My Thoughts on President Obama’s DNC Speech

I figure if I am going to be up at oddball hours like this, the least I could do is put some new content on the blog. So, I will. 😀

I did finally watch the President’s DNC closing speech. I will not be embedding it here, for obvious reasons; but I did want to comment on it. I watched half of the speech on my iPod touch, and because the battery was going dead, the other half on the laptop here.

Now, I am not going to pull a hyper-partisan and just dismiss the speech. What I will tell you, is the truth about how I really feel about it. The speech, like all of the President’s speeches was well done. It was very much scripted and loaded with applause lines. Which is, for what it is truth worth, boilerplate normal for convention speeches.  There was a fair amount of boilerplate Democratic Party rhetoric in the speech. The President seemed to hit all of the right points that the Democratic Party left likes to hear.

Now obviously there were points made in the speech that I, as a Constitutional Conservative, disagree with; but because I do not wish to repeat myself. I will not bother with sitting here and going over what it is that I truly believe in. All I can truly say is, read this blog and search its archives and you will know what it is that I truly believe.

One of things that I will say about the President’s mentioning of the Military. It seemed that he was pandering a bit to that crowd. He did crow on about how he respected the Military and would work to protect our Military. But, glaringly and quite obviously missing was the promise to close Gitmo, which is something that he promised to do, the last time Obama ran for President. I am almost certain that most of the people in that audience were mindful of that fact.  The excuse by the Democratic Party establishment is that it was unfeasible, or that the political pressure was too strong from the other side. It is my opinion that real leaders tell the other side to get bent and does what one has to do. Real leaders tell others, “this is what I am going to do” and do it. Real leaders do not kowtow down to anybody.

As for the rest of the speech, it was filled with lots of optimism, and it was not nearly as negative towards Romney, other than the usual boilerplate political rhetoric, that I thought it would be; and I must admit I found that to be quite surprising.

Now back to a point that I made earlier: Rhetoric. There was much rhetoric in this speech; however, it is the opinion of this writer that the rhetoric of this President in his speeches, does not match the performance of his Administration.  The man gives good speeches, I cannot deny that, but his performance as a President, to this unemployed person of eight years; is just not there. The Country is in 16 trillion and counting in debt and what do we have to show for it? Nothing. I am still unemployed and so are many people that I know here in the Detroit area, some as close, as in my own neighborhood here.

Another thing that I will mention is this; the President in his speech said that he did not have all of the answers. Well, that is one point that I will not argue; in fact, I will say that the answers that the President has given in the last 3 1/2 years are ones that have not worked and has put this Nation into some horrible debt and has not created any real jobs to speak of around these parts. Furthermore, the President’s answers have caused American to lose its standing in the world and caused its credit rating to be reduced, which is something I never thought I would ever see in my lifetime.

Which is why I intend to vote, in this election for Mitt Romney. Because American can do better than scripted speeches, class and race warfare, spending boondoggles and mountains of debt. I believe that we can do better than telling the Nation of Israel to basically go to hell and basically removing God from a political platform, only to put it back under pressure. I believe that we can do better than an eight percent unemployment rate, which is actually higher, if you figure in the people that have left the workforce, due to not being able to find a job. (You know, like me?)  Which is higher, if you figure in the underemployed and part time people, who cannot find full-time work. I also believe that we can do better than a healthcare bill that was rammed down the throat of the American people and does not do a damned thing for people like me, who do not have jobs at all. I believe that we need to get healthcare costs down and insurance costs down, but not with an idiotic bill such as this; we can do better.

We can do better, I have seen when we as a Nation have done better and I choose to do better. Which is why I reject this speech from the President as another attempt to deceive the American people into voting for another four years of failed leadership and pledge on this blog to cast my lot for who I hope is the next President of the United States — Mitt Romney.


2 thoughts on “My Thoughts on President Obama’s DNC Speech

  1. My take on what I could stomach of it was utter and absolute disbelief that so many blatantly obvious lies and disingenuous utterances could be put into one speech. I found little in that speech that I could believe that Obama actually believed himself or that had any basis in the reality of his past performance. In the spirit of nonpartisanship, I wil tell you that I have no belief in either Romney or Ryanas well in fact I see no semblance of credibility in either of the mainstream parties. That is why I will continue to vote my conscience, principle and faith, by voting for Gary Johnson or Virgil Goode! My vote is for LIBERTY,

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