The Hypocrisy of Rod Dreher

I hate to be the person to point this out. But, when I must, I must.

It seems that Rod Dreher shows a bit of compassion and shame when it comes to Mormons who disguise themselves to make some sort of statement about social justice:

The bishop went to the pulpit, pulled off his disguise, and shocked the congregation. More:

Ward member Jaimi Larsen was among those surprised it was her bishop. “I started feeling ashamed because I didn’t say hello to this man … He was dirty. He was crippled. He was old. He was mumbling to himself,” she said.

I am absolutely certain I would have done just as Jaimi Larsen did. This shames me.

However, when it comes to Christians who Dreher happens to disagree with, when it comes to Doctrine; Dreher has no such shame at all:

What a life Paul Crouch had. That’s the most neutral thing I can muster. If you sell people hope and meaning, you can make millions.

As I wrote about my piece on Paul Crouch; I do not make a habit of mocking or criticizing other ministries. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule; like in the case of Charles Stanley, which is more to do with his rejection of Biblical doctrine, rather than his Ministry style.

I am calling Dreher on this one; because this is nothing more than a religious partisan attack on someone who has most likely done more to further the body of Christ, than Rod Dreher as even done. Seeing he is a supposed former papist — who has turned to the idiocy of the orthodox, one should not be too shocked about this sort of tripe from him.