I hate to be one to say it about HotAir.com….but

You guys are screwing up….badly.  Sexism? Please, this is reality people. Get with the program already! 🙄

HotAir.com is supposed to be a Conservative Blog. I find that to be unbelievable, considering this video that was posted today.

Ed, Allah, and yes, you too Tina! Please, don’t go the Ann Coulter route okay? It cheapens your message and it makes you look like hypocrites.

Tina, you are a Catholic, try actually dressing like one and not like some office “MILF” looking for a place up the corporate ladder. I did not even watch the video; I was that sickened by what I saw and I am sure that Rick Santorum just loved being next to a chick that was essentially him a peep show of her hoo haa. (if you know what I mean….)

Because you see, this right here is one of the biggest reasons, in litany of other reasons; why I left the Evangelical, Pentecostal Christian circles and went back to the Independent, Fundamental, KJV Baptist Circles. It was the, “We’re Christians and we love Jesus; but don’t ask us to dress like it, talk like it or not drink bear and not wear mini-skirts!” thing that really put me off. In fact, I went to a Church just like that and it got the point where I just did not even want to go there, because of the lack of a dress code. Some men might actually like that kind of thing; but when you are trying to serve the Lord and keep your mind pure and your Heart right, when you are single man, and you have to look at that sort of thing —- it wears on you greatly.  I can honestly tell you that my three years that I attended that Church which I linked to, was one of roughest periods in my walk with the Lord. Needless to say, I am glad I left there for good finally in 2004. (and I am sure they were glad to be rid of me; but considering what their former Pastor was revealed to have done with someone other than his wife —- They really do not have a thing to say to me!)

To be fair to the one’s who I did level some criticism at; the Baptist circles are not much better. When I left the tongues crowd in favor of Baptist Christianity; I landed at this Church here. I went there back before they changed their name — twice. I left once to check out other Churches in the area and ended up coming back there in 2006 and then leaving again. All I will say about that Pastor is that I take Matthew Chapter 18:15-17 literally — and this Pastor, did not. Sorry, but calling me on a cellphone is not a way I consider to be a proper way to level accusations against me. Especially after I have spent over five weeks helping remodel your little Church office that you just had to have for free!  Not to mention the fact that not a darned word of the idiotic accusations against me were even remotely true. In case you are wondering, that hick of a Pastor considered me looking this up here to be and I quote, “getting on the internet and looking up private information about HIS Church.” His words, not mine. Needless to say, I left and never went back again; nor will I ever.  Will I ever go anywhere ever again; I highly doubt it. I just do not need the headaches anymore. I will just stay home, read my Bible and wait for the Lord to come back and sort all this mess out.

Before anyone says it in the comments; I know there is no such thing as a perfect Christian. I know this all too well. But, I think some so-called Christians could really try, just a little bit harder. Especially, when they are in the public eye and they are supposed to be representing a Conservative viewpoint and in this young lady’s case; the body of Christ.

One thing I will give to the Jewish people and to the Muslim people; at least they are sincere about what they believe and actually act like it. More than I can say for the people who claim to be the blood-washed believers in Christ Jesus.


The blatant hypocrisy of Rick Santorum

This is weapons grade hypocrisy here:

“Are we going to believe, as our Founders did, that our rights don’t come from the government, that they come from a much higher authority?” Santorum asked today. “There are those in the Oval Office who believe that’s not the case, that rights do, in fact, come from the government, and they have gone around convincing the American people that they can give you rights. We see what happens when government gives you rights. When government gives you rights, government can take away those rights. When government gives you rights, they can coerce you in doing things in exercising the rights that they gave you.”

via Santorum: If the idea of government-granted rights wins out, government will own you « Hot Air.

So says the man who believes that it is the role of the United States Federal Government, to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. Folks, this Christian statist thug is George W. Bush 2.0 and if the Republican Party nominates this guy; Barack Obama is going “mop the floor” with him. Statism, like Liberalism; is a mental disorder and this man suffers from it, in a very big way.

