Here is a perfect reason why I do not vote Democrat anymore

Michael Gerson, who was speechwriter for President George W. Bush, during the time of 9/11, died today of Cancer.

The Story via Washington Post, where he was also a columnist:

Michael Gerson, a speechwriter for President George W. Bush who helped craft messages of grief and resolve after 9/11, then explored conservative politics and faith as a Washington Post columnist writing on issues as diverse as President Donald Trump’s disruptive grip on the GOP and his own struggles with depression, died Nov. 17 at a hospital in Washington. He was 58.

The cause of death was complications of cancer, said Peter Wehner, a longtime friend and former colleague.

You can read the rest at the link above. It is sad news, right? You would think that the Progressive left would at least show a little respect for the family of man who had just died, right? Well, think again. Check out what some idiot, named Eric Loomis at a blog called “Guns, Lawyers and Money” writes:

I was hoping it was autoerotic asphyxiation, but alas, it was cancer.

Now, to be honest, when I was still voting for Democrats, I actually read this blog. Thank God that I figured out what that party was really about and changed my political views. The sick part is that the people of that party, especially the bloggers, have gotten much more nastier than they were, when I was still reading their blogs and had my own blog back in 2006.

But, more to the point, what kind of sick, evil, twisted person would even write something like this, about someone, who has just died of cancer and not have a single shred of decency to possibly be that nasty and not have any regard of his family, especially his wife and kids? This sort of thought comes from a dark heart of pure evil. Sorry to say it. But, this man has serious issues.

Yes, I know, 9/11 was terrible. The Iraq War sucked, and was based upon what we now know to be false intelligence.  But that comment above about this man, goes way beyond just a political disagreement and being opposed to a war. This is a personal comment meant to hurt his family. This comment is just as immoral as the Iraq War was, in my opinion.

Even the Washington Post was at least respectful of the man, even if they did go out of their way to point out some of the doings of the Bush Administration. Heck, even Karen Tumulty was at least respectful of the man and she is a progressive herself.

I know that the Republican Party is not perfect and some conservatives make me cringe. (See Fox News Channel) But, at least they are respectful of others. As a said in the title, this is why I no longer vote Democrat. It is just is not my party anymore.


Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer says, “I am not enacting martial Law”… but her words betray her

She says she is not: (via WXYZ-TV)


But, if she is not, what the hell do you call this?

(WXYZ) — Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has signed a new Executive Order reducing the number of people allowed at assemblages and events.

The new Executive Order reduces the allowable number to 50. A previous Executive Order had reduced it to 250.

It comes on the heels of new guidance from the CDC and will go into effect Tuesday, March 17 at 9:00 a.m. and will remain in effect until April 5 at 5:00 p.m.

The order provides an exception from its prohibition on assemblages for health care facilities, workplaces not open to the public, the state legislature, mass transit, the purchase of groceries or consumer goods, and the performance of agricultural or construction work.

“My number one priority remains to protect the most people we can from the spread of coronavirus,” said Governor Whitmer in a news release. “We are all better off when all of us are healthy, and that’s especially true for the most vulnerable. These aggressive actions are aimed at saving lives. My administration will continue to do everything we can to mitigate the spread of the disease and ensure our children, families, and businesses have the support they need during these challenging times. We are going to pull through this together, just as Michigan has done in the past.”

Dear Mrs. Stupid Democrat,

You can not call it martial law, but when you issue an order, not allowing people to gather; that’s damned martial law.

First amendment states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance

So, call it what you wish, but it is a forcing of the state government to force people to do something. That is martial law.

From the “You Must kidding…” File: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is deemed unacceptable by progressives


Read more over at

I’ve always said, we’ve got two political parties, the war party and the stupid party. Right now, the stupid party is really stupid. 🙄

When customers are jerks

Sorry, but this is just wrong….:

DES MOINES, Iowa — A popular waitress at a popular restaurant closed out one of her table’s Tuesday night when she found a note from her patron.Zombie burgerTaelor Beeck“At first, I felt really upset, I felt attacked, I almost felt like I was back in middle school all over again, like being bullied,” Taelor Beeck said. “I felt like a burning anger inside of me.”On a bill worth $17.26, the tip line was crossed out.”Tips are only for normal looking people,” the patron wrote.”But I didn’t act on it because it’s not worth it when someone puts hate out there, you know to respond in a hateful way will do no good,” Beeck said.Beeck describes herself as an individual. She said she was stiffed out of the money that people in the service industry rely on to pay their bills.”I mean I can’t pay my bills if people don’t tip me,” Beeck said. “That’s how I make a living.”Orchestrate Hospitality, the parent company of Zombie Burger is standing behind its employee and released this statement: We believe that zombie burger is a place that celebrates individuality We stand by our staff We also believe that our customers enjoy zombie burger because it is a wonderfully unique place and that includes the team members. We are in 100% support of our staff. And we’re confident that our customers will be as well. She is an example of a great team member and we are standing by her. – Source: Waitress Stiffed: ‘Tips are only for normal-looking people’ |

For the record,  Taelor Beeck looks like this:

and what she got was this from a customer:

Any other time, I would say that she most likely wrote the note herself. However, I have worked in the retail service industry in my day; and I can honestly tell you that some in the public, can be real a-holes in a big way. 😡

For the conservatives who would say, “Well, she does look strange, she deserves it!” I simply ask you this: Would you feel the same way, if this woman were black? Would you feel the same way, if this were your daughter? Most importantly, would you feel the same way, if it were a conservative Christian lady, who was wearing a cross and maybe a Christian t-shirt? Most sane people would feel a bit differently about it.

