ron Paul. Military or no Military; Ventura is a lying scumball.

More sectarian violence in Iraq

This is what happens when you invade a Country based on bad information. This is also what happens when you let the proverbial “Genie out of the bottle.”

BAGHDAD — Insurgents unleashed a fierce string of bombings against Iraq’s Shiites on Thursday, attacking pilgrims marching through the desert and neighborhoods in Baghdad in an attempt to stir sectarian violence amid a political crisis that has brought the government to a halt.

At least 60 people died in the attacks and at least 138 wounded, security officials said, in the second devastating and apparently coordinated attack in Iraq in less than a month.

No group claimed responsibility for the attacks but they appeared similar to ones conducted by Al Qaeda in Iraq, the Sunni insurgent group that has tried to plunge the country back to the brink of civil war by pitting the country’s sectarian groups against each other.— Attacks on Shiites in Iraq Kill More Than 50 –

I don’t claim to be an expert in this department, but I see us going back there within a year or so.


Is Rick Santorum a “Big Government” Conservative?

My answer? Aren’t they all? 😀

This guy seems to think so: (H/T

Rick Santorum, like most Republican candidates, fashions himself the one true conservative running in 2012. If the thought of big, intrusive liberal government offends you, he might just be your man. And if you favor a big, intrusive Republican government, he’s unquestionably your candidate.

People are taking a look at Santorum. Important people. People in Iowa. Even New York Times columnist David Brooks recently celebrated his working-class appeal, newfound viability and economic populism, noting that the former Pennsylvania senator’s book “It Takes a Family“ was a ”broadside against Barry Goldwater-style conservatism” — or, in other words, a rejection of that Neanderthal fealty for liberty and free markets that has yet to be put down. Santorum’s book is crammed with an array of ideas for technocratic meddling; even the author acknowledges that some people “will reject” what he has to say “as a kind of ‘Big Government’ conservatism.”

Santorum grumbles about too many conservatives believing in unbridled “personal autonomy” and subscribing to the “idea that people should be left alone, be able to do whatever they want to do … that we shouldn’t get involved in the bedroom (and) we shouldn’t get involved in cultural issues.” — Via Santorum: Conservative Technocrat |

Go read all of that, it’s quite interesting.

No, Pat Robertson did not hear from God

I am fixing to break one of my rules that I wrote on my blog’s “about this blog” page.  I wrote the following:

Also too, with this blog, I am going to stick strictly to Politics. I am not going to meander into Religion or Religious arguments like I did on my previous blog; Because for one, it tends to start fights with unbelievers and two, it tends to make me look like a jerk. My point is this, I know what I believe, but I am not interested in fighting about it or debating it. At some point, I might create a Blog solely dedicated to Christianity; but on this blog, it’s about politics and politics only.

For what it is worth I do plan on following that little rule; however, when so-called “Christians” insert themselves into politics, I, as a Fundamentalist Baptist, will have to speak out.

Having said all of the above, I can tell you with the uttermost confidence that God did not speak to Pat Roberson.

Here is the very misguided man attempting to act as someone who has a personal line with the almighty: (H/T Mediaite)


I spent the better part of a week in prayer and just saying, ‘God show me something,’ some things I’ll share with you. I think he showed me the next me the next president but I’m not supposed to talk about that so I’ll leave you in the dark—probably just as well—I think I’ll know who it will be. I’m going to read just as I wrote down as if I’m hearing from the Lord these words.

Your country will be torn apart by internal stress, a house divided cannot stand. Your president holds a radical view of the direction of your country which is at odds with the majority, expect chaos and paralysis. Your president holds a view that is at odds with the majority, it’s a radical view of the future of this country, so that’s why we’re having this division. This is a spiritual battle which can only be won by overwhelming prayer. The future of the world is at stake because if America falls, there’s no longer a strong champion of freedom and a champion of the oppressed of the world. There must be an urgent call to prayer. The Lord said, a time of maximum stress and peril, greater than at any time since the CBN ministry began. This country will begin disintegrating.

I started thinking, when did we start this place? We started CBN in 1960, you think of all the things that went on, you had the assassination of the president, assassination of Martin Luther King, you’ve got a war in Vietnam, you’ve got all these things, He is saying you will have worse stress than before. So I’m saying, God, let me give you some suggestions and you tell me if any of them is right, pick one. I said, is it an EMP blast? No that isn’t it. Is it a cosmic or solar or radiation blast? No. Is it Mayan galaxy alignment? No. Is it Iranian or North Korean nuclear threat? No. Is it an earthquake or a volcano? No. Is it a massive power failure? No. What is it? It’s an economic collapse. And God said, This is not my judgment, they are bringing it upon themselves.