Which is why you should vote differently in 2012. I am not saying that Mitt and/or Newt are any better; but the last thing we need in the White House is a second coming of George W. Bush. We saw what big Government Conservatism got this Country for eight years. We cannot afford to make that mistake again.

Ron Paul’s isolationism and foreign policy disengagement are not what this Nation needs; but this Nation sure as hell does not need more Wilsonian foreign policy disasters, like one in Iraq. If Santorum gets the nomination and by outside chance or interference by the supreme court again; wins this contest, you can bet your sweet derriere that it will be George W. Bush all over again.

We cannot afford that again, It will destroy the Republican Party. It will destroy any notion of Conservatism in America and real Americans will suffer for it. So, to any Conservatives who happen to read this blog; and there are some. I implore you — do not vote for this joker come primary time or if gets that lucky, in November.

Be smart Republicans —– nominate a real Conservative —- not a Christian Statist.


The Donald endorses Mittens

A crony capitalist endorses a crony capitalist:

The Video:



The Story:

(CNN) — Celebrity business magnate Donald Trump endorsed Mitt Romney for president Thursday, telling reporters he will not mount an independent campaign if Romney is the Republican nominee.

Trump, who has repeatedly flirted with the possibility of his own White House bid, revealed his decision in Las Vegas two days before Nevada’s Saturday caucuses.

“It’s my honor, real honor, to endorse Mitt Romney,” Trump said, with Romney and his wife standing nearby. Calling Romney “tough” and “smart,” Trump said, “he’s not going to continue to allow bad things to happen to this country.”

Romney responded by praising Trump for “an extraordinary ability to understand how our economy works and to create jobs” and for being “one of the few who has stood up to say China is cheating” in international trade.

via Trump endorses Romney – CNN.com.

The White House reacts: (Video) (H/T Washington Examiner)

Drudge called that sneering. I thought it was rather funny myself. 😛

Blogger Roundup Here.

What in the hell was Newt Gingrich thinking?

I honestly hate having to write this blog piece, because frankly, I despise this sort of idiotic tripe in politics itself.  Newt Gingrich today was able to do something that not many people can do.  Newt managed to pull off one of the stupidest, brain-dead, tone-deaf moves that any politician could ever do, one that reeked of utter desperation.  Not to mention the fact that he lost my total support.  On top that; he lost the damned primary in Florida!

What was it that Newt Gingrich did that invoked such fury from yours truly?  Newt Gingrich played one of the worst, bottom of the barrel political tactic cards, that only a few mortal brave souls have played and have come out unscathed.  Newt Gingrich waded onto territory that either brave souls or idiot fools—depending on your view of matters, have waded and lived to tell about it politically.

Newt Gingrich played —- The Jew Card.

Newt Gingrich accused Mitt Romney of denying Holocaust survivors in nursing homes to be denied kosher meals.  Here is the problem with it; not a damned word of it was even remotely true.  In fact, a well-known Jewish Conservative has written a very good article defending Mitt Romney from these idiot charges.  Now I should let it be known, I am not a Romney fan.  If Mitt Romney is nominated for candidate for President by the GOP, I will vote libertarian.  I did say that I would hold my nose and vote for Newt Gingrich in the primary and in the general election.  Well, needless to say, that is not the case any longer.  I just will not vote for a man who stoops to that low of tactics.

Therefore, I am making it official here on my blog; I will not be voting for the Republican Party in 2012 in the primary or in the general election.  I am sorry, but dishonest politics is just immoral and what Gingrich did tonight shows me that Newt Gingrich is just another dishonest beltway-type that would stop at nothing to obtain power.  Whoever is the winner of the selection process at the Libertarian Party; I will put my support behind, and that person will get my vote.

I realize that my vote will most likely put a dent the GOP’s chances of defeating President Barack Obama.  Believe me when I tell you this, nothing bothers me more than knowing that fact.  However, I just cannot and will not support a man who stoops to such beltway tactics such as this.

