Open Message to Sarah Palin: Some of us actually have principles and vote them, unlike YOU!

I saw this video over at and I just wanted to scream.

Check out this yowling femi-Nazi’s answer to someone’s question, which was, “What happens if I do not like either candidate?”

and I quote:

PALIN: No no no no! Please go vote! Let me ask you — man, do me a favor. If this go-around you don’t know who you dislike more or like more, Romney or Obama — this go-around, give Romney a shot. We don’t want to repeat the failed policies of President Obama. That’s insanity, to repeat the same failures over and over again and expect a different result. Obama has proven himself that he doesn’t get it, he doesn’t get the free market, he doesn’t get American exceptionalism, and he won’t work toward that American exceptionalism. He had his chance — no hard feelings, thank you for your service, Mr. Obama. This go-around, though, let’s give Romney that chance.

Memo to Mrs. Palin: Sorry, but my principles are not negotiable. My principles are not available to the highest bidder and to a Network with a contract. Mittens Romney is a moderate and member of a fake Christian cult. That alone disqualifies him from the office of President of the United States.  This is one time, when Ed Morrissey is wrong; Sarah Palin is full of it and I will not be moved by this idiotic attempt to get me to fall in line.

So, to this a say:

Vote for Goode in 2012

He might not win, but unlike Mittens Romney — He actually has principles

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