Oh.Lordy President Obama is now Homey?

Good Lord.

Via ABC:

ABC’s Jonathan Karl and Z. Byron Wolf report from Washington D.C.:

It is one of the biggest annual gatherings of conservatives in Washington.  The yearly CPAC convention hosts everyone from Sen. Scott Brown to Mitt Romney.  Even former Vice-President Dick Cheney made a surprise appearance today.

The crowd was full of frustration towards President Obama and his administration, and the words “Tea Party” seemed to be flying out of every Republican’s mouth.  One big agenda item for the Republicans?  Galvanizing the youth vote.

And one of the people leading the youth charge is Stephen Baldwin.  One of the famous Baldwin brothers, Baldwin hosts a conservative radio show and has enlisted himself in the youth recruitment effort.  Baldwin told our Jonathan Karl that he blames Obama for the state of the country, but also prays for him.

“I am not happy about the way things are.  I pray for President Obama every single day.  But tell you what.  Homey made this bed, now he has got to lay in it,” said Baldwin.

Uh…. Um, I should have this under this heading here. But, I figured it could stand on its own. I mean, Homey? I think you can now guess why I did not attend CPAC. I mean, I am all for the defending of the Constitution, limited Government, and the defense of the Christian Faith. But what I am not for, is going to some Convention; where a bunch of wealthy and some not-so wealthy white people; sit around and bitch about the evil black socialist President. I give them credit, some of them nuance the racism, and do it very well; but most do not, and some do not even nuance it at all. This is one of worst examples of nuanced racism ever. Nothing says I have a problem with the black race better, than a pasty white guy calling a black man,”Homey”,  much less the President of the United States, who just happens to be black.

I will be honest with you, I do not like President Obama’s politics whatsoever. But I do respect the office. This is why you do not see me writing about stupid kooky conspiracy theories on here. I’ve done it in the past and got burned hardcore; after that I said that until the birthers can provide me some solid proof that Obama was not born here, other than the opinions or half-baked claims of some attention-whoring, black-hating, harpy Jew with an attitude; I just will not write about it anymore, period.  Anyhow, Orly Taitz aside; that is why I do not write about the nonsense. Because I respect the man’s office. Some cannot; but I can and do try to. That does not mean he is above criticism, because you know that I do that well. Although here as of late, he is scoring some brownie points with me on the Afghanistan war.

Anyhow, it just irked me, because both of these guys, especially the bug-eyed jack ass in the middle are supposedly Christians —- Evangelical Christians no less.  But yet, they make idiotic statements like this. You know see why I left the Evangelical circles for good. Because of ignorant crap like this. Which is, incidentally, forbidden by the Bible.

I have said this in the past and I will say it again. If the Republican Party thinks that embracing this sort of nuanced racism is going to do anything for them in the coming elections in 2010 and 2012, they had better think again. Because I will warn them; the American people are just much too smart for that and they will suffer in the coming elections. because I will tell you, that I WILL NOT VOTE for a party that embraces this sort of anti-black, nuanced racism. I will vote libertarian; I did it once and I will do it again. It is seriously time to get real folks, and this is not doing that at all.