Admittedly, I have nothing put disdain for Mitt Romney, however, none of that disdain has anything to do with his religious affiliation.  My disdain has to do with the fact that man is a habitual liar, the fact that he is a serial flip-flopper; my disdain is because the man claims to be a person from Michigan, when in fact that he has not lived here for years.  My disdain of the man is related to the fact that he claims to be a rib-rocked Conservative, when in fact, Mitt Romney is nothing more than an indecisive moderate!

Furthermore, the reason for my decision is this; the race of the GOP’s nomination for President of the United States is not supposed to be a religious test.  If that is the case in the Republican Party, then why in the name of the Almighty God of Heaven did Newt Gingrich use the Jews as a proxy to attack Mitt Romney’s Mormonism?  I know the answer —-desperation.  I do not wish to support a man, who instructs his advisors to play “Dirty Pool.”  It shows of the man’s character and I find it lacking greatly.  I will not call Newt Gingrich an Anti-Semite, as I do not know his heart or him personally.  However, I found this attack to most untactful, idiotic and highly unbecoming of someone who is supposed to be a Reagan Conservative.

Therefore let it be known; I officially disown those running for President of the United States of America in the Republican Party.  Sorry, but this freak show just got rather hard to bear any longer.  Also too, please know that I am under no illusions about the Libertarian Party’s chances in the 2012 election.  However, my vote will be of a protest of the beltway establishment’s tactics in the Republican Party.   The Tea Party movement’s message was supposed to be, during its founding that said, during its railing against the Republican Party and the United States Government; “No more business as usual in the beltway!”  The Republican Party was quite obviously either not listening or somehow that message was lost.

Having said all of the above, this bloggers vote will be going on Election Day 2012 to the political party that actually believes what it stands for —- The Libertarian Party.  I might not agree with everything that some libertarians believe in; but at this point, I see no other party that I actually wish to waste my vote on.

Others: ABCNEWS, Washington Post, CNN, The Other McCain, Daily Kos, msnbc.com, Gothamist, GOP 12, The Spectacle Blog, Saint Petersblog, The Right Scoop, The Raw Story, American Spectator, Reuters and Politics, Roger L. Simon, Ballot Box, National Review, ABCNEWS, Hot Air, The Spectacle Blog, Israel Matzav, JOSHUAPUNDIT, News Desk, Cold Fury, Truthdig, The Atlantic Online, Politics, The PJ Tatler, Washington Monthly, Tablet Magazine, GOP 12, The Daily Dish, Washington Post, The Raw Story, The Politico, msnbc.com, ThinkProgress, CNN, The Huffington Post and PolitickerNY

Update: Oh and by the way; Mitch Berg, Shut the hell up….and start writing blog postings under your real flipping name. Damned Cowards, you and AllahPundit both. Al-Qeada is nearly defeated, it’s time to cut the chicken routine and be out with the who you both really are.  😡

Breaking News: Rick Santorum’s daughter Bella admitted to hospital

My Jesus be with this sweet little one.



The three-year-old daughter of Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum has been admitted to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the candidate has cancelled his Sunday morning campaign events to be at her side.

Santorum campaign spokesman Hogan Gidley said Saturday night that the former Pennsylvania senator and his wife, Karen, were with Bella at CHOP. Gidley said Santorum planned to return to campaigning as soon as possible in Florida, where the Republican primary is Tuesday.

Bella Santorum has Trisomy 18, a genetic condition in which a child has a third copy of material from chromosome 18, instead of the usual two, causing a wide array of physical and mental problems.

Bella was not expected to survive until her first birthday – half of infants with Trisomy 18 do not survive their first week, according the National Institutes of Health. Some children have lived to their teenage years, but with significant medical and developmental issues.

The Santorums have been frequent visitors to CHOP with their daughter, and concerns over Isabella’s health have canceled previous Santorum campaign events.

During his campaign, Santorum and his wife have spoken openly about the challenges and rewards of raising a child with such a condition.

