One of things that I did not like about Andrew Breitbart

…and no, it has zero to do with him being an adopted into a Jewish family.

What it has to do with is this: For some reason, Andrew Breitbart, as shown in this video and linked to by Glenn Reynolds — seemed to believe that America was somehow a Democracy. This is nothing more than a bald-faced lie, created by Big Government statists.  America was NOT founded as a Democracy, Democracies are nothing more than mob rule.

America was founded, as a Constitutional Republic. In fact, anytime any of the founding father’s mentioned Democracies, it was not in glowing terms at all.

Perhaps Glenn Reynolds should watch this video here for a refresher about America’s founding.  The sick part? Reynolds is a supposedly a Constitutional Lawyer.  My question is, which Constitution is he teaching, Venezuela’s? The sick and sad part, is that Reynolds and his friends will pan the video, because it happened to be produced by group that was smeared by the Neocon prince William F. Buckley — Himself a tool of the CIA and the Governmental establishment.

Of course, I do not expect Reynolds to even acknowledge this posting, seeing his Neoconservative friends have blacklisted my blog for linking and even going as far to flag my trackbacks as spam to prevent me from getting any traffic. Which is typical of the NeoCon right, using tactics right out of Saul Alinsky’s book.

Sorry to have to sound so offensive, but this is just one of pet peeves about the Neoconservative right. They have this odd idea that America is a Democracy, when in fact it is not. Remind me again, how are they, being the Neocons —- different than the left again?

I am just saying.