Allow me to remind my reading audience of something; there have been soldiers who have died on battlefields, foreign and domestic —- so that this young lady can think and dress, talk and act —– be who she really is! This is the essence of true freedom. It is a damned shame that some people have to take a judgmental attitude towards those who do not fit into what their shallow idea of what “Normal” really is. I know something about this; as I have been there myself.

This above, is why I never want to see Ted Cruz, that demented Christian Theocratic Dominionist in the White House, ever.


Leftists show their true colors at the news of Nancy Reagan’s passing

This, my friends, is the true colors of the Democratic Party and the leftist base that supports them. This is why I quit voting for them. This is the sort of bile that drove me away from that Party. I was no fan boy of Bush and Co. But, this sort of bile is uncalled for. Which is why I stopped voting for them, supporting them and such.

Check out:  First 30 Minutes: Vile Tweets About Death of Nancy Flow On Twitter – Breitbart

There is no excuse for it, at all. This is why Ronald Reagan left that party.

Update: Seriously Wonkette? I hope the Reagan family sues the crap out of you for this bile.

More class warfare idiocy from the liberal left.

These people have no shame anymore:

I first encountered the upper middle class when I attended a big magnet high school in Manhattan that attracted a decent number of brainy, better-off kids whose parents preferred not to pay private-school tuition. Growing up in an immigrant household, I’d felt largely immune to class distinctions. Before high school, some of the kids I knew were somewhat worse off, and others were somewhat better off than most, but we generally all fell into the same lower-middle- or middle-middle-class milieu. So high school was a revelation. Status distinctions that had been entirely obscure to me came into focus. Everything about you—the clothes you wore, the music you listened to, the way you pronounced things—turned out to be a clear marker of where you were from and whether you were worth knowing.

via The upper middle class is ruining all that is great about America..

Believe me, it gets worse from there. Ann Althouse comments:

Shaming, eh? Salam imagines guilt-tripping families that make $200,000 a year or so into sacrificing their mortgage interest and college savings tax breaks for the greater good. If we could only get the people who have gained some decent economic security to stop paying attention to their own self interest, we could avert the destruction of America — that’s Salam’s idea. I’m not exaggerating: the article accuses the upper-middle class of “ruining America.”

Meanwhile, liberals are always fretting about the way less-than-upper-middle-class Americans are failing to pay attention to their own self interest. That’s “What’s the Matter with Kansas.”

Exactly how selfish are we supposed to be? Promoting unselfishness is a strange business, but I don’t trust the big shamers and guilt-trippers of this world. They have their own self-interests, and they’re choosing to promote them by tromping about in the darker parts of our psyche.

Indeed. I have nothing to add to that at all.


Behold: The Republican Party’s first homosexual Presidential Candidate

Yup, I mean this guy: (H/T HotAir)

Yep, ol’ closeted idiot homo Lindsey Grahamnesty is running for President.


“I’m not doing it to make a statement. I’m doing it to change the country and offer what I have to offer to the American people, and to my party. And I think I’m uniquely qualified to deal with the threats we’re talking about. So when I hear a United States Senator trying to rationalize that Iraq created the problems in France, and when I hear some libertarians on my side of the aisle associated with the Republican Party say that it is our interventionist policy that has brought people down on us, they don’t know what they’re talking about. When I hear the president of the United States and his chief spokesperson failing to admit that we’re in a religious war, it really bothers me. And I want to be somebody who can talk about the world as it really is.”

Of course, Lindsey’s gay lover buddy, Juan McSame is ecstatic:

My illegitimate son Lindsey Graham is exploring that option,” two-time presidential candidate [Sen. John McCain] said, prompting laughter from reporters during a press conference on the prison at Guantanamo Bay. “So I am strongly encouraging Sen. Lindsey Graham, particularly with the world the way it is today. No one understands the world today in the way that Lindsey Graham does, in my view.

I will tell you this; if this idiot is even remotely serious; the Conservative wing of the GOP and the liberal left will make mincemeat out of this man and his political career. So, Lindsey, if you have any sort of common sense, stay out of this very important Presidential race.

