Updated: Video: Did someone at FOX NEWS call Sarah Palin a “Zealot” during an interview?

I saw this over at Drudge Report and I thought I would present this and see what my readers think.

The offending remark happens at the 1:35 mark: (H/T Drudge)

Now to be honest, I thought it the word “Slut”. However, when I turned the sound up on my speakers a bit, I did, in fact hear the word Zealot. Now, personally, I believe the word was somehow or another dubbed in, afterwards by someone or at the very least, I do not believe that the on-air talent heard the word at all. Because there was no reaction. I did check the website where the interview was originally posted and I does seem to be a bona fide Sarah Palin supporter website.

Now, either someone at Fox News channel thinks they are being cute or this guy grabbed this video unknowingly from an Anti-Palin source. Either way, I believe Fox News, at the very least should address this and tell us whether it was one of their people or not.

Update: Conservatives for Palin relays that Fox News has given a piss poor explanation for this; and no Britt Hume, you did not say SALAD, you said ZEALOT!, you lying stack of crap! I have ears like a hawk and I know damned well what I heard. Also too, before anyone else seizes on this; I admit it, I am not a Sarah Palin fan or anything, anyone who reads this site and my former blog knows this. But, when I hear something like that, and the people who did it, LIE about it. It tends to bring question to a network’s objectivity, who claims to be fair and balanced. I always knew that network was going more liberal and this is proof of that fact.