State of Tennessee suspends James Yeager’s gun permit

I think this was a smart move, because this guy really did something very stupid. Even though, he did back it up a bit. It still did send a bit of a scary message.

NASHVILLE, Tenn.- Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security has suspended the handgun carry permit of a local man who threatened to “start killing people” to protect his Second Amendment right.

In a statement released Friday officials said they had suspended the handgun carry permit of James Yeager, CEO of Tactical Response based on “material likelihood of risk of harm to the public”.

On Thursday, a video of Yeager angrily claiming he would “start killing people” if President Barack Obama moved forward with gun control measures began to go viral on the internet.

“The number one priority for our department is to ensure the public’s safety. Mr. Yeager’s comments were irresponsible, dangerous, and deserved our immediate attention. Due to our concern, as well as that of law enforcement, his handgun permit was suspended immediately. We have notified Mr. Yeager about the suspension today via e-mail. He will receive an official notification of his suspension through the mail,” Commissioner Bill Gibbons said.

via State Suspends Permit Of Man In Gun Control Rage Video – | Nashville News, Weather & Sports.

Again, I think it was a smart move; I think he should meet with Law Enforcement and show that he is not some sort of loon and then get his permit back.

Now another thing that I feel the need to bring up, being that I am a white person and all. Is that the fact that one blogger out there; is accusing James Yeager of getting a slap on the wrist for being white. I have one question, you race-baiting twit —- are you serious? You got your black progressive President; what the hell else do you really want, white people in chains? That is what your feckless leader screwy Louie Farrakhan would want! You sound just like him too. I though that the election of Barack Obama was going to end the all of this racial-based politics? I guess not. 🙄

That right up there, is why I am not a huge fan of the Democratic Party; no, not because I hate black people. But because of the stupid racial based politics, and the identity politics that goes on in that party, all the time. Way I see it, that stuff happened over 300 years ago and Abe Lincoln ended slavery and in 1964, blacks were liberated everywhere. So, the way I see it, they need to get over it and move on and quite acting we white people are still putting them in chains.

Now, to be fair; that same stuff goes on in the Republican Party. It goes on with the Jews. I mean, that stuff happened 70 years ago, and yet, we still have people make a cottage industry over it and White Anglo-Saxon protestants, like myself, are still being prosecuted, because we will not kiss the ass of the neoconservative right in this Country. (See Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan) and some people, who dare to speak the truth are losing their jobs. (See Rich Sanchez)

It is sick, it needs to stop and we need to move on as a Country. But, as long as there are people getting rich on this sort of thing; it will continue. It is tragic, but it is, what it is.

Others: Talking Points MemoNo More Mister Nice,ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKESThe Impolitic,The Immoral Minority

Special Comment: Why I am not removing my ads for Guns, Ammo, Gold or Knives

Update – March 17, 2013: I felt the need to update this, because I noticed someone looked for it or something. Gun, Knife, and Ammo ads are great; but when they are not paying. They are, in fact, a good waste of time and space. I did have, at the point of being annoying, a ton of gun, gold and ammo ads on here at one time. I still have an ammo ad. But the gold ads and the ads for the gun store, were not paying. My ad for paid me one time. After that, I never did get anymore buys on that ad. So, I pulled everything for a time. I put the ammo ad back up, because I figured someone would buy something, maybe. To be quite honest, it never has paid anything at all. So, again, what I wrote below was written right after Sandy Hook and I still agree with it; but I did remove those ads, because of a lack of revenue.


This is one of those special comments, which I really did not ever think that I would actually have to write. However, seeing that common sense is a scarce commodity today, I feel the need to inform those who come here.

The shooting in Newtown CT happened; and I told the Republican Party and the Conservative movement, “When you all come back to reality, call me!”

Well, one would expect that I would shed my right-wing nut job image, and remove the ads for guns, knives, gold and silver; and become some sort of Prius driving, latte sipping, wire-rim glasses liberal Democrat who curses all forms of capitalism and bemoans the virtues of communism and the fact that America has not implemented them.

One would also expect that I would put ads for green energy, global trade and other such tripe that the Liberal left makes to be their pet cause.

One would be in grave disappointment, but that said person has not a damned clue what I am truly about. The truth is folks, I am somewhere in a very happy place, between a moderate Conservative and a blue-dog Democrat. I remember the old Democratic Party that I admire to this day, under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. This was when the Democratic Party was honestly worth a damn in my book.

