Honestly why does anyone care what this stupid woman thinks?

No, No… I don’t mean Tina Korbe.

I mean this woman, Megan McCain…:

Ugh, it’s like listening to a valley girl talk about politics. Like gag me with a spoon man. 🙄

It’s humor folks, relax

I hate it when I have to remind my own people that sometimes humor, is just that, humor.

Real Clear Politics has a video of Michelle Obama appearing in a TV show called iCarly.

Here’s the quote:

First Lady Michelle Obama is to make a guest appearance on an upcoming episode of the popular Nickelodeon show iCarly.

In the episode, which airs on January 16, the First Lady helps the show’s title character Carly get in touch with her father, an Air Force colonel who can’t make it home for his birthday.

Obama surprises the girl and her friends, which leads to her being called “Your Excellency” by Carly’s friend Sam Puckett.

After being corrected by a friend that you don’t call the First Lady that, Michelle Obama jumps in and says “No, no, I kind of like it.”

As if right on cue, the right-wing blogosphere is condemning this; do some of these people drive? It is humor folks, something that many of us actually could use right now. 🙄

I just have to wonder aloud, would they be that shrieking in their criticism of Michelle Obama if she were a white woman? It is to wonder. 

I think this is a bit of a stretch

First off, let me say that I have never ever supported the #OWS movement at all.  However, I think that accusing the people that put this float on of Antisemitism is a bit of a stretch.

Here’s the video of the float: (Via Weasel Zippers) (I love the name of that blog… 😛 )

Now Donald Douglas, who I happen to think is a pretty nice guy; he likes Hendrix, he can’t be that bad! Anyhow, says that this float was essentially this:

I respect Douglas opinion, and he could very well be right about this; but he could be wrong too. I did not see any Israeli flag on the float.  My point is this, as I have written around here before; we, as Conservatives, need to be real careful about tossing the Jew-hater flag out at the political football game. I mean, pinning the thoughts of a few people on an entire crowd is collectivism and this Conservative writer despises that mindset. This is what separates me from the “Neo-Conservative” wing of the Conservative movement; because I happen to reject the “group think” mentality that goes on in those circles. Further, I reject the entire notion of collectivism as a Conservative way of thinking. Sorry, that’s a page from the leftist playbook and I want no part of it.

Again, I reject what the #OWS is all about, they’re anti-capitalists, that is a given — But I won’t place them all in the “Jew-Hater” corner. As someone who’s been accused of such tripe, I will not fire off that accusation at a group of people — at a individual, maybe.   But at a group? No. Sorry, that is just not how I roll. (as the young people like to say today. 😀 )

You might disagree, and that’s okay — stupidity is not illegal. 😉

Others: Daily Mail, The Informer, Atlas Shrugs, Doug Ross, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and Scared Monkeys

Some thoughts on attacks on Republicans

Last night as I sat and watched the video of Alan Colmes attacking Rick Santorum something came to my mind and I thought I would write about it.  Folks, I believe that we should prepare ourselves for this sort of a thing.  The reason I say this is that the Democratic Party establishment knows that they are in a very bad way.  After all, their President has failed in every manner imaginable; his attempts to save the economy failed, his attempts to create more jobs failed, even his idiotic attempts to kick start green energy failed.  Therefore, seeing that their President is more vulnerable than Joe Louis on a bad night, the Democratic Party is going to go straight for the jugular and pull every dirty pool trick in the book.

Now, because I am not a hyper-partisan and because I do tend to like to deal in the truth, I will say this: Republicans and Conservatives should not be shocked when this happens.  Now why would I say this?  Because it just so happens that “Right” media in this Country did some of the very same things to President Obama when he was being elected.  What am I referring?  Well, there is Birther nonsense, the accusation that President Obama is gay, that he is a Muslim or even more libel — a terrorist, that he is a communist —- all of that stuff.

The problem is that the things that I mentioned above are usually done under the banner of “all is fair in love and war.”  The problem is that Conservatives and Republican do not mind doing to Democrats, because in their minds, the lies and half-truths are being done because of a love for the Country and because they want their candidate in the White House.  The problem is that when these sort of nasty attacks happen to Conservatives at the behest of the Democratic Party; the first thing that Conservatives do is hoist the red flag and cry, “Foul!”