The Santorums have six other children; they lost a baby boy, Gabriel, shortly after his birth in 1996. Bella was born in 2008; two years later, Santorum wrote about her in an Inquirer column.

“All children are a gift that comes with no guarantees,” he wrote. “While Bella’s life may not be long, and though she requires our constant care, she is worth every tear.”

via Santorum daughter admitted to hospital | Philadelphia Inquirer | 01/28/2012.

Of all my criticisms of the GOP field, this is not one of them. Rick Santorum is a good father to all of his children; especially Bella.

The only thing I will say, because I am fair and balanced type of a blogger; is that Rick Santorum should be grateful that he actually has healthcare to help take care of his daughter. Because there are many, like myself, who have no healthcare insurance at all. Not that I believe that it should come from the Government. However, I believe that Mr. Santorum should be a bit more mindful that there are some, that are not of his financial status, and their children would most certainly not be as lucky as Bella.

Having said all of that; My prayers go out to the Santorum family during this difficult time.  May the Lord Jesus hold Bella in the palm of his hand.

Others: Michelle Malkin and Atlas Shrugs

Video: Friday Evening Thoughts

Just a video of my thoughts.

Please note: In this video, I mistakenly refer to the Washington Times; I meant Washington Post. Oops. 😳


Quinnipiac University: Romney Pulls Ahead In See-Saw Florida Gop Primary, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Men Shift From Gingrich To RomneyMemeorandum thread

Washington Post: Ron Paul signed off on racist newsletters in the 1990s, associates say

Ta-Nehisi Coates / The Atlantic Online: No One Left to Lie To

Jeffrey Lord / American Spectator: Elliott Abrams Caught Misleading on Newt

Roundups: Washington Wire, Outside the Beltway, NationalJournal.com, The Caucus, M.JOSEPH SHEPPARD’S …, Sunshine State News, Washington Post, Firedoglake, Don Surber, Florida Times Union, The Strata-Sphere, The Moderate Voice, The Other McCain, American Spectator, Presidential Power, Hot Air, Mail Online, Reuters, GOP 12 and Post on Politics, The Atlantic Online, The Hill, Little Green Footballs, The Political Carnival, US Politics, Hit & Run, Boing Boing, Gawker, Daily Kos, Hot Air, YID With LID, Outside the Beltway, The Daily Dish, The PJ Tatler, GOP 12, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Political Mojo and Shakesville, National Review, Riehl World View, Guardian, Big Journalism, The Atlantic Online, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Eunomia, RedState, Power Line, The Reality-Based Community, The Daily Caller, JOSHUAPUNDIT and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS

There is a very good reason why I loathe Rick Santorum

…and this right here is it….:

SANTORUM: Well, you can make the argument that if she doesn’t have this baby, if she kills her child, that that, too, could ruin her life. And this is not an easy choice. I understand that. As horrible as the way that that son or daughter and son was created, it still is her child. And whether she has that child or doesn’t, it will always be her child. And she will always know that. And so to embrace her and to love her and to support her and get her through this very difficult time, I’ve always, you know, I believe and I think the right approach is to accept this horribly created — in the sense of rape — but nevertheless a gift in a very broken way, the gift of human life, and accept what God has given to you. As you know, we have to, in lots of different aspects of our life. We have horrible things happen. I can’t think of anything more horrible. But, nevertheless, we have to make the best out of a bad situation.

via Santorum To Rape Victims: ‘Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation’ | ThinkProgress.

I want it to be publicly known; that I as a Conservative Christian, albeit a moderate one —- do not support this sort of extremist tripe at all. What kind of tone-deaf jack ass is this man? This is the reason Rick Santorum will never, in a million year, be President of the United States of America. Let alone anything else, because just as America is not a extremist left wing Country, it is also not an extremist right wing Country either. The American people are just not too keen on extremism of any kind; and this is sort that they shrink away from; which is why this man is doing horribly in the polls.

I just wonder, if Rick Santorum’s adult daughter and wife were raped by a group of large black man anally and vaginally, and turned up pregnant; would be feel the same way? I highly doubt it. This idiotic tripe right here is why I back-away from the pro-life movement.