It was that Democratic Party of old, which took the United States of America to war in 1941, after the empire of Japan, struck us at Pearl Harbor. In addition, the Democratic Party of 1945 was victorious in Germany with the defeat of the Nazis, and with the empire of Japan. America was a great Nation then. We build everything here, men were men, and boys were boys — women did not rule their men. People went to Church on Sunday and respected the Word of God. It was a different era and one that I greatly miss.

The reason why I am not removing those ads is quite simply this: Those ads of mine have not a damned thing to do with that shooting up in Newtown, CT. The only persons that have anything remotely to do with those shooting, is the shooter himself and the shooter’s mother, who had zero business having any sort of firepower near her mentally ill son.

I hate to disappoint my liberal friends, who do read here, but I am an unrepentant capitalist, and I shall be until the day that I take my last breath. Blaming me or anyone else who has gun ads on their blog is a simple-minded exercise in idiocy. Furthermore, blaming people like NRA and other gun advocacy groups is also idiotic at best.

Blaming groups like that, would be blaming food manufactures and farmers for obesity! Do the farmers put the food in your mouth? Do the food makers put the food in your mouth? No! You do, it is called personal responsibility! How idiotic is it for someone to blame a gun, which is quite honestly a tool of self-defense; for the actions of a mentally deranged person, whose Mother was too irresponsible to put away her guns and keep them away from her son. Anyone with any sort of semblance of common sense would know this. My question is, what is the modern-day liberal Democrat’s problem them?

This is my entire problem with the Democratic Party of today. They steadfastly refuse to embrace the idea of personal responsibility. They want to blame everyone and everything else, but the people who commit crimes; tot to mention that they want to involve everyone else to raise their idiotic bratty children! It does not take village people it takes responsible parents. This is also something that is also lacking today as well, not only in the Democratic Party and in its base — But also in America in general.

To be fair the Republicans are not much better, they are sitting around idly and allowing America to drive over a fiscal cliff, something that America was honestly talking about, before this deranged nut-ball killed these people. Not to mention that John Boehner is selling Conservative fiscal values up the river. They do not mind selling organized labor up the river, but they will allow America to be in debt to China for the rest of eternity. Funny how those politicos work, is it not?

In closing: I am not removing my ads for guns and removing the chance that I might just make a bit of money on my blog. All so some tree-hugging far leftist can feel about the fact that I am contributing to the death of someone, because some deranged idiot happened to have bought a gun from the dealers, of which I have an affiliation.

Furthermore, I am not removing my ads for Gold and Silver, and other such metals, so that some idiotic far leftist liberal happens to be under the delusion that President Obama’s and the current Republican leadership’s form of economics is perfectly fine can feel good about himself.

I might not be very happy with the current state of the Conservative movement as a whole, and I might not be happen with the current Governor of Michigan, and I might not be too pleased with the Republican Party of Michigan and the national party —- but I am not a fool — not now, not ever. Just because I question actions, does not mean I have lost my mind — unlike the Democratic Party since about the time of President Johnson.

Video: Ron Paul’s exit interview

I will simply say this: Ron Paul’s downfall was that he dared to question the AIPAC crowd and their motivations. This made him a pariah on the right. Something I know full well about. Also too, his foreign policy views were a bit out of touch. Do not get me wrong, I do admire the guy. But he was stuck in a era prior to December 7, 1941. I agree with the premise that Wilsonian foreign policy is wrong. But, I disagree with his feeling that Iran should be left alone.

Personally, I believe in peace, though strength…. and not domination of the World by military might, or irresponsibility by disengagement of foreign policy. We have to be realists about the middle east and other places around the World. This, I suppose, would make me a Paleoconservative; who is a fatal realist. President Reagan followed this line very well. Both Bush Presidents were terrible at it. Again, I can empathize with Ron Paul and the rest of Paleoconservatives views. However, I believe realistic policy and no one based on ones whimsical feelings about “the way it was.”

Hopefully that makes sense.

(Via Washington Post H/T to InstaPundit)

Audio: James Dobson asks, “Where have the GOP’s Values Gone?”

This is a question that I have asked myself.

The Audio:

Part 1:


Part 2:


The Story via WND.COM:

Dr. James Dobson

The 2012 election was an open door for the GOP to lead America back to its roots in faith and morality, and the Republicans were AWOL, says Dr. James Dobson, founder of Family Talk and a brand new political outreach arm called Family Talk Action.