The reason why I say this is that politics as AllahPundit so very well put it is a blood sport with much bloodlust involved. Again, the attack on Santorum was an extreme example of Democratic Party bloodlust, which surprisingly now has had some blowback effect, which is a good thing.  However, my fellow Conservatives, do not think that this is the end of it.  More of this sort of stuff is coming, so be prepared for it.  This is, after all just the primary season.  Wait till the general election comes, that is going to be mess.

Put simply, my point is this; “those who fling poo, should not be shocked or surprised when it is flung back at them.”

UPDATED: Alan Colmes should be fired for this

As much as I hate riding on their coattails. This bothers me.

Check out this video via HotAir.com:

Now watch this one:

AllahPundit, who I agree with quite a bit, says:

I don’t know where Colmes is getting the idea that they brought the baby’s body home to “play with it.” They brought him home because they wanted his siblings to understand that they had a brother who’d lived and died. Seeing him with their own eyes and having a few hours together as a family would bond them to his memory in a way that nothing else would. It’s not what most parents would do, but it’s not “crazy.”

I have to agree with that; Bloodthirsty Liberal says:

Let this be a lesson. We’ve all said things that turn to [bleep] the moment they leave our tongue. You just to have to own it and apologize. Colmes might have had plenty of material that was within bounds, but he was so tone deaf to civil discourse, it never occurred to him that it was, ahem, inappropriate to mock how a family chose to honor the memory of a stillborn child, much less acknowledge the monstrosity of his comment when challenged.

Fire Andrea Mitchel
l was not impressed either and quite frankly, as open minded as I can be; I found this to be very lame.

As I have written on here before, I am not too huge on Santorum for some very personal reasons. However, I felt this was totally over the top and highly uncalled for. For this, one thing must happen:

Alan Colmes must be fired from his job, once and for all.

How ironic is it, that now Rupert Murdoch and his lovely wife Wendy are now on Twitter. I think if everyone sent this link, that read this to Rupert and his Wife on Twitter with a polite, “please fire Alan Colmes” message, something could very well happen. It’s a long shot, but it is worth a try.

Again, I’m no Rick Santorum fan boy; but this….is just a bit much, even for this hard shell Baptist. 😡

Update: The Daley Gator says that Mr. Colmes is the Gilipollas of the Day — How very true.

Update #2: Mediaite is now reporting on this and it has become a Memeorandum thread.

Update #3: Smitty is reporting that Alan Colmes has reported that he apologized to Santorum. Sorry, not enough, he must go.

Progressive Blogger Taylor Marsh: “The Party’s Over”

Taylor Marsh is one of the liberal progressive bloggers that I used to read, when I was still rooting for that team. So, needless to say, this was quite a shock to read coming from her.

Some quotes: (h/t Jazz Shaw)

As a recovering partisan these days and after watching Pres. Obama’s compromising conservatism, I no longer feel the urgency to support a political party who has threatened dire consequences if I don’t vote for them. Beyond foreign policy, economic, and civil rights issues mentioned above, Pres. Obama has also chosen to short-change women again and again on our freedoms, starting in the health care bill, then by executive order that empowered conservatives of both parties, and finally by making the decision on Plan B that would have come from Mitt Romney, too.

Pres. Obama has helped Democrats deliver a climate that this party has threatened since the ’70s would happen if I didn’t vote for them…

For over 30 years, modern feminists like myself have been hearing that we must support Democrats, because if we don’t our freedoms will be on the line yet again. After supporting Democrats since my one vote for Ronald Reagan in 1980, what has finally happened through Pres. Obama is exactly what I was told this political party would guard against. So now, as the 2012 elections approach, Barack Obama and the Democratic Party are once again relying on the theory that because Republicans are worse women like me can be suckered into falling in line one more time.


