Freaky Deaky – Ball Lightning As a weapon?!?!

Now this is quite interesting:

Two hundred years ago this week, the warship HMS Warren Hastings was struck by a weird phenomenon: “Three distinct balls of fire” fell from the heavens, striking the ship and killing two crewmen, leaving behind “a nauseous, sulfurous smell,” according to the Times of London.

Ball lightning has been the subject of much scientific scrutiny over the years. And, as with many powerful natural phenomena, the question arises: “Can we turn it into a weapon?” Peculiar as it may seem, that’s exactly what some researchers are working on — even though it hasn’t even been properly replicated in the laboratory yet.

The exact cause and nature of ball lighting has yet to be determined; there may be several different types, confusing matters further. But generally it manifests as a grapefruit-sized sphere of light moving slowly through the air which may end by fizzling out or exploding.

via Scientist Looks to Weaponize Ball Lightning | Danger Room from

Here’s a video to go with the freaky deaky story… Although, I think some of the “so-called” Ball Lightning in this video is Fireworks and also some shots of the moon. Although, I could be wrong.

Oy. That music is enough to make one want to hide under the bed. 😮

Between that and watching Glenn Beck’s show on “What could go wrong.” I’m inclined to just stay in the house until the rapture of the Church!

(H/T to Freedom’s Phoenix)

When one of our men goes bad.

This is what happens when you treat war, like a hobby:

A U.S. Army medic was convicted of murder Friday for his involvement in the execution-style slayings of four bound and blindfolded Iraqi detainees shot in the back of the head in the spring of 2007. The court sentenced him to life in prison.

Sgt. Michael Leahy Jr. was found guilty on charges of murder and conspiracy to commit murder by the nine-person jury who had heard testimony about the killings at the court-martial at the Army’s Rose Barracks Courthouse since Wednesday.

After a sentencing hearing, Leahy received a life sentence, with the possibility of parole. He also will have his rank reduced to private, his pay foreited and be dishonorably discharged.

“Looking back at the canal, I see it was the wrong thing to do,” Leahy read from a statement to the court before he was sentenced. “Please see that I’m not a bad person, that I made a bad mistake. I want to move on.”

via ABC News: US Soldier Guilty of Murder in Deaths of 4 Iraqis.

I just wonder how much more of this happened? This is just one that got caught. It is a sad thing, this turkey got what was coming to him.

Heckuva of a job Feinstein

What an idiot…..

A senior U.S. lawmaker said Thursday that unmanned CIA Predator aircraft operating in Pakistan are flown from an airbase inside that country, a revelation likely to embarrass the Pakistani government and complicate its counterterrorism collaboration with the United States.

The disclosure by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, marked the first time a U.S. official had publicly commented on where the Predator aircraft patrolling Pakistan take off and land.

At a hearing, Feinstein expressed surprise at Pakistani opposition to the ongoing campaign of Predator-launched CIA missile strikes against Al Qaeda targets along Pakistan’s northwest border.

“As I understand it, these are flown out of a Pakistani base,” she said of the planes.

via Predator drones flown from base in Pakistan, U.S. lawmaker says —

Feinstein ought to be arrested and tried on treason. Revealing Government secrets is illegal. But because she’s a Democrat, nothing will happen.

Others: protein wisdom, Wizbang , The Strata-Sphere, HotAir

Dutch MP refused entry to by the cowardly Government in Britain

This is a disgrace….

The Video and listen to Mr. Wilders stand up to the Liberal BBC’s baiting questions:

The Story:

A Dutch MP who called the Koran a “fascist book” has been sent back to the Netherlands after attempting to defy a ban on entering the UK.

Freedom Party MP Geert Wilders had been invited to show his controversial film – which links the Islamic holy book to terrorism – in the UK’s House of Lords.

But Mr Wilders, who faces trial in his own country for inciting hatred, has been denied entry by the Home Office.

He told the BBC it was a “very sad day” for UK democracy.