“I waited throughout the campaign for Mitt Romney to declare himself, to at least identify with the moral issues that are before us. He would not touch them,” Dobson said on a two-part radio program in which Penny Nance, head of Concerned Women for America, joined.

Dobson, whose advice about parenting, child-rearing, marriage and faith has guided millions of Americans and whose counsel on family matters has been sought by presidents, used two programs on his regular radio program, “Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk” that were sponsored by his political action branch to comment on the re-election of Barack Obama.

He noted he and a handful of other conservative leaders, including Tony Perkins of Family Research Council, Gary Bauer and Gen. William Boykin, had met with the GOP candidate to encourage him to address social issues important to Christians across the nation.

“We begged him to deal with eight issues. We listed first the sanctity of life, marriage, religious life, ‘Don’t Ask,’ ENDA, on it went,” Dobson said. “We said we really are not here to jump on you, but evangelicals are not excited about your candidacy, not energized. … You could connect if you’ll even mention these things.

“He nodded and he smiled and he was gracious as he always is, and he went out and was silent,” Dobson said.

Dr. Dobson goes on to talk about how the Democrats have shifted on Abortion, Israel and many other topics. I here at this blog wrote about that little uprising myself. I have noticed one thing myself here; that Conservatives are saying that the keeping of the social platform in the Republican Party is going to be death knell for the Conservative movement.

I have one answer to that little idiotic notion — try winning elections without us folks. Fiscal conservatism is great, but without God, the Republican Party, much less the conservative movement will never survive.  Again, what good is telling people that rights come, not from the Government — but from God, if you are not willing to stand for that God? It makes no sense and it will never work.

Mitt Romney’s downfall might have very well been his refusal to get tough on social issues. There is also too:  Mitt Romney was a Mormon and quite frankly, the rest of the Christian world does not consider Mormonism to be true Christianity. This stance in the evangelical Christian circles is softening a bit. However, in the fundamentalist Christian circles it is very strong, I know this to true fact myself.

I also would like to make the following observation: It is not lost on me why the Conservative movement is moving away from the social conservative side of things. This is left-overs from the Neoconservative, Jewish-controlled, GOP of the George W. Bush-era. It is well-known, that according some of the staffers that worked in the Bush White House that most Conservative Christians were seen by the Bush White House as useful idiots.  This could be why God allowed America to be attacked on 9/11. I mean, the Lord could have said, “Forsake me, eh? Well, how do you like this?” and we were hit. I am just speculating. But it does make sense to me.

In contrast, the old school, Paleoconservatives are mostly known to be devote Christians who do take the Word of God; that is the Bible, literally. This is unlike President Bush, who admitted in a exit interview, that he did not take the Bible literally. You notice that President Bush did not admit that, until he was safely away from every being reelected.

In Closing: If the GOP continues down this path and rejects social Conservatism. It will go the way of the Whig Party. Because social Conservatives will not back a candidate that is not interested in being tough on social issues. It is just that simple. I do not believe that they will start their own political party; that has been tried before and failed. I simply believe that the conservative Christians will stay home.

This is something that the Republican Party and we as Conservative Americans cannot afford.

Radical Imam Luqman Abdullah’s family sues FBI in his death

I wrote about this shooting on my old blog three years ago

This guy had ties to radical Islam and terrorism; and was dealing in stolen goods to finance his operation too.

When the FBI came calling, he was armed to the tooth; and when the FBI went to arrest him, he turned his dogs onto them and then open fired. When the FBI shot him and killed him, because he did this, what happens? Confused

They get sued —- seriouslyAngry

The Story via M-Live:

DETROIT (AP) — The family of a Detroit mosque leader has filed a lawsuit against FBI agents, saying his rights were violated when he was gunned down during a raid.

Luqman Abdullah was killed when agents tried to arrest him at a Dearborn warehouse in 2009. He and his allies were accused of dealing stolen goods in an FBI sting operation.

A lawsuit filed Friday in federal court accuses the FBI of using excessive force in Abdullah’s death. He was shot 20 times. The FBI has defended what happened, saying Abdullah was armed and resisted arrest.

The Michigan attorney general said the shooting was justified. The U.S. Justice Department’s civil rights division also found no wrongdoing.