The two political parties have been under siege for some time, because Americans just don’t trust Republicans or Democrats anymore. Barack Obama was the last chance for political parties, specifically the Democratic brand, with George W. Bush having already given rise to rebellion inside the GOP, which is seen best through Ron Paul and the Tea Party. Meanwhile, Congress long ago ceded their importance as an equal branch of government, preferring loyalty oaths to their political party, as well as the boss in the Executive branch, which has become a marketing tool for itself, an American kingship of sorts, with no difference between Republican or Democratic presidents. Once in the White House, the presidents club rules.

So, having finally made it to the recovering partisan shore, though I’m not completely cured, I must say that Pres. Obama’s first term went a long way to liberating me permanently.

In 2012, this liberal’s vote is up for grabs.


Oof. That’s harsh. I suggest you go read the whole entire thing too, because not only does Marsh slam Obama; she basically says that Pelosi, the Democratic Party and liberalism as a concept are a joke anymore. This is something that I basically figured out not long before my blog “the populist” was hacked. Which is why I basically switched sides; I’m not a far right winger, but I am sure not a leftist, not what passes for a democrat today.

Make no mistake, Taylor Marsh is not a Republican, not by a longshot. However, she is someone who is not happy with her party. It is a start.

#OWS does this sort of nonsense, yet wants my respect?

This is about the most sickening thing I have ever read:

Some 800 Occupy Wall Street protesters began the new year by trying to retake Zuccotti Park last night, starting a massive clash with police in which one officer was stabbed in the hand with a pair of scissors.

A suspect was arrested in the 11:30 p.m. incident, according to a law enforcement source.

Hundreds in the crowd of occupiers then surrounded the ambulance as it tried to leave with the wounded officer, the source said.

The officer, who was not identified, was taken to Bellevue Hospital in stable condition.

Shortly before midnight OWS protesters took to Twitter to proclaim their assault on Zuccotti — from which they were booted by cops in November.

“Barricades being torn down at liberty [Zuccotti] park,” they wrote. “Happy new years!!”

They later tweeted: “Big crowd at liberty square. We have taken back the park.”

Occupy Wall Street protests rings in New Year – NYPOST.com.

I think that this entire #OWS movement needs to rethink their idea of peaceful protest. I am an independent voter and find this sort of nonsense to be idiotic at best. I mean, I have been unemployed since 2005 and I do not support these people at all. Luckily, I took some Christmas money and am trying to get a small business off the ground. I basically feel about it like this, if I cannot find a job; I’ll try working for myself. Which is more than what these people are doing, that movement is not about protesting “fat cats” it is about protesting capitalism, which is in effect a socialist uprising.

Jim Hoft over at Gateway Pundit calls them the “Obama endorsed” protesters and rightfully so, Obama did say that he understood where they were coming from:

I just wonder, does he support cops being stabbed too?


Let’s not get carried away please

Listen, I stand for Israel as much as the next Conservative. But this article here, is borderline idiotic:

So Paul Krugman phoned in his periodic “Keynes Was Right” column today, arguing that the Obama Porkulus failed only because, like “true” Communism, it wasn’t tried vigorously or faithfully enough.

I wonder if Krugman also credits Keynes’s views on Jews, which British blogger Damian Thompson of The Telegraph brings to our attention.

via Keynes Was Right–About the Jews? | Power Line.

I mean, to make this sort of a comment to a man, who happens to be a liberal and Jewish, coming from another Jewish person is about the worst backhanded insult ever.

Now this point here, I will not contest:

Anti-Semitism used to be a property of the Right, yet it’s worth pointing out that today many of the intellectual heroes of the right are Jews, such as Milton Friedman, Leo Strauss, Irving Kristol, etc., or that anti-Semitism has become almost wholly the province of the Left today.

I got news for Mr. Hayward; it is still a property of the right. Ron Paul is a perfect example. Although it is far to point out that Ron Paul’s faction of the Republican Party is a very small one. One that believes in “Limited Freedom” for those who are White and Christian only. Although, to be fair, Rick Santorum basically feels the same way; the whole extremist Christian bigot.

My overall point here is this; we should be very careful about dropping the Anti-Semite flag during a political football game. It hurts those who are innocent of said charges. Just ask me.

Others: Wizbang, Ed Driscoll