Pat Robertson is a Pentecostal Christian, he is under the typical delusion that the “signs and wonders” as written about in the Book of Acts chapter 2 are somehow for today. In that false belief system, these people actually believe that God is still speaking to people today. This is patently false; everything that God had to say to mankind is located in the Bible. period, end of story.

Anyone that tries to tell anyone any different is trying to deceive people, which is what this con man is an old professional at being— a con man.

Others: Indecision Forever, The Hinterland Gazette, Mediaite, Gawker, Daily Kos, The Raw Story and Little Green Footballs

I think this is a bit of a stretch

First off, let me say that I have never ever supported the #OWS movement at all.  However, I think that accusing the people that put this float on of Antisemitism is a bit of a stretch.

Here’s the video of the float: (Via Weasel Zippers) (I love the name of that blog… 😛 )

Now Donald Douglas, who I happen to think is a pretty nice guy; he likes Hendrix, he can’t be that bad! Anyhow, says that this float was essentially this:

I respect Douglas opinion, and he could very well be right about this; but he could be wrong too. I did not see any Israeli flag on the float.  My point is this, as I have written around here before; we, as Conservatives, need to be real careful about tossing the Jew-hater flag out at the political football game. I mean, pinning the thoughts of a few people on an entire crowd is collectivism and this Conservative writer despises that mindset. This is what separates me from the “Neo-Conservative” wing of the Conservative movement; because I happen to reject the “group think” mentality that goes on in those circles. Further, I reject the entire notion of collectivism as a Conservative way of thinking. Sorry, that’s a page from the leftist playbook and I want no part of it.

Again, I reject what the #OWS is all about, they’re anti-capitalists, that is a given — But I won’t place them all in the “Jew-Hater” corner. As someone who’s been accused of such tripe, I will not fire off that accusation at a group of people — at a individual, maybe.   But at a group? No. Sorry, that is just not how I roll. (as the young people like to say today. 😀 )

You might disagree, and that’s okay — stupidity is not illegal. 😉

Others: Daily Mail, The Informer, Atlas Shrugs, Doug Ross, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and Scared Monkeys

Let’s not get carried away please

Listen, I stand for Israel as much as the next Conservative. But this article here, is borderline idiotic:

So Paul Krugman phoned in his periodic “Keynes Was Right” column today, arguing that the Obama Porkulus failed only because, like “true” Communism, it wasn’t tried vigorously or faithfully enough.

I wonder if Krugman also credits Keynes’s views on Jews, which British blogger Damian Thompson of The Telegraph brings to our attention.

via Keynes Was Right–About the Jews? | Power Line.

I mean, to make this sort of a comment to a man, who happens to be a liberal and Jewish, coming from another Jewish person is about the worst backhanded insult ever.

Now this point here, I will not contest:

Anti-Semitism used to be a property of the Right, yet it’s worth pointing out that today many of the intellectual heroes of the right are Jews, such as Milton Friedman, Leo Strauss, Irving Kristol, etc., or that anti-Semitism has become almost wholly the province of the Left today.

I got news for Mr. Hayward; it is still a property of the right. Ron Paul is a perfect example. Although it is far to point out that Ron Paul’s faction of the Republican Party is a very small one. One that believes in “Limited Freedom” for those who are White and Christian only. Although, to be fair, Rick Santorum basically feels the same way; the whole extremist Christian bigot.

My overall point here is this; we should be very careful about dropping the Anti-Semite flag during a political football game. It hurts those who are innocent of said charges. Just ask me.

Others: Wizbang, Ed Driscoll


Update on the PayPal Situation and Pamela Geller

Pamela Geller updates everyone on her little scrap with PayPal that lead many, including me to cancel our accounts:

And so today, about an hour ago, a very pleasant and rather deliberately clueless executive called me from paypal to say it was all a big misunderstanding and Atlas would be reinstated (and the subsequent restriction of SIOA and FDI removed also).

Not so fast, Leslie.

I asked her why I was singled out and who designated me as a hate speech site, and on what basis? Why was revolution muslim (which threatened to murder the producers of Comedy Central) and Imam Awlaki DVDs part of the paypal stable of vendors? She said she was “unaware of a hate speech designation and would inquire and call me back.”