The FBI declined to comment on the lawsuit Tuesday. Abdullah was married and had 10 children.

You want to to know the sick part? Because we live in a society that coddles idiots like this here; the family will most likely cash in and get a big settlement out of the Government for their “Pain and Suffering.” Cha-Ching! Money Eyes You also know where the money will go too? That’s right, for terrorism.

This is what we are fighting against my friends. An open attempt to extort money out of the United States Government for funding of terrorism. I wonder what Ron Paul thinks about this? Frustrated

Noted owner of Anti-Semite magazine explains why he hates Israel

I do not make a habit of linking to this Anti-Semite rag very often; but usually when I do it is to show just what kind of anti-Israeli bile that comes from that place. Despite the cleaning up of the image of this magazine; the same old Anti-Jewish and Anti-Israel bile continues to spew forth out that magazine.

I am, of course, referring to very poorly named “The American Conservative” which was formed by someone that I somewhat respect, except when it comes to this subject and World War II.  Anyhow, one of the founders of the magazine, a one Scott McConnell explains that while he likes Israel’s people, he detests that American actually respects Israel and its right to exist. I will quote the parts that I feel are worth noting:

Honestly, anyone who has written or spoken in public about the Israel-Palestine question    is subject to this, whether openly or behind their back. It is a stark charge, often used to insinuate anti-Semitism. But rather than being simply defensive, it might be helpful to explore one’s feelings more deeply. I’ve been to Israel twice, have met dozens of Israelis who were outstanding in terms of wisdom, vision, compassion, eloquence. There are several I know better who I’d count as among the most impressive people of my acquaintance.

Israel in a general sense has a great deal going for it: its science and medicine are first rate, and it produces many great scholars. All things being equal, it would probably rank high on my list of favorite countries — the way I feel about Switzerland perhaps or Spain — a place where I would happily spend a year, root for their teams when playing countries I don’t particularly care for, etc.

But of course all things aren’t equal. As an American, one is never asked simply to like or respect Israel as a foreign country — one is asked to more or less worship the place.


Netanyahu, a rabid ethnic nationalist who has done everything he could to squelch the Oslo peace process, and whose real views about America are aptly summarized by his quote “America is a thing you can move very easily” — a bit of candor caught off the record when Netanyahu was speaking to some right-wing Israeli settlers —  is treated quite literally like royalty on Capitol Hill and in American newsrooms. Congress grants him 30 standing ovations. David Gregory refers to him as “leader of the Jewish people.” This “special relationship,” with all that it implies about my country, its relationship to the Middle East and the entire world, and its ability to look sensibly after its own affairs, I genuinely do detest.

First off, let me point out that Scott here did something that is common among the Anti-Semite crowd; he accused America of being Israel’s puppet. UPDATE: Yes, I know; a while back I asked if Mitt Romney was going to be Israel’s puppet. This was NOT intended to be a Anti-Semitic statement. It was simply asking if Mitt Romney was going to be a Wilsonian Republican or not. Which I highly doubt to be the case. I could be wrong, but I highly doubt it. Anyone that took anything else away from what I wrote there, is either projecting or putting words in my mouth.

This is a common smear. Second of all, Scott tries to articulate a point that even though he thinks the Country of Israel and the Jewish are great; he simply has no use for the fact that Israel and America are friends and he accuses America of “worshiping” Israel. This being another Anti-Semite talking point.

Sorry Scott, you cannot have it both ways. You cannot say, “hey, I like Jewish people, it is their Country that sucks and it also sucks that America is their friend.” Here is that reason; Israel cannot be separated from her people and likewise, the people of Israel cannot be separated from their homeland. The Jewish people are Israel.  Just like you cannot separate Jesus Christ from the Word, as Christ is the word — you cannot separate Israel from its people, because the people of Israel and its land — are Israel.

This is nothing more than a pathetic attempt to intellectualize standard grade Jewish hatred and hatred of Israel.

Let me also say this as well: This above that I quoted goes well beyond disagreeing with Wilsonian foreign policy. This is a straight up, unmitigated, hatred of a Country that has no other friends in the middle east. The problem is that Scott here tries to intellectualize his loathing of a people, who simply want to leave in peace in their own Country.