The Dutch ambassador was also at Heathrow to make clear his government’s opposition to the ban on Mr Wilders entering the UK.

via BBC NEWS  Dutch MP refused entry to Britain.

As far as I am concerned, Britain is nothing more than a Nation of terrorist sympathizers.  This is a disgrace and should be held as an example of what America will become if we allow the Liberals in America to have their way. This man put out a video exposing Islam for what it really is and now he is being persecuted for it.  Yes, the video was extreme, and yes, the framing of his argument was a bit extreme, but there is a thing called freedom of speech, and his man’s right are being violated.

In the Spirit of freedom of speech, I present, once again, Fitna:

Others: Fausta’s Blog, Riehl World View, Gateway Pundit, Atlas Shrugs and Gates of Vienna

The United States Army loses track of Nerve Gas

Sweet Jesus on a crouton, no wonder Ronald Reagan said Government is the problem!  Now this is one of them stories that makes you think that crazy people are running the asylum!

Is the Army missing some nerve gas?

Pentagon auditors concede that is a remote possibility because of discrepancies in records between how much chemical weapons agent was initially stored and how much of it was later destroyed at Utah’s Deseret Chemical Depot and other bases nationwide.

But officials believe all the nerve agent in question was destroyed, according to a partially censored U.S. Army Audit Agency report obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request. Auditors list in it several reasons that could have caused apparent-but-unreal variances in those records.

But auditors concluded, “The (Army Chemical Materials) Agency didn’t have complete assurance that amounts recorded in the system were accurate, which increased its chances for heightened levels of program scrutiny by federal, state and international organizations that have a vested interest in the elimination of chemical weapons.”

Such words can cause shivers among Utahns who remember such things as the death of thousands of sheep in Skull Valley in 1968 that were blamed on nerve gas tests that went awry at nearby Dugway Proving Ground, and Skull Valley residents who have blamed mysterious illnesses on exposure to tiny amounts of nerve agent from such tests.

via Deseret News | Nerve agent may be missing.

Oy. This is one time, when I can honestly say that I quite happy not to be living in Utah!  😮 I mean, seriously; how the heck hard is it to keep track of Nerve Gas?

First Nukes being flown over residential neighborhoods and being shipped to China by mistake. Good grief.

(H/T to Freedom Fighter Radio, Via Freedom’s Phoenix)

Ouch: US Loses two major supply lines to Afghanistan

This is not good, at all:

The U.S.-led campaign against the Taliban suffered two logistical blows Tuesday as the president of Kyrgyzstan announced that he’d shut a U.S. airbase in his country and insurgents in Pakistan blew up a bridge, disrupting the main U.S. supply route into Afghanistan.

The developments were the latest reminders of the vulnerability of the long and complex transportation system on which the 60,000 U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan depend for fuel, ammunition, construction materials and a great deal more.

The announcement by Kyrgyzstan President Kurmanbek Bakiyev that he will close the Manas Air Base also gave President Barack Obama a first taste of the challenge he faces from Russia, which is trying to restore its clout in countries that were part of the former Soviet Union.

Bakiyev made his announcement in Moscow, not in his own capital, shortly after the Russian government reportedly agreed to lend Kyrgyzstan $2 billion, write off $180 million in debt and add another $150 million in aid. The timing and place of the announcement indicated the Kremlin’s involvement.

“It’s a direct challenge to the new American administration. Russia is going out of its way to close an American base,” said Pavel Felgenhauer, a Moscow-based military analyst.

via McClatchy Washington Bureau — U.S. supply routes to Afghanistan suffer two huge blows.

I tend to agree with Ed Morrissey who writes:

The problem was never in Krygyzstan.  Biden predicted that world leaders would challenge Obama and his inexperience within the first few months of the adminstration, but they’ve already started to line up in the first few days.  Iran launched a satellite on an ICBM to show they could go ballistic once they have nuclear weapons.  North Korea reportedly has set up another ICBM for a test to threaten Seoul.  Now Russia has flipped an ally in the war on terror — and all of this in the first 14 days of Obama’s presidency.

