Elizabeth Warren Aide roughs up a Republican tracker

This comes via The Weekly Standard:

The Video:

The Story:

The Republican staffer holding the camera films Warren leaving the event and entering her SUV. One of Warren’s aides, who looks to be, perhaps, her driver, pushes the camera twice, and the second time it falls to the ground. The tracker picks up the camera and continues filming, while the Warren staffer says, “Dude, get out of my face or I’m going to call the police.”

“It’s a public event,” the Republican staffer says multiple times. Finally, as he’s walking away, the Warren staffer says, “You’re messing with the wrong people.”

This is your Democrats; what they cannot control, they attack. You think this is bad, wait till after the election and on voting day. Things are going to get rough, trust me.

Now, if that would have been me; that would have been about the time that I would have pulled out my 9mm and I would emptied a clip into him. He would have never touched my camera or me. This is why I believe, if you are a Republican tracker, GO ARMED and if they touch you, you shoot them, just make sure you get the fact that he touched you or assaulted you on tape. So, when you go to court, you can prove you were defending yourself.