Responding to stupidity

I rarely, if ever, engage in Blog wars anymore. Because quite frankly, I think they suck and they do nothing, but cause problems for all parties involved.

However, when I see that someone takes it upon themselves to make baseless accusations against me; I feel the need to correct the record. What I am referring to is some blowhole on a blogspot webblog took it upon himself to accuse me of being a lap dog of Rod Dreher’s. Now, had he taken the time to search my site and see that I have disagreed with Rod Dreher in the past on this blog and my previous one; he would see that I am not a lap dog of anyone at all. But, no, this clueless blowhole, who is obviously an insecure person, who is trying to make a name for himself, by tossing rocks at blogs, like mine.

Now, whether this guy is jewish or neocon or both, I really cannot tell and honestly, I could really care less. Although, from what I read over at that blog, namely about myself. He sure is acting like one of them, like this guy here.  However, if he is going to directly link to my blog, he might try doing his research first, before pontificating.

As for what I wrote, I don’t retract that one iota; I will stand for Christ, before I will ever stand with those who deny that He is the Messiah. If this blowhole has a problem with that; he needs to take up with the Lord, who spoke this world of ours into existence in six short days.

Again, I really hate to go there. But, I felt the need to set this little ankle biter straight. Also too: Dude, get a WordPress blog! Hosting is not that pricey anymore, If you cannot afford a domain and a wordpress blog, you need to get out of blogging. Because Blogspot is about yesterday’s news. I’m just saying…



The straight truth about Frazier Glenn Cross

First of all, I want it to be perfectly known; I am not defending the actions of this horrible man. What he did is beneath contempt and he deserves the death penalty for his actions. However, I feel the need to put out the truth about this person, because it seems there is a good deal of bad information being published.

I am referring to Frazier Glenn Cross, who just committed one of the worst acts of cowardice ever. It seems that some of the blogs are not reporting the truth about the man. Here is the truth about the man, and his assocations with the White Nationalist/White Separatist/Klan movement from Don Black, the owner of the forum

I posted earlier before seeing the post about Glenn Miller.

I knew Glenn back in the 80s. I liked him, but I’d noticed he was something of an alcohol-driven blowhard. But I kept my opinion to myself, in the interest of “unity.”

He’d later become a big-time snitch. After accepting money from The Order, he testified against them and others he said had also gotten money. The Order intended for him to also give some of their armored car loot to me, having decided he should be in charge of all “above-ground” organizations east of the Mississippi. I’d already been through a learning experience of my own with blowhard snitches, so I figured, “With friends like these…”

He seemed surprised I wouldn’t let him post on Stormfront when he came back in 2005. So he had to go to VNN. Alex Linder was the only “White Nationalist” who would accept a snitch.

I noticed Glenn has most recently been praising Joseph Paul Franklin on VNN, calling him “America’s greatest hero.” Glenn had befriended him by phone, before Franklin was executed, apparently even putting him in touch with the SPLC, so he could denounce all of us as “mentally ill.” He even mentioned having met David Duke and me back in 1969. He was actually the first “White Nationalist” I ever met, when we both lived in our home state of Alabama, which I described in another thread. My first and ongoing impression was that he was really sick and creepy.

Fortunately, I would meet real White Nationalist shortly afterward.

I gather Glenn must have been stung by VNNers’ criticism (calling them “anonymous pussies”). They had kept asking him why he didn’t follow his “greatest American hero.”

Don is referring to Vanguard News Network which is owned by Alex Linder. From what I’ve read Linder is a really winner, if you know what I mean. 🙄 I have the unfortunate luck, of having some of my postings picked up by VNN’s news robot. Needless to say, I am not too happy about that, at all.

To be clear, Frazier Glenn Cross is not a hero, Frazier Glenn Cross is a yellow-bellied coward, who killed two non-Jews; two Christians who were actually attempting to serve the Lord. He deserves nothing but the death penalty. He was not an active member of any sort of White Nationalist groups; save one forum, which is not highly regarded among these people at all.

Just wanted to clear that up.


It’s pretty hard to comment, when you’ve been banned

The Council of Conservative Citizens shows its abject hypocrisy:

The comments on this website are self-moderating. We rely on the readers to “flag” comments that are inappropriate. When a comment is flagged a set number of times, it is removed from public view and placed in a moderation queue.

To flag a comment click, move the cursor to the upper left hand of the comment. A black triangle with appear. Click on the triangle, and then click “flag as inappropriate.”

Users who post threats, advocate violence, or impersonate other people will be permanently banned from posting comments.

via Help improve comments on this website.

I was banned from commenting there. Not once did I ever post a threat, advocate violence, nor did I impersonate anyone. I really do not know what I did there; but they cut me off from commenting. Here’s the proof:

Screencap of my being banned from CFCC’s commenting system.

The truth is, that if you are not 100% in lockstep with what they believe; then you will be banned from their commenting system. This is total proof of that fact.

Things have changed there since Samuel Francis died and not for the good.