Chuck Balwin is right, we must stay awake

I saw this, and I must say he is absolutely correct.

Chuck Balwin says:

Now that Donald Trump has won the presidential election, most of the people who voted for him (along with most of the rest of the world) are breathing a huge sigh of relief. As I wrote earlier, a Hillary Clinton presidency was not only a threat to whatever liberties the American people have left, it was a threat to the peace and stability of the entire planet. Except for the radical protesters (most of whom did not even vote in the election and many of whom were paid to riot) who are making royal jackasses out of themselves in Portland, Oregon, and California, the perverts in Hollywood, and the presstitutes in the mainstream media, most of the nation (and the world with maybe the exception of China and Saudi Arabia) is feeling REALLY GOOD about the election.

However, I want to caution Trump supporters that the last thing they can afford to do right now is what conservatives normally do after a Republican wins the White House: go into a deep state of complacency. With the exception of stopping another Clinton from obtaining the White House (yes, that is HUGE), a Trump election accomplishes nothing. It is not the candidate, Donald Trump, that is going to govern from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It is the president, Donald Trump, that will govern. And what kind of president Trump will make is yet to be seen.

I well remember when George W. Bush was elected President. The entire conservative, Christian, and Republican worlds fell into a state of extended hibernation. And G.W. Bush went on to trample more of our constitutional liberties than Bill Clinton and Barack Obama combined. This could only happen because he faced no resistance from the Republican Party or Christians and conservatives in general. They were sound asleep.

If the people who supported Donald Trump go to sleep now, there will be no going back. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change the course of a nation. Frankly, if this opportunity is squandered, there likely will not be another one in most of our lifetimes

He could not be more correct. As much as I would like to believe that Donald Trump will be the next Ronald Reagan; I have a sinking feeling that he is going to be another George W bush.

I have this sinking feeling that he is going to get up there and the Washington establishment, the neoconservatives and the globalists are going to put pressure on him and tell him, “if you don’t follow our rules, we’re going to make your life miserable and dig up dirt on you that was repressed during the election.”

You have to understand something the globalists control everything; they control our media, they control the banking system and they also control our politics in both parties and if a candidate does not play by their rules, they can destroy him and I think Trump might know this and might have to back off some of his promises…. in order to save his own neck.

Because if he does not do this, what happened to Ronald Reagan not long after he was elected president; could happen to Donald Trump and I’m sure you know what I mean.

Because if you remember, when Reagan first came into office he was a anti establishment kind of a renegade type president; who didn’t play by the rules. After what happened to him happened, he softened his stance and begin to play by the rules.

I’m not a conspiracy theorist as a rule. But, I don’t trust these bastards; no further than I can throw them. The globalists, the media, the bankers; they’re not trustworthy people and they play dirty… when they have to.