Police State in Canada: Dad Arrested because 4 year old daughter draws picture of gun in class

This is unreal:

You can read the story at the Toronto Sun and check out Jazz Shaw’s commentary over at HotAir.com.

All I will say about this little incident right here is this; Police organizations wonder why things, as shown in the video below happen.  Well, it might be because the police, who are agents of the state, are trampling people’s rights.  Let me say that in the case above, something like that which is shown in the video below, would be entirely justified, and frankly, should have happened. As a rule, I do not condone violence of any kind; but in this case, I would have a very hard time condemning this man, should he had chose to do anything of that sort.

This, in this writer’s opinion, is the true definition of terrorism and it should be fought against very harshly.  Speaking of which, where is the Conservative President of Canada?  I guess Conservatism means something entirely different in Canada, than it does here in America.

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