I happen to agree with this quote from quote from Tanya Somanader at think progress:

The problem with Santorum’s sense of humanity is that it doesn’t seem to extend to the victim. The emotional and physical trauma endured during and after a sexual assault often leaves a woman feeling robbed of any control over her own body and welfare. Robbing a woman of the choice to decide what to do with such “horribly created” consequences only contributes to the victim’s trauma.

What’s more, Santorum’s argument forces a woman in these circumstances to share his religious beliefs and “accept what God has given to [her.]” A woman may very well share his belief and decide to carry the pregnancy to the term, but the fundamental point is that that should be her choice — not the government’s, and certainly not Santorum’s.

Amen to that. Especially the Federal Government not dolts like Santorum and his pope-worshiping idiotic self. 

Here’s the video, if you care to watch such tripe:

What an idiot, and an extremist idiot at that! 🙄

Again, this man is not just a part of the Christian Right, oh no; he is much more than that — he is a part of the Catholic-lead and financed far, far, Christian right movement in this Country; Rick Perry was too. These are the one’s that President George W. Bush warned about repeatedly.  Thankfully, this dolt will be out of the race after Florida.

Mitt Romney fires a shot across Newt Gingrich’s bow

Looks like Mittens is feeling the heat, perhaps from the flip flops and/or because of the recent polls and is firing back.

ORMOND BEACH, Fla. — Mitt Romney landed here Sunday with a simple message: Newt Gingrich is a failure and a fraud. And a disgrace. And a hapless showman.

Standing under a brilliant orange Florida sunset, Romney delivered his longest sustained critique of the South Carolina primary winner to date — ticking through a list as if he were reading off Gingrich’s Wikipedia page, and undercutting each item as he got to it.

“Speaker Gingrich has also been a leader,” the former Massachusetts governor said. “He was a leader for four years as speaker of the House. And at the end of four years, it was proven that he was a failed leader and he had to resign in disgrace. I don’t know whether you knew that, he actually resigned after four years, in disgrace.

Romney continued: “He was investigated over an ethics panel and had to make a payment associated with that and then his fellow Republicans, 88 percent of his Republicans voted to reprimand Speaker Gingrich. He has not had a record of successful leadership.”

Then Romney got into Gingrich’s post-congressional career.

“Over the last 15 years since he left the House, he talks about great bold movements and ideas,” he told the crowd of several hundred people gathered at a building materials company here. “Well, what’s he been doing for 15 years? He’s been working as a lobbyist, yeah, he’s been working as a lobbyist and selling influence around Washington.

via Mitt Romney: Newt Gingrich is a ‘failed leader,’ ‘disgrace’ – Reid J. Epstein – POLITICO.com.

To be clear, Newt Gingrich is not a saint and as Geller put it, “He is a son-of-a-bitch, but he’s our Son-of-a-bitch.”  I know that personally I would rather vote for someone like Newt and hold my nose, than to vote for some idiot racist Mormon who worked for a Latin-American financed company that acted as corporate raiders. I am sorry, but that is simply Anti-American; the very idea that an American would sit at a table with Latin Americans to devise a plan to destroy American businesses is absolutely asinine and for this Mitt Romney should be held accountable.  However, because Fox News and others are in the tank for that creep, you will not hear a word about it and that my friends is the tragic thing about corporate media.

So, yes, you can put me in the “anyone but Mitt Romney” category.

Newt in the lead in South Carolina polling

Looks like the attacks on Newt from his ex-wife did not do a thing to diminish his chances.  Either that or Chuck Norris has more power and influence than I thought. 😉


Newt Gingrich heads into South Carolina election day as the clear front runner in the state: he’s now polling at 37% to 28% for Mitt Romney, 16% for Rick Santorum, and 14% for Ron Paul.