And so she did.

She said Atlas was mistakenly designated when “in review.” I asked why was Atlas in review. Paypal has been on this website since 2005. She did not have an answer. I asked what recourse do smaller websites have? As this is my real concern. My soapbox is pretty big, but what about small blogs?

I told Leslie that reinstating me was not good enough. If a site is designated a “hate site,” who decides? Once designated, you have two choices — lose paypal, or change content. Unfair, mon frere. Leslie agreed. She said she was going to recommend a third choice so that one could contest the designation before a mandatory choice had to be made of either signing off of paypal or changing content.

Frankly, I find this weak. They should remove the designation altogether. If they are going to allow jihadis to raise dough using paypal, what’s the point of any hate speech designation?

Needless to say, I am not going back. I told her that, too. She wished I would reconsider. But, no. I am sticking with Gpal — the G stands for guns 🙂

via Paypal Called, Paypal Caved – Atlas Shrugs.

Some goes here, I am not going back to PayPal either, at least not for Blog Donations. I may, at a much later date, set up a PayPal address for non-blog related matters. But for Blog-Related Donations, I will be using GPal. Because I just do not need some liberal driving by here and reporting me to PayPal for hate speech. Pamela has more resources to fight such a charge, I do not.

Freedom of Speech is a priceless thing, and I realize that Companies like PayPal are not obligated to uphold freedom of speech laws. But we as Patriotic Americans also have the right to take our Business elsewhere, which I, Pam and a few others have done.

I will also make another note. I notice that other Bloggers who commented on this story; had much to say about it. But most of them are all still on PayPal. To you all, you are all nothing, but spineless cowards. Talk is one thing, actions are another, most of you sat praising Pamela Geller, all the while remaining on PayPal. You call that loyalty to America? Please. Actions speak louder the words, and you all said your peace during that little stand off. I am ashamed to call you my fellow Conservatives. I took action, I left E-Bay the minute that I become aware of this situation; I did at first want to keep out of it, then I realized, that it could have been me. Which is more that I can say for some of you. This will be remembered the next time one of you idiots gets yourself in some serious hot water with the other side of the political fence. I will just keep my little mouth shut too. Two can play that game people. Remember that.

Others: Israel Matzav and

The Southern Avenger on American Empire and Israel

Note to all my readers: I am posting these videos here, because I happen to believe in a diversity of opinion and discussion. The opinions expressed in these video should NOT be considered an opinion of the owner of this blog. I simply believe that ALL VOICES, not just a collective few, should be heard in the continuing discussion that is post-Bush Conservative Politics.


Transcript Here

Transcript Here

Farewell Paypal, until you fix this problem

I am a little late to the trough on this one. But I figured it did deserve a few lines of my support.

As some of you might know, PayPal has sent Pamela Geller a threat, that if she did not remove their badges from her blogs, that they would close her account. Well, that will never do. This flies into my libertarian radar; what I mean is this — Freedom of Speech is Freedom Speech is Freedom of Speech. I do not care if it is Pamela Geller, David Duke, or Fred Phelps of “God Hates Fags” fame. The point is that the first amendment applies to everyone, including Pamela Geller and her quest against those who wish to convert American into an Islamic Country. Which is, by the way, something that I personally happen to support.

So, having said that, Last night, I actually closed my PayPal account, that I have owned since the late 1990’s. At first, I thought of ignoring Pamela’s plight. I figured, “Eh, Sling Poo, attract flies…”. Then it dawned on me, I’ve slung my fair share of poo around myself and I have also paid a price for it. Now, do I think Pamela would return the favor? No, I don’t. But there is a Bible verse, you know, that thing that God actually wrote? Anyhow, A Bible verse that comes to mind, these are the actual Words of the Lord Jesus Christ, That would be God’s Son:

And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. (Luke 6:31 – King James Version)

….and So, that is why I did it. Until PayPal backs down. I will not be doing business with them, at all. I now use Gpay for all donations here.

Sometimes have you have to stand, for what you feel is right. So, here I stand. 😀

Others: YID With LID, AmSpecBlog, Outside the Beltway, Gates of Vienna, Pajamas MediaThe Jawa Report, Jihad Watch, Israel Matzav, The Other McCain, five feet of fury., Jay Currie and American Power