Let me also say this; yes, I know, I pulled my “I stand with Israel” flag down, it is explained in my sidebars here on my blog. This does not equate a hatred for Israel or its people at all. Just my dismay at American Jews,  who treat Americans spitefully. This above, goes well beyond that; and this is why I am pointing it out. The American Conservative is not just an Anti-Wilsonian foreign policy magazine; it is an anti-Israeli magazine and has been from the very start. Which is why I refuse to even link to it, except to write stuff like this here.

This above is why the paleoconservative movement never went anywhere. Not only because its stance on foreign policy is totally unrealistic in this modern age of global threats. But also because of the plain blind hatred of Jews and Israel. This is why Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul never went anywhere with their Presidential ambitions; that is because Americans simply reject hate. This is also why the American Conservative’s readership is as small as it is. Because hate is just not popular anymore.

The Federal Reserve Bank continues to screw America into the ground

Here is the Fed chairs announcement:

The Story via CNN.COM:

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — The Federal Reserve announced plans to unleash more stimulus Thursday, in its third attempt at a controversial program to rev up the U.S. economy.

The policy, known as quantitative easing and often abbreviated as QE3, entails buying $40 billion in mortgage-backed securities each month. The end date remains up in the air, as the Fed will re-evaluate the strength of the economy in coming months.

The Fed is wasting no time. The purchases begin Friday and are expected to add up to only $23 billion for the remainder of September.
The bond-buying policy “should put downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative,” the Fed’s official statement said.

Meanwhile, the Fed will continue its existing policy known as Operation Twist. Together the two programs will add $85 billion in long-term bonds to the Fed’s balance sheet each month.

Now what effect will this have on our money supply?

Ryan W. McMaken writing over at Lew Rockwell’s blog correctly observes:

The effect of this will be:

  1. Even less saving going on than is happening now. Why do the lending institutions need more liquidity? Because there are no real life loanable funds in the first place. No one is putting money in depository institutions, for example, because interest rates are at rock-bottom levels, but also because people have no excess money to save. So, the Fed is creating fake loanable funds through the purchase of the MBSs. Much of this will probably be newly-created money.
  2. It will maintain the focus on consumer spending rather than investment. The idea is to keep people spending on real estate. Thus, less will be spent on business investment.
  3. People will incur more debt.

We’ve heard for years from some incorrigible economists that what we need is the Fed to pump up the real estate market to get people spending again. Their answer is: more debt, more spending, less savings and investment.

This is what has been happening for years to no avail, of course, and the Fed is now just turning it up a notch. I’m sure recovery is right around the corner.

The definition of insanity/Keynesianism: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

A-farking-men. This is what happens, when you elect the same very idiots, who screwed the housing markets squarely into the ground.  People that voted for this sort of Government, get exactly what is coming to them and the sort of Government that they voted for. Who the heck ever heard of printing money, that you do not even have to print? It is the textbook case of utter insanity.

I will say this; if Mitt Romney loses this election and the way recent events have turned out, he just might lose —- and this Nation goes into the crapper, because Conservatives and the Republican Party decided to pick a safe candidate. Then the Republican Party should be shut down for good and a new Conservative Party formed. Others have said it, I know and they are absolutely correct.

This stuff right here is the very reason why I hung it up with the Democratic Party and stopped voting for them and supporting them. I am not a millionaire or even someone with any sort of money at all. Hell, I have been unemployed for 8 damned years. However, I do know stupidity, when it see it; and it is on full display here.  Only insane people would do stuff like this, and try to rev up the economy. The solution is to let the free-market work and do its job, not stick a statist finger in it.

Also too; as much as I am not a big fan of weaving ads into my blog postings. I believe this one is important. This would be a good time as any to get into Gold, Silver and other metals. I deal with two companies that sell the stuff. Their banners are below and they both come highly recommended.

They are:


Buying Gold

Current Prices:

It would be absoutely insane not to get into at least some sort of Gold or other precious metal investment.


Others: Michelle Blog and Real Time Economics — Blogger Roundup at

Videos: Obama in his own words

I saw this over at and I thought I would share it here:

Not that this is anything new really. I have been writing about this crap sack’s lies since 2007 on my old blog.

Here are some more of Obama’s lies:

and they wonder why Joe Wilson said this:

Welcome to reality Democrats! This is what you elected and what you are about to be stuck with, when he LOSES!

Vote for Mitt Romney, he might not be perfect; However he will tell us the truth — whether we like it or not.