Gingrich’s lead has actually increased in the wake of his ex-wife’s controversial interview with ABC. Although one night poll results should always be interpreted with caution, he led the final night of the field period by a 40-26 margin. One thing that continues to work to his advantage are the debates. 60% of primary voters report having watched the one last night, and Gingrich has a 46-23 lead with those folks.

The other reason his ex-wife’s interview isn’t causing him much trouble is that there’s a lot of skepticism about it. Only 31% of voters say they think her accusations are true while 35% think they are false and 34% are unsure. 51% of voters say that they have ‘no concerns’ about what came out in the interview.

The skepticism of Republican voters toward the media is helping Gingrich as well. Just 14% of likely voters have a generally favorable opinion of the media, while 77% view it negatively. Gingrich’s attacks on the media have clearly played well with the party base.

Gingrich is leading with pretty much every key segment of the Republican electorate. He’s up 41-21 on Romney and Santorum with Evangelicals, he has a 52-18 advantage on Romney with Tea Partiers, he leads Santorum 44-21 with ‘very conservative’ voters with Romney at 20%, and he’s up 39-26 with men.

In the final week of the campaign Gingrich rose from 24% to 37% in PPP’s polling while Romney basically stayed in place, going from 29% to 28%. Romney saw a 15 point decline in his net favorability in the closing stretch from +24 (57/33) to just +9 (51/42). Gingrich saw a modest increase in his numbers over the final week from +14 (51/37) to +17 (54/37).

via Newt expands South Carolina lead – Public Policy Polling.

Best thing about all that up there? Ron Paul is a 14%; which is where that Jew-Hating, Racist bigot jerk belongs in this race. 😡 Like I told my commenter, “John V” the man allowed his name to be lent to a bunch of newsletters that contained some of the most vile, nasty stuff ever written; much more than anything that I ever written here or on my old blog. That alone brings into question his judgement as a leader; not to mention as a congressmen.

Furthermore, the worst thing that ever happened to me, during my tenure as a blogger; is the fact that I actually got associated with that idiot man and his followers.  For the record, I have never, ever agreed with any of the garbage that was contained in those newsletters, ever.  Furthermore, the most idiotic, tone-deaf thing I ever have done was when I thought that I could call myself a Paleoconservative/paleolibertarian and could actually disagree with that tripe. The truth is everyone and I mean every darned last one of them agree with that garbage that was published in those newsletters. Because of that, I prefer to call myself simply, “Right of Center.” I do not agree with Wilsonian foreign policy, but I sure as heck do not agree with those who seem to harbor the ugliness in those newsletters.

If there is anything that I ever hope to accomplish as a writer; it is that I can finally shake off the association with those who are of the Ron Paul, anti-black, anti-Jew mentality. I do not think that way, nor have I ever, nor will I ever.  I might not like the liberal left’s idea of racial resentment and “Multiculturalism;” But I am not a bigot, not like those people.

As for Newt and Mitt’s race; I believe sooner or later, one of them will win the primary and the Republican Party will get behind one of them. The sooner the better, if you ask me.

Others: Gretawire, Don Surber, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Mashable!, Christian Science Monitor, Yahoo! News, Scared Monkeys, today.yougov.com News, American Spectator, Political Insider, Telegraph, Daily Kos, New York Times, ABCNEWS, Hot Air, Ricochet Conversations Feed, The Reaction, M.JOSEPH SHEPPARD’S …, Guardian, Gallup and Clemson University

Gingrich cancels campaign event due to low attendance

This might not mean a thing and then again, it mightThinking

From Mercury News:

CHARLESTON, S.C.—Newt Gingrich has cancelled a campaign appearance in South Carolina because of poor attendance.

The Republican presidential candidate was scheduled to speak to the Southern Republican Leadership on Friday. But a campaign spokesman told reporters that he would no longer be appearing due to poor attendance.

There were just a few dozen people in the audience at the College of Charleston’s arena, where the event was taking place. The conference has suffered from low attendance all week but Gingrich rival Rick Santorum went ahead and addressed the group on Thursday.

Interesting….very interesting. I wonder if it related these items here? It is to wonder. Thinking