Indeed, I believe this is simply Russia trying to test Obama, to see how he will react. Also, Russia is having problems with it’s people. They are bit angry about the problems with the economy. As I so blogged about yesterday. It could very well be that Putin is attempting to save face with the citizens of Russia by trying to show a little aggression towards Obama and by proxy; America.

Andrew Sullivan: Idiot Faux Conservative Douche Nozzle

Remember that rant by David Duke, regarding Michelle Steele’s election to the Republican Party Chair that I blogged about yesterday?

Well, it seems that a particular faux conservative has once again showed his incredibly liberal side. I am referring to faux conservative, illegal immigrant and Blogosphere resident fake conservative fag boy;  Andrew Sullivan. Mr. Sullivan gives Duke his so-called “Malkin” award.

He is, of course, referring to syndicated columnist, Conservative Blogger and quite the serious MILF;  Michelle Malkin. (Of course, I am kidding about the M.I.L.F. part! (Well, sorta… She is hot, and yes, I’d hit it, given the chance… :D)

Now this is where this blog entry might just veer off into swearing, name calling and a bit of anger, so, to be safe and because I happen to know that my readership has increased. I’m going to start the butt chewing after the fold.


Continue reading “Andrew Sullivan: Idiot Faux Conservative Douche Nozzle”

See Liberals? We did win.

I am so happy to read about this.

The Video:

Voting was extended by one hour due to a strong turnout, including among Sunni Muslims who boycotted the last polls.

The first nationwide vote in four years is being seen as a test of Iraq’s stability ahead of a general election due later this year.

Thousands of soldiers and police were deployed around polling stations.

The election is also being seen as a quasi-referendum on the leadership of Mr Maliki.

“This is a victory for all the Iraqis,” he said, after casting his vote in Baghdad’s highly-protected Green Zone.

He said a high turnout would be an indicator of “the Iraqi people’s trust in their government and in the elections” and “proof that the Iraqi people are now living in real security”.

via BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iraqi PM hails vote as ‘victory’.

Of course, the New York Times cannot provide a positive outlook on the election there. That’s because it messes with the script that the liberal media must stick to. You know, that the war in Iraq cannot be won, that we must retreat in shame and lose. The usual for that crowd. Notice how they drudge up crap from like 2007 and previous to that? Why can’t they just report the positive stuff and not remind people of the past?

I wish the people of Iraq all the best for their future. 😀

I think I would be speaking for many, if I said that every Military death in Iraq was worth the pictures up there in that video. I admit, there were screw ups. But we did finally get it right. That video is proof of that. I believe that somewhere in the distant future, George W. Bush will be remembered for Democracy that exists now in Iraq. However, those on the far left will never let the world forget that the WMD thing was a mistake. Which I think, was unfair. Bush acted on what he knew at the time.

God Bless Our Troops. 😀

Others: Hot Air, RedState, Neptunus Lex, Don Surber,  QandO and More via Memeorandum

Barry will pork the budget, but cut our defense.

The Dad-blasted idiot!

The Obama administration has asked the military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff to cut the Pentagon’s budget request for the fiscal year 2010 by more than 10 percent — about $55 billion — a senior U.S. defense official tells FOX News.

Last year’s defense budget was $512 billion. Service chiefs and planners will be spending the weekend “burning the midnight oil” looking at ways to cut the budget — looking especially at weapons programs, the defense official said.

Some overall budget figures are expected to be announced Monday.

Obama met Friday at the White House with a small group of military advisers, including Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Gen. James Cartwright, vice chairman, and Gen. Jim Jones, National Security Council chairman.

via Defense Official: Obama Calling for Defense Budget Cuts –

He does this, but he’ll pork the hell out of that stimulus package.  What a damned douche nozzle! 😡

I know what I’d like to call ol’ Bambi right about now. But I’m biting my tongue….. quite hard.

Others: RedState, Josh_Painter’s blog, Hot Air, Stop The ACLU Gateway Pundit, Riehl World View, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, The Jawa Report and Cold Fury